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Ex.4. Familiarize yourself with the following idioms. Consult your dictionary and translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Think of situations where you could use them.

1. Harry got the sack for taking time off without permission.

2. They were firing off questions at me from all sides.

3. Don’t worry if we have to close the shop. I have other irons in the fire.

4. Martin should have resigned his office this year, but he is staying on an extra year to keep the seat warm foryou.

5. I have tried to reorganize the company, but it’s hopeless. The game isn’t worth the candle.


Ex.5. Speak on the problem of unemployment and its effect on people.


Ex.6. Comment on the following:

“If a man doesn’t make new acquaintances as he advances through life, he will soon find himself left alone.”

(S. Johnson)



Choose the word or word combination to match the definition.

1. A sum of money given in addition to a salary.

a) bonus b) wages c) motivation

2. To tell an employee that he/she must leave his/her job.

a) to hire b) to employ c) to sack

3. A sum of money paid for professional or special services.

a) wages b) fee c) salary

4. Money or other benefits given in addition to a salary.

a) compensation b) incentive c) wages

5. A monthly payment in exchange for work.

a) interest b) salary c) dividend


6. To give employment to someone.

a) to estimate b) to promote c) to hire

7. A person or company that provides job.

a) employee b) employer c) businessman

8. The process of interviewing and choosing people to do a job.

a) recruitment b) description c) evaluation

9. A list of all the people employed by a company, and the amount of money paid to each of them.

a) pay-day b) payroll c) pay master

10. A person who is looking for a job.

a) applicant b) jobseeker c) headhunter

11. A post to be filled by a new employee.

a) job description b) vacancy c) employment

12. Money (in the form of wages or a salary or profit) received from work done.

a) dividend b) interest c) income

13. A right offered to employees, to buy shares in the company where they work at a cheap price.

a) bonus b) share option c) fringe benefit

14. A person who provides advice for pay.

a) consultant b) co-worker c) executive

15. A compensation package for an executive leaving a company.

a) golden hello b) golden parachute c) golden rule

16. To stop work, esp. because of age.

a) to fire b) to hire c) to retire

17. To get money by working.

a) to resign b) to earn c) to save

18. A payment made to an employee as a compensation for the loss of a job.

a) golden good-buy b) remuneration c) redundancy payment

19. Examining how much money a job is worth and how much the person doing it should be paid.

a) job analysis b) job evaluation c) job security

20. A person who buys something from a shop, pays for a service or orders something from a company.

a) supplier b) customer c) consumer


Unit iii Products, markets and marketing

Lesson 1

Text: Customers, Consumers and Clients

Grammar: The Passive Voice (Simple)


Terms to remember:


customer покупець товару чи послуги, клієнт, замовник
consumer споживач
resale перепродаж
safeguard (v) гарантувати (щось), охороняти
consumer protection захист споживача
emerge (v) з’являтися, виникати
pass a law (v) приймати закон
consumerism консюмеризм (рух на захист прав споживача)
protect (v) захищати
investigate (v) досліджувати, вивчати
consumer taste смак споживача
safety безпека
market research вивчення (можливостей) ринку; дослідження ринку
client клієнт, замовник, покупець професійної послуги
accountant бухгалтер
advertising agency рекламна агенція


Customers, Consumers, and Clients


There are different ways to talk about people who buy things.

Customers are individuals or organizations who buy things from other individuals, shops or organizations, pay for a service or order something from a company.

Consumers are people who buy goods and services for their own use or consumption and not for resale. Consumers are now recognized as an important group – the government has passed laws to safeguard the interests of the consumer. An organized movement (consumerism) for consumer protection has emerged in the last 40 years.

Consumerism consists of all those activities that are undertaken to protect the rights of consumers in their dealings with business. There exist four basic rights of consumers: the right to safety, the right to be informed, the right to choose and the right to be heard. Manufacturers investigate consumer tastes using market research.

Clients are individuals or organizations who pay for services provided by a professional person or organization such as a lawyer, an accountant, a bank, advertising agency, etc.

A business may refer to its customers as its customer base or client base.


Exercises in Word Study


Ex.1. Form verbs from the following nouns:

consumer, protection, investigation, service, recognition, activity, manufacturer, choice, movement, customer.


Ex.2. Give the English for:

покупець, споживач, платити за послугу, споживання, перепродаж, приймати закон, охороняти інтереси споживача, захист прав споживача, смаки споживача, дослідження ринку, клієнт, бухгалтер, рекламна агенція.


Ex.3. Match words from list A with words from list B that have a similar meaning.

customer consumer protect activity manufacturer investigate choose buy end user producer study purchase buyer action safeguard select


Ex.4. Find suitable opposites to the following words:

similar, to sell, to reject, idleness, insignificant, producer.


Ex.5. Match the nouns in the left hand column with the nouns in the right hand column and translate them into Ukrainian:

  consumer   customer choice industry products protection spending taste service mix base


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