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Міністерство освіти і науки україни

Міністерство освіти і науки україни

Чернігівський державний технологічний університет

Англійська мова



Методичні вказівки з проведення практичних занять

для студентів напряму підготовки:

6.030508 – “Фінанси і кредит”

6.030509 – “Облік і аудит”

заочної форми навчання



на засіданні кафедри

іноземних мов

протокол № 2 від 23.09.2008 р.



Чернігів 2008




Do the Exercises based on the following grammatical topics:

1. The Verb to be in the Present Indefinite Tense.

2. Possessive Pronouns.

3. The Present Continuous Tense.

4. The Plural of the noun.

5. The Possessive Case of the Noun.

6. The Present Indefinite Tense.



Exercise 1. Put in am/ is/ are.


1. He ... a student. He ... a good student. 2. His father ... a doctor. My mother ... not a teacher. 3. ... your sister a pupil? – Yes, she ... 4. They ... at home now. 5. This ... my house. 6. ... they at school? – No, they ... not at school. 7. ... your father a pilot? – Yes, he ... 8. Nick ... not a student. He ... a pupil. He ... at school now. 9. These men ... drivers. 10. My friend ... an engineer. He ... at work.


Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences into English.


1. Я не учень. Я студент. 2. Його брат учень. Він в школі. 3. Moї батьки інженери. Вони на роботі. 4. Ви лікар? – Hi, я вчитель. 5. Твоя сестра учениця? – Hi, вона інженер. Вона на роботі. 6. Її сестра не секретарка. Вона медсестра. 7. Ці люди лікарі? – Hi, вони льотчики. 8. Ваша сестра вдома? – Hi, вона на роботі. 9. Наш батько вчений. 10. Його тітка не продавець. Вона актриса.


Exercise 3. Translate these sentences into English using the following: to be late for, to be absent from, to be interested in


1. Наші робітники зараз на вашому заводі? 2. Ці люди не англійці. 3. Чому пан Коваленко завжди запізнюється на роботу? 4. Ваш брат поліцейський? 5. Чому він відсутній на конференції? 6. Ми не зацікавлені в ділових відносинах з вашою компанією.


Exercise 4. Complete the sentences. Use my / his / theiretc. with one of these words. Coat husband job key


1. Jim doesn’t enjoy ... It’s not very interesting. 2. I can’t open the door. I haven’t got ... 3. Sally is married. ... works in a bank. 4. It is very cold today. Put on ... when you go out.

Exercise 5. Fill in the blank with corresponding possessive pronouns.


1. Andy asks ___________ Friend Jim to help him with ___________


2. Jane usually visits __________ sister on Sundays.

3. Stephen and Julia do __________ homework in the evening.


Exercise 6. Make these sentences negative and ask all types of questions.


1. He is reading a book now. 2. We are doing our work at home. 3. I am sitting at the table now. 4. You are standing on my foot. 5. She is having a shower. 6. The students are answering their teacher’s questions. 7. It is getting dark now.


Exercise 7. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form.


1. I still (to write) a letter. 2. They (to play) football. 3. Who (to speak) with you? 4. My sister (to clean) the room. 5. You (to listen) to the radio? 6. Marry (to sleep). 7. We (not to eat) now. 8. You (not to work) at the moment.


Exercise 8. Translate these sentences into English.

1. Мері не може взяти слухавку. Вона приймає душ. 2. Марк зараз працює над статтею, він зателефонує тобі через годину. 3. Де твій брат? Його немає. Він дуже зайнятий, працює в бібліотеці. 4. Не забирай словник, я ним користуюсь. 5. Дивись, той чоловік намагається відкрити двері твоєї машини. 6. Як твоя англійська? Покращується? 7. Ти серйозно виглядаєш. Про що ти думаєш? 8. Я зараз читаю цікаву книгу. 9. Вечоріє. Я мушу зараз іти. 10. Хто-небудь слухає радіо, чи я можу його вимкнути? 11. Вибачте. Тут хто-небудь сидить? – Ні, тут вільно. 12. Чому ти так на мене дивишся? 13. Поспішайте . Всі чекають на вас. 14. Кен ще хворий, але його стан потроху покращується. 15. Що вони зараз обговорюють?


Exercise 9. Give the singular of the following: stories, leaves, teeth, scissors, clothes, news, cities, mice, roofs, wolves.


Exercise 10. Give the plural of the following: a child, a library, a tree, an ox, a costume, a bone, a desert, a factory, a science, a dictionary.


Exercise 11. Complete the sentences using one of the following words. Sometimes the word needs to be plural (-s). friend meat letter photograph queue day


1. I had my camera but I didn’t take many ... 2. There are seven ... in a week. 3. A vegetarian is a person who doesn’t eat ... 4. Outside the cinema there are ... of people waiting to see the film. 5. I’m not very good at writing ... 6. Last night I went out with some ... of mine.

Exercise 12. Chose the correct variant.


1. This is (Jane, Jane’s) letter. 2. Take (Nick, Nick’s) pen from Kate, please. 3. (These engineers, these engineers’) are not at the office now. 4. Give (the boy, the boy’s) good books. 5. Don’t take (Mike, Mike’s) pencil. 6. (My wife, my wife’s) day off is Monday. 7. (The engineers, the engineers’) letters are not on this table.

Exercise 13. Translate the following into English.

Телефони наших бізнесменів, обладнання фабрики, питання студента, матеріали контракта, секретар фірми, офіси великих компаній, успіх ваших акторів, робота нашого декана.


Exercise 14. Make the following sentences negative and ask all types of questions.


Model: – My brother often goes to the gym.

My brother does not go to the gym. He doesn’t like sport.

How often does your brother go to the gym?


1. Mother wakes me up at seven o’clock in the morning. 2. Kate plays tennis after lectures. 3. Helen often helps her mother about the house. 4. My sister wants to become an accountant. 5. Jane goes shopping in the morning. 6. I like to listen to English records every Sunday. 7. Nick likes to travel about the country every year. 8. My father likes to work in the garden every Saturday. 9. We like to spend our holiday at the seaside every summer. 10. Ann goes to work by car.


Exercise 15. Express your surprise or disbelief at these actions.


