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Chain Update: McDonald's, the Cheesecake Factory And



A number of leading chain restaurants have announced significant financial or operational news in recent days.

McDonald's Corp. posted a 42% rise in quarterly net income on the strength of its recent U.S. turnaround, Reuters has reported. Net earnings for the third quarter rose to $778.4 million or 61 cents per share — in line with a higher-than-expected forecast the company gave last week. In the same period last year, McDonald's earned $547.4 million or 43 cents per share. Revenue climbed 9% to $4.9 billion, while sales at McDonald's restaurants open at least 13 months rose by 5.8%.

The Cheesecake Factory Inc. reported record revenue for its fiscal third quarter that ended on Sept. 28. The company said revenue increased by 25% to $247.7 million and comparable restaurant sales increased by 2.6% compared to the same quarter of the prior year. Net income for the quarter was $12.8 million or 24 cents per diluted share, including a $4.5 million or six-cent per share reserve established for pending lawsuits, compared to net income of $14.4 million or 28 cents per diluted share for the same quarter last year. Before the effect of this reserve, net income per diluted share would have been 30 cents per share.

Domino's Pizza Inc. said it reduced its loss for its latest quarter, as revenue increased by 11%. The Ann Arbor, Mich., company reported profit for the three months that ended Sept. 5 of $979,000 vs. a loss of $18 million a year earlier, according to the Associated Press. The loss per share came to two cents in the latest quarter, compared with a loss of $1.85 a year ago. Domino's also declared its first quarterly dividend of six and one-half cents a share, payable on Dec. 15 to shareholders ofrecord on Dec. l. its pro forma net was $16.1 million or 23 cents per share in the third quarter, reflecting the company's July 13 initial public offering and including the repayment of $109.1 million of senior subordinated debt.

Denny's and The King Center, the official memorial to the life, work and philosophy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., have formed a partnership to create the "Realizing the Dream: Nonviolence or Nonexistence" program. The purpose of the program is to engage youth through a wide array of interactive learning modules, including computer-based activities and volunteerism, which encourage young people to practice nonviolence and pursue a life of service to others. The program is based on Dr. King's six core principles of nonviolence and six steps to nonviolent social change, such as information gathering and education, as well as winning friendships and nonviolence as away of life.

Applebee's International Inc. has named Rohan St. George president of its international division, which operates 53 restaurants in 10 countries outside the United States. Previously, St. George served as managing director of Yum! Restaurants International in Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Venezuela. Before that, he was vice president of Yum! Brands Inc.'s global operations for KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell. Applebee's has restaurants under construction in Ecuador and Brazil, both of which are expected to open before the end of the year. There are now more than 1,600 Applebee's restaurants operating worldwide.


Кратко изложите текст, используя фразы, приведенные ниже:

1. The text gives information about...

2. The main idea of the first part is...

3. The author dwells upon…/ claims…/ points out…

4. The concluding part is devoted to…



I. Грамматика


1. Страдательный залог (The Passive Voice).

2. Причастие прошедшего времени (Рarticiple II) в функции


3. Инфинитив (Infinitive) в функции обстоятельства.


II. Тексты


A Aseptic Packaging Machines.

B What is CAP.

С Hot Fill Packaging.


Активная лексика


aseptic - стерильный

neutral aseptic system (NAS) - система нейтральной стерилизации

(т.е. в среде нейтральных газов)

atmospheric pressure- атмосферное давление

to keep pressure - поддерживать давление

gas packaging - упаковка в газовой среде

beverage type container - контейнеры (упаковка) для различных напитков

thermoformed container - термоконтейнер

bulk packs - упаковки больших размеров

in bulk - без упаковки

shelf life - срок хранения

accomplish - выполнять

consumer (n) потребитель; consumer (а) широкого спроса

(automatic) controls - прибор управления, контролер

alarm (system) - сигнальный предохранительный прибор

hydrogen peroxide - перекись водорода

evacuate - выкачивать, высасывать

carbon dioxide – CO2

fill - наполнять

seal - запечатывать

processing - обработка

packaging films - упаковочный пленочный материал

cartoons – картон



handle (v) - обращаться, обходиться с (кем-то, чем-то), управлять,

транспортировать, держать в руках

leakage (n) - утечка, убыли, потери, недостаточное рассеяние, фильт­рация

design (n) - конструкция, тип, рисунок, чертеж, расчет, проект, план

design (v) - конструировать, планировать



steam - vapours (s) - пар, испарения




I. Отберите в следующих глаголах формы страдательного залога (Passive Voice), помня, что страдательный за­лог образуются с помощью глагола to be в соответствующей форме +Participle II смыслового глагола.


