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II. Опираясь на формальные признаки, назовите номера предложений с отглагольными существительными. Затем переведите все предложения


1. The new method of reading rapidly is of great importance.

2. We have succeeded in rapid reading these new articles on ultrasonics.

3. By reading quickly one can get a great deal of information.

4. After reading the article I wrote down an abstract.

5. I cannot do my research without reading this new journal.

6. I came to the library yesterday with the aim of reading the latest journal.

7. The student reading a journal is my brother's friend.

8. While reading journals one can meet the unknown words.

9. The reading of this scientific book will help you in your investigation.

10. The readings of the meter should be checked.


Информация VI

Сложный герундиальный оборот

Сложный герундиальный оборот - это сочетание притяжательного местоимения или существительного в притяжательном или существи­тельного в общем падеже с герундием.

Не insisted on my being examined Он настаивал на том, чтобы

by a doctor. меня обследовал врач.

I know of Oleg's father delivering Я знаю о том, что отец Олега

lectures on chemistry. читает лекции по химии.

Mankind is interested in atomic Человечество заинтересовано в energy being used only for том, чтобы атомная энергия ис-peaceful purposes. пользовалась только в мирных


Такой оборот обычно переводится дополнительным придаточным предложением с союзами "то, что", "того, что", "о том, что". Существительное или местоимение, стоящее перед герундием, становится в русском языке подлежащим придаточного предложения, а герундий - сказуемым.


XII. Выделите сложный герундиальный оборот по формальным признакам и сделайте перевод


1. Не was proud of his son's having finished his work so well.

2. Nick's being absent was very strange.

3. He is sure of his friend's having taken part in sport compe­titions.

4. They heard of my going to Kiev.

5. His being sent to Moscow was quite unexpected.

6. Due to the ice-breaker being equipped with modern navigation devices, it will be able to sail in any weather.

7. We know of a luminescent lamp giving four times as much light as an ordinary electric lamp.


XIII. Подберите правильный перевод для сложных герундиаль­ных оборотов

1. I know of his having passed the exam yesterday.

a) о том, что он сдает экзамен

б) о том, что он сдал экзамен


2. She does not know of my having lived in Leningrad.

a) о том, что я жил в Ленинграде

б) о том, что я живу в Ленинграде

3. I regret his being told about this accident.

a) о том, что он рассказал

б) о том, что он расскажет

в) о том, что ему расскажут

г) о том, что ему рассказали

4. We were told of' this problem being studied.

a) о том, что эту проблему изучили

б) о том, что эту проблему изучают


XIV. Переведите, определив форму герундия


1. I know of her writing an interesting article.

2. I know of her having written an article.

3. I know of this article being written at present.

4. I know of this article having been written already.


XV. Определив функцию сложного герундиального оборота, переведите предложения


1. Our returning from the institute so late surprise them.

2. Our having returned so early surprised them.

3. Excuse my coming late.

4. He liked your asking questions.

5. They are glad at our professor's having published a new text-book.

6. He insisted on that student's being sent to the conference.

7. I know of a report being made every month.

8. Have you heard of control devices being used for controlling the manufacture of some industrial processes?

9. They know of the density of the substance having been determined some time ago.


Заключительные упражнения

I. Выделите герундий в функции подлежащего. Переведите предложения


1. Using a dictionary we can translate any technical article on our speciality.

2. Using symbols in mathematics is customary.

3. Solving such a problem is not an easy task.

4. Solving that problem he carried on a very serious scientific research.

5. Playing chess we did not notice when he came in.

6. Playing chess is his favourite occupation.

7. Walking, riding, flying, dancing and sailing are familiar examples of motion.

8. Knowing the physical properties of all the substances is very Important to the chemist.

9. Reading this article ho looked up several words in a dictiona­ry.

10. Reading aloud improves your pronunciation.


II. Выделите предложения о герундием в функции определе­ния. Переведите предложения

1. Не is proud of having been awarded the order.

2. I don't like the idea of discussing this theme at the next lesson.

3. I think of going to the South this summer.

4. There are various ways of charging a body with electricity.

5. He heard of using these data for constructing the device.

6. Soviet scientists have developed a new method of producing electric power.

7. I heard of his being in Moscow just now.

8. We have a chance for solving some important problems.

9. The problem of storing energy has not yet been solved.


III. Назовите предложения с герундием в роли именной части составного сказуемого

1. For over и year they are making various observations.

2. Our aim is becoming good engineers.

3. The main function of a transformer is changing voltage in the circuit.

4. Explorers are learning to live on the ice continent.

5. Their purpose is exploring Antarctica.

6. Work is done when a force is acting over a distance.


IV. Переведите предложения


1. In solving problems it is necessary to distinguish between fact and hypothesis.

2. On returning to his native country he worked as an architect for several years.

3. By using this device we can make many experiments.

4. Tsiolkovsky understood that without mastering mathematic he would be unable to solve the most important problems of space flight.

5. They came here before finishing their work.

6. After studying the theory we can make experiments.

7. The temperature of a body increases with heating and decreases with cooling.

8. Besides being important for industry oxygen is also important for medicine.

9. Instead of coming in time he was late for about an.


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