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Read and translate the root words and their derivatives. Переведите и прочитайте корневые слова и их производные.


Practice- practitioner-practical

Science – scientist – scientific

Collection – collect – collective

Creation – creat – creative

Medicine – medical

Nature – natural

History – historical

Examine – examination-examiner

Grammar practice: Presentation of the verbs to be, to have. Презентация грамматической темы «глаголов to be и to have».

Употребление глагола «to be» в настоящем и прошедшем времени:

• I am (was) • We are (were)
• You are (were) • You are (were)
• He is (was) • They are (were)
• She is (was)  
• It is (was)  


Вопросительная форма глагола to be в настоящем и прошедшем временах.

Am (was) I …? Are (were) we …?
Are (were) you …? Are (were) you …?
Is (was) he …? Are (were) they …?
Is (was) she …?  
Is (was) it …?  


Отрицательная форма глагола to be в настоящих и прошедших временах

I am (was) not … We are (were) not …
You are (were) not … You are (were) not …
He is (was) not … They are (were) not …
She is (was) not …  
It is (was) not …  


Употребление глагола « to have» в настоящем и прошедшем времени.

I have (had) got We have (had) got
You have (had) got You have (had) got
He has (had) got They have (had) got
She has (had) got  
It has (had) got  


Отрицательная форма глагола « to have » в настоящем и прошедшем времени.

I have (had) not got… We have (had) not got…
You have (had) not got… You have (had) not got…
He has (had) not got… They have (had) not got…
She has (had) not got…  
Have not = haven’t (hadn’t)  
Has not = hasn’t (hadn’t)  


Вопросительная форма глагола « to have» в настоящем и прошедшем времени.

Have (had) I got…? Have (had) we got…?
Have (had) you got…? Have (had) you got …?
Has (had) he got …? Have (had) they got…?
Has (had) she got…?  
Has (had) it got…?  


Reading the text:

Hippocrates – «The father of medicine»

Hippocrates was born in 460 B.C. on the island (остров) of Cos. He was the son of a doctor. Hippocrates studied medicine and then he went from town to town where he practiced the art of medicine. It is knows that he drove out (изгнал) the plague (pleig) from Athens by lighting fires in the street of the city.

Hippocrates was known as an excellent doctor and a teacher of medicine. He established medical schools in Athens and in other towns. He wrote several books and many case histories (история болезни). Hippocrates taught his pupils to examine the patient very attentively and to give him quick help. He created medicine on the basis of experience. He taught that every disease was a natural process and it had natural causes. Hippocrates treated diseases by exercise, massage, salt water baths, diet and suitable (подходящий) medicine. He observed diseases such a pneumonia, tuberculosis and malaria and added to the medical language such words as chronic, crisis, relapse (рецидив) and convalescence (выздоровлении).

Hippocrates made medicine an art, a science and a profession.

Hippocrates is the most famous of all the Greek doctors. He is often called «the father of Medicine» and some of his ideas are still important.

Doctors in many countries take the Hippocratic Oath (клятва). It is a collection of promises (обещание), written by Hippocrates, which forms the basis of the medical code of honour (кодекс чести). The Oath of Hippocrates contains many of his basic thoughts and principles

Find the sentences with the verbs “to be”, “to have”. Pay attention to their translation. Найдите предложения с глаголом to be и to have. Найдите предложения с глаголом to be и to have. Обратите внимание на их перевод.

Match the expression from the columns in right order. Соотнесите выражения левой и правой колонки в правильном порядке:

made medicine an art, a science and a profession обучал своих учеников
the Hippocratic Oath практиковал (учил искусству медицины)
was born in сделал медицину искусством, наукой и профессией
practiced the art of medicine клятва Гиппократа
drove out (изгнал) the plague [pleig] from изгнал чуму из
an excellent doctor and a teacher of medicine родился в
taught his pupils to examine the patient very attentively обучал своих учеников осматривать пациентов внимательно
added to the medical language отличный врач и учитель медицины
treated diseases by exercise, massage, salt water baths, diet and suitable (подходящий) medicine добавил в медицинский язык
take the Hippocratic Oath (клятва) лечил заболевания упражнениями, массажем, солевыми ванными, диетой и подходящими лекарствами

Read the text and do the test, using the expressions: True, False, No information. Прочтите текст и выполните тест.

( 1 – true-верно, 2 – false- неверно, 3 – no information-нет в тексте)

11) Гиппократ родился в 530 году до нашей эры.

12) Он был сыном учителя.

13) Он изучал медицину.

14) Он ездил из города в город, где практиковал хирургию.

15) Он открыл мед. школы в Италии и других городах.

16) Гиппократ учил своих учеников осматривать пациента внимательно.

17) Гиппократ лечил болезни с помощью трав и разных лекарств.

18) Он наблюдал за болезнями такими как холера, чума и другими.

19) Некоторые его работы, книги до сих пор важны.

20) Он является основателем периодической таблицы.

Choose the right word and fill in. Заполните пропуски подходящей по

Смыслу формой слова.

1.Hippocrates was born in 460 BC…

(in Greece, on the Island, in the USA).

2. Hippocrates studied (music, History, medicine) and then he… (run jumped, went) from town to town;

3. His known that he (discoed, established, drove out) the plague from (Greece, France, Italy, Athens)

4. Hippocrates know as an… (bad, poor, serious, excellent) doctor and a teacher of …(biology, surgery, chemistry music, medicine).

5. Hippocrates treated … (diseases by exercise, gymnastics, drugs, diet, salt water baths, massage , and suitable medicine).

6. He observed diseases such a … (mumps, anemia , malaria , chicken pox, pneumonia , tuberculosis).

7. Hippocrates made medicine a…(profession, business, science, trade, art).

8. He is often called «the father» of… (Chemistry Biology, Humanities, Philosophy, Medicine).

9. The Hippocrates Oath is a collection of… (laws, works. compositions, promises).

10. Hippocrates freed (освободился) medicine from… (drugs, treatment, superstition - суеверия).


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