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Topic 1. «Oil and Gas Industry of Russia»




Отделение гуманитарных и естественно - научных дисциплин

(ОГ и ЕНД)



Topics for exams.

Экзаменационный материал для студентов второго курса очно-заочной формы обучения

Разработала: ст. преподаватель С.М. Ремига


Оренбург 2012

Topic 1. «Oil and Gas Industry of Russia»

Перескажите текст, используя следующие разговорные формулы:

I can add; I’d like to say that; as a matter of fact; broadly speaking; as far as I know; to my mind; in my opinion; I’d like to say some words about; it’s important to say that; it should be pointed; as is known; it should be noted that.


1. In Russia the oil and gas industry is one of the most important sectors of the national economy.

2. Russia is one of the leading producers of oil and natural gas.

3. The development of the Russian oil and gas industry began in the mid-19th century.

4. The oil and gas industry plays a central role in Russia’s economy, politics and foreign policy.

5. Oil and gas are more than commodities and are also, tools of international power, and elements of national security and a source of national pride.

6. The Russian oil industry presents a lot of opportunities for firms and for foreign businessmen.

7. Russia plays a significant part in the formation of world prices owing to the large volumes of oil and gas that Russia supplies to the world market.

8. The most important task set for the oil and gas industry is to be a reliable guarantor of supplying oil and gas both inside Russia and to European countries.

9. The prospects of Russian oil and gas industry significantly depend on unexplored resources.

10. Future development of Russian oil and gas industry will depend on sufficient foreign investments to oil and gas industry, and also in pipeline construction.


Words and word combinations to the text:


investment – капиталовложение

commodity – товар

tool – инструмент, оружие

supply – снабжать, поставлять

significant - значительный

opportunity - возможность

reliable – надежный

volume – объем

market - рынок

price - цена

formation – образование

producer – производитель

development – разработка

security – безопасность

pride – гордость

depend on – зависеть от

unexplored resourses – неразведанные ресурсы

prospect – перспектива


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Topic 2. «Petroleum engineering»

Перескажите текст, используя следующие разговорные формулы:

I can add; I’d like to say that; as a matter of fact; broadly speaking; as far as I know; to my mind; in my opinion; I’d like to say some words about; it’s important to say that; it should be pointed; as is known; it should be noted that.


1. Petroleum engineering is a wide sector of national economy and it requires highly-qualified specialists.

2. Petroleum engineering has become a technical profession.

3. It requires a good knowledge of many other related disciplines, such as geophysics, petroleum geology, drilling, economics and others.

4. Petroleum engineering is an engineering discipline concerned with the activities related to the production of hydrocarbons.

5. The petroleum engineering includes the global processes of exploration, extraction, refining, transporting and marketing petroleum products.

6. The goal of engineering as a science is to discover physical, chemical, mechanical, and other regularities in order to define and put into practice the most efficient and economical production processes.

7. The branches of petroleum engineering are reservoir engineering, drilling engineering, production engineering, chemical engineering, environmental engineering and others.

8. Petroleum engineering and exploration are the oil and gas industry's two main subsurface disciplines.

9. Petroleum engineering has historically been one of the highest paid engineering disciplines.

10. Petroleum engineering education is available at many universities all over the world.


Words and word combinations to the text:


petroleum engineering – технология добычи нефти; нефтегазовое дело

production – добыча, производство

hydrocarbons – углеводороды

exploration – разведка

drilling – бурение

concern – касаться, описывать, иметь отношение

production – добыча, производство

extraction – извлечение

refining – очистка

discover – обнаруживать

regularities – закономерности

define – определить

put into – внедрить

require – требовать

subsurface discipline – геологическая дисциплина

reservoir engineering – технология исследования и разработки коллектора

drilling engineering – технология бурения

production engineering – технология добычи

chemical engineering – химическая технология

environmental engineering – инженерные методы и средства охраны окружающей среды

available – доступный



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Text 4: «What is crude oil?».

Crude oil, commonly known as petroleum, is a liquid found within the Earth comprised of hydrocarbons, organic compounds and small amounts of metal. It also referred to as black-gold, is a smelly yellow-black liquid found underground in reservoirs. Crude oil comes from the remains of small plants and animals that died millions of years ago. After the organisms died, they sank into the sand and mud at the bottom of the sea. Over the years, the organisms decayed in the sedimentary layers. In these layers, there was little or no oxygen present. So microorganisms broke the remains into carbon rich compounds that formed organic layers. Layer on top of layer was added and caused heat and pressure to refine the organic material into crude oil and natural gas.