Model: – My father does the shopping in the family.

Does he really do the shopping?


1. Ann goes to bed at nine o’clock. 2. Mr. Smith usually spends his weekend in the night clubs. 3. My husband cooks breakfast every day. 4. My grandmother likes to stay to go to parties in evening. 5. We always spend our holidays in the country. 6. Jim works on Saturday. 7. Our students have lectures in the afternoon. 8. Nick and Jane want to become economists. 9. Their working day begins at eight or nine o’clock. 10. Mr. Smith smokes fifty cigarettes a day.


Exercise 16. Translate these sentences into English.


1. Економісти вашої компанії вивчають іноземні мови? 2. З якими країнами світу веде торгівлю ваша фірма? 3. Скільки контрактів заключає ваша контора кожного року? 4. Директор не обговорює справи з інженерами нашого заводу. 5. Хто отримує листи і факси? 6. Заступник президента не приймає важливих рішень сам. 7. Які товари продає ваша крамниця? 8. Коли розпочинається ваш робочий день? 9. Ми зустрічаємось кожного дня. 10. У неї немає вільного часу.




Exercise 1. Put in am/ is/ are.


1. What ... your name? – My name ... Shirley Frank. 2. What ... your address? – My address ... 175 Grand Central Parkway. 3. What ... your phone number? – My phone number ... 718-1930. 4. Where ... you from? – I ... from New York. 5. I ... a pupil. 6. My father ... not a teacher, he ... a scientist. 7. ... your aunt a doctor? – Yes, she ... 8. ... they at home? – No, they ... not at home, they ... at work. 9. My brother ... a worker. He ... at work. 10. ... you an engineer? – Yes, I ...


Exercise 2. Write true sentences, positive or negative. Use am /am not /is / isn’t / are / aren’t.


1. (I /interested in politics). 2. (I / hungry). 3. (It / warm today). 4. (I / afraid of dogs). 5. (My hands / cold). 6. (Canada / a very big country). 7. (Diamonds / cheap). 8. (I / interested in football). 9. (Rome / in Spain). 10. (My job / difficult).


Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into English.


1. Як тебе звуть? – Мене звуть Олена. 2. Яка твоя адреса? – Моя адреса: Оксфорд Стріт. 45. 3. Звідки ти родом? (... приїхала?). – Я з Лондона. 4. Хто це на фотографії? – Це мій батько. 5. Як його звуть? – Його звуть Джон. 6. Де він? – Він у Лондоні. 7. Я Олена, а це Микола. Він мій брат. 8. Це моя книжка. Вона на столі. 9. Мій двоюрідний брат не вчений, він інженер. 10. Це картини. Вони на стіні. Картини дуже гарні.


Exercise 4. Complete the sentences. Use my / his / theiretc. homework house name


1. What are the students doing? They are doing ... ... 2. Do you know that man? Yes, but I don’t know ... 3. We live in Barton Street ... is at the end on the left.


Exercise 5. Put in my / our / your / his / her / their / its.


1. I know Mr. Watson but I don’t know ... ... wife. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Baker live in London ... ... son lives in Australia. 3. We are going to have a party. We are going to invite all ... friends. 4. I want to phone Ann. Do you know ... phone number. 5. I am going to wash ... hair before I go out.


Exercise 6. Make these sentences negative and ask all types of questions.


1. She is watching TV. 2. I am eating a pie. 3. They are building a new theatre at the city centre at the moment. 4. He is listening to the music. 5. You are wearing a new hat. 6. We are learning to drive. 7. They are discussing the terms of payment. 8. It is getting cold now.


Exercise 7. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form.


1. We (to drink) coffee. 2. I (to work) at the moment. 3. Jane (to plant) trees in the garden now. 4. Why you (to look at) me? Bob (not enjoy) the film. 5. You (to learn) French? 6. I (to rest) now. 7. My baby (to sleep) at the moment. 8. They (to have) dinner now?


Exercise 8. Translate these sentences into English.


1. Я втомився і йду спати. 2. Чим ти зараз займаєшся? 3. Вона зараз в Англії, вивчає англійську мову. 4. Я живу у моїх друзів доки не знайду квартиру. 5. Якою мовою вони зараз розмовляють? 6. Ви розумієте що він вам пояснює? 7. Куди вони зараз ідуть? 8. Я шукаю Ольгу. Ти не знаєш, де вона? 9. Дощ більше не йде. 10. Я зараз працюю. Не турбуйте мене, будь ласка. 11. Що тут роблять всі ці люди? 12. Дівчата зараз не співають. 13 Чому ти плачеш? 14. Він зараз готується до іспиту. 15. Ми зараз чекаємо на нашого викладача.


Exercise 9. Give the singular of the following: women, trousers, goods, clothes, babies, children, plays, parties, feet, knives.


Exercise 10. Give the plural of the following: a wolf, a station, a pilot, a map, a city, a dolphin, a helicopter, a lorry, a sheep, a ship.


Exercise 11. Complete the sentences using one of the following words. Sometimes the word needs to be plural (-s). Patience language space country people air


1. There are very few ... in the shops today. They are almost empty. 2. I’m going out for a walk. I need some fresh ... 3. George always wants things quickly. He’s got no ... 4. Do you speak any foreign ...? 5. Jane travels a lot. She has been to many ... 6. Our flat is very small. We haven’t got much ...


Exercise 12. Chose the correct variant.


1. (My friend, my friend’s) children are small. 2. (My friend, my friend’s) is twenty. 3. Don’t take (Pete, Pete’s) telexes off the table. 4. Give (Mike, Mike’s) those letters. 5. Tell (Jane, Jane’s) about your day off. 6. Don’t take (my brother, my brother’s) watch.

Exercise 13. Translate the following into English.


Уніформа наших інженерів, продавці ваших крамниць, посмішки дітей та жінок, викладачі їхнього університету, син твоєї подруги, оцінки моїх студентів, машина моєї дружини, двері автомобіля.


Exercise 14. Make the following sentences negative and ask all types of questions.

Model: – My brother often goes to the gym.

My brother does not go to the gym. He doesn’t like sport.

How often does your brother go to the gym?