Is making, is made, was made, will make, have made, has packed, was packing, was packed, is packed, has been packed, has been used, is used, is using, are accomplished, will be accomplished.


II. Прочитайте и запомните.


is (are)

to pack was (were) packed

will be


is (are)

to do was (were) done

will be

is (are) accomplished

to accomplish was (were) accomplished

will be accomplished


is (are)

to produce was (were) produced

will be


III. Запомните данные однокоренные слова, являющиеся ключевыми в тексте. Выделите в них известные вам словообразовательные суффиксы.




1(n) упаковка

2(а) пакующие, упаковочный


packet pack package




I (n) пакет, упаковка I (П) пакет, пачка, тюк I (n) упаковка,

2 (V) упаковывать, 2 (V)паковать, набивать пакет

укладывать 3(d)упаковочный 2 (V) паковать


packer packing packed


I (n) упаковочная машина I (n) упаковка, набивка I (а) упакованный



Прочитайте текст А со словарем и найдите предложения, в которых говорится:

а) о методе стерилизации пищевых продуктов новой системой;

б) приборах, которые контролируют условия, необходимые для

стерилизации продуктов;

в) различных видах упаковок, которые может производить

опи­сываемая система.


Aseptic Packaging Machines


Interest in aseptic packaging is growing worldwide. There are several systems available for aseptic processing - packaging, but many of these rely on hydrogen-peroxide sterilization methods. Among the new genre of aseptic equipment is Neutral Aseptic System (NAS) which is very popular in most industrialized countries. Product sterilization with the NAS equipment is accomplished by the use of heat, either steam or hot-dry air. Extensive laboratory teats suggest that the NAS technique assures sterility of both the packaging material and the product. The systems rely on hydrogen, peroxide sterilization techniques. Not only is hydrogen peroxide bath (ванны с перекисью водорода) sterilization considered diffi­cult to handle; precautions are necessary (необходимы меры предосторожности) to protect people working on the machines from the exposure of vapours. The efficiency of the technique is moat ef­fective in sterilizing foods, using either steam or hot-dry air. Circulation of sterile, hot cir is maintained continuously (непрерывно поддерживается) during the processing-packaging sequence (в последовательности обработка-упаковка). And leakage of the machines sterility (потеря стерильности из-за не плотности соединения) is eliminated by keeping the sterile areas and a pressure higher than atmospheric pressure. The NAS design (тип системы нейтрализующей стерилизации) also includes a number of automatic controls and an alarm system to prevent any starting of produc­tion until all pre-sterilization has occured. These controls also stop the machine during the production if one of the assuring ste­rility (условия гарантирующие стерильность) - temperature, air pressure, etc. - has not been met (не были соблюдены).

A wide range of package sizes and shapes (широкий диапазон упаковок различных размеров и форы) can be produced with this sys­tem and the output for this process is estimated (производительность данного процесса составляет) at 20.000 to 40.000 containers per hour. One interesting packaging that can be produced by the NAS unit for example is a thermoformed container for milk and other drinks. But the NAS machine is not limited to beverage-type containers. This new genre of aseptic packaging machines produces wide range of containers.


I. Переведите следующие сочетания слов из текста c

Participle II - определением по образцу:

packed (III ф.гл. от pack) product - упакованный (при­частие с cуф. -анн) продукт;

desired result - желаемый (причастие с cуф. -ем, -им) результат.


Devices used, sterilized product, sealed container, desired tem­perature, controlled temperature, controlled packaging, cooled fruit, machine produced.



II. Дополните предложения словами, приведенными под чертой


1) There are ... for aseptic processing - packaging.

2) Many new systems for aseptic packaging rely on ... methods.

3) Product sterilization with the NAS equipment ... by the use of heat, steam or hot dry air.

4) And leakage of the ... is eliminated by keeping a pressure hi­gher than atmospheric pressure.

5) ... stop the machine if the conditions assuring sterility (tem­perature and air pressure) have not been met.

6) The NAS system produces ... for beverages and other products.



Hydrogen-peroxide sterilization, several systems, is accomplished, machine's sterility, a number of automatic controls, wide range of containers


III. Дайте ответы на вопросы по содержанию текста.

1. Is the Neutral Aseptic System (N.A.S.) very popular in most in­dustrialized countries?

2. How does the N.A.S. -technique assure sterility of both the packaging material and the product?

3. Why is hydrogen peroxide bath sterilization; nation considered diffi­cult to handle?

4. How is the leakage of the machine's sterility eliminated?

5. What purpose does the N.A.S. include the automatic controls for?

6. What type of packages can be produced by this system?


IV. Перескажите текст, используя вопросы упражнения III как план пересказа.




Прочитайте текст В, стараясь понять основное содержание. Вырази­те основную мысль каждого абзаца на русском языке. Расскажите о преимуществах технологии и различных видах упаковок данным способом.


