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III. Прочитайте, используя следующие слова, письменно переведите текст.

Change изменять (-ся), менять (-ся), изменение, перемена, превращение
Composition структура, состав
Connect соединять (-ся)
deal (with) Иметь дело с…, рассматривать
demand to be in great demand спрос, требование, запрос, потребность, экономический спрос быть в большом спросе, требоваться
design проект, план, чертеж, конструкция, проектировать, планировать, конструировать
determine определять, устанавливать
engineering техника, технология, машиностроение
enterprise предприятие, предприимчивость
environment окружающая обстановка, среда
field область, сфера деятельности, поле, участок, месторождение, бассейн
graduate окончить (вуз), окончить любое учебное заведение (амер)
hardware аппаратура, аппаратное оборудование, аппаратные средства, техническое обеспечение
hydraulic гидравлический, гидротехнический
introduction введение, вступление
management управление, заведование
Offer предлагать (помощь, работу), предоставлять, предложение
Property Свойство
protection защита, охрана
Range область, сфера, предел, диапазон, радиус действия, ряд, серия, колебание в определенных пределах
recreation отдых, восстановление сил, развлечение
Reveal показывать, обнаруживать
Rock горная порода
Shape Форма
Software программное обеспечение, программные средства
Skill skilled мастерство, умение квалифицированный, опытный, умелый
Survey съемка, маркшейдерская съемка, производить маркшейдерскую или топографическую съемку, производить изыскания
Thus Таким образом
Value ценность, стоимость, величина, ценить, оценивать
workshop мастерская, цех, семинар


Mining and Geological Higher Education in Russia

In Russia young people get mining education at special institutes which train geologists and mining engineers for coal and ore mining. The total number of students of an institute includes full-time students, part-time students and postgraduate students.

Russian higher educational establishments offer different specializations for the students.

At the geological institutes the students specialize in geology, the science which deals with different problems connected with the Earth, its history, the study of rocks, their physical and chemical properties. One of the main tasks of geology is to prospect, discover and study the deposits of useful minerals.

Geology is both a theoretical and an applied science.

The outstanding Russian geologist V. A. Obruchev says that geology is the science of the Earth which reveals to us how the earth took shape, its composition and its changes. Geology helps prospect for ores, coal oil, salt and other useful minerals.

Higher mining schools (universities, academies, institutes and colleges) offer courses in mining technology, machinery and transport, hydraulic engineering, electrical engineering, industrial electronics, surveying, geodesy, information technology, etc.

Computer science is also of great importance. The course aims at providing students with understanding how software and hardware technology helps solving problems.

Laboratory work is an important part in training specialists. Students have a short period of field work to gain working experience.

The students go through practical training at mines, plants and other industrial enterprises. Here they get practical knowledge and experience necessary for their diploma (graduation) papers.

Students graduate from mining and geological higher schools as mining engineers, mining mechanical engineers, ecologists, mining electrical engineers, geologists, economists and managers for mining industry.



IV. Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста.

  1. The total number of students of an institute includes only full-time students.
  2. Geology is the science which deals with different problems connected with the Earth.
  3. One of the main tasks of geology is to study the deposits of useful minerals.
  4. Geology is both a theoretical and an applied science.
  5. Laboratory work is not an important part in training specialists.
  6. The students go through practical training at mines, plants and other industrial enterprises.

V. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Where can one get mining education in Russia?

2. What does geology study?

3. How did Obruchev define geology?

4. Does geology deal only with prospecting for useful minerals?

5. What specializations does the Mining Institute offer?

6. What subjects do the students study?

7. Where do the students go through practical training?

8. What does the computer course aim at?

VI. а) Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

1. оканчивать институт a) to train geologists and mining engineers
2. поступать в университет b)to gain experience
3. получать образование c) to play different sports
4. готовить геологов и горных инженеров d)students’ scientific groups
5. высшие горные учебные заведения e) to graduate from the institute
6. приобретать опыт f)to get education
7. студенческие научные общества g)to enter university
8. заниматься различными видами спорта h)higher mining schools

VII. Переведите предложения c оборотами thereis, thereare

1. There are some houses in this street.

2. Are there any books on the desks?

3. Is there a cinema near here ?

4. There is chair in the garden.

Последнее изменение этой страницы: 2016-07-22

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