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VII. Study Essential Vocabulary (II) and

a) translate the illustrative examples into Russian;

b) express in writing the suggested idea using do for emphasis. Add a sentence to show that the emphasis is necessary:

Examples: Your brother did go to the chemist's to have your prescription made up though he was pressed for time. Mother told you to put on your coat but you wouldn't and you did catch a cold.

1. to have a nervous breakdown; 2. to keep to a diet; 3. to try to make an appointment with; 4. to give (get) an injection; 5. to get sick leave; 6. to set in (about complications); 7. to prescribe pills for; 8. to undergo a treatment; 9. to recover from; 10. to diagnose Smb.'s illness (as); 11. to have one's tooth filled; 12. to need the services of a surgeon.

VIII. a) Supply prepositions where necessary:

Scarlet fever is an infectious fever, marked .. the appearance ... the second day ... a bright red rash consisting ... closely-set red spots. Shortly after the patient develops a high temperature and suffers ... painful sore throat. ... the third or fourth day the rash starts to fade and ... favourable cases the temperature falls and the patient feels better. ... the end ... a week the rash usually disappears. Complete recovery may be expected ... the following month, The complications ... scarlet fever are very serious, the commonest being inflammation ... the ear. Scarlet fever is essentially a disease ... children and young persons.

b) Give a short description of some other disease using a few phrases from the text above.

IX. Correct the following statements, beginning each sentence with one of the following phrases:

You're wrong. You're mistaken. I can't agree with you. Nothing of the kind. But... (it is, they don't, etc.). I don't think you're right. Of course not. Just the other way round. On the contrary. Surely not! By no means!

Example: — You never take your temperature when you аге ill.

— Oh, yes (of course), I do. I always take my temperature when I'm ill.

1. Sick people never stay in bed while they are ill. 2. You were laid up with-flu last week, I believe. 3. It is not dangerous totake care of a person who has got a catching disease. 4. People often feel sick and giddy when they are quite well. 5. We seldom sneeze and cough when we have a cold. 6. You never have a sore throat when you have tonsillitis. 7. She doesn't feel any pain in her heart when she has a heart attack. 8. Children have swollen eyes when they have been laughing too much. 9. People need the services of the doctor when they are well, I think. 10. Probably you consult a dentist when you have a stomach-ache.

X. Read the text. Summarize it in 5-6 sentences without using direct speech;

Hob sat in the doctor's waiting-room. On the chairs at the wall other patients were sitting. They all looked sad except Hob who was reading an exciting story in a magazine. Just then the doctor came in to say that he was ready to see the next person. Hob got up and went into the consulting room.

Before Hob could say a word the doctor said, "Now what's the trouble? Sit down there and we'll have a look at you. Unfasten your jacket and your shirt, please. I'll listen to your heart." Hob tried to speak, but the doctor interrupted him and ordered him to say "ninety-nine". Hob said it. "Now let me see your throat, open your mouth wide." The doctor had a good look and then he said, "Well, there's nothing wrong with you." "I know there isn't," said Hob, "I just came to get a bottle of medicine for my uncle."

(From Essential English for foreign students by С. Е. Eckersley, Lnd.. 1977)

XI. Write 10 sentences to go with each of the pictures on pp. 68, 71.

XII. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the symptoms of flu (tonsillitis, measles, mumps, scarlet fever, etc.)? 2. Who is treated at the policlinic, and who is treated at the hospital? 3. What do you do when you fall ill? 4. What does the doctor do when he comes to examine you? 5. What do you feel when you have flu? 6. How does a sick person look? 7. How should we translate into Russian "He is ill" and "He has ill manners"? 8. What catching diseases do you know? 9. Do people in this country get their pay when they are ill?

ХIII. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Я, должно быть, схватил грипп. 2. Вам лучше обратиться к врачу. 3. Врач пощупал мой пульс, прослушал сердце и легкие и измерил температуру. 4. Она не в состоянии разговаривать, у нее ужасно болит зуб. 5. Я вся дрожу. Должно быть, я простудилась. 6. Я не могу читать вслух, у меня болит горло. 7. Беспокоиться не о чем, его успешно прооперировали. 8. Я, пожалуй, приму эти пилюли от головной боли. 9. Почему ты ходишь в такую погоду без шляпы? Ты ведь недавно серьезно болел. У тебя могут быть осложнения. 10. Вам сделали рентген? 11. Вот рецепт. По столовой ложке микстуры три раза в день. 12. Вы послали за доктором? 13. У вас два больных зуба. Вам нужно обратиться к зубному врачу. 14. Врач попросил пациента раздеться до пояса и выслушал его. 15. Кто пойдет в аптеку заказать лекарство? 16. Если бы ты не следовала советам врача, ты бы не поправилась так скоро. 17. На вашем месте я придерживалась бы диеты, у вас ведь не в порядке желудок. 18. Как жаль, доктор забыл выписать мне лекарство от насморка. 19. Почему у вас одышка — у вас высокое давление или что-нибудь с сердцем? 20. Ребенок болен скарлатиной. Придется ему дней десять полежать в постели.

XTV. Make up stories and dialogues through mime[19].

Have the students to prepare a mime and perform it twice (for tasks A and B). The performed actions should be rather slow to allow the other students to tell the story or speak for the mimes.

A. Describe the actions of the mimes using the Present Indefinite, Continuous or Perfect tenses. (for one or two students)

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