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Choose the correct item A, B, C or D.

1. I’d ..... play tennis than watch it.

Abetter Bmore Crather Dfaster

2.Those sneakers are very expensive, ..... they?

Aaren’t Bare Cdon’t Ddo

3.The bus stop is not far ..... our house.

Aaway Bfrom Coff Dout

4. Do you mind ..... I open the window?

Awhen Bif Cthat Dhow

5. I didn’t like the film I thought it was very ......

Abore Bbored Cbores Dboring

6...... is bad for your health.

ASmoke BTo smoke CSmoking DSmoked

Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple, present perfect or present perfect continuous tense forms.

1.‘I (to change)__________my job.’ ‘Why?’ ‘I (not to like)________________the hours.’

2.‘Look – I (to find)_________some information.’ ‘Where (to find)____________you it?’

3.Michael (already / to lose)___________________his new watch.

4.The company (to lose)_________a lot of money last year.

5. ___________Alex (to speak)____________to the teacher yet?

6.It (to snow)________________since Friday.

7.You can have the book. I (to finish)_______________it.

8.I (to study)___________________physics for 5 years.


Choose the correct item A, B, C or D.

1...... was the weather like when you were on holidays?

AWhat BHow CWhere DWhen

2. I’ve never ..... to the UK.

Abeen Bgone Cbeing Dgoing

3.We travelled to Lviv ..... train.

Aon Bin Cby Dover

4.My brother is going to be ..... engineer.

Aa Ban CDthe

5.Take your umbrella I think ..... is going to rain.

Athere Bit Cthat Dhe

6.How ..... does it take you to get to the railway station from your house?

Amuch Boften Cfar Dlong

Choose the correct item A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

1.You ..... because you ..... too fast.

Aare stopping, were driving. C would stop, had driven.

Bhave been stopped, were driven. Dwere stopped, were driving.

2. Michael is in the hospital now, and he ..... under observation due to a serious illness.

Awas keeping Bwill have kept Cis kept Dhas been keeping

3.Traditionally, this school ..... by donations and the tuitions students pay.

Ahas supported Cis supported

Bwas supporting Dhas been supporting

4.Simon ..... as one of the best students in the class.

Ashould have regarded Chas regarded

Bis regarded Dcould be regarding

5. He ..... lucky to have found a wellpaid job during the crisis.

Ais feeling Bfelt Cfeels Dfeel

6.My grades ..... so much that I ..... more revision.

Ahave fallen, need Cwill fall, needed

Bare falling, have needed Dfell, had needed

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of passive voice.

1.The music must ______________________(turn down)by 12 o’clock at the latest.

2.Your free gift __________________(send)to you in the next few days.

3.I wish I __________________(teach)how to use a computer when I was at school.

4.Human bones ____________________________(find)by archaeologists yesterday.

5.My car ______________________(repair)at the moment, so I can’t give you a lift.

6.New York ____________(say)to be one of the most dangerous cities in the world.


Choose the correct item A, B, C or D.

Today we take many inventions for granted but one of the most useful ones is the ‘not so (1)__________________’ supermarket trolley. Before the 1930s women shoppers went into grocery stores with their own baskets. (2)____________________, they would only buy a few things because their baskets wouldn’t (3)______________________much.

Sylvan Goldman of Oklahoma (4)___________________this and decided that he had to think of a way to encourage people to buy more, especially since business was not (5)_______________________very well.

He took a folding chair, (6) __________________wheels to the legs and placed two baskets on top. He put the trolleys near the door and waited to see his customers’ (7)________________. He was very disappointed. No one (8)________________any notice. Nevertheless, being a very determined man, he didn’t give up. He hired people to push them around the store filled with gro­ceries. Customers were offered one to try out and his success story began.

Acritical Bsignificant Cmeaningful Dserious
AFurthermore BIn particular CHowever DApart from that
Aput Bkeep Chold Dtake
Anoticed Bwatched Cregarded Dviewed
Amaking Brunning Cdoing Dheading
Aincluded Badded Ccombined Daccompanied
Areplies Bremarks Creports Dreactions
Atook Bgot Cmade Dhad  

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options (A–D) for each gap in the text.

“We started getting messages from the rescue team saying they could not (1) ___________

because the weather was so severe. The conditions were incredibly cold. Every 20 min­utes for over 36 hours we rubbed our fingers and toes for 15 minutes to make sure we didn’t get frostbite. The doctors were amazed at (2)_____________ unscathed we were when we finally got down. After the first night, we saw the rescue helicopter fly overhead, but they sent us a message saying the conditions were too bad to come (3)_________________ clos­er. By this point we knew if they (4)______________ us in the morning, we had (5)_____________ chance of surviving. We didn’t need to talk about it. You just need to look into someone’s eyes and you know (6)_______________ understand the seriousness of the situation as well as you do. It was such a relief when they finally reached us.”

Adapted from The Guardian, October 7, 2003

Atake up Btake off Ctake on Dtake away
Ahow Bvery Cthat Dwhy
Amany Btoo Cenough Dany
Ahadn’t reached Bdon’t reach Cdidn’t reach Dwouldn’t reach
Afew Blittle Cany Dnone
Athey Bhe Cwe Dyou  

Fill in the correct forms of adverbs and adjectives.

1. Tania’s idea sounds good, but I like Maria’s idea even_________ (good).

2.Every morning I get up 15 minutes_________ (early)than my sister.

3.What are the ________________(dangerous)animals in the world?

4.Taras can run as ___________(fast)as his elder brother.

5.You should buy the red sweater. It suits you ________(good)than the green one.

6.If you worked __________________(attentively), you would make __________(little)mistakes.

7.Caroline is the ____________(pretty)girl in her class.

8.Glasgow is the __________(large)city in Scotland.

9.Speak ___________(slow), please. I don’t understand you.

10.Bob is _____________(careful), than his friends.


Choose the most appropriate answer from the items (A–C) for each gap in the text.

Mobiles see frequent use, yet many people still don’t see the value in (1)____________ slightly more for (2)_____________ functionality. For a product that will accompany the user wherever they go and will be accessed on a daily (3)__________________ , seemingly little concern is placed on usability (4)_____________________ a purchase is made. The aesthetic appeal of a mobile or its price range will often be the (5)_______________ factors when buying mobiles, but by focusing on other aspects, the mobile phone experience can become a pleasure.

If a mobile phone can offer you (6)_______________ that you would otherwise be carrying around an additional device to use, then you may want to consider mobiles that implement them.


Apay Bpaying Cpayment
Asenior Bsuper Csuperior
A basis B basic C based
A because B after C before
A deciding B decision C decided
A possessions B features C characters

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