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V. Write one or more sentences with a similar meaning. Use the words given in brackets.


In this unit we are going to learn how to give a physical description of a person.

Part I

Study the words and word-combinations you can’t do without:






in his/her teens/ 20’s/30’s/forties//fifties etc

in his/her early/mid-/late teens/twenties/thirties/40’s/50’s etc

under/over/about/nearly 20/ thirty/forty etc

in his /her prime

past his/her prime

in the prime of youth/life

to be of age/to come of age/to be under age

to be the same age (as)

to look one’s age

to look more/less (older/younger) than one’s age




middle-aged adj between the ages of forty and sixty, e.g. He is only 24, but he behaves as if he is already middle-aged.

elderlyadj (of a person) old; elderly is a polite way of saying old. e.g. My father is rather elderly now and can’t walk very fast.

in his /her teensbetween the ages of 13 and 19, e.g. She is in her teens. Mary is in her early teens.(=about 13-14 years old) I am in my mid-teens.(=about 15 years old) He is in his late teens.(=about 16-19 years old)

in his/her/their twenties aged from 20 to 29, e.g. She has three sons, all in their twenties.

under 20/30/50 etc younger than stated, e.g. Children of nine or under must be accompanied by an adult. He is just under 40.

over 20/30/50 etcolder than stated, e.g. children of seven and over (=older)/ He is over 90.

in your prime at the time in your life when you are strongest and most active, e.g.She is 40 now and still in her prime. She is still good-looking, but she is past her prime.

to be/ come of ageto reach the particular age, usually 18 or 21, at which one becomes responsible in law for one’s own actions, e.g. Has your son come of age yet? (= Is he of age yet?)

to be under age to be too young to legally drink,drive a car, vote etc ,e.g. You can’t drive a car yet - you’re still under age.




I.Give English equivalents of the following Russian words and word-combinations:


Старый; пожилой; молодой; среднего возраста; немногим за двадцать; нет еще тридцати; около пятидесяти; несовершеннолетний; в расцвете жизненных сил; на закате лет; выглядеть на свой возраст; выглядеть моложе/ старше своего возраста; быть одного возраста; достичь совершеннолетия.


II. Match the expressions on the left with those on the right:


1. He’s 14. a) He is in his late teens.

2.He’s 28. b) He’s in his early forties.

3.He’s 35. c) He’s fairly elderly.

4. He’s 48. d) He’s in his mid-thirties.

5. He’s 42. e) He’s in his early teens.

6- He’s 85. f) He’s middle-aged.

7. He’s 19. g) He’s in his late twenties.


III. Point out the sentences in exercise IIofwhich the following statements can be true:

1. He has just come of age. 2. He’s still under age. 3. He’s in the prime of youth. 4. He’s in the prime of life. 5. He’s already past his prime.



IV. Use these words to complete the expressions with ‘ age’ below:

same less (younger) look as

under more (older) of ( 2 times) than


1. Our son is the _____ age _____ the boy next door. They’re in the same class.2. Is their daughter _____ age yet? - No, she is still ____ age. She’ll come ____ age next year. 3. She doesn’t ____ her age. 4. Every woman wants to look ____ than her age. 5. Hardships make people look ____ than their age. 6. You’re not really 50, are you? I don’t believe it. You look less _____ your age.



V. Write one or more sentences with a similar meaning. Use the words given in brackets.

Example: Michael is 15 years old.(mid)

Michael is in his mid-teens.

1. Mrs Thomas is 45. ( aged; over) 2. Helen is 25. ( mid; prime) 3. Alex is 17. ( under; youth; teens) 4. Our grandmother is 73. ( early; over; past) 5. He retired when he was 59 or so. ( about) 6. Sarah went to university when she was 19. ( late; nearly) 7. My sister came of age last year. (teens; under)



VI. Write about the age of people in your family in as many ways as you can.

VII. Ask your groupmates questions about a) their age; b) the age of their family members. Follow the models:


a) - How old are you? ( What’s your age?)

- I’m in my late teens.

- Are you?

- Yes, I’m 17.

b) - How old is your father? ( What’s your father’s age?)

- He is in his mid-forties.

- Is he?

- Yes, he is 45.


VIII. Re-write these sentences making use of compound adjectives. (Compound adjectives are adjectives made of two or more words).


