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Task 1. Read and translate the dialogue in pairs.

Davis: Now, that we’ve decided to revive the BSM-3 project we should engage a product executive to be directly responsible for marketing our new product.

Williams: Do you have any suitable person in mind?

Davis: Yes. I think we should approach Bob Lynch. He had dealings with us when he worked for the Ministry of Defence and is now looking for a job.

Williams: What makes you think that he is the best one? What about his education, qualifications?

Davis: They are perfect. He graduated from London University seven years ago with the qualification of an electronic engineer and a diploma with honours and joined the Ministry of Defence. I think his experience in negotiating contracts for the Ministry will be very valuable here.

Williams: Why did he leave the Ministry?

Davis: There seemed to be little chance of his ever rising to a higher position. He had worked for them for five years and hadn’t been promoted.

Williams:Why do you think then he will be valuable here?

Davis:He knows the way of handling electronic equipment, besides he has already gained some experience of the business world in general which is an important thing in my eyes.

Williams: Where does he work at present?

Davis:For some electronic equipment company, let me see … ah, Liverpool Motors. They offered him a job at a high salary with good prospects for promotion.

Williams:And …?

Davis:And after he had signed the contract of employment he found himself stuck behind a desk all day doing boring routine paperwork.

Williams:Isn’t he too adventurous?

Davis: He is. And it’s just what is necessary to be a good Product Executive.

Williams: What about his references?

Davis:You don’t believe but the best one is from the Ministry of Defence. They say that he is the first class material for a post such as technical salesman or product executive.


Vocabulary Notes on the Dialogue

to approach smb. – обратиться к кому-либо с предложением

a diploma with honours – диплом с отличием

to gain some experience of the business world – приобрести некоторый опыт в мире бизнеса

found himself stuck – застрял

adventurous – безрассудно смелый, предприимчивый


Task 2. Give English equivalents of the following words and collocations:

Рекомендации; кандидатура; диплом с отличием; обращаться с электронным оборудованием; обнаружил, что он застрял; скучная рутинная канцелярская работа; обратиться с предложением; приобрести опыт в мире бизнеса; предприимчивый; почти не иметь возможности занять более высокий пост; первоклассный кандидат на должность.


Task 3. Insert the correct prepositions:

1. Although Davis is not sure of Williams’s positive attitude, he has Bob Lynch ____ mind ____ the new post ____ product Executive ____ the BSM-3 project.

2. In the course ___ the interview it becomes more and more obvious that Lynch will be a suitable person ____ this post.

3. He has gained experience ____ electronic equipment while working ___ the Defence Ministry, though he dealt there only ____ the buying side.

4. ____ present he is working ____ an electronic equipment firm, and so he has already gained experience ____ the business world ___ general and the electronic industry___ particular, which is an important point _____ Davis’s eyes.


Task 4. Complete the following sentences using the appropriate words from the box below:

Promoted, vacancies, fill, promotion, contract of employment, high salary, position, possibility, subsidiary, management



1) Bob Lynch left the Ministry of Defence because there seemed to be little _____ of his ever rising to a higher ______.

2) He had been there for three years and had not been _____.

3) Meanwhile his friend had several ___ to _____ and he offered Bob a job at a ____. With good prospects for _______.

4) After he had signed the ____, he found out that he was to do a boring routine paperwork all day long.

5) So he asked the _____ if he could be transferred to one of their _____ companies.


For the next session

International management

Global Careers

Task 1. Before you read, discuss the following questions.

1. What qualities do you think a person needs in order to be a successful global manager?

2. What personal and professional skills do you need for a successful business career in your country, e.g. specialist training, knowledge of foreign languages, outgoing personality?



Task 2. Reading tasks.

a) Understanding main points.

1. Which of these statements gives the best summary of the text below?


a) A successful global manager needs many qualities.

b) The qualities required to become a top manager differ from country to country.

c) Many young managers are not interested in a global career.


2. Mark these statements T (true) or F (false) according to the information in the text. Find the part of the text that gives the correct information.


a) International experience is essential if you want a global career.

b) The demand for global managers is increasing.

c) Young managers want to work internationally.


b). Understanding details

1. Different qualities for career success are described for different cultures and nationalities. Match the qualities from the list below to the nationalities mentioned in the text.


a) good communication skills

b) technical creativity

c) ability to network

d) professional competence

e) entrepreneurial skills

f) knowing how to work within a hierarchical structure

g) good interpersonal skills


2. Which national group considers communication and interpersonal skills to be more important – the British or the Dutch?


3. According to Andre Laurent, German, British and French managers see organizations as different kinds of networks. What words does he use to define these networks in each case?



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