1. I like such hot weather. 2. My neighbor teaches English. 3. I know his brother very well. 4. My friend lives in this street 5. Nick takes a cold shower in the morning. 6. My sister learns German. 7. My friend calls on me every Sunday. 8. My father works at the university. 9. Nick goes to bed at nine. 10. He watches television every night.

Exercise 15. Express your surprise or disbelief at these actions.


Model: – My father does the shopping in the family.

Does he really do the shopping?


1. My sister Helen plays football. 2. Ben drinks three cups of coffee every morning. 3. My mother usually sleeps in the afternoon. 4. My brother speaks three foreign languages. 5. Stephen lives with his grandparents. 6. Donald eats apple pies every day. 7. Jane goes to the cinema twice a week. 8. My aunt speaks English with her children. 9. Kate does boxing. 10. Mike wears spectacles.

Exercise 16. Translate the sentences into English


1. О котрій годині відкриваються банки? 2. Щоранку управляючий читає ранкову газету. 3. Хто працює в вашій компанії? 4. Якими мовами розмовляють ваші ділові партнери? 5. Яке обладнання купує ваша фабрика в Німеччині? 6. Наша компанія не стикається з такими проблемами. 7. Економісти вашої компанії вивчають іноземні мови? 8. Пан Орлов не п’є каву вранці. 9. Він ніколи не працює по суботам. 10. Хто звичайно підписує документи?



Do the Exercises based on the following grammatical topics:


1. The Objective Case of the Pronoun.

2. The Construction there is / there are.

3. The Quantitative Pronouns much / many, little / few, a little / a few.

4. The Verb to be in the Past and Future Indefinite Tenses.

5. Modals can / may / must / need.

6. The Past Indefinite Tense.




Exercise 1. Complete the sentences. Use I /me, he /him, she/her etc.


1. These are my new shoes. I don’t like ... 2. Who is that woman? Why are you looking at ...? 3. Do you know that man? Yes, I work with ... 4. Where are the tickets? I can’t find ... 5. I can’t find my keys. Where are ...? 6. We are going out. You can come with ... 7. I want that book. Can you give ... to ...


Exercise 2. Replace the underlined nouns by the personal pronouns in the Nominative or Objective Case.


1. The girls are playing tennis. 2. I saw the girls in the park. 3. Put the books on the shelf. 4. The books are on the shelf. 5. We have seen the film. 6. The film is very interesting. 7. My sister went to the post-office. 8. I am waiting for my sister. 9. We listened to the teacher with great interest. 10. The teacher explains a new grammar rule.


Exercise 3. Answer the following questions.


1. Is there a book on the table? 2. Are there students in the room? 3. Were there pupils or students in this room yesterday? 4. Were there six or seven engineers in our office last year? 5. What’s there in this room? 6. Who’s there in that room now? 7. Is there a bath-room in your flat? 8. Are there letters and telexes on your desk? 9. What’s there in your bag? 10. What’s there on your desk?

Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences.


1. There are a few universities in our town. 2. There is a little coffee in the coffee-pot. 3. Few engineers of our office learn English. 4. We haven’t many English letters today but we have a lot of telexes. 5. We haven’t much ham but we have a lot of cheese. 6. I have much work to do today. 7. Few students have lessons in the evening. 8. I know a few engineers of that office. 9. Nick has very little time today. 10. Our students study a lot. 11. They write very little at their English lessons but speak very much. 12. She doesn’t translate much in her office. 13. Does your father know much about old Moscow? 14. I have a little water in the cup.


Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences.


1. У Москві є багато красивих вулиць. 2. У нашому будинку 35 квартир. 3. Скільки квартир у вашому будинку? 4. Чи є в цих квартирах телефон? Так, телефон є в багатьох квартирах. 5. Скільки старих дерев у цьому парку? 6. На вулиці було багато людей. 7. Я не можу їсти цей суп. У ньому забагато солі. 8. Чи є в глечику молоко? 9. У дворі немає снігу 10. На вашій вулиці є кінотеатр? – Так, біля мого будинку є гарний новий кінотеатр.

Exercise 6. Fill the blank with much, many, littleorfew.


1. Ann is very busy these days. She has ... free time. 2. The museum was very crowded. These were too ... people. 3. The weather has been very dry recently. We’ve had ... rain.


Exercise 7. Translate the following sentences.


1. There are a few universities in our town. 2. There is a little coffee in the coffee-pot. 3. Few engineers of our office learn English. 4. We few English letters today but we have a lot of telexes. 5. We have little ham but we have a lot of cheese. 6. There are very few telexes on this table. 7. I have a little work to do today. 8. Few students have lessons in the evening. 9. I know few engineers of that office. 10. Nick has very little time today.

Exercise 8. Put in the necessary form of the verb to be in Past Simple.


1. He ... a pupil. 2. She ... not a doctor, she a teacher. 3. They ... workers. 4. He ... ill last week. He ... not at work. 5. We ... at home on Sunday.


Exercise 9. Put in the necessary form of the verb to be in Past Simple.


1. He ... a student next year. 2. I ... at home tomorrow. 3 ... you at home on Sunday? 4. She ... not at work on Saturday. 5. Where ... you in two days?


Exercise 10. Translate the following sentences the verb to be in Present, Past or Future Simple.


1. Учора вони були в бібліотеці. 2. Зараз вони в школі. 3. Завтра вони будуть у театрі. 4. У даний момент його тут немає. 5. У неділю він буде на концерті. 6. Минулої суботи він був на стадіоні. 7. Мій брат зараз у школі. 8. Мій брат був учора в кіно. 9. Мій брат буде завтра вдома. 10. Ти будеш вдома завтра?


Exercise 11. Complete the sentences with can / can’t / could / couldn’t+ one of these verbs: come eat hear run sleep wait


1. I’m afraid I ... to your party next week. 2. When Tim was 16, he was a fast runner. He ... 100 meters in 11 seconds. 3. Are you in a hurry? No, I’ve got plenty of time. I ... 4. I was feeling sick yesterday. I …anything. 5. Can you speak a bit louder? I ... you very well. 6. You look tired.Yes, I ... last night.


Exercise 12. Choose the correct word or phrase in italics to complete each sentence.