There are different types of crude oil and they contain a different chemical makeup depending on the types of plants and animals that created the crude oil reservoir. Primarily, crude oil is made up of hydrocarbons, plus a variety of other chemical compounds, depending on the region. Some crude oil contains lots of sulfur and is sour while oil with little sulfur is called sweet crude. Crude oil can also be thicker (light crude) or thinner (heavy crude) depending on its location. Light Sweet crude oil is priced at a higher rate and is easier to refine and has fewer environmental problems than heavy sour crude oil.

Crude oil is created through the heating and compression of organic materials over a long period of time. Most of the oil we extract today comes from the remains of prehistoric algae and zooplankton whose remains settled on the bottom of an Ocean or Lake. Over time this organic material combined with mud and was then heated to high temperatures from the pressure created by heavy layers of sediment. This process, known as diagenesis, changes the chemical composition first into a waxy compound called kerogen and then, with increased heat, into a liquid through a process called catagenesis.

The most common method of crude oil extraction is drilling. Geologists will first identify a section of land they believe has oil flowing beneath it. There are a number of ways this can be accomplished, the most frequently used methods are satellite imagery, gravity meters, and magnetometers. Once a steady stream of oil is found, underground the drilling can begin.
Drilling is not an overly complicated process however a standard method has been developed to provide maximum efficiency. The first step of the process involves drilling into the ground in the exact location where the oil is located. Once a steady flow has been identified at a particular depth beneath the ground a perforating gun is lowered into the well. A perforating gun has explosive charges within it that allow for oil to flow through holes in the casing. Once the casing is properly perforated a tube is run into the hole allowing the oil and gas to flow up the well. To seal the tubing a device called a packer is run along the outside of the tube. The last step involves the placement of a structure called a Christmas tree which allows oil workers to control the flow of oil from the well.



Topic 5. «Petroleum products»

Перескажите текст, используя следующие разговорные формулы:

I can add; I’d like to say that; as a matter of fact; broadly speaking; as far as I know; to my mind; in my opinion; I’d like to say some words about; it’s important to say that; it should be pointed; as is known; it should be noted that.


1. Petroleum products are useful materials derived from crude oil as it is processed in oil refineries.

2. Petroleum products are mixtures of hydrocarbons and other individual chemical compounds, obtained from oil and oil gases.

3. According to crude oil composition and demand, refineries can produce different shares of petroleum products.

4. The largest share of oil products is used as energy carriers: various grades of fuel oil and gasoline.

5. These energy-carrying fuels include or can be blended to give petrol, jet fuel, diesel fuel, heating oil, and heavier fuel oils.

6. Heavier fractions can also be used to produce asphalt, tar, paraffin wax, lubricating and other heavy oils.

7. Refineries also produce other chemicals, some of which are used in chemical processes to produce plastics, synthetic materials and other useful materials.

8. Sulfur, hydrogen and carbon in the form of petroleum coke may also be produced as petroleum products.

9. Petrochemicals can also be used as monomers and solvents or as feedstock for producing chemicals and substances.

10. Petroleum products are vital to many industries and for our ordinary life.


Words and word combinations to the text:


share – часть, доля

energy carrier – энергоноситель

blend –смешивать

jet fuel – реактивное топливо

heating oil – топочный мазут

tar – смола, деготь, битум

petroleum coke – нефтяной кокс

monomer – мономер, простое соединение

solvents – растворители

feedstock – исходный продукт

vital – жизненно важный



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Topic 6. «Pipeline transport»

Перескажите текст, используя следующие разговорные формулы:

I can add; I’d like to say that; as a matter of fact; broadly speaking; as far as I know; to my mind; in my opinion; I’d like to say some words about; it’s important to say that; it should be pointed; as is known; it should be noted that.


1. The network of pipelines is one of the important parts of the Russian oil and gas industry.

2. Pipeline transport is the transportation of goods through a pipe.

3. In general, pipelines can be classified into three categories depending on purpose: gathering pipelines, transportation pipelines, distribution pipelines.

4. Gathering pipelines are used to bring crude oil or natural gas from wells to a treatment plant or processing facility.

5. Transportation pipelines move products between cities, countries and even continents.

6. Multi-product pipelines are used to transport two or more different products in sequence in the same pipeline.

7. Distribution pipelines are used to take the products to the final consumer.

8. Feeder lines distribute gas to homes and businesses downstream.

9. Oil pipelines are made from steel or plastic tubes and natural gas pipelines are made of carbon steel.

10. Pipelines are the most economical way to transport large quantities of oil, refined oil products or natural gas over land.


Words and word combinations to the text:

steel – сталь

treatment plant – установка подготовки нефти

processing facility – технологическое оборудование

feeder line – соединительный трубопровод

gathering pipelines – межпромысловые трубопроводы

distribution pipelines – распределительные трубопроводы

business – торговое предприятие, фирма

downstream – транспортировка, переработка и сбыт нефтепродуктов

purpose – цель



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Text 6: «Pipelines».


