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Ex. 6. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

1. Caroline went to the cinema three times last week.

2. We did a lot of work yesterday.

3. The police stopped him on the way home last night.

4. She passed her examinations successfully in January.

5. Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music.

6. Peter broke a window last night.

7. I lived in London for ten years while I was a child.

8. Janet used to have long hair when she was young.

9. He gave up his job as a journalist the other day.

10. Liz used to play tennis a lot when she was a student.


Ex. 7. Write sentences about the past (yesterday / last week etc.).

1. Jim always goes to work by car. Yesterday … .

2. Rachel often loses her keys. She … last week.

3. Kate meets her friends every evening. She … yesterday evening.

4. I usually buy two newspapers every day. Yesterday I … .

5. We usually go to the cinema on Sundays. Last Sunday we … .

6. I eat an orange every day. Yesterday I … .

7. Tom always has a shower in the morning. This morning he … .

8. Our friends come to see us every Friday. They … last Friday.

9. Pupils pass their A-Level exams every summer. Ann … last June.

10. Our faculty holds the Olympiads in mathematics in spring. Last spring our faculty … .

Future Simple

Positive / Negative   Interrogative
I/we you/they he/she/it (shall(‘ll)/shall not/shan’t) will(‘ll)/will not/won’t be win eat come Will I/we/you/ they/he/ she/it be? win? eat? come?


The Future Simple tense denotes:


1. A predicted future action, a happening which is inevitable and out of anybody’s control with the adverbials of time such as tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a week (month, year), next year, in 2008, etc. Next year I’ll be 18. Spring will come soon. In 100 years’ time there will be a lot more people than there are now. Spring has come, so the snow will start melting, the birds will come back home.
2. An action which the speaker regards as possible, probable or likely to happen in future. I’m sure he’ll get better. I don’t think I’ll go out tonight, I’m too tired. No doubt you’ll enjoy the performance. Do you think they’ll win the match? I’ll probably be a bit late this evening. I haven’t seen Carol today. I expect she will phone this evening.
3. An action which is spontaneous, not part of a plan. Don't lift the suitcase. I'll helpyou. Itlooks like rain. I'll takemy umbrella then. What would you like to drink? – I'll havea coke, please.
4. A future action in complex sentences in the main part. But after when, while, before, after, as soon as, until / till we use Present Simple, Present Perfect I'll phoneyou as soon asIarrive.When you returnhome you'll noticea lot of changes. It's pouring down. We'll getwet throughifwego out. When you seeJane again, you wont recognizeher. Come on! Mum will be worried ifweare lateagain. Iwon’t sendthe parcel untilIhear fromyou. As soon as Bob and Ashton have got married,they'll moveto California. Ishan't phoneyou untilIhave donemyhomework.


Facts to be remembered


1. We use shall I … ? / shall we … ? to ask somebody’s opinion (especially in offers or suggestions) Shall I open the window? I’ve got no money. What shall I do? Where shall we go this evening?
2. You can use won’t to say that somebody / something refuses to do something The car won’t start. I wonder what’s wrong with it.


Ex. 8. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

1. They will know the results in a week. 2. Clothes will be different in many years. 3. Sally will phone you when she gets home from work. 4. The weather will be much warmer tomorrow. 5. Everybody will have a computer in the year 2100. 6. I will remember this day all my life. 7. You will become a well-qualified specialist in 5 years. 8. Jack will be back in a minute. 9. He will like our new house when he sees it. 10. I will pay him a lot if he works well. 11. Helen will stay in bed till the clock strikes seven.

Types of Questions


Auxiliary verb Subject Predicate or part of it Object Adverbial modifier
Do you watch TV in the evening?
Have they got free time in summer?
Does she wash her hair in the morning?

Special (except the subject)

Interrogative Pronoun Auxiliary Verb Subject Predicate Part of Predicate Object Adverbial Modifier
Why does she come to school so early?
Who did you borrow the money from?
Where shall we go   now?


Special (to the subject)

Interrogative Pronoun (+ a noun) Predicate Object Adverbial Modifier
Who gave you the information?
Which bus goes   to the city centre?
Whose friends will visit him in hospital?

Pre-Reading Activity

Guess the meaning of the following words.

Mathematician [,mxTImq`tIS(q)n], founder [`faundq], progress [`prqugres]

information [Infq`meIS(q)n], privilege [`prIvIlIG], union [`jHnIqn], especially [I`speS(q)lI], comfortable [`kAmf(q)tqbl].


Read and learn the basic vocabulary terms.

delay (n) [dI`leI] задержка
recent (adj) [`rJs(q)nt] последний, недавний
manage (v) [`mxnIG] суметь (сделать)
belong (v) [bI`lON] принадлежать, быть частью группы
outstanding (adj) [aut`stxndIN] выдающийся, знаменитый
room-mate (n) [`rHm,meIt] товарищ по комнате
describe (v) [dI`skraIb] описывать
routine (n) [rH`tJn] определенный режим, заведенный порядок
flash by (v) [`flxS] пронестись, промчаться
drag (v) [`drxg] тянуться, затягиваться
instructive (adj) [In`strAktIv] содержательный, поучительный
compete (v) [kqm`pJt] cоревноваться
facilities (n) [fq`sIlItIz] благоприятные условия, возможности
area (n) [`e(q)rIq] район; область; сфера
various (adj) [`ve(q)rIqs] различный, всевозможный
society (n) [sq`saIqtI] общество, объединение
depend on (v) [dI`pend] зависеть от
imagine (v) [I`mxGIn] воображать, представлять себе
nowadays (adj) [`nauqdeIz] в наше время, теперь


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