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II. Преобразуйте предложения, поставив выделенные существительные и местоимения во множественное число.

Тесты по английскому языку

(5 семестр)

I. Образуйте отрицательную, вопросительную и вопросительно-отрицательную форму следующих предложений.

That’s good

That isn’t good

Is that good?

Isn’t that good?

1. that’s a good idea.

2. He could decide what to do.

3. It’s difficult to make a decision.

4. He was planning to go with her.

5. She’d like to go with you.

6. They were making an attempt to plan their future.

7. She would consider going back east.

8. There’s a chance he’ll go.

9. He spent a few days in the mountains.

10. It’s easy to make a decision.

11. That’s a practical idea.

12. They should try to plan for the future


II. Преобразуйте предложения, поставив выделенные существительные и местоимения во множественное число.

There is a letter on the table. There are some letters on the table.

He is a manager. They are managers.


1. I saw a boy in the street.

2. He is a businessman.

3. I received a letter from England.

4. There is a fish in the jar.

5. Send the fax to him.

6. Don’t sign the contract.

7. The director is out.

8. A sales representative must be a creative person.

9. He works as a foreman at our company.

10. He became the president of a big company.

11. The delivery will be delayed for 5 days.

12. The firm didn’t pay duty in time.


III. Вместо оборотов с предлогом of образуйте обороты с существительными в притяжательном падеже.

The car of the Commercial Director. Commercial Director’s car

1. A book of Mr. Sage.

2. A letter of my boss.

3. The hand of Mrs. Leondels.

4. The room of managers.

5. Names of salesman.

6. The advice of Miss Jane.

7. Businessman of Ukraine.

8. The proposal of our Director.

9. A receipt of consignee.

10. A bill of lading of a ship.

11. A call from john Smithers.

12. The commission of Mr. Bell.


IV. Вставьте там, где необходимо, определенный либо неопределенный артикль.

1. What … fine day it is today!

2. … History and computer science were … my favorite subjects at … school.

3. I don’t know … way to … station.

4. He is … engineer by … profession.

5. Usually I get up at … 7 o’clock in … morning.

6. … Rostov is on … right bank of … Don.

7. Will you have … cup of … tea?

8. … Warsaw is … capital of Poland.

9. We shall go to … cinema together with … our friends.

10. This is … book, … book is very interesting


Тесты по английскому языку

(6 семестр)


I. Найдите во втором столбце слова с противоположным значением (антонимы)

1. incorrect

2. interesting

3. terrible

4. last

5. answer

6. near-sighted

7. unhappy

8. clean

9. indoors

10. difficult

11. safe

12. cheap

13. fast

14. hate

15. noisy

a. dull

b. first

c. far-sighted

d. dirty

e. quite

f. dangerous

g. outdoors

h. easy

i. correct

j. expensive

k. ask

l. like

m. happy

n. slow

o. wonderful


II. Поставьте прилагательные в скобках в правильную форму.

1. Mr. Brown is (tall) than Mr. Smith.

2. The weather is (fine) today than it was yesterday.

3. Tom is (cleaver) manager in the company.

4. My secretary is as (good) as yours.

5. My secretary is (good) than yours.

6. My secretary is (good) of the three.

7. The staff will be much (happy) in their new office.

8. My cold is (bad) today than it was yesterday.

9. Athens is (far) from London than Rome is.

10. Mr. Robinson is (rich) than Mr. Green, but don’t think that he is (lucky) than Mr. Green.


III. Замените прилагательные в предложениях их антонимами в столбце.

1. Bill is very tall.

2. Mary is quite thin.

3. My hands are dry.

4. Why are you so sad?

5. He is an elderly man.

6. I know he is right about it.

7. This is a very narrow street.

8. The weather is getting warm.

9. This water is too hot.

10. They are the same.

11. It’s a terrible day.

12. He is going to be early today.

13. We took a short trip.

14. When did you get that new car?

15. What is the quickest way to the hotel?

16. I bought a secondhand car.

17. That’s a very small suitcase.

a. wide

b. long

c. slower

d. large

e. fat

f. cool

g. different

h. old

i. new

j. short

k. wet

l. young

m. wrong

n. cold

o. wonderful

p. late

q. happy


IV. Поставьте прилагательные или наречия в правильную форму дополнив их суффиксами или префиксами.

Mike is very hardworking. (very)

1. He is a lucky man. He has been _____ married for ten years. (happy)

2. It was very _____ of him to give you a lift. (kind)

3. Actors are _____ people. (create)

4. He was fired from his job because he was _____. (efficient)

5. The dancer was superb. He gave a ____ performance (fault)

6. The passengers were frightened when the driver drove ____ close to a house. (care)

7. My husband likes the colour gray, but I find it _____. (attract)

8. She was stopped, even though she drove _____. (care)

9. I don’t like John’s boss. I find him most _____. (pleasant)

Тесты по немецкому языку

(5 семестр)


Превратите предложения из активных в пассивные.

a) Der Kellner bringt ein Glas Bier.

b) Der Baumeister baut ein neues Theater.

c) Der Kaufmann verkauft Kleider, Hüte, Handschuhe.

d) Der Handwerker beendet die Arbeit.

e) Ich mache das Licht aus.


