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Упражнение 1 Образуйте степени сравнения следующих прилагательных.

Long, short, silly, fat, thick, clean, high, dirty, thin, good, difficult, little, light, dry, comfortable, bad, many, interesting, cold, big, straight, new, easy, important.

Упражнение 2 Раскройте скобки, употребляя нужную форму прилагательного.

1. Which is (long) river in the United States?

2. Is your friend (tall) or (short) than you?

3. The London underground is the (old) in the world.

4. Is Moscow (large) than St. Petersburg or (small)?

5. This work is (important) than that one.

6. This student is (attentive) in our group.

7. She speaks Italian (good) than English.

8. January is the (cold) month of the year.

9. It is as (hot) today as it was yesterday.

10.The Thames is (short) than the Volga.


Упражнение 3 Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Какой месяц самый короткий в году?

2. Сегодня погода не такая теплая, как вчера.

3. Эта книга такая же интересная, как та.

4. Чем длиннее ночи, тем короче дни.

5. Эта девушка самая лучшая студентка в нашей группе.

6. Мой друг говорит по-английски лучше, чем я.

7. Невский проспект - одна из самых красивых улиц Санкт –


8. Этот вопрос самый трудный.

9. Гайд Парк - самый известный в Лондоне.


Test 1

1. This cake is __________ the one your mother made yesterday.

a) sweeter than c) sweet as

b) sweetest d) more sweeter than

2. That was ____________ question in the exam.

a) the most c) difficult

b) more difficult d) the most difficult

3. This was the ____________article I’ve ever translated.

a) easiest c) easier

b) easy d) most easiest

4. His car runs ____________ a race car.

a) as fast as c) the fastest

b) that fast as d) more faster

5. The island of Great Britain is _________ Greenland.

a) the smallest c) more smaller

b) smaller than d) small

6. The weather was not very ____________ yesterday.

a) the best c) good

b) better d) worse

7. Of the two dresses, that one is the ________.

a) smart c) most smart

b) smarter d) smartest

8. Chinese is _______ than English.

a) difficult c) more difficult

b) the difficultest d) the most difficult

9. He is _________ person in our group.

a) more polite c) the politest

b) the most polite d) more polite than

10. Do you know that the Dead Sea is _________ sea.

a) most salty c) a saltier

b) a salty d) a saltiest

11. My room is not so __________ as yours.

a) more comfortable c) the most comfortable

b) a comfortable d) comfortable


Test 2

Выбрать а, в, с для каждого прилагательного,

Данного в скобках

А - положительная в - сравнительная степень

С - превосходная степень

The Americans are very 1(proud) of their country. They say that in the USA the buildings are 2 (tall), the cigars are 3 (long), the cars are 4 (big), and the girls are 5 (pretty) than anywhere in the world. The English don’t always agree. Some say the Americans are 6 (loud), 7 (rich) and 8(noisy) than any other nationality.

Other British people think there are lots of 9 (good) things about the USA like Hollywood, jazz and Superman.

It is true that most American skyscrapers are 10 (tall) than buildings in the UK, but the British think their state homes are 11 (old) and 12(beautiful) than anything in the USA. The American like coke and hamburgers-people in the UK think British food is much 13 (healthy). Clothes are 14(cheap) in the USA, but fashion design in the UK is 15 (good) than design in the USA.

Спряжение глагола to be

Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple
I he, she, it am is was I, We - shall be he, she, it, you, they will be
you, we, they are were  
I he, she it am not is not was not I shan’t be
you, we they are not were not He won’t be
Am I ? is he (she it) ? are they (you, we) ?   Was I ? Was he (she it) ? Were they (you, we) Shall I be ?   Will he be ?


Спряжение глаголов группы Indefinite

Форма Present Past Future
Утвердительная I (we, you, they) work He (she) works I (we, she, he, you, they) worked I (we) shall work He (she, you, they) will work
Отрицательная I don’t work He doesn’t work I didn’t work I shan’t work He won’t work
Вопросительная Do they work? Does she work? Did you work? Shall I work? Will he work?


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