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Grammar Revision: Continuous (Progressive) Tenses (Группа продолженных времен)

Значение: времена группы Continuous (в современной английской лингвистике Progressive) выражают действие, которое протекает в определенный момент в прошлом, настоящем или будущем. Общая формула образования – [to be] + Ving (вспомогательный глагол в соответствующей форме и смысловой глагол + ing = Present Participle). Перевод: русским глаголом несовершенного вида в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем времени. Особенности: Present Continuous– формула образования am/is/ are + Ving She is watching TV right now. Сейчас она смотрит телевизор. Past Continuous – was/were +Ving.The detective was examining the crime scene when the squad car arrived. Сыщик осматривал место происшествия, когда прибыла патрульная машина. Future Continuous – will be Ving.The police will be observing the crime scene tomorrow at 9 a.m. Полиция будет осматривать место происшествия завтра в 9 часов утра.
Present a process   At what time? now, right now, at the moment, still, at present + ?
I am He She is It + Ving We You are They Am + I he Is she it + Ving? we Are you they I am He She is It + not Ving We You are They  
Past yesterday at 7a.m.,when you came.., while…, from 6 till 8, all day/ night… I He was She It + Ving We You were They I Was + he she it + Ving? we Were + you they I He She was It + not Ving We You were They
Future tomorrow at 7 a.m., when you come, … I He She It + will be Ving We You They   I he she Willit + be Ving? We you they I He She It + will not be Ving We You They

Task 1. Translate the sentences paying attention to Continuous Tenses.

1. We are studying English now. 2. They are not searching a crime scene at the moment. 3. She is working very hard. 4. Is he still living in St. Petersburg?
5. Was she interviewing a witness at 2 o’clock yesterday? 6. Were they watching TV when he came in? 7. My friend was not speaking to his brother when I called him.8. We were listening to music from 6 till 8 p.m. yesterday. 9. I will be preparing for my English lesson at 7 p.m. tomorrow. 10. He won’t be patrolling the streets at 2 o’clock next Monday. 11. Will she be reading a book when her friend comes? 12. What were you doing at 7 p.m. yesterday? 12. What was the criminal doing when he saw a policeman? 13. She was driving a car when she heard a terrible cry in the street. Two young men wearing masks were robbing an elderly woman.14. He was opening the door when he saw a burglar. 15. They were going home when their commander ordered them to come back to the police station. 16 He was committing a crime when he was seen by a passer-by. 17. A criminal was running away from the crime scene when a police squad car arrived. 18. What was the suspect doing when you saw him?


Task 2. Pay attention to the usage of Past Indefinite (Simple) and Past Continuous.

The Past Simple is used to interrupt actions in the Past Continuous.

E.g.: I was entering the room when I heard the noise.

I was walking across the square when a young man came up to me.

Make sentences putting the verbs in the correct tense – Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. While /I/ talk to the girl/ accomplice/ steal wallet

While I was talking to the girl, her accomplice stole my wallet.

2. I/ interview a witness/ when/ police car arrive

3. She/ pay for her coffee/ thief steal her keys/ from her handbag

4. While/ I/ take money/ thief grab my bag/ run away

5. What/ you do/ when/ see a suspect

6. What/ friends do/ when/ mobile phone ring


Task 3. Form up sentences using the table as a prompt.

I is reading a book now
My friend am patrolling the streets at the moment
She are studying English at 5 p.m. yesterday
They was searching a crime scene at 5 p.m. tomorrow
He were going home when she came in
We will be visiting a museum when she comes
A policeman isn’t watching TV when a passer-by saw him
A criminal won’t be stealing a purse from 6 till 8 yesterday
  aren’t robbing a bank when a police car arrived
    driving a car ay 5 last Saturday


Task 4. The Present Continuous Tense is used in the situation of asking the way. Remember the following phrases.

I’m looking for … Я ищу…

- the railway station - вокзал

- a museum - музей

- a taxi rank - стоянку такси

- a bus stop - автобусную остановку

- the airport - аэропорт

- a stadium - стадион

- a hotel - гостиницу

- a concert hall - концертный зал

- a market - рынок

- a swimming pool - бассейн

- a drugstore/a chemist’s - аптеку

- an exhibition hall - выставочный зал

- an opera -house - оперный театр

- a monument - памятник

- a park - парк

- a cinema - кинотеатр

- a church - церковь

- an art gallery - художественную галерею

- a shopping centre - торговый центр

- a toilet - туалет

- W- ladies room - женский туалет

- G - gentlemen room - мужской туалет

You are going the wrong way. Вы идете неправильно.

You are going the right way. Вы идете правильно.


The Imperative Sentence.

(Побудительное (повелительное) предложение)

Побудительное предложение служит для побуждения собеседника к совершению какого-либо действия. Оно выражает приказание, просьбу, запрещение, рекомендацию, совет. В побудительном предложении нет подлежащего, так как подразумевается, что действие должен выполнять тот, кому адресовано обращение, такое предложение начинается со сказуемого.
Грамматическая структура Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма
Инфинитив без частицы to Stop! Sign your name! Do hurry! (doусиливает значение смысловогоглагола) Don’t panic! Don’t smoke! Don’t turn round! Don’t be afraid!  
let+ инфинитив без частицы to Let me do it. Let him wait outside. Let them go by tram. Let her join us. Don’t let him take pictures. Don’t let her take this camera.
повелительное предложение + will/ won’t you?, would you?, can/ can’t you?, could you? Open the door, will you? Stop shouting, can’t you? Call the ambulance, would you? Don’t do it, won’t you? Don’t stay here, can’t you? Don’t change money here, won’t you?


Task 5. Read and translate into Russian the following phrases used by a police officer for maintaining public order. Pay attention to the structure of the imperative sentence. Use your dictionary if it is necessary.

1. Sign the report, please. 2. Follow me for a medical examination. 3. Don’t make so much noise! 4. Observe road traffic rules! 5. Tell me the building and the room number of the hotel where you live. 6. Don’t drive under the influence of alcohol! 7. Give me your name, surname, address, telephone number. 8. Go to the chief. 9. Don’t let her do it! 10. Keep quiet, please! 11. Stop picture taking, please.12. Leave this territory. 13. Don’t drop cigarette stubs! 14. Don’t smoke here. 15. Show your identity papers, will you? 16. Get in the car! 17. Hands up! 18. Throw away the weapons! 19. Go ahead before me! 20. Halt! Stop the unlawful act. 21. Please, stop video shooting here. 22. Answer my questions, please.
23. Show your driver’s license, would you? 24. Give me your address! 25. Don’t make noise! 26. Let him ask questions. 27. Let her drive a car. 28. Let them follow you. 29. Let’s go there. 30. Don’t let her interrupt me. 31. Don’t let them go away.


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