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Job interview questions for selection of managers

Interview Questions
1. Describe a situation in which you had to persuade another person to change his or her opinion about how to perform a task. What arguments did you use? What points did the other person bring up? How did you respond to these?
2. Describe a situation in which you had to tell an individual that he or she had performed a task incorrectly. What did you tell the person? What did the person say in response? How did you end the conversation?
3. You are scheduled to attend a training session tomorrow. That night you receive a telephone call that a close relative is seriously ill. What do you do?

4.13. Прочитайте текст 11 ще раз, потім виконайте вправу 31.

Exercise 31.Here are some answers about the interview. Write the questions. (Оцінюється в 3 бали)


a) _______________________________________________________________?

To assess the applicant’s job-related KSAs.


b) _______________________________________________________________?

It means that the interviewer asks the same set of job-related questions of each candidate.


c) _______________________________________________________________?

Because the applicants are evaluated on the same characteristics.


d) _______________________________________________________________?

It provides some examples of job-related questions.


e) _______________________________________________________________?

In making selection decisions.


f) _______________________________________________________________?

It is concerned with conducting a job interview and evaluating applicants.


g) _______________________________________________________________?

These are legal issues, physical barriers to interaction, guiding the interview, and how to establish relationship with the applicant.


h) _______________________________________________________________?

In training for making evaluations of applicants.


4.14. Щоб оволодіти лексичними одиницями, необхідними для розуміння співбесіди між менджером з персоналу і претендентом на вакантну посаду в організації, виконайте вправи 32, 33, 34.


Exercise 32.Do you know what these abbreviations stand for? Can you pronounce them?


1) c.v. 2) IBM 3) PC 4) PhD


Exercise 33.Identify an ‘odd’ word in each set. Use your dictionary if necessary.


1. a) sound b) operate c) technical d) heavy

2. a) software b) sound c) communicate d) suppose

3. a) hardware d) development c) software d) confident

4. a) data b) carry out c) communicate d) discuss

5. a) adventure b) compatible c) network d) department

6. a) automated b) computer-aided c) set-up d) wasted

7. a) access b) sales c) hardware d) consultancy

8. a) interesting b) powerful c) banking d) useful


Exercise 34.Match up each of the words and word combinations in Ato its synonym or an explanation for it in B. Use your dictionary if necessary. (Оцінюється в 3 бали)



1) sound 1) to seem
2) to communicate 2) business
3) software 3) associate
4) customer 4) issue
5) anyway 5) chief
6) to sound 6) to function
7) confident 7) system
8) matter 8) sure
9) to go into detail 9) past performance
10) hardware 10) good
11) set-up 11) to get into
12) network 12) selling
13) compatibles 13) to speak
14) to operate 14) varied
15) workstation 15) to become a member
16) to access 16) in any case
17) to refresh smb’s memory 17) to refuse
18) mixed 18) to enlarge on
19) career 19) computer equipment
20) to join 20) to enter upon
21) assistant 21) clever
22) head 22) to say the reasonable thing
23) sale 23) profession
24) overseas 24) to make someone remember something
25) marketing 25) the programs used by computers for doing particular jobs
26) track record
27) smart 26) pieces of computer equipment that can be used together
28) to move into
29) global navigation 27) to be determined by
30) to apply 28) computer unit
31) to have a point 29) not at work for a year
32) a year off 30) the ways in which a company encourages people to buy its products
33) to depend on
34) satellite 31) abroad
35) to turn down 32) sailing around the world
  33) to use
34) client
35) an object that is spent into space to travel round the Earth


4.15. В якій ситуації можна почути такі фрази?


- Software Engineering Manager

- to sound confident

- to discuss technical matters

- c.v.

- present job

- set-up

- rather a mixed career

- to join the company

- a head of department

- track record

- to move from banking to printing

- to move into heavy industry


4.16. Хто, на вашу думку, може говорити ці фрази?


a. He looks quite good on paper.

b. I’m sure he’s very sound.

c. We must have someone who can communicate.

d. Let’s have the next one in.

e. Tell me about your present job.

f. We have a network of IBM PCs and compatibles.

  1. Suppose you do join our company.
  2. You’re quite sure about that?
  3. You think your track record will help you?
  4. Because all those things are my career!
  5. I can apply that knowledge equally well to banking or machine automation.
  6. I’d like to know a little more about the group I would be working with.


4.17. Joe Andrews і Pilar Soto тільки що закінчили співбесіду з претендентом на посаду регіонального менеджера з програмного забезпечення. Прочитайте їх бесіду, потім дайте відповіді на запитання.


Pilar JOE Pilar JOE Pilar JOE Pilar Well, thank you, Mr. Schultz. Goodbye! Well?   He looks quite good on paper.   I’m sure he’s very sound, technically. The thing is, we must have someone who can communicate.   But the Software Engineering Manager isn’t going to be meeting customers.   You never know. Anyway, he’s going to be talking to us every day! Schultz didn’t sound very confident in either Spanish or English.   Well, let’s have the next one in, and see if he’s any good!   Ask Dr Vila to come in, please.  