E.g. My son is two years old. – I’ve got a two-year-old son.



  1. My son is eleven. – I’ve got an ………….. son. 2. We’ve got a daughter of six. - We’ve got a ………… daughter. 3. Their baby is only two months old. - They’ve got a ……….baby. 4. Their twins are ten years old now. – They’ve got ……….twins.


IX. Famous quotes

Complete these quotes with the following words:

Age feel income forty youth young


1. You are only as old as you ………. .

2. Life begins at ……… .

3. Women lie about their ………; men lie about their ……… .

4. …….. lasts longer than the …….. think .

Do you agree with the quotes? Why or why not?














of small/medium/powerful/athletic build




buildn [C;U] shape and size, especially of the human body, e.g. a powerful build/ My brother and I are of the same build. We can also use the word figure, when we consider the human shape from the point of view of being attractive, e.g. She has a good figure.


fat adj weighing too much because you have too much flesh on your body. It is a very direct word. You might use it about yourself but it will usually cause offence if you use it about somebody else, e.g. I’m so fat at the moment. Syn. stout, plump, overweight. Saying that somebody is stout, plump,oroverweightis more polite than saying they arefat. e.g. He is slightly overweight. She is 10 kilos overweight. He was a plump red-faced man. My teacher was a stout old lady. Plump is often used to talk about women and children meaning fat and rounded in a pleasant way, e.g. a plump baby/ The nurse was a cheerful plump woman.

well-builtadj having a big strong body. It is a fairly polite way to describe somebody with a large, strong or fat body, e.g. John was a powerful, well-built man.

stocky adj thic k, short and strong, e.g. He was short and stocky.

thinadj having little fat on the body. It is a general word and is usually, but not always, disapproving, e.g. thin arms/legs/lips etc She looked thin after her illness. Teenage girls all seem to want to be thin.Syn. slim, skinny, lanky. Slimmeans thin in an attractive way, e.g. her lovely slim figure/ a slim young woman/ a slim waist/ I wish I were as slim as you.Skinny is a fairly informal word meaning very thin, which is usually disapproving, e.g. Some supermodels are far too skinny. Lankymeans tall and thin and moving awkwardly, e.g. a lanky young man





I. Match the pairs of sentences with the pictures on the right:

(Vocabulary Organiser Unit 9 Ex1)



II. Transcribe and translate the words:


Build, stout, medium, athletic, broad-shouldered, fat, overweight, lanky.


III. Give English equivalents of the following Russian words:


статный, пухленький, толстый, полный, худой, стройный, долговязый, тощий, широкоплечий, коренастый

IV. Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. Lanky means ungracefully tall and thin. 2. Slim people are short and plump. 3. Skinny means unattractively thin. 4. Someone who is stout is rather fat and heavy. 5. Well-built means small and well-proportioned. 6. An overweight person weighs more than is expected or usual. 7. If a person has a big strong body he is fat. 8. Plump people look fat and unattractive. 9. Someone who is stocky is tall and strong.


V. Choose the right word:


  1. Skinny / slim is more positive and attractive than thin. 2. If somebody is skinny / slim they are too thin. 3. Saying that somebody is fat / overweight is neutral and polite. 4. Plump / well-built people are strong and muscular. 5. Tom looks really pale and thin / slim. I’m worried he might be ill. 6. He’s two kilos stout / overweight. 7. Ann is slim / lanky and graceful.

VI. Complete the sentences:


1. A man is considered to have a good figure if he has …. , ….. , ….. and ….. .

2. A woman is considered to have a good figure if she has …. , ….. and …… .



VII. Try to think of a famous person who is:







- skinny

- stocky

- thin

- absolutely enormous






1.7 m/4 ft 7 inches tall/ in height

of medium/ average height

below/ above average height

tall/ tallish

short/ shortish



height/hait/ n [C;U] the quality or degree of being tall or high; high/hai/ adj; e.g. His height makes him easy to see in the crowd. What’s the height of the Empire State Building? High is used to describe something that is a long way above the ground ( or whose top is a long way above the ground), e.g. The rooms on the ground floor have very high ceilings. The top shelf was too high for me to reach. The high wall made it impossible for prisoners to escape. Ant. low,e.g. a low ceiling/shelf/wall etc Tall ( nothigh)is used to describe people, animals, trees, plants and things which are narrow and above average height, e.g. Most of the tall trees have been cut down. I’d like to marry someone tall with a sense of humour. He is almost 6 feet tall. Ant. short, small, e.g. a short ( small) woman