What Is CAP?


САР These three letters are very popular among the food packagers. They stand for controlled atmosphere packaging (упаковка при постоянном атмосферном давлении) but to a lot of people it simply means gas packaging.

CAP is much more common overseas (гораздо в большей степени обычна в Европе) than in OS. European packagers have used CAP for foods such as meat and bread for over a decade.

Bread, coffee, meat - a wide range of products in Europe are now packaged with one or a combination of gases such nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. By selecting a "recipe" of gases (рецепт газов) to fit a particular product processors (изготовители) can substantially increase the shelf life (срои хранения) of cer­tain products.

A number of well - known American firms are actively develop­ing (усовершенствуют) CAP for bread, meat, seafood (продукты моря), fruit, vegetables, bakery foods.

Suitable controlled atmosphere packaging for these products include bag-in-bin (пакет в контейнере), bag-in-box (пакет в коробке), family packs (семейные упаковки), portion packs (маленькие упаковки на I порцию) for produce (готовой продукции) and individual and bulk packs (объемные, больших размеров упаковки) for beef, veal and poultry, lamb and pork.


Increase shelf life


CAP meats look fresher and the packages are dripless (не протекают) and more hygienic than store-wrapped packs (завернутые в магазине). Packaging films with anti-mist surface, (пленки с прозрачной поверхностью) permit consumers (позволяют покупателю) to better examine CAP meat.

To ensure red meat's appetite appeal (вкусовая привлекательность) in CAP the package's gas mixture must contain some oxygen. Evacuation (отсасывание) of all oxygen yields "purple" meat (“багровое” мясо).

As for unrefrigerated shelf-life (хранение без холодильника) it is of up to six months for products such as cakes and more than six months for specially cookies. In contrast meat's refri­gerated shelf life may be extended (увеличена) from one day in standard packs to six day in CAP.



Прочитайте текст С, пользуясь словарем, укажите номера предложений, служащих ответами на следующие вопросы:

1. Where have the ideas of hot fill packaging come from?

2. Where was this filling system designed?

3. What temperature is the product filled at?

4. Are the packaging materials presterilized?

5. What is the filling speed of the machinery for K-PAK system?

6. In what position is the package filled?

7. How is a very high hot-tack seal produced?


Hot Fill Packaging


(1) Some new ideas in hot fill packaging (упаковка методом горя­чего наполнения) increase interest in this packaging technology.

(2) This issue of "Food Engineering contains two new ideas in hot fill, both from Japan, but sponsored here by American packaging suppliers (фирмами-поставщиками). (3) One of them is called K-Pak. (4) The idea of high-acid (с большим содержанием кислоты) hot fill packaging is to fill a product at microbe killing temperatu­res around 200 degrees P. (5) Unlike aseptic, however, the packa­ging materials are not presterilized and filling does not take place in a sterile chamber. (6.) By combining high temperature filling with a specially engineered (спец.разработанные) packag­ing materials construction, a longer than normal shelf life is possible. (7) For fruit beverages (для (фруктовых напитков) anв sauces such аз orange drink, grape drink etc., up to one-year shelf life is reported. (8) The packaging material construction (конструкция упаковки) has the following profile (разрез) desc­ribed here from outside to inside (от наружного слоя к внутреннему), low-density polyethylene С подстелен высокой плотности) (LDPE), 60-Lb paper/ LDPE, aluminum-foilionomer (алюминиевая фольга). (9) The designers have achieved a polymer-to-polymer construction that produces a very high hot-tack seal strength (высокую прочность запечатывания при горячей заклейке). (10) The designers believe this container will offer tremendous opportu­nity for saving money (огромные возможности сэкономить денежные средства). (11) The machinery for the K-PAK system (оборудование для д. упаковки) achieves filling speeds in the range of 6.000 per hour. (12) This kind of capacity (такая производительность) makes it competative (конкурирующей) with most of the higher-speed aseptic machines on the market (высокоскоростные автоматы асептической упаковки). (13) In this filling system designed by Chubukikai of Japan, the package is filled in an inverted posi­tion (в перевернутом положении). (14) Among the benefits (преимуществ, достоинств) of this filling technique is that the mic­robe-killing (убивающий микробов) hot product will have made con­tact with every part of the package's inside surface, (внутренняя поверхность) achieve sterility. (15) The package itself is sub­stantially thinner than most aseptic cartoons.