1. You (must/needn’t) save a file before you turn the computer off, or you will lose it. 2. I’m afraid this is a non-smoking office, so you (needn’t / mustn’t) smoke in here. 3. Employees are reminded that they (mustn’t / needn’t) use the office phone to make personal calls. 4. There’s plenty of time. You (mustn’t / needn’t) to be in a hurry.


Exercise 13. Translate the following sentences usingmay or might.

1. Вона, можливо, змінить свою думку. 2. Можна ми підемо в кіно? 3. Завтра може піти сніг. 4. Ви можете починати виконувати це завдання? 5. Можливо, вона зараз на роботі.

Exercise 14. Make up questions using the words in brackets.


1. My friend moved to a new flat (when). 2. He rewrote the last two sentences (why). 3. Olga passed all her exams (how). 4. Our football teams lost the game (why).


Exercise 15. Put one of this verbs in each sentence in the correct form and translate them. catch cost drink fall hurt sell spend teach throw win


1.How did you learn to drive? My father ... me. 2. We couldn’t afford to keep our car, so we ... it. 3. I was very thirsty. I ... the water very quickly. 4. Paul and I played tennis yesterday. He’s much better than me, so he ... easily. 5. Don ... down the stairs this morning and ... his leg. 6. Jim ... the ball to Sue, who ... it. 7. Ann ... a lot of money yesterday.


Exercise 16. Translate the following.


1. Я бачив вас в центрі міста минулого тижня. 2. Коли вона вступила до університету? 3. Вони вчора не грали в футбол. 4. Вона не працювала ще місяць тому. 5. Чому ти не розповів мені про нього? 6. Де і коли ви зустрічались з ними? 7. Ми були там сьогодні о сьомій годині ранку. 8. Як зіграла вчора наша футбольна команда? 9. Коли вона сказала вам про це? 10. Кого ви запросили на свято минулого тижня? 11. Що вони зробили? 12. Які іноземні мови ви вивчали в школі?




Exercise 1. Complete the sentences. Use I /me, he /him, she/her etc.


1. I don’t like dogs. I’m afraid of ... 2. I’m talking to you. Please listen to ... 3. We want the photographs. Can you bring ... 4. Where is Ann? I want to talk to ... 5. My brother has a new job. ... doesn’t like ... very much. 6. George is a very nice man. I like ... 7. She wants the keys. Can you give ... to ...


Exercise 2. Insert personal pronouns in the necessary case:

1. On my way home …met Peter and told ... about the trip. 2. I need this book badly. …can’t prepare …report without ... 3. I don’t know the way to the railway station. Couldn’t …show it to ...? 4. We are going to spend the summer in the country. Will …join ...? 5. Wait for us at the bus stop ... shall be back in no time. 6. If you give me your address, ... shall write to ... 7. I know this woman ... works at the factory with …mother. 8. If I see Helen, I’ll ask ... to ring ... up tomorrow. 9. I like this radio set very much. Where did …buy ...? 10. You are to be here at 7. We’ll be waiting for ...


Exercise 3. Answer the following questions.


Model: What is there in the middle of your room? – There is a round table there.

1. How many rooms are there in your сompany’s office? 2. What is there in the middle of your room? 3. What is there near the window? 4. What is there opposite the door? 5. What is there in the corner of the room? 6. What is there on the walls of the room? 7. How many windows are there in the room? 8. Are there any tables in the room? 9. How many telephones are there in your office? 10. Are there any computers in your office?

Exercise 4. Make the following sentences negative and ask a question.


1. There is a little girl in the room. 2. There was a telex on the table. 3. There are students there. 4. There were forks on the table. 5. There are telexes on the desk. 6. There were women in the room. 7. There are fifty children at the nursery-school.

Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with is / are.


1. There ...only a Russian book on the table but there …no English book on it. 2. There…six hundred workers at this factory . 3. ... there a school in your village? Yes, there ... 4. There ... forks, spoons and knives on the table but there ... no cups on it. 5. ... there cheese and ham on the table now? Yes, there ... 6. ... there a bath-room in Ann’s flat? Yes, there ... 7. There ... a tea-pot and three cups on the table.

Exercise 6. Fill the blank with much, many, little or few.


1. Did you take ... photographs when you were on holiday? 2. He isn’t very popular. He has ... friends. 3. I’m not very busy today. I haven’t got ... work to do. 4. I can’t eat all of it. There is too ... soup in the plate.


Exercise 7. Put in little / a little / few / a few.


1. I don’t think Jill would be a good teacher. She’s got ... patience. 2.Would you like ... milk in your coffee? Yes, please. 3. This is a very boring place to live. There’s ... things you can do here. 4. Most of the town is modern. There are ... old buildings. 5. The weather has been very dry recently. We’ve had ... rain.

Exercise 8. Put in the necessary form of the verb to be in Past Simple.


1. ... he at school yesterday? No, he ... not. He ... ill. 2 ... they students last year? No, they ... pupils. 3. There ... a lot of books in his room. 4. When ... you at home yesterday? 5. There ... newspapers on the table.

Exercise 9. Put in the necessary form of the verb to be in Future Simple.


1. We ... not ... in the country. 2. He ... a pilot when he grows up. 3. I ... at school. 4. She ... not ... a doctor, she ... a teacher. 5. It ... a good idea.


Exercise 10. Translate the following sentences using the verb to be in Present, Past or Future Simple.


1. Завтра мій дідусь буде в селі. 2. Коли твоя сестра буде вдома? 3. Ти будеш льотчиком? – Hi, я буду моряком. 4. Моя сестра була студенткою в минулому році, а зараз вона лікар. – Ти також будеш лікарем? – Hi, я не буду лікарем. Я буду інженером. 5. Вони не були в кіно. 6. Вони не в школі. Вони вдома. 7. Ви були в парку вчора? 8. Він був у школі вчора? 9. Він був робітником. 10. Вона була вчителькою.


