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This problem is as difficult as the first problem.

1. This text is … (interesting) … that one. 2. This sentence is … (long) … the second one. 3. This definition is … (exact) … the definition given in the text-book. 4. His answer is … (good) … that girl’s answer. 5. English classes are … (important) … lectures on mathematics.

Model 2: This theorem is … (famous) … people may think.

This theorem is not so famous as people may think.

1. This system is … (reliable) … the one we studied. 2. That dictation is … (easy) … we’ll write next lesson. 3. The proof is … (valid) … he supposed at first. 4. This story is … (boring) … he thought about it before. 5. This solution is … (good) … she suggested at the conference.

Model 3: (Big) the plan (long) they will work.

The bigger the plan the longer they will work.

1. (Soon) the problem is solved, (good). 2. (Long) the student refuses to learn the words, (bad) for him. 3. (Hard) they work, (good) is for their salary. 4. (Much) she practices, (healthy) she becomes. 5. (Convincing) the lecturer speaks, (attentive) the audience listens.


Ex. 4. Open the parentheses and use the correct form.

1. Our sitting-room is (light) room in our flat. 2. There are (many) students in our group than in yours. 3. The railway station is (far) from here than the airport. 4. My suit is much (expensive) than yours. 5. Betty is a little (short) than her brother. 6. Who was (late) person to leave the building yesterday? 7. Her (old) brother is a well-known Belarusian mathematician. 8. Who is (old) in your group? 9. Her translation is (bad) than his. 10. You will get (far) instructions in a few days. 11. His equation is (difficult) than hers. 12. Silver is (heavy) than copper. 13. There were (few) problems than we expected. 14. It is (successful) experiment we have ever made. 15. (Long) the days, (short) are the nights. 16. He has to work a lot (hard) in his new job than he used to (early). 17. The (carefully) you do it, the (well) it will be. 18. The (much) I get to know you, the (little) I understand you.


Ex. 5. Give the proper English equivalents for the Russian expressions.

the best, greater, as difficult as, less, longer… that one, as interesting as, not so important as, the youngest, better, not so famous as, the sooner… the better, the older… the happier


1. In the improper fraction the denominator is меньше than the numerator. 2. If you want to say that six is больше than 5, we write: 6>5. 3. Чем скорее you answer the text, тем лучше. 4. This film такой же интересный как the one we have already seen. 5. This sentence is длиннее than то предложение. 6. She reads English лучше than I do. 7. Чем старше I get, тем счастливее I am. 8. Ann is самая молодая in our family. 9. The first equation is такое же трудное как the second one. 10. These problems are не такие важные как those we have dealt with. 11. Our laboratory is самая лучшая in the University. 12. This scientist is не такой знаменитый как Einstein.


Ex. 6. Translate into English.

1. Эта статья – самая трудная из всех, которые мы когда-либо переводили. 2. Сегодня намного холоднее, чем вчера. 3. Его книга гораздо интереснее вашей. 4. Эта аудитория меньше той. 5. Мое пальто такое же теплое, как его. 6. «Ваша сестра старше вас?» - «Нет, она немного моложе меня». 7. Этот студент самый младший в своей группе. 8. Сегодня ветер не такой сильный, как вчера. 9. Моя ручка гораздо хуже вашей. 10. Ее перевод значительно лучше того, который она сделала вчера. 11. Какой язык труднее: немецкий или английский? 12. В пятой группе больше студентов, чем в во второй.13. У меня меньше книг, чем у Кати. 14. Мария гораздо красивее своей сестры. 15. Я получил дальнейшую (добавочную) информацию по этому делу. 16. У мамы меньше времени, чем у отца.17. Этот текст намного больше, чем предыдущий. 18. Он не так молод, как мой брат.


Perfect Continuous

Present Past Future
I you we they have   been working   I you he she it we they   had been working I we   shall will   have been working
he she it has   he/she it/you they will
1) for a long time 2) for 5 years 3) since 2 o’clock 4) all morning/day/week 1) for 2 hours when he came. 2) since 2 o’clock when you came 1) for two hours by the time he comes 2) next year for five years already 3) for forty minutes when you ring us up

Ex. 7. Analize the following sentences and translate them. Compare the predicates in these pairs of sentences.

a) Affirmative

1. I am studying English now. 2. They were discussing the definition in class yesterday. 3. He will be speaking at the conference next month. - I have been studying it since September. - They had been discussing the definition for some time, when the teacher came. - He will have been speaking at the conference for half an hour, when his scientific adviser comes.


b) Negative

1. He is not doing any experiments right now. 2. She wasn’t watching TV yesterday. 3. Next year they will not be living here as they are moving to another house. - He has not been doing any experiments since last year. - She had not been watching TV for some time when her mother came. - Next year they will not have been living here for 5 years but for 6 years already.


c) Interrogative

1. Are they working in the garden now? 2. Was he translating the text in class yesterday? 3. Will she be doing her research next week? - Have they been working for a long time?   - Had he been translating this text for an hour when his mother came? - Will she have been doing her research for five years by the end of this year?


Facts to be remembered


a. Present Perfect Continuous is used:

For actions started and finished in the past and lasted for some time. The result of the actions is visible in the present. He looks so tired. He has been studying for his exam.
To express anger, annoyance or irritation. Who has been using my cup?
We can use the Present Perfect Continuous to talk about longer repeated actions that have finished. “You look tired.” – “I have been running.”


b. Past Perfect Continuous is used:

For certain duration with visible results in the past. They were wet because they had been walking in the rain.
As past equivalent to the Present Perfect Continuous. (She is going to the doctor. Her leg has been aching for two days). She went to the doctor. Her leg had been achingfor two days.


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