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A story containing another work of fiction within itself.

A story addressing the specific conventions of story, such as title, character conventions, paragraphing or plots.

4) hypertextuality as one’s text derision/ mockery and parody of another text.


“Pastiche”. Meriam-Webster defines it as:artistic, musical, or architectural work that imitates the style of previous work; also:such stylistic imitation.

5) architextualityas the genre connection between texts.

Lj. Gjurjan considers that “the relationship between Joyce’s Ulisses and Homer’s architext can be seen in Eliot’s terms as “a way of controlling, ordering or giving shape and a significance to an immense panorama of futility and anarchy which is contemporary history”.


1. The notion of Concept, its main features and functions

A concept is a generalization or abstraction from experience or the result of a transformation of existing ideas. The concept is instantiated (reified) by all of its actual or potential instances, whether these are things in the real world or other ideas. Concepts are treated in many if not most disciplines both explicitly, such as in psychology, philosophy, linguistic, cultural science etc., and implicitly, such as in mathematics, physics, etc. In informal use the word concept often just means any idea, but formally it involves the abstraction component.

D.S. Likhachov used this term to refer to the generalized cognitive unit, which reflects and interprets the phenomena of reality, depending on education, personal experience, professional and social experience of a native speaker. Yu.S. Stepanov believes that a concept is the “content of the


notion”, A.P. Babushkin considers the concept as a discrete mental unit which reflects the object of real or imaginative world and is kept in the national memory of native speakers in the verbalized form. In the Brief Dictionary of Cognitive Terms the concepts is defined as “operational meaningful unit of memory, mental lexicon, conceptual system, brain language, and the whole picture of the world reflected in the human mind”

Concept- is a cognitive effective phenomenon that refers to knowledge, is formed during subjective experience of an individual in social cultural conditions and can be expressed in language forms.

As a basic unit of language knowledge concept includes and makes all the forms of knowledge (meanings, notions), be integrated, organizes themselves as a peculiar subject and stipulates the formation of the world view system in human consciousness

2 side of concept:

1. The integrating mechanism of cognition that stipulates the reflection of experience

2. The concept- knowledge of experience

Neuro- physiological (reception, sensation )

Psychic( perception, attention, thinking, conception, memory)



Neuro-physiological abilities to get the impulse and process it into sensation Psychic abilities to process the sensation into a conception Cognitive abilities to process all the inform. and work out knowledge


- social interrelations

- culture as a model of interrelations or interactivity

- communication as a means of organizing interrelation and interactivity

lang. as a means of communication and system of knowledge

the features of concept:

1. Perceptive-cognitive-affective (главная черта, субъективные смысл)

2. Mental

3. Semantic

4. Subjective ( individual personal)

5. Functional dynamic

Main functions:

1. Integration of psychic functions

2. Correlation of cognitive process

3. Intention and motivation of cognitive activity

4. Reflection of reality

5. formation of world picture


2. The relations of Meaning, Notion and Concept.


сначала мы познаем признаки, далее мы распознаем все больше и больше по кусочку ( узнаем его с разных сторон). Вырабатывается некое значение о том или ином предмете. потом приходим к понятийным значениям, выделяем из всего общие признаки

Referent- is a term that refers to everything (things, objects, dif. phenomena) and cognize in the process of our experience

- words- refer to special signs, symbols, signals, for human communication, their function is to substitute the knowledge of reference in the process of human communication, thus words express certain meanings

- meaning- in general meaning refers to the knowledge of referent (or of the side of a referent which is a marked with a language sign

Types of meanings:

Denotative – reveals a side of a referent in a concrete situation of discourse

refers to the index of a side of a referent in a communicative situation

Significating- refers to the content that is acquired in a process of communication. It directs to the detonate, fixing the knowledge of the corresponding side of a referent named with a word

Connotative- refers to the emotive connotative evaluating of the side of a referent. It conducts the significating meaning

Structural- in general it refers to the idea of category, in language sphere it refers to linguistic categories, as for it functions in can be of two kinds: paradigmatic, syntagmatic

* paradigmatic- refers of the idea of category as uniting a classes of words. The grammatical meaning of a noun is to denote things, objects

* syntagmatic- refers to the idea of how words of different paradigmatic classes are connected in communicative process

Notion- refers to essential synthetic idea of the meanings of a referent that had been analyzed

Concept- refers to integrating all possible knowledge of a referent and its relation

3. Theoretical model of Concept: lexical representative, constituents, structure.


Concepts are the constituents of thoughts. Concept has its own lexical meaning in which we combine all meanings and notions of it.



For example we have some referent (it’s a term that refers to everything (things, objects, dif.fenomena) and cognize in the process of our experience (Ogden and Richards)) – human being. Than we begin to name this being be the words (it refer to special signs, symbols for human communication) (a father, a being, a man, a head…). Thoughts words express certain meanings, in general , meaning refers to the knowledge of a referent .

Types of the meaning can be:

1.denotative (предметное) reviles a side of a referent in a concrete situation of discourse. It refers to the index of a side of a referent in a communicative situation.

2.significating (смысловое) refers to the content that’s acquired in a proc.of communication.

3. expressive refers to the emotive , connotative, evaluating of the side of a referent.

4.srtuctural refers to the idea of category, in lang.sphere it refers to the linguistic categories.

After the meanings we create the notions (it refers to the essential synthetic idea of the meanings of a referent which have been analized). And while we know the meanings we produce the concept which refers to the integrating all possible knowledge of a referent and it’s relations.



4. Classification of concepts in the Occidental cognitive studies.

We have two big concept classifications they are Occidental cognitive studies and Home brunch.

The Occidental cognitive studies refer to the analytical principle of leading:

This problem have studied (Piajet, G. Bruner, U. Neisser V. Evans, G. Lakoff )


1.scheme (refers to the concrete things/ex.computer)

2.frame (refers to the idea of an arranged in a concrete context situation/ex. Wedding, birthday )

3.scenario (refers to the idea of motivation/ ex.honesty, love, motherhood)

4.script (refers to the expected results/ ex. Crime-punishment, mistake-experience)


5 home brunch Semantic principle: cognitive, artistic

Contitive(the principle of semantic opposition):v. karasik

Native,borrowed, developing, still, main, minor

j. sternin (idioms, lexical)


v. karasic- the idea of eexperince reflecting:

basic concept, c- description, relative concept

maslova – semantic theme:

1) c. of time, space, mater2) natural phenomena rain sky3) human understanding what makes us diff from birds 4) social laws and relations war peace5) emotional sphere happiness enjoy6) morality good evil 7) artifacts computer

6. Main features of the concept of a literary text .General characteristics of a literary text concept

1) Crystallization of semantics refers to internal cognitive intention of an author.

2) Figurativeness is realized in images of a text.

3) Symbolicalness symbol the authors of world view.

4) Categorization of secondary reality refers to the personal individual author’s reflection of reality.

5) Esthetic semantic code and a code of a culture. It reflects not only individual pers. world view of an author, but also typical traditional features of the cult. and auth. lives.

6) Multidirectioness spreads its semant. to diff. seman. composit. components,


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