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Ex.22. Выберите подходящие слова и вставьте их в пропуски.

I found your house (easy, easily). Nick wrote something (busy, busily) in his notebook. Kelly is a very (politely, polite) girl. Open the door (quickly, quick). Mary is a (good, well) singer; I didn’t know she could sing so (good, well). As (usual, usually) she is at home after four. Bill is a (careful, carefully) driver; he drives (careful, carefully). The film was very (good, well); I liked it very much. Jane works (hard, hardly); she is a (hard, hardly) worker. I don’t remember this poem very (good, well).

Ex.23. A. Дополните предложения, употребив наречия. Example: George is a careful driver. He drives carefully. 1.Her English is very good; she speaks English … 2.Ben is a fast runner; he can run …. 3.His job is very hard; he works … 4.The bus was late that’s why I came home … 5.She is a very polite girl; she always speaks … 6.Your answer is correct; you answered … 7.My sister has a loud voice; she always speaks … 8.Collin is a bad dancer; he dances … 9.It’s an easy exercise; you can do it … 10.The traffic is slow. The cars move …

B. Translate into English:1.Я плохо рисую, а моя подруга рисует хорошо. 2.У него было много работы. Он выглядел очень усталым и двигался с трудом. 3.Быстро одевайся – мы можем опоздать в школу. Ты такой медлительный. 4.Вчера я встала рано. Я видела раннюю птичку в саду. 5.Во время дорожной пробки (traffic jam) машины движутся медленно. 6.Говори громко, пожалуйста. У тебя ведь громкий голос, не так ли?

Ex. 24. Прочтите и выучите правило:


При прибавлении суффиксов –er, -est к основе прилагательных соблюдаются следующие правила правописания:

1)Если прилагательное оканчивается на одну согласную с предшествующей краткой гласной, то согласная удваивается: big – bigger- the biggest.

2)Если прилагательное оканчивается на немую “e”, то она опускается перед суффиксами –er, -est: late- later – the latest.

3)Если прилагательное оканчивается на “y” с предшествующей согласной, то ”y” меняется на “i”: easy- easier – the easiest.

Ex.25. Запишите степени сравнения прилагательных в две колонки:

Односложные Многосложные
Slow – slower – the slowest Interesting – more interesting – the most interesting

Useful, wonderful, bright, correct, fast, easy, usual, quick, strong, early, late, polite, loud, straight, dangerous, heavy, long, bad, kind, careful, modest, lucky, noisy, quiet, brave, sad, busy, frivolous, clever, important, healthy, tall, high, short, low, broad, naughty, absent-minded, narrow, pretty, good-looking, silly, convenient, hardworking, slender, old, small, dull, necessary, beautiful.

Ex.26. Определите, в какой степени (положительной, сравнительной, превосходной) употреблены прилагательные и наречия в следующих предложениях. Translate the sentences: This is the shortest way to the station. I know less about it than you. Tom is as old as Fred. This text is more difficult than that one. Your answer is worse today than it was yesterday. The cars move slower during rush hours. Kelly speaks louder than Jack, but John has the loudest voice. This park is the biggest in our town. Rick is the silliest boy in our class, and David is the cleverest. This task is less important than that one. This subject is the least interesting. Leo drives a car well, Collin does it better; however, the best driver is Ken. This road is not so straight as that one. This is the worst place to cross the street in. A car can run faster than a lorry ([`l]ri] – грузовик). Susan is better-looking than Ada; however, Liz is the best-looking one.

Ex.27. Напишите слова противоположные по значению. Example: younger – older; the least dangerous – the most dangerous.

colder - noisier - the quickest - the least -
better - slower - the worst - the shortest -
less important - lower - the laziest - the least interesting-
easier - longer - the happiest - the most convenient-

Ex.28. Допишите предложения. Употребите сравнительную степень.

Example: Philip’s car is not very big. He wants a bigger one. This house isn’t very modern.

I prefer more modern houses.

You are not very tall. Your brother is……….

Ben doesn’t work very hard; Bill works……………

We don’t know many people here. They know ………

I can’t walk very fast. You can walk ………

He doesn’t speak very loudly. She speaks ……

The book isn’t very interesting. The film is ………

Eight o’clock is not a very convenient time for me. Ten o’clock is ………

I didn’t get up very early yesterday. You got up ……

My friend didn’t come late to work. I came……

Ex.29. Дополните предложения, употребив “fewer”. Example: There are not many pupils in our class this year. It fact (фактически) there are fewer pupils this year.

There are not so many flowers in our garden this summer. In fact …

There are not so many textbooks in our library this school year. In fact …

There are not so many cars in the streets this evening. In fact …

There are not so many leaves on the ground this autumn. In fact …

There are not so many hot days this July. In fact …

There are not so many good films on TV nowadays. In fact …

There are not so many lessons on Friday. In fact …

There are not so many mistakes in your dictation today. In fact…

Ex.30. Translate into English. Помните, что в значении «меньше» fewer употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными, less – с прилагательными и наречиями.

1) В этом году в нашем саду меньше цветов. В прошлом году в январе было меньше холодных дней. Ночи стали менее длинными. Вчера я получила меньше писем.

2) Эта комната менее удобная, чем та. Тим менее трудолюбивый, чем Том. Этот фильм мне понравился меньше, чем книга. Я считаю, что троллейбус менее удобен, чем автобус. Я думаю, что этот текст менее трудный, чем тот.

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