Note that in Russia we use the metric system and express a person’s height in centimetres and metres,e.g. He’s over 1 metre 80 centimetres in height.( 1 metre 80 ) British people measure height in feet and inches, e.g. He’s 4 feet 7 inches tall.( 4 ft 7 )

1 foot is equal to 30,5 centimetres

1 inch is equal to 25,4 millimetres


I.Transcribe and translate the words:height, average, below, above.

II. Express the height of these people in metres and centimetres:

1. He’s 5 ft 7 tall. 2. He’s 6 ft 3 tall. 3 He is 4 ft 7 tall.



III. Combine the words in A with the right words in B:


A. high, low, tall, short

B. building, fence, ceiling, temperature, giraffe, prices, man, glass, hill, shelf, dancer, chimney

IV.Choose the right word:

1. George Washington was a high/tall man. 2. Snowdon is the highest/tallest mountain in Wales. 3. That high/tall column over there is Nelson’s monumemt. 4. The tree was so high/tall that he was afraid to jump down. 5. Dick is higher/taller than the other boys in his class. 6. There is a high/tall wall around the palace. 7. He wanted to ring the bell, but it was too high/tall and he was not high/tall enough. 8. I don’t know who lives on the other side of that high/tall fence. 9. Beauvais is very proud of having the highest/tallest cathedral in Europe.

V. Answer the questions:

1. What is your height? ( in centimetres/ in feet) 2. How tall is your friend? Is he shorter or taller than you? How many centimetres/ inches shorter or taller is he ? 3. Do you know many people who are below or above average height? 4. Who is the shortest/tallest person you know? How tall are they exactly? 5. How do you feel about your height? Would you like to be shorter or taller? Why? 6.Do you think it is good to be below/above average height? Give reasons.
















beautifuladj extremely attractive to look at; Syn.pretty, handsome, good-looking, attractive, lovely. Beautiful is a much stronger word to describe a person’s appearance than pretty, lovely, handsome, good-looking or attractive. Beautiful, prettyandlovely can be used of women, children, and things, but not usually of men, e.g. a beautiful woman/ house; a pretty child/ picture; a lovely girl/ view etc. Handsome is usually used of men, but a handsomewoman is good-looking in a strong healthy way. Good-looking can be used of men amd women, but not usually of things.Attractive can be used of men, women, and things, e.g. an attractive young man/ an attractive pattern.

plain adj not beautiful or attractive, often used because you want to avoid saying this directly, e.g. Mrs Cookson was a rather plain woman.

ugly adj extremely unattractive and unpleasant to look at, e.g. a very ugly man/ the ugliest building in town; ugly is the most negative word to describe somebody; plain is more polite.




I.Translate and transcribe the words:


Beautiful, handsome, pretty, lovely, good-looking, attractive, plain, ugly, funny-looking,

weird-looking, noble-looking.

II. Give English equivalents of the following Russian words and word-combinations:


Хорошенькая, красивая, милая, привлекательный, красивый, приятной наружности, некрасивый, безобразный, благородной / странной наружности.










grey (gray)



mousy (mousey)



a blonde

a brunette

a redhead




Your hair can be fair (blond or light brown) or dark (dark brown or black) in colour. E.g. She had long fair hair. He was a slim, dark-haired boy. If your hair is mousy (=mousey), it is a dull light brown colour ( the word mousy shows disapproval) E.g. Her mousy hair was loose and untidy.


When a person gets old their original hair colour changes to grey (=gray) before it becomes white. E.g. She had dark hair that was just beginning to turn grey. My grandfather went white at the age of thirty.

If your hair is highlighted, you have changed some of its parts in colour. If all your hair is changed in colour, it is dyed. E.g. She’s got dyed blonde hair.

Note that you can say ‘She’s aredhead” but you can’t say “She’s a blackhead” or a “blondehead” etc. Instead, you should say “She’s a brunette” or a “blonde”.



I.Transcribe and translate the words:


Hair colour, black, brown, fair, auburn, blonde, white, mousy, dyed, highlighted, brunette, redhead.


