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The amount of electrons at a point is known as the poten­tial at that point. As was previously stated, there is always a disorderly movement of free electrons within all substances, especially metals. Thus, if at one end of a conductor there is an excess of electrons and at the other end—a deficiency, the excess of electrons will flow in a disorderly manner towards the point of deficiency. It is the difference of potential that caus­es the free electrons to flow from one point of the conductor to another. Of course, the greater the difference, the greater is the flow.

Let us suppose that there is a movement of electrons through the wire, say, from point A to point B! What does it mean? It means that there is an excess of electrons at point A. Unless there were a flow of electric current between A and В in any direction, it would mean that both the former and the latter were at the same potential.

The electromotive force is the very force that makes the electrons move along a conductor, the letters emf standing for the above term. In effect, it is the emf that moves electri­cal charges from one point in an electric circuit towards anoth­er. In case this emf is direct, the current, too, is direct. On the other hand, were the electromotive force alternating, the current would be alternating, too.

One need not explain to the reader that a current is unable flow in a circuit consisting of metallic wires without a source of emf. The source under consideration may be a cell, a battery, a generator, a thermocouple or a photo cell, с Needless to say, the emf is measurable and it is the volt that is the unit to be used for measuring it.

In addition to electromotive force and potential difference Terence should be made here to another important factor lat greatly influences electrical flow, namely, resistance.

So, to resistance shall we turn our attention now. The reader most probably remembers that all substances offer a certain amount of opposition, that is to say resistance, to the passage of current. This resistance may be high or low depending on the type of circuit and the material employed. Take glass and rubber as an example! They offer a very high resist­ance and, hence, are considered to be good insulators. Never­theless, one must not .forget, too, that all substances do allow the passage of some cur­rent, provided the potential difference is high enough.

In Fig. 9 two oppositely charged balls are suspended far apart in the air. In spite of our having a difference" of poten­tial, no current flows. How can we explain this strange be­haviour? The simple reason is that the air between the balls offers too great a resistance to current flow. However, the electrons could certainly flow from the negatively charged ball towards the positively charged one, provided we connected them by a metal wire. As a matter of fact, it is not necessary at all to connect both balls in the manner described in order to obtain similar result. All that we have to do, is to increase the charges. The potential difference becoming great enough, the electrons will jump through the air forming an electric spark.

One should mention in this connection that certain factors can greatly influence the resistance of an electric circuit. Among them we find its size, length, type and temperature. In short, the thinner or longer the wire, the greater is the offered resistance. Besides, could we use a silver wire, it would offer less resistance than an iron one. The higher the temperature of a metal, the higher is its resistance.



1.Learn the following active words:

Deficiency недостаток, дефицит

Disorderly беспорядочный

electromotive force электродвижущая сила

(e.m.f.) (ЭДС)

excess (n,a) избыток, избыточный

influence (v) влиять

offer (v) оказывать

potential difference разница потенциалов

photocell фотогальванический элемент

resistance сопротивление

same тот же самый, одинаковый

suspend подвешивать

thermocouple термопара


Conditional Sentences

I If atomic power replaces the present sources of power, we shall get more power than we produce
II If atomic power replaced the present sources of power, we should get more power.
III If Professor Rihman had thought of the possible danger, lightning would not have killed him


2. Translate the following sentences:

A. 1. If an emf is applied to a path which allows the electrons to pass, they will move toward the point of higher potential, and then a current is said to flow in the circuit.
2. If people of the past had known that lightning was atmospheric electricity, they would not have invented numerous stories. 3. If a wire is held against an electrified body, electri­city would flow along the wire to the other end. 4. If coal were not used as fuel, we should get more valuable products.

B. 1. Were that liquid heated, it would greatly expand. 2.Were there no flow of current between A. and B. in any direction, then A. and B. would be at the same potential. 3. Were the electromotive force alternating, the current would be alternating as well. 4. Should we break the circuit, no current would flow. 5. Should they use a large water pipe, more water would pass through it.

3. Translate the following sentences paying special attention to the word provided:

1. These electrical devices are provided with rubber in­sulators. 2. These electrical devices provided with rubber insulators were produced at a large factory. 3. These electrical devices can work for a long time, provided they are made of good material. 4. The electric current flows provided there is a complete circuit. 5. Lightning did not strike the house as it was provided with a lightning conductor. 6. Ohm's law pro­vided the possibility of determining resistance provided the voltage and current are known. 7. The electrons will jump through the air forming an electric spark, provided the poten­tial difference becomes great enough. 8. The students will be able to translate difficult articles, provided they have dictionaries.

4. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and translate the follow­ing text:

The great French physicist, Ampere, was an absent-mind­ed man. One day he was waiting ... his friend. The appointed hour arrived, passed and his friend did not come. As Ampere had to go ... he took a piece ... chalk and wrote ... his door: "I have gone ... . I shall return ... two hours." And he went away.

He returned two hours later. While he was going upstairs he worked out a very difficult problem.

"If my friend had come ... the appointed hour," he said ... himself, "I should have told him ... this problem. I shall speak ... him ... it now. Perhaps he will be able to solve it." So when he came ... his own door and saw the words written ... it, Ampere decided that he was ... his friend's door. "Oh," said he, "he has gone...! I am very sorry! Were he ... home, we should discuss my problem." And he wrote the following words: "Very sorry that I have not found you ... home." Then he went downstairs again.

Had Ampere not been an absent-minded man he would have never made such a mistake.

5. Complete the following sentences:


1. If my friend comes to Moscow, we...

2. If I had time tomorrow, I...

3. If my friend had not entered the Institute last year, he...

4. If I were you, I...

5. If the teacher had given me the dictionary, I...

6. If my brother goes to England, he...


1. Не would have done it, unless...

2. We should have gone to the country yesterday, pro­vided...

3. I should finish my work in time tomorrow unless...

4. She will answer all the teacher's questions, provided...

6. Fill in the blanks with among or between:

1. The Voltaic pile consisted of copper and zinc placed one above another, with flannel moistened in salt water ... them. 2. A wire was connected ... the first disc of copper and the last disc of zinc. 3. There is a great difference ... conductors and insulators of electricity. 4. There are many good conductors; copper and silver are ... the best ones. 5. I found your dictionary ... my books. 6. The scientist de­termined the difference ... the two methods.

7. Translate the following words and expres­sions into English:

обращать внимание; на основе чего-л.; электротехника; по этой причине; удовлетворять требованиям; совсем не трудно; тем не менее; наоборот; оказывать сопротивление; в таких условиях; происходить

8. Put all possible questions to the following sentences:

1. The excess electrons will flow towards the point of deficiency.

2. The parallel circuit provides two or more paths for current flow.

9. Apply suitable adjectives to the following nouns.
Model: natural phenomena

difference, spark, force, wire, factor, resistance, conductor, ball

10. Form new words of the same root, define what parts of speech they are:

active, to differ, real, ease, conductance, resist

11. Speak on:

1. Potential difference.

2. Electromotive force.

3. Resistance.


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