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Read Text 6C and answer the following questions.

1. What year does the history of higher education in Russia go back to?

2. What was the system of education in the Soviet Union like?

3. What are the specific features of the system of education in Russia today?

4. What do applicants have to do in order to be accepted to a higher educational institution?

5. Do students have to pay for their study?

6. Why are the first two years of study the most difficult ones for students?

7. What do the students have to do if they fail their end-of-team tests and examinations?

8. What does higher education provide young people with?

13. Consider the following statements and say if you agree or disagree with them. Use the introductory phrases from the previous units.



1. M. V. Lomonosov wanted to found the first University in Russia but he failed to do that.

2. Students had to pay for their education in the Soviet Union.

3. No democratic reforms have been effected since 1991.

4. Many applicants would like to be accepted to Moscow or St. Petersburg Universities.

5. There are no part-time or correspondence departments at higher educational institutions in Russia.

6. Entrance examinations in Russia are optional ones.

7. It is difficult for most students to study during the first two years.

8. Students have holidays once a year.

9. Those students who fail their end-of-term tests and examinations have to prepare themselves for them working hard during holidays.

10. Education only provides the younger generation with formal learning.

Speak on the following questions.

1. Your entrance examinations.

2. Your English classes.

3. Your preparation for your future end-of-term examinations.

4. Your new friends at the academy.


Read Text 6C again. Give a brief outline of the information each paragraph contains.

Make up a story about higher education in Russia based on the information given in the above Texts.




An interview for applicants for entry

The Dean and some of the lecturers welcome candidates seeking admission and answer their questions


A.: It there any difference in the curriculum for full-time and part-time students?

Dean: Yes, there is. The part-time department holds classes only four times a week and therefore its course runs for six years.

A.: We’ve heard that there are a lot of well-equipped laboratories at your Academy (University). Shall we be able to study and work there?

Dean: Of course, you will. You will even have to do it; otherwise you won’t be able to do your laboratory tests and works. Besides it will help you to improve your professional habits, I’m sure that you will do your best to get very good results working in the laboratories.

A.: Shall we be able to borrow books from the Academy (University) library being only part-time students?

Dean: Yes, you will have to join our library. It is well-stocked with books from the reading-list of recommended works for students. Library working hours are convenient for those who work as well as study.

A.: Are there any student societies at the faculty?

Dean: There certainly are. We have student clubs, which are extremely popular with the students of our faculty, especially first-year students. So we hope that you will take part in the activities of our discussion and theatrical groups or the department. Of course, there are a lot of sports societies among which you can find something to your liking. In senior years, if you are interested in research work you will be able to join research societies.

A.: I’ve heard that there is a museum in the main building of the Academy (University). What is this museum like?

Dean: You are right; there is a museum in the main building. It is the University (Academy) History Museum. Among its exhibits, there are some documents, photos and instruments.

A.: Where can we hand in our applications?

Dean: The Admission Board Department will take them from June 20th till July 31st.

A.: What entrance exams shall we have to take?

Dean: You must go in for Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry and Russian.


Memorize and reproduce Dialogue 1.

Make up dialogues of your own using Dialogue 1 as a model.


a) You are an applicant for entry. Put some more questions in addition to the above about entrance requirements.

b) You meet your foreign friend. Talk to him about the system of higher education in Russia.



(Two friends, Ivan and Paul, meet each other in the reading room of the library. It’s been ages since they saw each other. Both of them served in the Russian Army, returned to their former work and became students. Ivan is a part-time student and Paul is a correspondence student.)

Ivan: Hallo, Paul, old chap! Haven’t seen you for ages. How are you getting on?

Paul: I’m very glad to see you again! Everything is O.K. Well, Ivan, I suggest we should go somewhere and have a drink.

Ivan: No objections. But first tell me, old man, what are you doing here? You look so anxious as though you are solving a very serious problem.

Paul: Right you are, Ivan. I’m a correspondence student of the Academy. They send me a lot of written assignments and demand that everything should be done on time. I’m busy like hell, you know…

Ivan: So am I! The difference is that you don’t have to attend classes three times a week. You can manage your time more freely than me, a poor part-time student.

Paul: There are pros and cons in every situation. As for me, I prefer the type of study I’ve chosen. Well, enough of that! Let’s go, old chap … .

Memorize and reproduce Dialogue 2.

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