II. Arrange these hair colours from the fairest to the darkest:


black, blonde, dark brown, auburn, light brown, mousy, red



III. Give English equivalents of the following Russian words:


светлые, белокурые, русые, темные, рыжие, золотисто-каштановые, седые, крашеные, мелированные (волосы)


IV. Decide whether these statements are true or false:


1. If your hair is white, it is dyed. 2. Light brown hair is fair. 3. If your hair is grey, it is mousy. 4. Auburn hair is lighter in colour than black hair. 5. Blond hair is white. 6. Mousy hair looks attractive. 7. Redheads don’t have a natural hair colour. 8. Light brown hair looks the same as red hair. 9. Old people usually have grey or white hair. 10. Dyed hair can’t be brown in colour.


V. Choose the right variant:


1. A person who has blonde hair is a blondehead/ blonde/ blondeman.

2. A person who has black hair is a blackhead/ blackman/ brunette.

3. A person who has red hair is a readhead/ red/ redman.






(of) medium length












swept / tied back

a fringe

a parting

a plait

a ponytail

a bun



bald / balding



to put/wear your hair in a bun/

in a ponytail/loose/in plaits etc





shoulder-length adj shoulder- length hair reaches down to your shoulders, e.g. She had shoulder-length brown hair.

thickadj if someone’s hair is thick, they have a lot of hair, e.g. She ran her fingers through her thick brown hair. Ant. thin, e.g. Your hair is getting very thin.

thin v [I] if someone’s hair is thinning, they have less hair than they used to, e.g. a tall man with thinning hair

sleek adj straight, shiny and healthy-looking, e.g. a young man with sleek dark hair

spiky adj hair that is spiky is stiff and stands up on top of your head, e.g. short black spiky hair

neat adj carefully arranged and looking nice; Syn. tidy; Ant. untidy, e.g. His hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail.

loose adj hanging freely rather than being tied back, e.g. Her hair fell loose around her shoulders.

fringe n [C] short hair that hangs down over your forehead, e.g. a tall girl with straight brown hair and a fringe / The girl wore her hair in a fringe.

parting n [C] BrE the line on your head made by dividing your hair with a comb, e.g. a centre parting / a side parting

bun n [C] a hairstyle in which a woman’s hair is tied in a tight round ball at the back of or on top of her head

dreadlocks n [pl] a way of arranging your hair in which it hangs in thick pieces that look like rope

shavev [I,T] your hair is shaved if it is cut off very close to the skin

balding adj (used of a man) beginning to lose the hair on the top of their head, e.g. a balding man in his mid-thirties

bald adj (used of a man or his head) someone who is bald or whose head is bald has little or no hair on the top of their head, e.g. a bald man / You are going bald. He has a large bald patch.

recede v [I] (used of a man or his hair) if your hair recedes, you gradually lose the hair at the front of your head, e.g. He was in his mid-forties, with a receding hairline. He’s receding a bit. His hair is receding at the temples.






I.Transcribe and translate the words:


Hairstyle, medium length, shoulder-length, straight, wavy, curly, sleek, spiky, neat, tidy, untidy, loose, fringe, plait, ponytail, bun, dreadlocks, bald, receding,

II. (Vocabulary Organizer: Unit 19 Ex.1)


III. (Vocabulary Organizer: Unit19 Ex.2)


IV. Give English equivalents of the following Russian words:


лысый, лысеющий, с залысинами на висках, с хвостом, с пучком, с косами, с челкой, с пробором, волосы до плеч, распущенные (волосы), зачесанные назад, прямые, волнистые, кудрявые, лоснящиеся, густые, редкие, редеющие, чистые, грязные.



V. Decide whether these sentences are true or false:


1. If your hair is sleek, it looks good. 2. Spiky hair doesn’t look neat. 3. Young girls like to put their hair in a bun. 4. Elderly ladies prefer to wear their hair in dreadlocks. 5. Nowadays women are not allowed to wear their hair loose in public places. 6. If your hair is receding, you are losing the hair on the top of your head. 7. Men don’t usually wear their hair tied back.

