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Review the information you’ve got from the Lesson 4. Summarize it using the suggested words and word combinations.

To be class divided, to be divided into, infant schools, junior schools, secondary schools, grammar schools, modern schools, comprehensive schools, from … till…, to be mandatory, according to intelligence and academic ability, to legislate for, to be responsibility of, to have responsibility for, to be compulsory for, the oldest and most prestigious universities, to denote an elitarian education.


Test yourselves. If you have problems with the test, revise the material of the unit and consult the dictionaries.

1. The capital of Britain is …

A. Glasgow B. Washington D.C.

C. London D. Ottawa


2. Britain is a …

A. monarchy B. federal republic

C. republic D. parliamentary monarchy


3. … is the residence of the Government in Britain.

A. George Street B. Fleet Street

C. White Hall D. №10 Downing Street


4. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the City’s greatest monument and Sir Christopher Wren’s masterpiece. It is situated in …

A. Manchester B. London

C. Oxford D. Cardiff


5. The old Curiosity Shop was built in London in 1567. It was described by … in his novel.

A. W. Shakespeare B. B. Shaw

C. Ch. Dickens D. H. Wells


6. Stratford-upon-Avon is the birthplace of the great English poet and playwright …

A. Ch. Dickens B. B. Shaw

C. H. Wells D. W. Shakespeare


7. Every Thursday the Queen meets …

A. the King B. the Prime Minister

C. the Cabinet D. the President


8. … is the biggest bell in Britain.

A. the Great Bell B. the Clock

C. the Clock Bell D. Big Ben


9. “Pygmalion” is written by …

A. Jerome K. Jerome B. Ch. Dickens

C. B. Shaw D. T. Hardy


10. My friend has just read “Tom Sawyer” by …

A. J. London B. O. Henry

C. M. Twain D. T. Dreiser


11. There are many important parts of London. The oldest part of London is …

A. the East End B. the City

C. Westminster D. the West End


12. Jerome K. Jerome wrote his famous book …

A. “The School for Scandal” B. “Pygmalion”

C. “Three Men in a Boat” D. “The Pickwick Club”


13. …was an English naval captain and explorer.

A. Columbus B. James Cook

C. Mark Twain D. O. Henry


14. The Tower of London was once a prison and now it is a …

A. concert hall B. theatre

C. museum D. cinema


15. … is the highest legislative body in Britain.

A. the Congress B. the Government

C. the Parliament D. the Capitol


16. The Royal Shakespeare Theatre was opened in … in 1932.

A. London B. Coventry

C. Stratford-upon-Avon D. Oxford


17. … is one of the central Streets of London with the editorial offices of many English newspapers and magazines.

A. Downing Street B. Fleet Street

C. Whitehall D. Wall Street


18. Edinburgh is the capital of …

A. Wales B. Scotland

C. Ireland D. England


19. Great Britain includes England, Scotland and …

A. Ireland B. Wales

C. Northern Ireland D. Iceland


20. Walter Scott, the famous English writer of historical novels, lived and worked in …

A. Wales B. England

C. Scotland D. Ireland


21. The major language spoken in Ireland is …

A. Welsh B. Irish

C. English D. Gaelic


22 The Union Jack is …

A. the flag of the UK B. the flag of Scotland

C. the flag of Wales D. the flag of England


23 The British Prime Minister lives at …

A. 12 Whitehall B. 10 Downing Street

C. 7 Russell Street D. Oxford Street


24. Whitehall is …

A. a street leading from Trafalgar Square to the Houses of Parliament

B. a big hall in the centre of London

C. a white palace near Trafalgar Square

D. the palace where the Queen lives in summer


25. The National Gallery is in …

A. Piccadilly Circus B. Parliament Square

C. Trafalgar Square D. Leicester Square


26. Westminster is a … centre of London.

A. cultural B. political

C. business D. industrial


27. Great Britain is separated from the continent by …

A. the Pacific Ocean B. the Irish Sea

C. the Bristol Channel D. the English Channel


28. Britain’s population is more than … million people.

A. 60 B. 6

C. 600 D. 7


29. There are many farmlands in Britain, especially in the … of the country.

A. north B. south

C. west D. east


30. The head of State in Britain is …

A. the Prime Minister B. the President

C. the Queen D. the Speaker


31. 650 Members of the House of Commons are elected every … years.

