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Fig. 40. Grade and facies describe metamorphism


Many of the metamorphic rocks consist of flaky materials such as mica and chlorite. These minerals cause the rock to split into thin sheets and rocks become foliated. Slate, schist and gneiss belong to the group of foliated metamorphic rocks. Marble and quartzite are non-foliated metamorphic rocks.

The structure of metamorphic rocks is of importance because it shows the nature of pre-existing rocks and the mechanism of metamorphic deformation. Every trace of original structure is of great importance to geologists. It gives an opportunity of analyzing the causes of its metamorphism. Metamorphic rocks represent the oldest portion of the Earth’s crust. They are mostly found in the regions of mountain belts where great dislocations on the Earth took place.

(М.Я. Баракова, Р. И. Журавлева, Английский язык для горных инженеров, М. 2001)


FOLIATED Granulitic texture, medium to coarse, even grained. Foliation present in light-colored quartzo-feldspathic rocks, but virtually lacking in pyroxene-plagioclase-bearing rocks. GRANULITE
Gneissic texture. Coarse grained. Foliation present as macroscopic grains arranged in alternating light and dark bands. Abundant quartz and feldspar in light-colored bands. Dark bands may contain hornblende, augite, garnet, or biotite. GNEISS
Schistose texture. Medium to fine grained. Common minerals are chlorite, biotite, muscovite, garnet, and dark elongate silicate minerals. Feldspars commonly absent. Recognizable minerals used as part of rock name. Porphyroblasts common. SCHIST
Phyllitic texture. Fine grained to dense. Micaceous minerals are dominant. Has a sparkling appearance. PHYLLITE
Slaty texture (slaty cleavage apparent). Dense, microscopic grains. Color variable; black, and dark gray common. Also occurs in green, dark red, and dark purple colors. SLATE
NONFOLIATED Crystalline. Hard (scratches glass). Breaks across grains as easily as around them. Color variable; white, pink, buff, brown, red, purple. QUARTZITE
Dense, dark-colored; various shades of gray, gray-green, to nearly black. HORNFELS
Crystalline. Composed of calcite or dolomite. Color variable; white, pink, gray, among others. Fossils in some varieties. MARBLE
Black, shiny luster. Conchoidal fracture. ANTHRACITE COAL

Table 6. Classification of Common Metamorphic Rocks




Define the following terms with their similar meaning in Russian

metamorphic rocks; some changes in texture; in mineral composition; the description of metamorphism; schistose structure; the role of water; four variable geologically related parameters; flaky materials; the mechanismof metamorphic deformation; crystallineschists; the great dislocation of the Earth’s crust; during normal progressive metamorphism.

2.2 Match the English equivalents to the Russian terms.

1. as a result of the chemical and physical changes a. составляющие пород
2. constituents of rocks b. расщепляться на отдельные слои
3. to be subjected to constant development c. в результате химических и физических изменений
4. to undergo changes d. избыток воды
5. excess of water e. находиться в постоянном развитии
6. to cleave into separate layers f. следы первоначального строения
7. traces of original structure g. изменяться


2.3 Match the Russian equivalents to the English terms.

1. сланцеватая текстура a. unlike granite
2. в отличие от гранита b. schistose structure
3. недостаток воды c. pre-existing rocks
4. существовавшие ранее породы d. to define (determine) rock texture
5. расслоенные породы e. deficiency of water
6. мрамор и сланец f. flaky rocks
7. гнейс g. marble and slate
8. определить структуру h. gneiss

Fill in the gaps using the word formations.

cleave cleaves cleavage

1. Metamorphic rocks which have a schistose structure can___________.

2. As a result of splitting _________________ is formed.

3. Generally speaking, the constituents of gneiss are distributed in bands or layers and the rock ______________ easily.



relationship related relate

1. The _____________ between rock pressure and temperature is interdependent.

2. The role of water in metamorphism can be characterized at least by four variable geologically ____________ parameters.

3. These parameters _______________ to each other.


foliates foliation foliated

1. A rock ___________ when it splits into thin sheets.

2. Marble and quartzite are non-_____________ metamorphic rocks.

3. ______________ is a characteristic feature of only metamorphic rocks.


differ different difference

1. Gneiss, marble and slate _____________ from granite due to their schistose structure.

2. There are many _________________ types of metamorphic rocks due to two main factors.

3. The _____________ between low-grade and medium-grade metamorphic rocks is the amount of water present.


Match the similar word in column A to the one in column B

1. band a. allow
2.cleave b. size
3. constituent c. fissure
4. foliated d. take place
5. be like e. speed
6. permit f. layer
7. crack g. split
8. occur h. component
9. rate i. flaky
10. dimension j. be similar to


Match the opposite word in column A to the one in column B

1. deep a. small
2. cool b. shallow
3. slowly c. low-grade
4. vast d. non-foliated
5. extrusive e. rapidly
6. like f. unlike
7. high-grade g. intrusive
8. common h. deficiency
9. excess i. heat
10. foliated j. uncommon


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