Pipeline, line of pipe equipped with pumps and valves and other control devices for moving liquids, gases, and slurries (fine particles suspended in liquid). Pipeline sizes vary from the 2-inch- (5-centimetre-) diameter lines used in oil-well gathering systems to lines 30 feet (9 metres) across in high-volume water and sewage networks. Pipelines usually consist of sections of pipe made of metal (e.g., steel, cast iron, and aluminum), though some are constructed of concrete, clay products, and occasionally plastics. The sections are welded together and, in most cases, laid underground.

Most countries have an extensive network of pipelines. Because they are usually out of sight, their contribution to freight transport and their importance to the economy are often unrecognized by the general public. Yet, virtually all the water transported from treatment plants to individual households, all the natural gas from wellheads to individual users, and practically all the long-distance transportation of oil overland goes by pipeline.

Pipelines have been the preferred mode of transportation for liquid and gas over competing modes such as truck and rail for several reasons: they are less damaging to the environment, less susceptible to theft, and more economical, safe, convenient, and reliable than other modes. Although transporting solids by pipeline is more difficult and more costly than transporting liquid and gas by pipeline, in many situations pipelines have been chosen to transport solids ranging from coal and other minerals over long distances or to transport grain, rocks, cement, concrete, solid wastes, pulp, machine parts, books, and hundreds of other products over short distances. The list of solid cargoes transported by pipelines has been expanding steadily.

For thousands of years, pipelines have been constructed in various parts of the world to convey water for drinking and irrigation. This includes ancient use in China of pipe made of hollow bamboo and the use of aqueducts by the Romans and Persians. The Chinese even used bamboo pipe to transmit natural gas to light their capital, Peking, as early as 400 bc.

A significant improvement of pipeline technology took place in the 18th century, when cast-iron pipes were used commercially. Another major milestone was the advent in the 19th century of steel pipe, which greatly increased the strength of pipes of all sizes. The development of high-strength steel pipes made it possible to transport natural gas and oil over long distances. Initially, all steel pipes had to be threaded together. This was difficult to do for large pipes, and they were apt to leak under high pressure. The application of welding to join pipes in the 1920s made it possible to construct leakproof, high-pressure, large-diameter pipelines. Today, most high-pressure piping consists of steel pipe with welded joints.


Topic 9. «Uses of natural gas»

Перескажите текст, используя следующие разговорные формулы:

I can add; I’d like to say that; as a matter of fact; broadly speaking; as far as I know; to my mind; in my opinion; I’d like to say some words about; it’s important to say that; it should be pointed; as is known; it should be noted that.


1. For hundreds of years, natural gas has been known as a very useful substance.

2. Natural gas is widely used as a fuel in the home and as a raw material for the production of different products.

3. Natural gas is a source of electricity generation through the use of gas turbines and steam turbines.

4. Natural gas can be used to produce hydrogen which has many applications in the chemical industry.

5. It is also used as a raw material for the production of important by-products for organic synthesis.

6. Natural gas is also used in the production of fabrics, glass, steel, plastics, paint, and other products.

7. Natural gas is more economical type of home and other building heating and cooling.

8. The liquefied gas is used as a fuel for urban needs and for industrial purposes.

9. Natural gas is a feedstock for the production of ammonia for use in fertilizer production.

10. Today, the new uses of natural gas are discovered all the time.


Words and word combinations to the text:


gas turbine – газовая турбина

steam turbine – паровая турбина

by-products – побочные продукты

fabric – ткань

paint – краска, краситель

heat – тепло, нагрев

ammonia – аммиак

fertilizer – удобрение

raw material – сырьё

electricity generation – производство электроэнергии

application – применение

cooling – охлаждение

discover – открывать



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Text 9: «Uses of natural gas».


Natural gas, also known simply as gas, is a fossil fuel made up of several gases, of which methane is the most prominent. A very similar gas, known as biogas, is produced by swamps, sewage sludge and cattle manure. The gas we have come to know as a source of energy has gone through a series of processes by the time it reaches us. Before natural gas is usable for fuel, it must be extensively processed to remove all secondary components, such as propane and sulfur. The uses of natural gas are many and varied. Consumers, industries, and commerce can all benefit from its use. Here are just some examples of the many uses of natural gas.

Transportation Sector: Natural gas has long been considered an alternative fuel for the transportation sector. In fact, natural gas has been used to fuel vehicles since the 1930's! Uses of natural gas in transportation cover everything from cars and trucks to heavy-duty service vehicles. “Clean Air” natural gas buses are popular in Canada and some European countries, and more vehicles are now running on dual fuel, allowing owners to switch between gasoline or natural gas depending on needs and circumstances. The Russian corporation Tupolev is working on the design of an aircraft that would be able to fly on a combination of natural gas and hydrogen. Most natural gas vehicles operate using compressed natural gas (CNG). This compressed gas is stored in similar fashion to a car's gasoline tank, attached to the rear, top, or undercarriage of the vehicle in a tube shaped storage tank. A CNG tank can be filled in a similar manner, and in a similar amount of time, to a gasoline tank.