8. A person’s hair thins with age.



VI. Combine the adjectives in A with nouns in B:


A. bald, balding. thinning, receding, curly, wavy, spiky, shaved;

B. hair, man.



VII. Describe your groupmates’ hair style and hair colour.


VIII. Answer the questions:


1. Are you happy with your natural hair colour? If not, what colour hair would you like to have? Why? 2. Have you ever dyed your hair? What colour? Did it make you look more attractive? 3. What hair style do you prefer? Why? 4. In what way did you put your hair when you were a child? 5. What hairstyle would you like to have when you become older?









high cheekbones

a high/low forehead

a wide/ narrow forehead

a long/short nose

a large/small nose

a snub/ turned-up nose

a straight nose

a hooked nose

a pointed nose

thin lips

full lips

pursed lips

a small/large mouth

a vivid mouth

a cleft chin

a double chin

a pointed chin

a jutting chin

a receding chin





square adj if somebody’s body or a part of their body is square, it looks broad and strong,

e.g. a square jaw/face

prominent adj something that is prominent is large and sticks out, e.g. a prominent feature/ nose/chin; prominent cheekbones/teeth

cheekbone n [C usually pl] one of the two bones above your cheeks, just below your eyes,

e.g. She had high cheekbones and green eyes.

forehead n [C] the part of your face above your eyes and below your hair, e.g. a man with

a high forehead

a snub nose is short and points slightly upwards, e.g.She had an interesting face with a snub nose and large appealing eyes. Syn. a turned-up nose (= an upturned nose)

full lipsare large and rounded in an attractive way, e.g. Her full red lips parted in a faint smile. Ant. thin lips

pursed lipsare brought together tightly into a small circle, especially to show disapproval or doubt; purse (up) your lips, e.g. She pursed her lips and shook her head. Her little mouth was pursed up tight.

vivid adj very bright in colour, e.g. a vivid mouth

cleft chin n [C]a cleft chin has an area on it that goes slightly inwards

double chin n [C] a fold of loose skin between the face and neck that looks like a second chin

pointed adj having a sharp end, e.g. a pointed nose/chin/beard

a jutting chin is further forward than normal; Ant. a receding chin

receding chin n[C] a chin that slopes backwards




I.Transcribe and translate the words:


Round, square, oval, cheekbones, forehead, narrow, snub, turned-up, straight, hooked, pointed, pursed, mouth, vivid, cleft, double, pointed, chin, jutting.

II. Match the words below to the parts of the head and face in the pictures:




See Unit 18 Ex 1 /Vocabulary Organiser/





sunburned (sunburnt)

suntanned (tanned)












complexionn [C] the skin on a person’s face, e.g.a pale/fair/ruddy etc complexion / He said I had a good complexion. Compare: skin n [U], e.g. She had dark skin.

pale adj having a skin colour that is very white; Syn. fair,e.g. If you are fair-skinned, you should try to stay out of the sun.

sunburned (sunburnt)adj having skin that is attractively brown as a result of spending time in the sun; Syn. brown; suntanned (tanned), e.g. He had a tough tanned face and clear eyes.

dark adj if your skin is dark, it is brown or black in colour, e.g. The young man had thick black hair and smooth dark skin. Ant. fair

blackadj someone whose skin is black belongs to a race of people from Africa, e.g. Over half the students are black. Ant. white .We say that people are black or white but not black-skinned or white-skinned. We can say people are dark-skinned or fair-skinned. We sometimes say that somebody has got a pale complexion or that they are pale-skinned but if we just say that somebody is pale or looks pale, it is because they aren’t feeling very well.

oliveadj olive skin/ complexion is typical of people from countries such as Greece, Italy, or Turkey

orientaladj of or from the eastern part of the world, especially China or Japan

ruddy adj reddish in colour usually because of good health, anger or hard work, e.g. ruddy cheeks/ a ruddy complexion

sallow adj sallow skin looks slightly yellow and unhealthy, e.g. a woman with dark hair and a sallow complexion




I.Transcribe and translate the words:


Pale, fair, sunburned, suntanned, fair-skinned, olive, oriental, healthy, ruddy, sallow.