Exercise 11. Complete these sentences. Usecan, can’t, couldn’t+ one of these verbs. Come find (2) hear see speak eat decide go (2) sleep

1. I’m sorry but we ... to your party next Saturday. 2. I was tired but I ... 3. Ann doesn’t know what to do. She ... 4. I wasn’t hungry yesterday. I ... my dinner. 5. I like this hotel room. You ... the mountains from the window. 6. You are speaking very quietly. I ... you. 7. Have you seen my bag? I ... it. 8. Kate got the job because she ... five languages. 9. I wanted to speak to Martin yesterday but I ... him. 10. Jim ... to the concert next Saturday. He has to work. 11. Paula ... to the meeting last week. She was ill.

Exercise 12. Complete the sentences with must, mustn’t or needn’t.

1. We haven’t got much time. We ... hurry. 2. We’ve got plenty of time. We ... hurry. 3. We have enough food at home so we ... go shopping today. 4. Jim gave me a letter to post. I ... remember to post it. 5. Jim gave me a letter to post. I ... forget to post it. 6. There’s plenty of time for you to make up your mind. You ... decide now. 7. You ... wash those tomatoes. They’ve already been washed. 8. This is a valuable book. You ... look after it carefully and you … lose it. 9. What sort of the house do you want to buy? Well, it ... be big, that’s not important.


Exercise 13. Translate the following sentences usingmay or might.

1. Візьміть парасольку. Погода може змінитись. 2. Чи можна йому взяти участь в концерті? 3. Вони, можливо, зараз у саду. 4. Ти можеш розповісти мені все зараз. 5. Ось тепер ти можеш відпочити.


Exercise 14. Make up questions the word in brackets.


1. Jane went to bed early yesterday (why). 2. Tom and Ann talked long last night (what about). 3. Henry telephoned me yesterday from Moscow (when). 4. I read much last month (how many books).


Exercise 15. Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative.


1. It was warm, so I ... my coat. (take off). 2. The film wasn’t very good. I ... it very much. (enjoy). 3. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I ... her. (disturb). 4. I was very tired, so ... to bed early. (go). 5. The bed was very uncomfortable. I ... very well. (sleep). 6. Sue wasn’t hungry, so she ... anything. (eat). 7. We went to Kate’s house but she ... at home. (be). 8. It was a funny situation but nobody ... (laugh). 9. The window was open and a bird ... into the room. (fly). 10. The hotel wasn’t very expensive. It ... very much. (cost). 11. I was in a hurry, so I ... time to phone you. (have). 12. It was hard work carrying the bags. They ... very heavy. (be).

Exercise 16. Translate the following sentences.


1. Я познайомився з ним два роки тому. 2. Білл навчився говорити французькою мовою в дитинстві. Він кілька років жив з батьками у Франції. 3. Що ти робила вчора? Ти слухала музику? 4. Які книжки ви взяли в бібліотеці? 5. Батьки Ганни давно померли і її виховувала тітка. 6. В дитинстві Маргарет мріяла стати актрисою. 7. Вони запросили Джона на вечірку, але він не прийняв запрошення. 8. Ми постукали у двері, але ніхто не відповів. 9. Генрі не подивився нові слова у словнику, тому неправильно переклав речення. 10. Хто навчив тебе плавати? 11. Минулого тижня вона не зустрічалась зі своїми друзями. 12. Ми не дивились футбольний матч вчора ввечері.


Do the Exercises based on the following grammatical topics:

1. The demonstrative Pronouns this / these, that / those.

2. The Degrees of Comparison of the Adjective.

3. The Article.

4. The Prepositions of time at / in / on.

5. The Numeral.

6. The Past Continuous Tense.



Exercise 1. Give the plural of the following.


1. This phone in the office is out of order. 2. That blouse is made of silk. 3. This is an excellent painting. 4. This purse isn’t made of leather. 5. That is my neighbour’s car. 6. This room is very large. 7. Has this lady a knife? 8. This lady is that gentleman’s wife. 9. This shoe is too large for my foot. 10. This key is made of steel. 11. This is my friend’s study. 12. That ship is a Russian one. 13. Is that a plane? 14. Is this window open? 15. Is that girl your sister?


Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences into English.


Та церква, ці студенти, ця дитина, ті коробки, ці жінки, та країна, ця бібліотека, те дерево, той словник, цей пілот, ті міста, ці кораблі, той банк, цей конверт, ті готелі, ця людина, та гра.


Exercise 3. Give the comparative and superlative degree of the following adjectives.

Shot, long, wide, dirty, clean, dark, light, thick, thin, cold, dry, silly, weak, tall, strong, heavy, happy, big.


Exercise 4. Answer the following questions.


1. Which month is longer: March or April? 2. Is Kiev larger than Minsk? 3. Which is the largest city in Ukraine? 4. Which is the largest city in the United States of America? 5. Is the Black Sea deeper than the Caspian Sea? 6. Which is the deepest lake in the world? 7. When days are longer: in winter or in summer? 8. Which is the longest day of the year?


Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Я знаю цікаву історію. Він знає цікавішу історію. Вона знає найцікавішу історію. 2. Це довгий шлях. Це довший шлях. Це найдовший шлях. 3. Той телевізійний фільм набагато гірший, ніж сьогоднішній фільм. 4. Моя вчителька німецької мови – найенергійніша людина.


Exercise 6. Insert articles where necessary.


1. This is ... book. It is my ... book. 2. Is this your ... pencil? – No, it isn’t my ... pencil, it is my sister’s ... pencil. 3. I have ... sister. My ... sister is ... engineer. My sister’s ... husband is ... doctor. 4. I have no ... handbag. 5. She has got ... headache. 6. Have they got ... car? – Yes, they have. Their ... car is very expensive but reliable. 7. Have you got ... calculator? – No, I haven’t. 8. Is this ... watch? – No, it isn’t ... watch, it’s ... pen. 9. This ... pen is good, and that ... pen is bad. 10. I can see ... pencil on your ... table, but I can see no ... paper. 11. Give me ... chair, please. 12. They have ... dog and two ... cats. 13. I have ... spoon in my ... plate, but I have no ... soup in it. 14. My ... friend says he is going to be ... millionaire.


Exercise 7. Put in at, on or in.


1. Mozart was born …Salzburg ... 1756. 2. I haven’t seen Kate for a few days. I last saw her ... Tuesday. 3. The price of electricity is going up ... October. 4. I’ve been invited to a wedding ... 14 February. 5. Hurry up ! We’ve got to go ... five minutes. 6. I’m busy just now but I’ll be with you ... a moment.