Residential Uses: Not only is natural gas a good value for the residential consumer, it also has a number of varied uses. The best known uses for natural gas around the home are natural gas heating and cooking. Cooking with a natural gas range or oven can provide many benefits, including easy temperature control, self ignition and self cleaning, as well as being approximately one-half the cost of cooking with an electric range. Many of the top chefs prefer natural gas ranges for their quick heating ability and temperature control. Newer generations of natural gas ranges allow for some of the most efficient, economical, and responsive cooking appliances in existence. Many home appliances run on natural gas, including furnaces, barbecues, fireplace logs, pool and spa heaters, and fire pits. Uses of natural gas at home also include residential heating. Natural gas air conditioning is not as popular as the electrical alternative, but it does exist.

Industry and Production: Natural gas has a multitude of industrial uses, including providing the base ingredients for such varied products as plastic, fertilizer, anti-freeze, and fabrics. In fact, industry is the largest consumer of natural gas, accounting for 43 percent of natural gas use across all sectors. Natural gas is the second most used energy source in industry, trailing only electricity. Lighting is the main use of energy in the industrial sector, which accounts for the tremendous electricity requirements of this sector. The graph below shows current as well as projected energy consumption by fuel in the industrial sector Uses of natural gas in the industrial sector are divided between production and energy. Natural gas is used in the making of anti-freeze and plastic. Food processing industries use basically only natural gas to power up their plants, but waste treatment and petroleum refining are also big consumers of natural gas. Because many gases can be extracted as a subproduct of natural gas, the uses of natural gas go beyond what the gas itself can provide.


What is petroleum?

Petroleum is a very complex mixture of hydrocarbons.

What is crude oil?

Crude oil is the oil that is not refined.

What is called refining?

The process of making crude oil into articles of commerce is called refining.

Where is oil used?

Oil is used in the production of fuel, lubricants, synthetic materials, plastics and other products.

Where is gas used?

Gas is used as a fuel in the home and as a raw material for the production of different products.

Where is liquefied gas used?

The liquefied gas is used as a fuel for urban needs and for industrial purposes.

Where is gaseous helium used?

Gaseous helium is used for welding of active metal mixtures, cooling of nuclear reactions, making respiration mixtures. It is also used in rocket and space technology, laser technology and cryogenic engineering.

What is stable gas condensate?

The stable gas condensate is a mixture of hydrocarbons of methane, naphtene and aromatic series.




Отделение гуманитарных и естественно - научных дисциплин

(ОГ и ЕНД)



Topics for exams.

Экзаменационный материал для студентов второго курса очно-заочной формы обучения

Разработала: ст. преподаватель С.М. Ремига


Оренбург 2012

Topic 1. «Oil and Gas Industry of Russia»

Перескажите текст, используя следующие разговорные формулы:

I can add; I’d like to say that; as a matter of fact; broadly speaking; as far as I know; to my mind; in my opinion; I’d like to say some words about; it’s important to say that; it should be pointed; as is known; it should be noted that.


1. In Russia the oil and gas industry is one of the most important sectors of the national economy.

2. Russia is one of the leading producers of oil and natural gas.

3. The development of the Russian oil and gas industry began in the mid-19th century.

4. The oil and gas industry plays a central role in Russia’s economy, politics and foreign policy.

5. Oil and gas are more than commodities and are also, tools of international power, and elements of national security and a source of national pride.

6. The Russian oil industry presents a lot of opportunities for firms and for foreign businessmen.

7. Russia plays a significant part in the formation of world prices owing to the large volumes of oil and gas that Russia supplies to the world market.

8. The most important task set for the oil and gas industry is to be a reliable guarantor of supplying oil and gas both inside Russia and to European countries.

9. The prospects of Russian oil and gas industry significantly depend on unexplored resources.

10. Future development of Russian oil and gas industry will depend on sufficient foreign investments to oil and gas industry, and also in pipeline construction.


Words and word combinations to the text:


investment – капиталовложение

commodity – товар

tool – инструмент, оружие

supply – снабжать, поставлять

significant - значительный

opportunity - возможность

reliable – надежный

volume – объем

market - рынок

price - цена

formation – образование

producer – производитель

development – разработка

security – безопасность

pride – гордость

depend on – зависеть от

unexplored resourses – неразведанные ресурсы

prospect – перспектива


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