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XIII. Complete the following sentences.

  1. Market is …
  2. Black market is …
  3. Buyer's market …
  4. Marketing …
  5. Marketing includes …
  6. The marketing department …
  7. Marketing strategy…
  8. The purpose of market research is to …
  9. Producers must …
  10. When a new product is made …
  11. To increase our sales we may need to …


XIV. Make up the sentences. Put them down into your notebook. The beginning of each sentence is given to you.

  1. Market,trends, the, recognize, research, early, producer, to, helps.
  2. Market, and, sold, a place, and, services, are, is, where, bought, goods.
  3. Marketing, buying, art, defined, an, of, be, and, as, can, selling.
  4. Marketing, with, is, a product, which, way, concerned, the, in, is, sold.
  5. Marketing, activities, services, includes, producers, all, connected, the, business, the, of, movement, and, consumers, from, to, with, goods.
  6. Producers,want, produce, want, what, people, must, we, not, to, produce, what.
  7. Producers, influence, to, through, attempt, to, the, often, buy, advertising, consumers.
  8. Marketing,set, changing, means, within, a, of, constantly, working, circumstances, often.

XV. Give the English equivalents to the following:

оптовик, потребитель, рынок, коммерческая деятельность, распределение товаров и услуг, организовать продвижение товаров от производителей к потребителям, перепродажа товаров, предоплата, клиентура, покупатель, сроки оплаты, ходовой товар, попытка повлиять, маркетинговая стратегия, черный рынок, увеличение продаж, удовлетворять основные потребности.

XVI. Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Маркетинг - это сфера бизнеса, занимающаяся способами продажи продукции.
  2. Место, где продаются и покупаются товары и услуги, называется рынком.
  3. Необходимо осуществить маркетинговые исследования.
  4. Производители должны удовлетворять основные нужды и потребности людей.
  5. Прежде всего, реклама помогает заставить потребителей покупать новые продукты.
  6. Вот почему способность узнавать ранние тенденции очень важна для производителей.
  7. Менеджеры работают при постоянно изменяющихся обстоятельствах.
  8. С другой стороны, возникает проблема заставить потребителей покупать новые продукты.
  9. Маркетинг включает в себя различные виды коммерческой деятельности, связанные с продвижением товаров от производителя к потребителю.
  10. Ты знаешь основную маркетинговую стратегию?
  11. Они перепродают ходовые товары через черный рынок.
  12. Мы покупаем товары у оптовиков.
  13. Мы уже обсудили сроки оплаты.


XVII. Read and discuss the following proverbs and sayings. What are their Russian equivalents? Do you agree with all of them? Learn them and use in your speech to make it more expressive.

1. Tastes differ.

2. Gone for a penny, gone for a pound.

3. Time is money.

4. Easy come, easy go.

5. He, who would eat the fruit, must climb the hill.

6. No bees, no honey; no work, no money.

7. You cannot pull a fish out of a pond without labour.


XVIII. Imagine that you are a journalist and your partner is a producer. Make up a dialogue with your partner discussing marketing and the necessity of the marketing research. Role-play the dialogue.

XIX. Read the text once more. Divide it into logical parts. Find or compose the topic sentences of each part. Make up a logical plan of the text.

XX. Speak on the topic “Marketing”. Use the material of the text and your plan for your report.

XXI. Discussion topics.

1. "Marketing concept is a consumer-oriented, profit-oriented philosophy of business". Explain, in your own words, this statement.

2. "In a free competitive economy, the consumer is king." What does it mean?

3. "The producer, not the consumer is king. After all, the producer is the one who advertises. Therefore, the producer is the one who creates wants and thereby influences what consumers will purchase." True or false? Explain.

4. Think of a company that you buy products from regularly. What does it do to keep you as a customer?

5. Choose any question (problem, topic) relating to Marketing and make a 5 minute report in class. Refer to different additional sources to make your report interesting, instructive and informative.


XXII. Unscramble the following words on marketing.

takmre iopoonrtm

crdepuor nibsuses

snouercm sodog

geratos ecsrsive

gniripc bonuistriitd


XXIII. The following proverbs and sayings have fallen apart. Sort out the mess by combining the two parts.

1. A penny saved 1. so many customs.

2. Killing two birds 2. than live kneeling.

3. Where there is a will 3. better than one.

4. Take care of the pence and 4. half done.

5. Well began is 5. that ends well.

6. Bad news 6. is a penny earned.

7. Two heads are 7. there is a way.

8. All is well 8. with one stone.

9. Better die standing 9. travels fast.

10. As many countries 10. the pounds will take care of themselves.


The success of any business depends

upon its ability to attract customers willing and able

to make monetary exchanges for products and

services. To do this, a business must find, un­derstand,

and communicate with potential cus­tomers

where they live, work, and play.

I. Have a look at the following group of words. Do you know any of them? Read their definitions and match these definitions with their Russian translations.


- communication intended both to inform and persuade.


- an informal word meaning an advertisement


- the same as ad


- an announcement in mass media about a product, event, job vacancy, etc.


- a person or company that pays for a product or service to be advertised


- a person whose profession is advertising


- an advertisement on television or radio

Advertising campaign

- a planned series of advertisement intended to advertise a product or service


a. Спланированная серия рекламных объявлений направленная на рекламу продукции или услуг.

b. Сообщение, имеющее целью как проинформировать, так и убедить.

c. Рекламное объявление по радио или телевидению.

d. Тоже самое, что ad.

e. Сообщение в средствах массовой информации о продукции, событии, вакансии и т.д.

f. Разговорное слово, означающее рекламное объявление.

g. Человек, профессией которого является реклама.

h. Человек или компания, которые платят за рекламу продукта или услуги.


II. Study the following synonyms to the word advertise. What are their Russian equivalents?

Promote, hype up, plug (give smth a plug), push.

Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the words in italics.

1. You must have seen those computer games - they have been heavily advertised on TV and all the Sunday papers.

2. To promote their new brand of shampoo, they are selling it at half price for a month.

3. Like most Hollywood movies it was so hyped up that when I saw и I felt rather disappointed.

4. The author used the opportunity of appearing on TV to give his latest book a plug.

5. Revlon is really pushing its new range of beauty creams.

6. At this time of year, the papers are full of advertisement for skiing holidays.


III. Can you think of the synonyms to the following words? Consult a dictionary, if necessary. In what do these synonyms differ? Compose sentences of your own using them.

Merchant, goods, announcement, commerce, commercials, eye-catching, consum­er.


IV. Study the following word-combinations. What are their Rus­sian equivalents?

All or nothing, back against the wall, to cope with, to cut one's losses, to save the situation, to save (or lose) face, the tip of the iceberg, without fail, to persuade the public, to create a demand.

Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. This company has an all-or-nothing policy with its smaller sup­pliers.

2. The new product was so successful that production was barely able to cope with demand.

3. This product has almost outlived its lifespan - we should cut losses and take it off the market at once.

4. We have failed, but our back's not against the wall yet. We have to think over our plan again.

5. Declining product quality and poor after-sale service, have re­sulted in the company losing a good deal of face with its customers.

6. The recent financial scandal on the stock market stands to be just the tip of the iceberg.

7. We can accept your offer, on condition that you can guarantee even-day delivery without fail.


V. Consult the dictionary and find the root words to the following:

pay, compete, serve, merchandise, employ, create, lead.

VI. Give the synonyms to the following words. Make up your own sentences to show the shades of their meaning.

Involve, include, shop-assistant, goods, money, advertisement, shop, counter.

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