Exercise 8. Complete the sentences. Each time use at, onorin + one of the following: the evening 1492 Sundays night


1. Columbus made his first voyage from Europe to America ... 2. In Britain most people do not work ... 3. If the sky is clear, you can see the stars ... 4. After working hard during the day, I like to relax ...


Exercise 9. Read and write the following cardinal numerals. Form and write ordinal numerals from them.

3, 44, 33, 13, 30, 4, 414, 331, 14, 40, 5, 15, 50, 20, 8, 18, 125, 200, 230, 80.

Exercise 10. Translate the following into English.


перший поверх, три олівці, п’ятий день, десять міст, друга людина, сьомий рік, чотири комп’ютери, тринадцять осіб, п’ятнадцята кімната, десятий будинок, п’ята квартира, двадцять другий текст, дві квітки.



Exercise 11. Read and write the following dates.

1218, 1475, 1509, 1600, 1812, 1941, 1900, 1917, 1965, 1970, 1953.


Exercise 12. Translate the following sentences into English.


у 1945 році, 9-го травня, у п’ятницю, у вересні, о 5-й годині, вранці, восени.


Exercise 13. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form.


1. I (to go) to the theatre yesterday. 2. At seven o’clock yesterday I (to go) to the theatre. 3. What you (to do) at 5 o’clock yesterday? – I (to play) the piano. 4. When I (to come) to university, the students (to stand) near the classroom. 5. We (to play) in the yard the whole evening yesterday. 6. When I (to pre­pare) breakfast in the morning, I (to cut) my finger. 7. Last year I (to go) to the United States. 8. You (to go) to Great Britain last year? – No, I (to go) to France. 9. What you (to do) yesterday? – I (to translate) a very long article. 10. When I (to ring) up my friend, he (to sleep). 11. When grandfather (to watch) TV, he (to fall) asleep. 12. When my friend (to come) to see me, I (to do) my homework. 13. When I (to go) to the stadium, I (to meet) Kate and Ann. 14. When Nick (to ring) me up yesterday, I (to help) mother. 15. Why she (to cry) when I saw her yesterday?


Exercise 14. Make the following interrogative and negative.


1. She was standing alone before the fire. 2. They were crossing the street at the wrong place. 3. I was listening to their conversation. 4. They were talking about our party. 5. George was preparing for his examination the whole day. 6. She was playing the piano when you came in. 7. The children were doing their homework at six. 8. Their son was going to be a painter.


Exercise 15. Translate these sentences into English.


1. Вони переходили вулицю в неправильному місці. 2. Вона не намагалась одержати відмінно, коли складала іспит. 3. Я зустрів його, коли йшов до університету. 4. Ми не розмовляли на цю тему вчора, коли разом обідали в ресторані. 5. Про що ви розмовляли, коли він зайшов до кімнати? 6. Він не спав, коли ми повернулись пізно ввечері. 7. Чим вона займалась вчора з 19.00 до 21.00? 8. Він читав газету, коли хтось постукав в двері. 9. Ми не намагались його зрозуміти в той момент. 10. Ми не обідали вдома вчора о 14.00. 11. Він не їхав швидко, коли трапилась аварія. 12. Він не слухав, коли ви йому про це говорили. 13. З ким він розмовляв, коли ми його бачили вчора? 14. Він дивився телевізор, коли задзвонив телефон. 15. Коли ми увійшли, гості танцювали.



Exercise 1. Give the plural of the following.

1. This is a spider. 2. That is a snail. 3. This is a space film. 4. That is a cartoon. 5. This is a star. 6. That is a boy. 7. This is a baby. 8. That isn’t a goose. 9. That is a flower. 10. That is a bookshelf. 11. Is this a sofa? 12. Is this a bookcase? 13. Is this a man? 14. Is that a ball? 15. This isn’t a mountain.


Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences into English.


Цей автобус, ті доповіді, ці фотоапарати, та машина, це яблуко, ті столиці, цей коледж, ця вечірка, та зупинка, той рік, ці фільми, ті сім’ї, та вулиця, ця тварина, той незнайомець.


Exercise 3. Give the comparative and superlative degree of the following adjectives.


Beautiful, old, bad, great, poor, large, good, brave, cheap, hot, pretty, friendly, careful, stupid, narrow, dangerous, young.


Exercise 4. Answer the following questions.


1. Which is the shortest month of the year? 2. When is it warmer: in April or in May? 3. When is it colder: in October or in November? 4. Which country is larger: England or the United States of America? 5. Which is the highest mountain in the world? 6. Is literature more interesting than grammar? 7. Is chemistry more difficult than physics? 8. Which is the most difficult subject and which is the most interesting subject?


Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Його робота дуже важлива. Його робота важливіша. Моя робота найважливіша. 2. Це погана тема. Це ще гipшa тема. Це найгірша тема. 3. Яка найсмішніша телевізійна програма? 4. Це були найщасливіші дні в її житті.


Exercise 6. Insert articles where necessary.


1. Не hasn’t got ... car. But he’s got ... computer ... computer is new. 2. My ... friends have got ... cat and ... dog ... dog never bites ... cat. 3. This is ... tree ... tree is green. 4. І can see three ... boys ... boys are playing. 5. I have ... bicycle ... bicycle is black. My ... friend has no ... bicycle. 6. Our ... room is large. 7. We wrote ... dictation yesterday ... dictation was long. 8. She has two ... daughters and one ... son. Her ... son is ... pupil. 9. Last year I gave my ... mother ... bracelet for her ... birthday. She liked ... bracelet. 10. My ... brother’s ... friend has no ... dog. 11. This ... pencil is broken. Give me that ... pencil, please. 12. She has ... ball ... ball is ... big. 13. I got ... letter from my ... friend yesterday ... letter was interesting. 14. When they were in Geneva, they stayed at ... hotel. Sometimes they had dinner at ... hotel and sometimes in ... restaurant.

Exercise 7. Put in at, on or in.