I. Переведите письменно предложения 5, 6, 7.

II. Расскажите по-русски о преимуществах данной технологии по сравнению с асептической упаковкой в газовой среде.

III. Найдите ключевые слова в этих предложениях и, пользуясь ими, охарактеризуйте положительно данную технологию.



Unit IV


I. Грамматика


1. Причастие прошедшего времени (Participle II).

2. Причастие настоящего времени (Participle I).

3. Герундий (Gerund).


II. Тексты


A The Hermetic Centrifuge (Part I).

В The Closed Airtight Centrifuge (Part II).

С Ultrafiltration System For Milk.


Активная лексика

unit- агрегат, устройство

hermetic centrifige - герметическая центрифуга

closed airtight centrifige - закрытая воздухонепроницаемая центрифуга

waste-water system - система отработанной воды

open-bowel separator - сепаратор c открытым внутренним устройством

separator bowl - корзина сепаратора

install - монтировать, устанавливать (оборудование)

treatment - обработка, обхождение

sludge - отстой, шлам, эмульсия

discharge (v) - выгружать, опоражнивать

(n) – 1) выгрузка, выход, сток

2) производительность

recover - рекуперировать, добывать, извлекать, доизвлекать

skim - снимать сливки skimming - снятие сливок, сепарация молока

dismantle - разбирать части, демонтировать

low-capacity machines - маломощные машины

whey - сыворотка

cream I (n) - сливки

II (а) - сливочный

III (v) - снимать сливки, отстаиваться

starch by-product recovery system - обезкрахмаливающий сепаратор

starch granulas - зерна крахмала

BOD - (biochemical oxygen demand) - биохимическая потребность кислорода (БПК)

(критерий для оценки загрязненности сточных вод)

hydrocyclone - гидроциклон

waste stream или waste water – сточные воды (отработанные)




run I (n) 1) ход, работа, действие (машины); 2) работа завода,

on the run - в движении, на ходу, в производстве;

3) бег, пробег; 4) ряд, серия; 5) спрос; б) ср. уровень;

7) поток

run II (v) 1) управлять машиной, работать (о машине);

2) проходить, вести; 3) бежать, ходить; 4) течь, литься

treatment (n) - I) обработка, 2) обращение, 3) лечение

set I (v) 1) собрать, монтировать, установить, регулировать,

налажи­вать; 2) пускать в ход, 3) направлять, двигаться

в извест­ном направлении, 4) оседать, 5) твердеть, 6)

оформлять, начать ставить, расположить

set II (n) 1) прибор, аппарат, установка, агрегат, 2) ассортимент,




airtight - hermetic (ad) - герметический, плотно закрытый



I. Образуйте сочетания с причастием прошедшего времени (Participle II), переведите по образцу:

develop (industry) - developed industry - развитая промышленность

design (centrifuge) - ...

recovere (milk) - ...

collect (sludge) - ...

discharge (material) - ...

install (separators) - ...


II. Закончите предложения по смыслу словами, данными под чертой.


1) The centrifuge is used for the better separation ...

2) The centrifuge assures ...

3) The centrifuge was used for ...

4) The system permits ...

5) The hermetic centrifuge assures ...



Separation of whey; of toe cream; in milk; continuous operation; good skimming efficiency; gentle treatment of product.




I Прочитайте текст А и найдите места, отражающие:


1) место (завод), где впервые была применена данная центрифуга;

2) ее первоначальную и новую функции (т.е. для чего поп­робова-

ли ее использовать);

3) преимущества в плане использования сырья и получения гото-

вой продукции;

4) преимущества в плане эксплуатации;

5) увеличение производственных мощностей завода.


The Hermetic Centrifuge

(Part I)


Twin Town Cheese Factory, Italy (сыродельный завод в Твин Тауне, Италия) having at their disposal (имея в своем распоряжении) the Airtight Closed Centrifuge and somehow not using it in the production planned to use it solely (исключительно) for the waste-water system. But finally it was decided to try the centri­fuge on a milk run (в молочном производстве) instead (вместо этого) to see if they would get better separation than the separa­tors they were using. The result was brilliant. Thus the hermetic centrifuge designed previously for the final separation of whey was used in the long run (в конце концов) for the separation of the cream in milk.

The hermetic centrifuge assures gentle treatment of product and extremely good skimming efficiency, (высокая эффективность снятия сливок) while (в то время как) the old open-bowl separators provided 40 % cream or less (или менее того), the centrifuge now provides 60 %.

