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Exercise 8. Translate the text from Russian into English in written form.

Начало строительства железных дорог в России.

Строительство железных дорог в России началось во второй половине 18 века. Первые вагонеточные пути были проложены на Урале. Как рельсы, так и шпалы были сделаны из дерева. Уголь перевозили в деревянных тележках, которые назывались «собаками», потому что скрип несмазанных колёс был похож на визг собаки. Следует упомянуть, что тележки приводились в движение водяным колесом, в то время как в Европе основной движущей силой был ручной труд.

Русские изобретатели А.С. Ярцев, отец и сын Фроловы, сыграли важную роль в истории строительства железных дорог. Ярцев предложил заменить деревянные рельсы чугунными и в 1788 году построил первую «чугунку» в Петрозаводске. 30 лет спустя другая железная дорога с чугунными рельсами была проложена в Алтайских горах инженером Фроловым. Её длина была 2 км. Железная дорога приводилась в движение лошадьми.

Следующий этап в истории железнодорожного транспорта в России начался с изобретения парового двигателя. Он был изобретён И.И. Ползуновым, а отец и сын Черепановы построили первый паровоз. Первый паровоз был испытан в Нижнем Тагиле. Л. Гумилёвский писал в своей книге «Русские инженеры»: «Нижнетагильскую железную дорогу, сооружённую русскими мастерами, из русских материалов, по проекту русских изобретателей следует считать первой русской железной дорогой».


Exersice 1. Before you watch the video read the information below about the Bluebell Railway and answer the questions.


a) How many people work on the Bluebell Railway?

b) Why don’t they get any money?

c) How much does dinner on the train cost?

d) Where does the railway go?

e) How much is a single ticket?



Exercise 2. Watch the whole video and tick the correct answers.

1) Ian Wright is a □ Maths teacher.

□ Science teacher.


2) Ian gets up □ early at weekends.

□ late at weekends.


3) Steam engines are □ difficult to drive.

□ easy tо drive.


4) Over □ 2,000 passengers travel on the railway every year

□ 250, 000 passengers travel on the railway every year


5) Ian □ thinks that steam trains are beautiful.

□ doesn't think that steam trains are beautiful.


Exercise 3. Complete the text. Then watch and check.

Ian Wright is a school___________. He teaches Science at a school in Sussex in the south of England. He teaches _______ days a week, and he __________his job. But in his _________ time, Ian has another job. He's a _______driver.


Exercise 4. Continue to watch and write in the times.

At weekends Ian Wright gets up at …… .

The journey to the station takes ……minute.

He arrives at the station at ….. .



Exercise 5. Do the following tasks.

a) Complete Michael's questions. Then watch and check.

Michael: How _____ are the engines, Ian?

Ian: Very old. This one is 120 years old.

Michael: How______________ it cost to mend a engine like this?

Ian: Thousands of pounds.

Michael: Where _________ the _________ come from?

Ian: From the passengers.

Michael: How _____________it take?

Ian: About ten years.


b) Continue to watch and complete Ian's answers only.

Michael:__________________________________________ ?

Ian: Yes, it is. It's called Baxter. It's a tank _____ .

Michael: ______________________________ ?

Ian: ____________________________________ .

Michael: _______________________________?

Ian: No, it travels at about __________ per hour.

Michael: __________________________?

Ian: No, it isn't. It's very ______. It takes a _______time to learn.


c) Can you remember Michael's questions? Watch and check.

Exercise 6. There are three mistakes in the text. Watch and correct them.

Over 250,000 passengers travel on the Bluebell Railway every year. They go from Sheffield Park Station to Homed Keynes and back again. That's about forty kilometres. The journey there and back takes two hours. The tickets cost £3 for a single and £5 for a return.

Exercise 7. Why does Ian like driving old trains? Look at these words. Which words does Ian use? Then watch and check.

power noise fast smell lovely beautiful difficult romantic

Exercise 8. Tell about old trains. Give answer in 5-6 sentences.

Do you like old trains? Why/Why not?


Exercise 9. Fill in the gaps in the text using the verbs in the box. Remember to use the correct form of the verb.

teach drive travel like be love have do


Ian Wright_______Science in a school in Sussex. He _______his job, but in his free time he_______another job. He_______a train driver. He_______steam engines on the Bluebell Railway in Sussex. The steam engines_______very old and they do not_______very fast, but Ian_______driving them.



Exercise 1. Pay attention to prepositions (in italic). Match the beginnings of the sentences with their endings.

1) Because of bad weather… a) due to careless driving.
2) He ran across the street… b) the Metro station with you.
3) Everything went… c) on account of low clouds.
4) The accident has happened… d) in order to catch the bus.
5) No planes took off on that day… e) according to the plan.
6) In addition to the usual methods of computation… f) the passenger service in the city was improved.
7) I will go as far as g) the train was not late.
8) By means of telephone… h) they used computers.
9) Is there a bus stop… i) the number of accidents went down.
10) Owing to the establishment of the new trolleybus route… j) people communicate with each other at great distance.
11) Thanks to the new system of regulations… k) the match was postponed for a week.
12) In spite of the dense fog… l) in front of your house?

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