1. Jenny’s brother is an engineer but he is out of work ... the moment. 2. There are usually a lot of parties ... New Year’s Eve. 3. I hope the weather will be nice ... the weekend. 4. ... Saturday night I went to bed ... 11 o’clock. 5. I don’t like traveling ... night. 6. We traveled overnight to Paris and arrived ... 5 o’clock ... the morning.


Exercise 8. Complete the sentences. Each time use at, onor in + one of the following: about 20 minutes 21 July 1969 the 1920s the same time


1. The first man walked on the moon ... 2. It’s difficult to listen if everyone is speaking ... 3. Jazz became popular in the United States ... 4. I’m just going out to the shop. I’ll be back ...


Exercise 9. Read and write the following cardinal numerals. Form and write ordinal numerals from them.

4, 14, 21, 82, 33, 55, 96, 101, 557, 67, 79, 41, 53, 972, 20521, 43, 50, 32, 40, 22.

Exercise 10. Translate the following sentences into English.


дев’ятий місяць, шість машин, п’ятнадцяте травня, друга дружина, тридцять другий зуб, десять дерев, сьомий урок, третя контора, сімнадцята вправа, девяносто п’ята сторінка, п’ятдесят кілограмів, перша гра.


Exercise 11. Read and write the following dates.

1340, 1999, 2003, 1489, 1635, 1819, 1175, 2006, 1722, 1591, 1450.


Exercise 12. Translate the following into English.

у 1917 році, 18-го квітня, у вівторок, у серпні, о 10-й годині, увечері, влітку.


Exercise 13. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form.

1. I (to play) computer games yesterday. 2. I (to play) computer games at five o’clock yesterday. 3. He (to play) computer games from two till three yesterday. 4. We (to play) computer games the whole evening yesterday. 5. My brother (not to play) tennis yesterday. He (to play) tennis the day before yesterday. 6. My sister (not to play) the piano at four o’clock yesterday. She (to play) the, piano the whole evening. 7. When I came into the kitchen, mother (to cook). 8. She (to cook) the whole day yesterday. 9. We (to wash) the floor in our flat yesterday. 10. We (to wash) the floor in our flat from three till four yesterday. 11. You (to do) your homework yesterday? 12. You (to do) your homework from eight till ten yesterday? 13. Why she (to sleep) at seven o’clock yesterday? 14. He (to sit) at the table the whole evening yesterday. 15. What Nick (to do) when you came to his place?


Exercise 14. Translate these sentences into English.

1. Dick was making a report at seven o’clock. 2. Olga was preparing for her exam all night long. 3. Tom and Bob were watching TV the whole evening. 4. Charles was taking his credit at five o’clock. 5. Ann was writing a letter when I came to her. 6. When I saw Betty she was laughing gaily. 7. Ann was singing a song when I came in. 8. Peter was reading a book the whole evening.


Exercise 15. Translate these sentences into English.

1. О четверть на сьому вони займались англійською мовою. 2. Вони вчили нові слова з третьої до п’ятої години. 3. Був вечір. Олена читала книжку, а я писав листа. 4. Що ти робила вчора в цей час? Я писала доповідь в бібліотеці. 5. Що ти робив учора о десятій годині ранку? Я провідував свого хворого друга. 6. Він спав, коли до нього прийшли друзі. 7. Ви дивились телевізор вчора о 10 годині вечора? 8. Я думав над дуже складним питанням, коли раптом задзвонив телефон. 9. Вчора о сьомій ми не обговорювали це питання. 10. Він керував автомобілем, коли відчув біль. 11. Що ви робили вчора о 5 годині вечора? 12. Студенти переходили дорогу, коли міліціонер зупинив їх. 13. Коли ми вийшли із дому, йшов сильний дощ. 14. Коли вона йшла на роботу, вона зустріла свою подругу. 15. Хлопці їхали на автомобілі, коли сталась аварія.




Do the Exercises based on the following grammatical topics:

1. The Indefinite Pronouns some / any / no / every and their derivatives.

2. The Future Indefinite Tense.

3. The Adverbial Clauses of Time and Condition.

4. The Impersonal Sentence.

5. The Passive Voice with Indefinite Tenses.

6. The Present Perfect Tense.




Exercise 1. Put in some, anyor по.

1. I bought ... books. 2. Are there ... book, on your shelf. 3. I have ... good news for you. 4. Did you buy ... milk? 5. Would you like ... tea? 6. Have you ... pencils? 7. Are there plates on the table? – There are ... 8. There are ... high houses in his street. 9. I want ... bread, please. 10. Are there ... magazines on the shelf? Yes, there are ... 11. He has ... information for us. 12. I’d like ... water, please. 13. She sent me ... postcards from England. 14. Did you meet ... friend yesterday? 15. Are there ... new pupils in your class? – Yes, there are ...


Exercise 2. Put in some, any, по or their derivatives.


1. Would you like ... more ice-cream? – Yes, I’d like ... 2. Can ... of you show us the way to the station? 3. I have ... good friends. Do you have ...? 4. We could recognize ... in the dark. 5. I’ll take ... sugar with my tea. 6. I’m going to read ... books this summer. 7. This company built ... new houses in our city. 8. It’s so dark here ! Can you see ... around us? 9. Has your friend got ... bad marks this week? 10. I was ringing you up the whole day, but ... answered. 11. Is it ... you would like to see here? 12 ... of these chairs are very comfortable. 13. You can enter ... institute if you want. 14. Don’t hope that ... will help you. You can do it your self. 15. He doesn’t like ... pepper.


Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Я маю кілька англійських книжок. 2. Послухай, хтось розмовляє в сусідній кімнаті. 3. Ти знаєш кого-небудь з цієї сім’ї? 4. У класі є хто-небудь? – Ні, там немає нікого. 5. Ви знаєте що-небудь про цю подію? – Так, я знаю дещо. 6. Дехто з нас не зміг прийти вчасно. 7. Цей письменник написав десь книжок 20. 8. Він взяв трохи грошей і пішов у магазин. 9. Хтось надіслав листівку з Лондона. 10. У цьому диктанті я не зробив жодної помилки. 11. Куди ти ідеш? – Нікуди. 12. Ви знаєте яку-небудь іноземну мову? 13. Можеш іти, куди захочеш. Ніхто не зупинить тебе. 14. У вашого друга є які-небудь книжки про тварин? 15. Я не бачу помилок у вашому диктанті.