· Do you think Mr. Schultz is likely to get the job?

· Can you reproduce the words that Pilar used to characterize Mr. Schultz?

4.18. Joe Andrews і Pilar Soto проводять співбесіду з Carlos Vila. Прочитайте їх розмову, потім дайте відповіді на запитання.


JOE Pilar CARLOS JOE Pilar CARLOS Good afternoon, Dr Vila. Please sit down. My name is Andrews, I’m the Staff Manager, and my colleague here is Miss Soto, the Data Manager.   Good afternoon.   Good afternoon.   I think Miss Soto would like to discuss technical matters with you to begin with. Then I’ll come in with some more general things. Pilar? Thank you. Dr Vila, your c.v. doesn’t go into details about the hardware you’ve been working with recently. Tell me about your present job. What's the set-up?   Well, we have a network of IBM PCs and compatibles, which can operate as individual workstations or they can access a much more powerful minicomputer.

· Do you think Pilar is satisfied with Carlos’s answer?

· Do you remember the words in which Pilar explained her request to Carlos?

4.19. Прочитайте подальшу розмову Joe Andrews, Pilar Soto і Carlos Vila, потім дайте відповіді на запитання.


Pilar CARLOS JOE CARLOS JOE CARLOS JOE CARLOS JOE   All right! Now, I’ll hand you back to Mr. Andrews.   Thank you.   Yes, Dr Vila. While you’ve been talking to Miss Soto, I’ve been refreshing my memory of your c.v. It makes interesting reading. Rather a mixed career so far. Suppose you do join our company. Where do you expect to be in five years’ time?   Well, a head of department – assistant head, anyway – in technical sales, or overseas marketing.   I see. More on the marketing side? You’re quite sure about that? You think your track record will help you?   Er, yes, I think it will.   Hm. I’m glad you think so. You know what I think? I see a young man who may well be smart but who really doesn’t know where he’s going.   Why do you say that?   Well, you tell me, Dr Vila. Why did you move from banking to printing, to computer consultancy and now you want to move into heavy industry? And perhaps I ought to mention global navigation?

· Is Joe impressed by Carlos?

· Can you reproduce the phrase that Joe uses to characterize Carlos’s career?

· Do you remember the words in which Joe disagrees with Carlos’s view of his future?

4.20. Прочитайте, як Carlos Vila відповідає на критику Joe Andrews, потім дайте відповіді на запитання.

CARLOS JOE CARLOS JOE CARLOS Pilar   Because all those things are my career! In every position that I’ve had I was developing my knowledge of computer systems. That knowledge I can apply equally well to banking, or machine automation, or image recognition – anything you like.   I see. Well, may be you have a point. But taking a year off to go sailing, at the start of your career, when you’ve just got your PhD. Wasn’t that a year wasted?   It depends on how you look at it. It was an adventure, of course, but we also carried out a research programme for computer-aided satellite navigation. So actually I think it was quite useful. Anyway, would you turn down a chance like that?   Hm! OK, Dr Vila. Are there any questions you want to ask us?   Well, yes. I’d like to know a little more about the group I would be working with. ....................... It’s been very interesting talking to you, Dr Vila. However, we still have one more person to interview.


· Does Carlos succeed in changing Joe’s view of his career?

· Can you reproduce the phrase that Joe uses to agree with what Carlos says about his frequent changes of job?

· Can you reproduce the words in which Carlos shows that he understands Joe’s point of view?

· In what way does Carlos show his confidence in receiving the job?

· Do you remember the words that Polar uses to bring the interview to an end?

4.21. Прочитайте і напишіть переклад діалогу між менеджером з персоналу і претендентом на вакантну посаду. Потім вивчіть цей діалог напам'ять.


INTERVIEWER APPLICANT INTERVIEWER APPLICANT INTERVIEWER APPLICANT INTERVIEWER APPLICANT Are there any questions you want to ask us?   Yes. I’d like to know more about the people I’ll be working with.   Well, this is a new post. We’re not quite sure which department it will be in – Marketing or Technical.   The thing is, I see my career developing more towards marketing.   Marketing’s rather a big jump. After all, as an engineer, you won’t be directly involved in selling.   You never know! Anyway, I’m certainly going to be involved in product development.   Well, maybe you have a point there. It depends on how you look at it.   OK, let’s say I’m going to be on the marketing side. Perhaps you can tell me who I’ll be working with.  

4.22. Будьте готові до виконання ролей менеджера з персоналу і претендента на вакантну посаду в одній з організацій вашого регіону.


4.23. Користуючись словничком у рамці, прочитайте уривок з резюме італійки Angela Robbiani. Зробіть письмовий переклад тексту. (Оцінюється в 3 бали)


insurance broker– страховий брокер; turnover – оборот, обіг; to supervise - наглядати, керувати; installation– монтаж; support staff – технічний персонал; to report to – бути підзвітним (комусь); to maintain – підтримувати, обслуговувати; throughout the day and night – цілодобово; stock exchange – фондова біржа; portfolio values– вартість інвестиційного портфеля; account – рахунок; earnings – заробіток; accommodation -житло.



