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Read the sentences with rising-falling tone.

- коррекция, уточнение:

I believe his name is Philip. - David.

Я полагаю, его зовут Филипп. - Давид.

- мягкое, дружелюбное возражение:

I am afraid that's not so.

Боюсь, что это не так.

- сомнение, предположение:

What colour is her dress? It may be grey.

Какого цвета её платье? Возможно, оно серое.

- контраст, противопоставление:

I have a lot of Russian books, but no French books.

У меня много русских книг, но нет французских.

Grammar exercises

Give 3 forms of the following verbs.

To be, to pay, to have, to do, to give, to choose, to make, to send, to begin, to get, to take.

Distribute the words into groups according to the part of speech.

Education, educate, educational, constitution, constitute, province, provincial, establishment, establish, requirement, require,respond, responsible, association, associate, competition, compete, competitive, certificate,certification, celebration, celebrate, constant, constantly, timetable, intellect, high, highly,immediate, immediately, intellectual.

Finish sentences using the words in brackets in a proper form.

Educate) is obligatory from the age of 6-7 till 15-16 years old.

Canada is one of the (high) developed countries in the world.

Constitute) gives each province the right to choose its own curriculum.

The chief (province) departments of education establish standards and finance (education) (establish).

There is a (compete) to enter private school.

Insert prepositions.

A. The role … religion … Canadian education has been controversial … centuries. The first schools in New France were operated … the church. … the early nineteenth century the colonial governments moved to set … publicly funded education system. However, soon religious divisions became problematic. … the time religious study was considered an integral part … education, but Protestants and Catholics were deeply divided … how this education should be delivered.

The earliest Canadian schools, which were conducted … French Catholic religious orders, date … the early 17-th century. Higher education was inaugurated … 1635 … the founding of the College des Jesuites … the city of Quebec.

B. Education is generally compulsory … children … ages 6 or 7 … ages 15 or 16, depending … the province … which they live, and it is free until the completion of secondary school studies. … the early 1990s Canada had more than 16,000 elementary and secondary schools, … a total enrollment … nearly 5.3 million students.

In the early 1990s Canada maintained 19 specialized schools … the blind and the deaf. These institutions together enrolled … 2400 pupils, who were instructed … some 575 teachers. Canada had several schools … mentally handicapped children.

Insert the modal verbs “can”, “may”, or “must”.

1. Schools in Canada … be divided into public, private and Catholic.

2. Education is compulsory in Canada. Children from the age of 6-7 till 15-16 … attend schools.

3. If a student achieves good results in a subject he … get a higher degree.

4. According to the law students … choose subjects to study.

5. If middle class parents have enough money they … send their kids to elite schools.

6. In private schools parents … pay for education.

7. Having great success in study students … get grants.

Vocabulary and Comprehension Exercises


Give Russian equivalents.

According to the law, a nation-wide system of education, curriculum, a certification system of graduates, students’ grants, free of charge, compulsory, intermediate exams, public schools, private schools, Catholic schools, to finance educational establishments.

Give English equivalents.

Обязательный, бесплатный, высший орган власти, в отличие от, давать право, отражать культуру, устанавливать стандарты, образовательные учреждения, планировать бюджет, составлять значительную часть, длиться, обязательное образование, отличаться друг от друга, гибкий учебный план, достигать хороших результатов, по предмету, принимать экзамен, образовательный грант, превосходить, расходы на образование, подтверждать, интеллектуальное развитие.

Match the words which are close in their meaning.

compulsory expenditure
encourage consequently
establish raise
expense obligatory
therefore set up


Answer the questions on the text. Use the following expressions to begin your answer.

The text tells the reader that…

I think…

I suppose…

If I got it right…

It seems to me that …

In my opinion …

1. What types of schools are there in Canada?

2. Is education always free of charge?

3. Is there a nation-wide system of education in Canada?

4. What rights does the constitution give each province?

5. How are private schools organized?

6. When does the school year begin and finish?

7. How is the school year divided into?

8. Is education compulsory in Canada?

9. Do all students study the same obligatory subjects?

10. Who can continue his or her education at a college or university?

11. How does the government of Canada help its students?

Agree or disagree. Correct wrong statements.

I (quite) agree (with you). I don’t think so.

I think so too. I don’t agree.

Certainly! I think you are mistaken.

Just so. You are wrong

1. There are only public schools in Canada.

2. Parents have to pay for education in all schools.

3. Canada has a nation-wide system of education.

4. Each province has the right to choose its own curriculum.

5. It is rather easy to enter private schools.

6. The school year is divided into four terms.

7. Canadian curriculum is divided into grades.

8. Each student has to study the same obligatory subjects.

9. Most students attend private schools.

10. The students are supported by the government.

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