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Work in pairs, Student A and Student B. Act out the following conversation.

Student A: You are Mark/Rosa. Tell a friend about the holiday you are planning (you can invent extra details).

Student B: You are Mark/Rosa's friend. Ask about the holiday.


Where are you planning to go?

What’s the hotel like?

How long is the journey?

3 a T6.3 Unfortunately, Mark and Rosa's holiday was awful. Listen to Part 1 and make a list of the problems Mark and Rosa had:


• at the airport.

• during the flight.


b T6.4 What do you think happened next? Listen to Part 2 and make a note of the problems they had:


• when they arrived in the Caribbean. • at the hotel itself.

• with the hotel swimming pool. • with the weather.

• with the food at the hotel. • with the sea.

Complete as many gaps as you can to tell the story of Mark and Rosa's holiday. Then listen again to check.


Part 1

Mark and Rosa saved up for their dream holiday at a place called San Antonio in the Caribbean - but the dream was more like a nightmare! The holiday cost over (1 )___ each, but they decided to go for (2 )___ weeks in the month of (3 )___ because they heard that the weather was (4) ___there at that time. The problems began when the flight was (5)___ because of bad weather and

they couldn't leave until (6)___ . They finally got on the plane (7)___ hours late! Then, they couldn't fly to San Antonio because there was a (8)___ and they had to fly to the capital city instead, where they stayed in a (9)___ hotel next to the (10)___.


Part 2

The hotel was next to the sea, but it wasn't near a (11)___ : the sea was so (12 )___ you couldn't swim in it and the hotel swimming pool was full of (13 )___ ! To make things worse, the food was terrible, too: for breakfast there were only different types of (14)___ and the lettuce bowl was full of (15)___ I The worst part was when the (16)___ arrived: they felt really (17)___ because of the wind and rain. Because of the weather they had to stay another (18 ) ___in the hotel with (19 )___ to do. They finally arrived in San Antonio (20)___ days late – and someone told them the weather had been (21)___ all the time!


5 a Work in pairs, Student A and Student B. Mark and Rosa are talking to their friend again after the holiday. Start the conversation like this:

STUDENT A: So did you have a good holiday then?

STUDENT B : NO, it was awful! It was a nightmare!

STUDENT A: Why? What happened?

B What do you think was the worst part of the holiday?



Language focus 2

Predictions: will and won't

Matt, from London, is visiting the capital city of your country in August. What do you say to him?

a It'll be hot.

b You'll have a wonderful time,

с There'll be lots of tourists,

d You won't see the city at its best,

e It won't be very crowded,

f You'll have to take warm clothes with you.

g There’ll be a lots of insects.

h You won’t be able to find a hotel.


Grammar 1 Tick the correct answer. Sentences a-h above describe: a things you plan to do b things you expect to happen. c things you want to happen. 2 a What does ’ll mean in It’ll be hot? b What does ’won’t mean in You won’t see the city at its best? c Change this sentence into a question. There’ll be a lots of tourists.  


Work in pairs, A (Matt) and В (you). Act out the conversation between you and Matt.

A: I'm planning to visit (name of city) in August next year. What do you think?

B: You'll have a great time - it won't be very crowded. Most people will be away on holiday.

A: Oh, good. What about the weather?


Matt may stay in your country for a while. Here are some other things he may do.

go on a coach tour of the city go to the doctor go to the hairdresser open a bank account travel from the capital to the second city  


A Match the beginnings in A with the endings in В to make questions for Matt.


1 Will I have to make will the journey take?

2 Will I have to give will I need?

3 Will I have to crowded?

4 Will I need to book an appointment?

5 Will it be very pay immediately?

6 About how much will to speak English?

7 Will the people be able a tip?

8 How long to sleep?

9 What documents it cost?

10 Will there be anywhere a seat?

B T6.5 Listen and check your answers.

C Work in pairs. Choose two things for Matt to do. Which of the questions will he need? Act out the conversation between you and Matt.

I’m going to go to the hairdresser tomorrow. But I’m not sure what to do.

OK, how can I help?

Well, will I have to make an appointment?

Real life

Social chit-chat

chit-chatn informal conversation about everyday things

Which of these topics do people normally talk about in the situations below?

- neighbours

- in a shop

- in a taxi

- work colleagues


family health holidays personal problems plans for the day reasons for your visit religion sport the weather what you did at the weekend where you're from  


T6.7 Listen to the four conversations, and tick the topics you hear discussed.

T6.8 What were the questions for these answers? Look at the tapescript and check. Underline any useful phrases.

A A:__________________________________________ ?

в: Yes, it's lovely.

b A:___________________________________________ ?

в: No, nothing special. We might go to the park later.

с A:____________________________________________ ?

в: Yes, she's much better now, thanks.

d A:____________________________________________ ?

в: Yes I am, actually. It's always nice to get home.

E A:____________________________________________ ?

в: Yes, it's our first time here.

f A:_____________________________________________ ?

в: Yeah, it was OK. I didn't do much, really.

9 A:_____________________________________________ ?

в: Oh, yeah, fantastic, wasn't it? That goal was brilliant!


A Have a conversation similar to those on the recording.


First, decide:

• what your relationship is (friends/colleagues/strangers).

• where you are (in a shop/in the street/in a cafe).

• which topics you will talk about (health/family/sport).

b Either Act out your dialogue for the other students.

OrWrite out your dialogue.

Task:Plan your dream holiday

Preparation: listening

Andy and Fiona King are planning to have a last-minute holiday 'somewhere hot', but

They're not sure where to go. They go to the travel agent's to ask for some advice.

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