And at the same time centrifuge was installed, calculations (подсчеты) showed milk recovered with .the machine would make 43 more pounds (Lbs - фунты) of cheese per hour. That's enough to pay for the centrifuge in less than a year (выплатить ее стоимость менее, чем за год).

Efficiency is not limited to milk, however. The centrifuge is also self-cleaning (самоочищающаяся). The controls are set to automatically discharge sludge (грязь, примесь) collected in the separator bowl at regular periods. This occurs without interupting milk feed or separation. The system permits continuous operation throughout the 16-hour day, with no need (без необходимости) to dismantle the centrifuge for cleaning at the end.

In contrast, the plant has used open-bowl separators in the part. These were lower capacity, which operated at about 20.000 Lbs/hr (фунтов/час) each. As the plant grew and extra capacity was added, additional separators were installed and put on line (введены в линию).

The open-bowl separators couldn't keep up (не могли не отставать). The pasteurizer operates now at 50.000 Lbs per hour-and to keep up. They had to use three separators. The centrifuge now matches the flow rate (мощность потока молока) of the pasteurizer with even bettor separation than the smaller ones.

II. Письменно, переведите 3, 4 абзацы текста, обращая внимание на перевод причастий настоящего и прошедшего времени.

III. Разбейте текст на смысловые абзацы, найдите ключевые слова.

IV. Составьте план-вопросник к тексту.

V. Коротко перескажите текст, используя план упражнения IV.




I. Прочитайте текст В, не пользуясь словарем, и найдите предложения, служащие ответами на следующие вопросы:

1) Почему отсутствует пенообразование в герметической центрифуге?

2) В чем заключается отрицательный эффект пенообразования в ден­ном процессе?

3) Имеется ли необходимость разбирать центрифугу для чистки?

4) Какие три способа использования центрифуги предусмотрены конструкторами?

The Closed Airtight Centrifuge

(Part II)


How It Works


The closed Airtight centrifuge operates with the bowl comp­letely filled with milk, eliminating contact between product and surrounding air.

Thus there is no chance for the product to foam (у продукта нет возможности пениться). Elimination of foaming (исключение пенообразования) on the skim is very important for the process. They lose yields (теряют производительность) in processing when there is air in it and finished product isn't аз good.

In operation, milk is fed from below through a hollow bowl spindle (через полый вал сепараторной корзины) and is gradually (постепенно) brought up (доводится) to the same rotational speed as the bowl. After passing through a stack of disks (серия дисков), the separated products leave the top of the bowl at or near the centreline.

The pressure is maintained on the centrifuge (поддерживается давление) because the cream can be pulled out (могут быть сняты) with a higher fat content (более высокой жирностью).

Efficient skimming is very important because cheese gets pasty (клейкий) and does not grave well if fat in the product gets too high. Pat content is equally important when the cream is sold. Better separation also means greater quantities of skim milk (обезжиренное молоко). In the past much was being sent to the butter maker because it couldn't be get out before.

The centrifuge, with piping was installed in such a way that it can be used three ways: as a standardizer (стандартизатор) as a separator as described above (text A) or as clarifier. Occasionally the Twin Town plant makes chedder cheese (сыр Чеддер) and Ludy (it's manufacturer) believes, that milk used in Cheddar should be clarified. Because the centrifuge does not split fat globules (не расщепляет шарики жира) in separation, the plant can clarify milk and put back the butterfat (молочное масло) before the milk goes to the cheese vats (чаны).

Nearly all Twin Town products are sold in bulk (без упаковки) but that may change. Ludy is installing drying and packaging lines to put cheese into retail packages (розничная упаковка).


II. Найдите в тексте В предложение, где говорится о возможности использовать центрифугу.

III. Прочитайте следующие предложения и определите, какие из них соответствуют содержанию текста В.


1) The closed airtight centrifuge works eliminating contact bet­ween product and surrounding air.

2) Elimination of foaming on the skim is not important for the process.

3) In operation milk is fed through a hollow; bowl spindle and brought to the same rotational speed as a bowl.

4) The pressure is maintained on the centrifuge to pull out the cream with a lower fat content.

5) After passing through a stack of disks the separated products leave the bowl.

6) In the end of the process the centrifuge is dismantalled for cleaning.

7) The centrifuge with piping installed in a certain way can be used as a clarifier, standardizer and a separator.


IV. Используя отобранные предложения из упражнения III в качестве клю­чевых, расскажите о работе центрифуги.




I. Прочитайте текст С со словарем. Найдите предложения, где говорится об устройстве системы фильтрации.


Последнее изменение этой страницы: 2016-07-23

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