II. Give English equivalents of the following Russian words and word-combinations:


цвет лица; бледная/ светлая/ темная кожа; загорелая/ коричневая/ смуглая/ желтая кожа; румяная/ здоровая/ нездоровая/ с желтоватым оттенком кожа


III. Match the synonyms:


1. brown a) negro

2. ruddy b) unhealthy

3. sallow c) tanned

4. pale d) healthy

5. black e) fair


IV. Decide whether these sentences are true or false:


1. If you sunbathe a lot, your skin becomes black. 2. People from China are usually olive-skinned. 3. If you are pale, you may be unwell. 4. Fair skin is very pale and burns easily in the sun. 5. You can have a ruddy complexion when you are excited. 6. People from Africa are dark-skinned. 7. Russian people are mostly fair-skinned. 8. A sallow complexion is a sign of good health.

V. Use these word-combinations in the sentences below:

long nails bad skin

big feet thin legs

lovely complexion long legs


1. Are these your shoes? You’ve got really ________, haven’t you? 2. You’ve got such _______.Would you like to move the seat back a bit? 3. I’ve never seen you in shorts before. You’ve got such _______. You should go running and try to build them up a bit! 4. You’ve got such lovely ______. Are they real? 5. Keith’s new girlfriend must spend a fortune on face cream to have such a _______. 6. Poor Tim. He’s had really _______ ever since he was 13.













long/ thick/curving eyelashes

thin/thick/bushy/arched eyebrows




warm adj kind and friendly in a way that makes other people feel comfortable, e.g. warm eyes/ a warm voice/ a warm smile. Ant. cold

hazeladj greenish-brown in colour

close-setadj near to each other, e.g. close-set eyes/ close-set teeth; Ant. wide-set

wide-set adj far apart on the face, e.g. wide-set eyes

deep-seteyesseem to be a long way back into your face

bulging adj sticking out in a round shape, e.g. His eyes were bulging wide with fear.

almond eyes are brown in colour and shaped like almonds (= flat pale nuts with brown skin that taste sweet)

oriental eyes are the kind of eyes that people from the eastern part of the world have, especially people from China or Japan

slanted adj sloping, at an angle that is not 90 degrees, e.g. her slightly slanted eyes

cross-eyed adj ( used of a person) having eyes that look towards each other

slant-eyed adj (used of a person) having slanted eyes


eyelash n [ C usually plural] one of the hairs along the upper and lower edges of your eyes, e.g. She was wearing false eyelashes.

curving adj bending like part of a circle, e.g. She had beautiful long curving eyelashes. Ant.straight

eyebrow n [C] the line of hairs above your eye, e.g. She raised her eyebrows in surprise.

bushy adj bushy hair or fur grows thickly, e.g. bushy eyebrows/ a bushy beard/ a bushy tail

arched adj forming a curved shape, e.g. an arched window/ arched eyebrows











sparseadj apart from each other, e.g.his sparse yellow teeth; Ant.close-set

even adj similar in size and arranged in a level line with equal spaces between, e.g. She smiled, showing her small even teeth. Ant. uneven

false adjmade to look like something real, e.g. false teeth/false hair/false eyelashes










feature n [C usually plural] a part of somebody’s face, such as their eyes, nose etc , e.g. Her eyes were her best feature.

largefeatures are big in size; Ant. smallfeatures

regular adj evenly shaped, with parts or sides of equal size, e.g. He is very handsome, with strong regular features. Ant.irregular

delicate adj attractive and graceful, e.g. She had fine delicate features. Ant. rough

stern adj serious and strict, and showing strong disapproval of somebody’s behaviour, e.g. stern features/ a stern look/a stern voice/ a stern expression



a beard

a moustache



a scar

a birthmark

a mole/ a beauty-spot

a tattoo

with freckles/ with spots

with wrinkles/ with lines

with dimples in one’s cheeks

well made-up /heavily made-up

to wear/use/ put on make-up






beard n[C] hair that grows around a man’s chin and cheeks, e.g. his thick white beard

moustache n[C] hair that grows on a man’s upper lip, e.g. a tall man with a moustache/ He frowned and twirled his moustaches.

sideburns n [plural] hair that grows down a man’s cheeks; Syn. whiskers

clean-shaven adj with no hair on the lower part of the face, e.g. He used to have a moustache and beard, but now he is clean-shaven. Ant. unshaven

scar n[C] a permanent mark that is left on your skin after you have had a cut or wound, e.g. He has long hair and a scar under his left eye.

birthmark n [C] a permanent red or brown mark on the skin that some people are born with, e.g. Paul had a birthmark on his right cheek.

