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Task 2. Rewrite these descriptions so that they describe the same person but use different words (from the table).

e.g. A fat man of about 45 with a red hair. – An overweight, red-haired man in his mid forties.

1. A woman between 35 and 39 years of age with pale skin and dark hair.

2. A short, fat man with hair that is going grey.

3. A teenage girl with all her hair shaven off and a ring in her nose.

4. An Arab male with dark skin who is neither tall no short.

5. A small, thin man between 25 and 30 with fair hair, blue eyes and a pony tail.

6. A big, fat man without a beard or a moustache and with very short grey hair.


Task 3. Read and act out the dialogue.


A: How would you describe the man, sir? B: He wasn’t very tall, slender and was quite dark-skinned. He was definitely Hispanic, maybe Mexican or Venezuelan and he also spoke with an accent.   A: Can you say how old he was?   B: Not young, approximately 40 to 50 … A: And what did he look like generally? What colour were his hair and eyes? Did you see?   B: Not very clear. His hair was definitely grey and I think it was pulled back in a pony tail. Yes, I’m sure it was, longish, grey hair in a pony tail. A: Do you remember what he was wearing? B: A white sweatshirt and blue jeans. A: You said before that he drove to the house … What vehicle was he driving? B: A pickup truck, a dark green pickup truck. A: Do you remember anything else, sir? Like … did he have any distinguishing marks: tattoos, scars, …   B: I’m sorry, I couldn’t see … But he was wearing glasses. A: Thank you, sir. You’ve been very helpful.   Как бы вы описали того мужчину? Он невысокого роста, стройный, со смуглым цветом кожи. Определенно, это был латиноамериканец (мексиканец или венесуэлец), он говорил с акцентом.   Можете определить его возраст?   Не молод. Между 40 и 50.   Как он выглядел в целом? Какого цвета его волосы и глаза? Вы заметили?   Не чётко. Он, точно, седовлас. Собраны в хвост. Да, точно, длинные волы, седые, собраны в хвост.   Вы помните, во что он был одет.   На нем была белая водолазка и синие джинсы. Вы говорили, что он поехал к дому … На какой машине он ехал?   На грузовике, темно-зеленом грузовике. Вы что-нибудь еще запомнили? Например, были ли у него какие-то приметы: татуировки, шрамы …?   Извините, я не заметил … Да, на нем были очки. Спасибо. Вы нам очень помогли.  


Task 4. Make up your own dialogues.

A: How would you describe the , sir?

B: He wasn’t very , and was quite . He was definitely , maybe and he also spoke with an accent.

A: Can you say how he was?

B: , approximately to .

A: And what did he look like generally? What colour were his hair and eyes? Did you see?

B: Not very clear. His hair was definitely and I think it was .

A: Do you remember what he was wearing?

B: A and .

A: You said before that he drove to the house … What vehicle was he driving?

B: A , a .

A: Do you remember anything else, sir? Like … did she / he have any distinguishing marks: tattoos, scars, …

B: I’m sorry, I couldn’t see … But he .

A: Thank you, sir. You’ve been very helpful.


Task 5. Complete the text about the EFITTM system. Use these words:


psychological factors / software package / artists / system / database


A facial composite is an image of a suspect’s face, as described by an eye-witness of a crime. In the past, law enforcers had to use (1) to draw or paint the witness’s description of a suspect. Nowadays, the job can be done by computer. Many English-speaking countries use a (2) called EFITTM (Electronic Facial Identification Technique).

EFITTM has a large (3) of different facial types from different races and ethnicities. A trained operator can use the (4) to produce an accurate facial composite based on a witness description. EFITTM is unique because it also recognizes and includes the (5) that affect our ability to recognize and remember faces.



Task 1. Read the information about some methods of identifying a person by his appearance.


What helps officers, witnesses and victims to describe a person? There are different techniques of identification related to the subject’s appearance. Among them are portrait parle, photography and the artist’s sketch.

The portrait parle is defined as a verbal picture or description of a human body. This means of making a physical description was devised in 1882 by a young clerk of the Paris police, Alphonse Bertillon. Some commonly used points of personal physical description are: height, weight, race, face shape, head shape etc. The next group of points are: person’s posture, gestures, speech pattern etc. The further points include: clothes, hats, canes, umbrellas and suchlike accessories.

Photography is widely used in identification. Sometimes it is difficult to accurately describe a person, but, when we see a photograph we can make a positive identification of a person.

The procedure of making an artist’s sketch includes drawing, coloring, and shading as a verbal description is given to an artist. Such a picture then may be sent to other departments and agencies, and printed in newspapers or otherwise made public if necessary.


Task 3.Match beginnings and ends to make up questions, then give your own answers.

Can you estimate his height? Is he taller … Caucasian?
Are there wrinkles around his / her … sunken, filled out, dried or oily?
Does he look more Asian or … than (that door / my height)?
Are the cheek bones … than me?
Do corners … nose or mouth?
Are the lips …? high or low, wide or narrow?
Is the flesh … thin, medium, full?
Does he look younger turn up, turn down, or level?


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