A. 2 B. 3

C. 4 D. 5


32. The British Parliament consists of …

A. the House of Lords and the House of Representatives

B. the Senate and the House of Representatives

C. the House of Lords and the House of Commons

D. the Senate and the House of Commons


33. The thistle is the national emblem of …

A. England B. Scotland

C. Wales D. Northern Ireland


34. St. George is the patron saint of …

A. England B. Scotland

C. Wales D. Northern Ireland






LESSON 1 Geograpical Outline


Grammar Revision: Страдательный залог

Phonetics:Типы чтения гласных в ударном слоге



Alabama (AL) Алабама [,ælə΄bæmə]

Alaska (AK) Аляска [ə΄læskə]

Arizona (AZ) Аризона [,æri΄zəunə]

Arkansas (AR) Арканзас [΄a:kənsɔ:]

California (CA) Калифорния [,kælə΄fɔ:niə]

Colorado (CO) Колорадо [,kɔlə΄ra:dəu]

Columbia (D.C.) Колумбия [kə΄lʌmbiə]

Connecticut (CT) Коннектикут [kə΄netikət]

Delaware (DE) Делавэр [΄deləweə]

Florida (FL) Флорида [΄flɔridə]

Georgia (GA) Джорджия [΄dʒɔ: dʒə]

Hawaii (HI) Гавайи [hə΄waii]

Idaho (ID) Айдахо [΄aidəhəu]

Illinois (IL) Иллинойс [,ilə΄nɔi]

Indiana (IN) Индиана [,indi΄ænə]

Iowa (IA) Айова [΄aiəuə]

Kansas (KS) Канзас [΄kænzəs]

Kentucky (KY) Кентукки [kentʌki]

Louisiana (LA) Луизиана [lu,i:zi΄ænə]

Maine (ME) Мэн [mein]

Maryland (MD) Мэриленд [΄meərilənd]

Massachusetts (MA) Массачусетс [,mæsə΄t∫u:sits]

Michigan (MI) Мичиган [΄mi∫igən]

Minnesota (MN) Миннесота [,mini΄səutə]

Mississippi (MS) Миссисипи [,misi΄sipi]

Missouri (MO) Миссури [mi΄suəri]

Montana (MT) Монтана [mɔn΄tænə]

Nebraska (NE) Небраска [nə΄bræskə]

Nevada (NV) Невада [ni΄va:də]

New Hampshire (NH) Нью-Гемпшир [,nju:΄hæmp∫ə]

New Jersey (NJ) Нью-Джерси [,nju:΄dʒə:zi]

New Mexico (NM) Нью-Мексико [,nju:΄meksikəu]

New York (NY) Нью-Йорк [,nju:΄jɔ:k]

North Carolina (NC) Северная Каролина [,nɔ:θkærə΄lainə]

North Dakota (ND) Северная Дакота [,nɔ:θdə΄kəutə]

Ohio (OH) Огайо [əu΄haiəu]

Oklahoma (OK) Оклахома [,əuklə΄həumə]

Oregon (OR) Орегон [΄ɔrigən]

Pennsylvania (PA) Пенсильвания [,pensl΄veiniə]

Rhode Island (RI) Род-Айленд [΄rəud΄ailənd]

South Carolina (SC) Южная Каролина [,sauθkærə΄lainə]

South Dakota (SD) Южная Дакота [,sauθdə΄kəutə]

Tennessee (TN) Теннесси [,tenə΄si:]

Texas (TX) Техас [΄teksəs]

Utah (UT) Юта [΄ju:ta:]

Vermont (VT) Вермонт [və΄mɔnt]

Virginia (VA) Виргиния [və΄dʒiniə]

Washington (WA) Вашингтон [΄wɔ∫iŋtən]

West Virginia (WV) Западная Виргиния [,westvə΄dʒiniə]

Wisconsin (WI) Висконсин [wi΄skɔnsin]

Wyoming (WY) Вайоминг [wai΄əumiŋ]

The 13 original British-American colonies:

1. Virginia - the first English settlement

2. Connecticut - the first to adopt Constitution 7 Dec.1787

3. New Hampshire

4. Massachusetts

5. Rhode Island

6. New York

7. New Jersey

8. Pennsylvania

9. Delaware

10. North Carolina

11. South Carolina

12. Georgia

13. Maryland

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