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Read the information and fill in the chart below the text.

The American system of school education differs from the systems in other countries. There are state public schools, private elementary schools and private secondary schools. Public schools are free and private schools are fee-paying. Each state has its own system of public schools.

Elementary education begins at the age of six or seven, when a child goes to the first grade (form). At the age of sixteen schoolchildren leave the elementary school and may continue their education at one of the secondary schools or high schools, as they call them. The programme of studies in the elementary school includes English, Arithmetic, Geography, History of the USA, Natural sciences and, besides, Physical Training, Singing, Drawing, wood or metal work, etc. Sometimes they learn a foreign language and general history.

Besides giving general education some high schools teach subjects useful to those who hope to find jobs in industry and agriculture or who wants to enter colleges or universities. After graduating from secondary schools a growing number of Americans go on to higher education.

The students do not take the same courses. During the first two years they follow a basic programme. It means that every student must select at least one course from each of the basic fields of study: English, Natural sciences, Modern languages, History or Physical education. After the first two years every student can select subjects according to his professional interest.

The National Government gives no direct financial aid to the institutions of higher education. Students must pay a tuition fee. This creates a finantial hardship for some people. Many of the students have to work to pay their expenses.

Americans place a high value on education. That's why Kennedy said, "Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education".

The American system of school education differs from the system in some countries. There are state-supported public schools, private elementary schools, and private secondary schools. Public schools are free and private schools are fee-paying. Each individual state has its own sys-tem of public schools. Elementary education begins at the age of six with the first grade and continues up to the eighth grade. The elementary school is followed by four years of the secondary school or high as it is called. In some states the last two years of the elementary and the first years of the secondary school are combined into a junior high school. Besides giving general education, some high schools teach subjects useful to those who hope to find jobs in industry and agriculture. Some give preparatory education to those planning to enter colleges and universities.

Age Type of school Grade Subjects and Skills

Review the information you’ve got from Lesson 4. Summarize it using the suggested words and word combinations.

At age four or under, to attend, elementary schools, public schools, private schools, post-high school education, school attendance, a free public education, the quality of education, academic courses, to improve education, to continue studies, to receive education, to threaten something, to answer the challenge, to pass standards, to meet standards



Test yourselves. If you have problems with the test, revise the material of the unit and consult the dictionaries.


1. How many states are there in America?

A. 50 B. 52

C. 25 D. 13


2. Washington D. C. is a …

A. state B. country

C. district D. county


3. J. London was a famous … writer.

A. Canadian B. English

C. Australian D. American


4. … is the capital of the USA.

A. Wellington B. Washington D. C.

C. Canberra D. Sydney


5. The first capital of the USA was …

A. Washington D.C. B. Chicago

C. Philadelphia D. Los Angeles


6. “Brown Wolf” was written by …

A. B. Shaw B. J. London

C. H. Wells D. T. Dreiser


7. … is the highest legislative body in the USA.

A. the Government B. the Capitol

C. the Congress D. the Parliament


8. … is the seat of the Government of the United States of America.

A. The Parliament Building B. The Capitol

C. The White House D. The Empire State Building


9. The Statue of Liberty was presented to the USA by the freedom-loving people of …

A. Spain B. France

C. Italy D. Germany


10. “Two Gifts” is a story written by …

A. J. London B. O. Henry

C. M. Twain D. W. Scott


11. The USA is a …

A. republic B. federal republic

C. monarchy D. parliamentary monarchy


12. Disneyland (US) is the kingdom of fantasy linked to technology. It is situated not far from …

A. New York B. Washington D.C.

C. Los Angeles D. Philadelphia


13. The flag is a combination of stars and stripes. The flag is known as the “Stars and Stripes”.

A. New Zealand B. the USA

C. Britain D. Canada


14. Ray Bradbury is a very famous American man. He is …

A. a painter B. an actor

C. a poet D. a science-fiction writer


15. Abraham Lincoln is … president of the USA.

A. the 16-th B. the 1-st

C. the last D. the 8-th


16. Henry Ford established …

A. the Smithsonian Museum B. the Telephone Company

C. the Motor Company D. the Film Company


17. Walt Disney is a famous for …

A. animated cartoon B. novels

C. poetry D. fiction films


18. The first president of the US was …

A. George Washington B. Jeffrey Jefferson

C. Abraham Lincoln D. Bill Clinton


19. There were … colonies in America in 1733.

A. 13 B. 7

C. 21 D. 10


20. The American flag is often called …

A. Union Jack B. the Stars and Stripes

C. the Red Dragon D. the White Eagle


21. There are … stripes on the American Flag.

A. 7 B. 6

C. 50 D. 13


22. The official national symbol of the USA is …

A. the Statue of Liberty B. the eagle

C. the turkey D. the “Mayflower”


Unit III. Canada






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