Дополните предлоги с артиклями. Переведите предложения.

a) Wir glauben … Sieg der Gerechtigkeit.

b) Kinder freuen sich … nahe Weihnachtsfest.

c) Kranke muss … Spazierfahrt verzichten.

d) Patient leidet … Tuberkulose.


Образуйте причастие 1 по образцу.

Der Wagen fährt – der fahrende Wagen

a) der Knabe lent

b) das Blatt fällt

c) das Kind spielt

d) das Mädchen weint


4. Образуйте предложения с sein + zu + Infinitiv или с haben + zu + Infinitiv. Переведите предложения.

a) Die Schwester muss die Vorschrift des Arztes befolgen.

b) Kinder sollen sofort kommen, wenn man sie ruft.

c) Die ganze Arbeit muss abgeschriebne werden.


5. Продолжите предложения, использую союз je … desto. Переведите предложения.

a) Je leiser du sprichst, …

b) Je stärker der Kaffee ist, …

c) Je länger ich sie kannte, …

d) Je mehr sie über ihn lachten, …


Переведите текст на русский язык


Geld- und Bankenwesen


Die Notenbank der BRD ist die Duetsche Bundesbank in Frankfurt am Main. Ihr Grundkapital steht dem Bund zu. Die Bank ist von Weisungen der Bundesregierung unabhängig; sie hat jedoch die allgemeine Wirtschaftspolitik der Regierung zu unterschützen. Die Bundesbank unterhält in jedem eine Landeszentralbank sowie Zweiganstalten.

Die Bundesbank hat das alleinige Recht, Banknoten auszugeben. Sie regelt den Goldumlauf und die Kreditversorgung der Wirtschaft und sorgt für die bankmäßige Abwicklung des Zahlungsverkehrs im Inland und mit dem Ausland.

In der BRD sind öffentlich-rechtliche, genossenschaftliche und private Kreditinstitute tätig. Heute gibt es 342 Kreditbanken (privat in der Form AG), 12 Girozentralen (landesbanken), 734 Sparkassen (autonome öffentliche Unternehmen), 4 genossenschaftliche zentralbanken, 3147 Kreditgenossenschaften, 35 Hypothekenbanken (privatrechtlich), 16 Kreditinstitute mit Sonderaufgaben und 34 Bausparkassen.

Seit 1979 besteht das Europäische währungssystem (EWS). Es vereinigt regeln für die Währungsbeziehungen in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft (EG). Zur Stabilsteuerung der Wechselkurse hat jedes Mitgliedsland für seine Währung einen Leitkurs festgelegt, der in der Europäischen Währungseinheit (ECU) ausgedrückt wird.


Тесты по немецкому языку

(6 семестр)

1. Вставьте притяжательные местоимения.

a) Der Beamte ist zufrieden mit … Stellung, mit … Gehalt; er liebt … Kinder.

b) Die Hausfrau sorgt für … Familie, für … Mann.

c) Ich liebe dieses Land mit … Klima, mit … Flüssen, mit … Pflanzenwelt.


Тесты по английскому языку

(5 семестр)

I. Образуйте отрицательную, вопросительную и вопросительно-отрицательную форму следующих предложений.

That’s good

That isn’t good

Is that good?

Isn’t that good?

1. that’s a good idea.

2. He could decide what to do.

3. It’s difficult to make a decision.

4. He was planning to go with her.

5. She’d like to go with you.

6. They were making an attempt to plan their future.

7. She would consider going back east.

8. There’s a chance he’ll go.

9. He spent a few days in the mountains.

10. It’s easy to make a decision.

11. That’s a practical idea.

12. They should try to plan for the future


II. Преобразуйте предложения, поставив выделенные существительные и местоимения во множественное число.

There is a letter on the table. There are some letters on the table.

He is a manager. They are managers.


1. I saw a boy in the street.

2. He is a businessman.

3. I received a letter from England.

4. There is a fish in the jar.

5. Send the fax to him.

6. Don’t sign the contract.

7. The director is out.

8. A sales representative must be a creative person.

9. He works as a foreman at our company.

10. He became the president of a big company.

11. The delivery will be delayed for 5 days.

12. The firm didn’t pay duty in time.


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