Exercise 4. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. Use Future Simple.


1. I (to see) them next Saturday. 2. They (to be) here tomorrow. 3. We (to have) the test in week. 4. She (to spend) holidays in the country. 5. The journey (to take) three hours. 6. I (to open) the door for you. 7. I (to go) to school tomorrow? 8. They (to come) back next week? 9. We (to leave) Kyiv this evening? 10. You (to wait) for me?


Exercise 5. Make the following interrogative and negative.


1. The meeting will begin at eight. 2. They will be in Moscow the day after tomorrow. 3. She will cook breakfast for us. 4. We shall start at dawn. 5. The boy will be seven next year. 6. The plane will take off in five minutes. 7. We shall climb the mountain next week. 8. I shall see you on Monday. 9. I’ll buy a camera next month. 10. They’ll tell us about it.


Exercise 6. Translate the following sentences into English.


1. Biн закінчить обід через кілька хвилин. 2. Не дзвони мені між другою i третьою годиною, я буду зайнятий. 3. Чи підемо ми до музею наступного тижня? 4. Хто дивитиметься цю телевізійну програму? 5. Що ти робитимеш завтра? 6. Коли вони підуть у ліс? У вівторок. 7. Ти підеш з нами в кіно? 8. Відправити йому листа чи телеграму? 9. Завтра її не буде на роботі. 10. Я сподіваюся, що він прийде вчасно.


Exercise 7. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. Use Present and Future Simple.


1. When (to see) him, I (to phone) you. 2. If he (to decide) not to do it, he (to be) right. 3. Tell me when she (to come) to visit you. 4. I (to give) ji to him when he (to visit) us. 5. You (to pass) your exam if you (to work) hard. 6. We (to go) to the country next if the weather (to be) fine. 7. As soon as we (to know) results, we (to inform) you. 8. Don’t open the car door before it (to stop). 9. You (not like) this film when you (to see) it. 10. Wait for me till I (to return). 11. As soon as Beth (to phone) me, I (to contact) you. 12. If the weather (to be) fine, my family (to go) on a trip.


Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.


1. Вони поїдуть завтра в ліс, якщо буде гарна погода. 2. Якщо Петро поїде в Москву, я покажу йому Кремль. 3. Ми обговоримо це питания на зборах, коли повернеться наш учитель. 4. Якщо ви поїдете в Київ, я приєднаюсь до вас. 5. Я чекатиму, поки ти складеш екзамен. 6. Вона одержить паспорт, коли їй буде шістнадцять років. 7. Після того, як він закінчить школу, він буде працювати на заводі. 8. Ми поїдемо до неї, як тільки вона подзвонить нам.


Exercise 9. Read and translate the following sentences.


1. It is winter. It’s very cold in Moscow in winter. 2. What time is it now? It’s eleven. Oh, it’s already late. I must go home. 3. It was frosty outside yesterday. 4. When does it usually get dark in Moscow in spring? It usually gets dark at half past 8 or at 9 o’clock in spring. 5. It is very light in this room. There is always a lot of sunshine here. 6. In winter it is usually still dark at half past eight. 7. When does it usually get warm in Moscow? 8. What time did it get light yesterday?


Exercise 10. Translate the following sentences into English.


1. Було досить пізно, але в парку все ще було багато людей. 2. Вже ранок, але всі ще сплять. 3. Сьогодні холодніше ніж вчора. 4. Я боявся, тому що було дуже темно. 5. Котра година? Зараз чверть на сьому. 6. Мені подобається подорожувати. Це цікаво. 7. Вчора було не так вітряно як сьогодні. 8. Це правда, що Білл може літати на гелікоптері?


Exercise 11. Translate the following sentences into English.


1. Мені розказали. Мені часто розказують. Мені розкажуть. 2. Йому показали. Йому завжди показують. Йому покажуть. 3. Їй дали. Їй постійно дають. Їй дадуть. 4. Мені допомогли. Мені допомагають щодня. Мені допоможуть. 5. Його почули. Його часто чують. Його почують. 6. Мені повірили. Мені завжди вірять. Мені повірять.


Exercise 12. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form.Use Present,Past,Future Simple Passive.

1. His car (to stole) last night. 2. Cheese (to make) from milk. 3. The dog (to give) some food in ten minutes. 4. The telegram (to receive) last week. 5. These television (to make) in Japan. 6. He (to give) a lot of money last month.

Exercise 13. Translate the following sentences into English. Use Present, Past, Future Simple Passive або Active.

1. Я попросив свого друга допомогти мені. 2. Мене попросили допомогти йому. 3. Вчитель дав учням важке завдання. 4. Учням дали важке завдання. 5. Ми часто обговорюємо важливі питання вдома. 6. Важливі питания обговорюються вдома. 7. Завтра вона закінчить цю роботу. 8. Цю роботу буде закінчено завтра. 9. Вона сказала нам правду. 10. Нам сказали правду. 11. Інодi він забуває купити xлiбa. 12. Чому про це часто забувають? 13. Він поверне книжку вчасно. 14. Книжку буде повернено вчасно. 15. Ці будинки побудували два роки тому. 16. Мама не дозволяє нам грати на вулиці. 17. Їм не дозволяють грати на вулиці. 18. Коли будуть відправлені листи? 19. Вони зустрінуть нас на вокзалі. 20. Де нас зустрінуть? 21. Він показав нам свою кімнату.


Exercise 14. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form.Use Present Perfect.

1.I (to be) in London this year. 2. We (to see) this film before. 3. He (to met) his parents. 4. She (to hear) this music before. 5. I (to write) a new book this month. 6. They (not to finish) their work yet. 7. Alan (not to have) his breakfast. 8. Cathy (not to get) up yet.


Exercise 15. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. Use Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. She (to be) to all the capital cities of Europe this year. 2. John (to travel) around Europe last year. 3. You ever (to live) in a foreign country? 4. My friend knows a lot because he (to read) a lot. 5. She (to go) home two days ago. 6. She is free now. She (to pass) her final exam. 7. David (to start) school in 1990. 8. Look! Somebody (to break) my wi

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