May 1997-July 2000 Assistant Data Services Manager, Globe Insurance Brokers (London) Ltd.   The Data Services Department had a staff of ten, out of a total staff in the London office of 150. The company had a turnover, in 2000, in the region of US$20m. I was responsible, under the Data Services Manager, for a staff of seven and for the functioning of all data processing services within the company and all data communication. In 2000 I also planned and supervised the installation of new equipment and software, and organized training courses for all employees.   August 2000-present Computer Manager, del Conte Financial Services, Geneva.   Del Conte is a small, but successful, firm of financial and investment consultants. There are six partners and about seventy support staff, ten of whom report to me. We have clients in most European countries, North America and Japan. I am responsible for maintaining the firm’s data processing system, which is in contact throughout the day and night with the world’s major stock exchanges and money markets. I also maintain the software which processes portfolio values, clients’ accounts, etc.   Current earnings, about $90,000 including bonuses, plus company accommodation and allowances.  

4.24. Щоб вибрати особу на вакантну посаду менеджера відділу програмного забезпечення, Joe Andrews і Pilar Soto розробили спеціальну форму. Користуючись зробленими раніше нотатками необхідних (essential) і бажаних (desirable) якостей кандидатів (див. завдання 3.8.), заповніть форму характеристиками Carlos Vila та Angela Robbiani. Починайте з найбільш важливих характеристик, переходячи до менш важливих.



Degree in computing                    
Carlos Vila                
Angela Robbiani                


4.25. Щоб оволодіти лексичними одиницями, необхідними для розуміння подальшої розмови Joe і Pilar, виконайте вправу 35.


Exercise 35.Read and memorise the words and phrases.


  1. under thirty-five – віком до 35 років.
  2. to hold a post of responsibility – займати відповідальну посаду.
  3. He’s making half what she is. – Він заробляє половину від того, що заробляє вона.
  4. We’d have to pay her twice as much as him. – Нам доведеться платити їй удвічі більше, ніж йому.
  5. 90K – 90 тисяч (фунтів або доларів).
  6. to double – подвоїти.
  7. What really bothers me – Що насправді турбує мене.
  8. in the area of finance and banking – у сфері фінансів і банківської справи.
  9. the lack of industrial experience – брак виробничого досвіду.
  10. drawback – недолік, вада.
  11. How about drive, ambition, motivation? – А щодо стимулу, честолюбства, мотивації?
  12. to rate – оцінювати.
  13. He has the edge when it comes to motivation. – У нього дещо краще з мотивацією.
  14. to weigh up – оцінювати.
  15. boat trip – подорож на човні.
  16. Can you imagine it? – Уявляєш?
  17. I’d go crazy. – Я збожеволіла б.

4.26. Pilar і Joe мають прийняти рішення. Прочитайте їх розмову, потім виконайте вправи 36, 37.


PILAR JOE PILAR JOE PILAR JOE PILAR JOE PILAR JOE PILAR Under thirty-five. Currently holds a post of responsibility at middle management level, fluent in Spanish and English.   Yes, but not as fluent as Vila.   She speaks English as well as he does, if not better.   But, unlike Vila, she doesn’t have a postgraduate qualification.   Look at their current salaries! He’s making half what she is! I suppose we’d have to pay her twice as much as him!   Considering the field she‘s in, 90K isn’t all that great. She was getting 45K in Britain five years ago. It’s taken her five years to double her earnings. What really bothers me, though, is that her experience has been totally in the area of finance and banking.   Yes, the lack of industrial experience is rather a drawback. How about drive, ambition, motivation? How do you rate Robbiani on that – compared with Vila, I mean?   Well, in spite of what I said to Vila, I really feel he has the edge when it comes to motivation. That appears to me to be the essential difference between them. He’s much more ambitious that she is!   Yes. I think that, when we weigh them both up, we have to give it to Vila. His experience is more varied than Robbiani’s. And, as you say, he’s more highly motivated. And I get the impression that he’s better at working with people.   What makes you say that?   That boat trip. Can you imagine it? Living for months in a tiny boat with five other people? I’d go crazy. But when he talked about it, you could see that it was more important to him than anything else he’d ever done.

Exercise 36. Which of the two applicants (Carlos Vila, Angela Robbiani) does each of these phrases refer to?


a) not as fluent as…

b) if not better

c) is making half what … is

d) the lack of industrial experience

e) has the edge

f) much more ambitious

g) experience is more varied

h) more highly motivated

i) better at working with people

Exercise 37.Write the correct name (Carlos or Angela) to fill in the blanks in the sentences explaining why the members of the board made their decision.

Whom have Pilar and Joe chosen?


a. _____ spoke less fluent Spanish.

b. _____ had no postgraduate qualification.

c. Although _____’s current salary was almost double _____’s, the board felt that it was not exceptional for the field she was in. It had taken _____ five years to double her salary.

d. _____’s experience was totally in the area of finance and banking.

e. _____ seemed more highly motivated.

f. _____ appeared to be more used to working with people.

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