mole n [C] a small dark brown mark on the skin that is slightly higher than the skin around it; Compare: beauty spot n[C] a small dark mark on a woman’s face ( used when you think it is attractive)

tattoo n [C] a picture or writing that is permanently marked on your skin, e.g. He has a tattoo of a snake on his left arm.

freckle n [C usually plural] freckles are small light brown spots on someone’s skin, especially on their face, which the sun can cause to increase in number and become darker, e.g. The girl had a lot of freckles on her nose and cheeks.

dimple n [C] a small hollow in someone’s cheek or chin that you can see when they smile, e.g. She’got lovely dimples in her cheeks.

spot n[C] a small round red area on someone’s skin that shows that they are ill, e.g. Betty was very self-conscious about her spots. Syn.pimple , e.g. He knew that eating sweets causes pimples.

wrinkles n [C usually plural] lines on your face and skin that you get when you are old, e.g. Her face was a mass of wrinkles. Syn.lines, e.g. There were fine lines around her eyes.

make-up n[U] coloured substances that are put on your face to improve or change your appearance, e.g. heavy make-up/ eye make-up/ stage make-up/I don’t usually wear much make-up. Her hair looked untidy and she had no make-up on. She never uses eye make-up. If you have put on too much make-up you are heavily made-up. Ant. well made-up




I. Transcribe and translate the following words:

a) eyes, warm, hazel, close-set, deep-set, bulging, almond, oriental, slanted, cross-eyed, curving eyelashes, bushy, arched eyebrows;

b) teeth, even, uneven, close-set, sparse, false;

c) features, regular, irregular, delicate, rough, stern;

d) distinguishing, beard, moustache, sideburns, whiskers, clean-shaven, unshaven, scar, birthmark, mole, beauty-spot, tattoo, freckles, wrinkles, lines, dimples, cheeks, heavily made-up.


II. Give English equivalents of the following Russian words and word-combinations:


правильные, тонкие, грубые,суровые, крупные, неправильные черты лица; частые, редкие, ровные, неровные зубы; карие, зеленовато-карие, зеленые, серые, голубые, близко посаженные, глубоко посаженные, выпученные, раскосые, миндалевидные, азиатские, добрые, ласковые глаза; длинные, густые, загнутые ресницы; тонкие, густые, кустистые, дугообразные брови; грим, морщины, прыщи, ямочки, веснушки, родинка, родимое пятно, бакенбарды, усы, борода, чисто выбритый, небритый, шрам, татуировка


III. Give the opposite of the following word-combinations:


regular features, even teeth, sparse teeth, large features, rough features, bulging eyes, wide-set eyes, small eyes. warm eyes, straight eyelashes, short eyelashes, bushy eyebrows, unshaven



A. B.

1. small a) hair

b) man

2. brown c) features

d) eyes

3. close-set e) complexion

f) eyelashes

4. thin g) teeth

h) eyebrows



V. Decide whether the following statements are true or false:


1. If you stay in the sun too long, you can get scars on your skin. 2. Dimples are considered unattractive. 3. Eating a lot of sweets causes moles. 4. No one can avoid lines and wrinkles as they get older. 5. Teenagers are usually proud of their spots. 6. Newborn babies have wrinkles on their skin. 7. You can easily get rid of your moles if you wish. 8. Some people are born with tattoos. 9. Girls in heavy make-up look attractive. 10. Oriental eyes are the kind of eyes that are usually narrow, slanted and dark blue. 11. When you say that a person has slanted eyes, you mean that they are cross-eyed.


VI. Use these words to complete the sentences below:


complexion mole scar

make-up cheekbones false teeth

wrinkles beards spots

teeth unshaven


1. Sarah wears a lot of ______ . She looks better without it, if you ask me. 2. I’m getting old. I’m starting to get ______ round my eyes. 3. I had terrible ______ when I was a teenager. No wonder I was so shy with girls. 4. Fiona’s got lovely high ______ . I find her very attractive. 5. Peter’s got a beautiful smooth _______ - like a baby’s. 6. I don’t like men with ______ but I quite like the ______ look - you know - one or two days without shaving. 7. My mum’s got a small, brown _______ on one of her cheeks. 8. I cut myself climbing a tree when I was ten and I’ve got this _______ just below my ear. 9. My grandfather looks really funny when he smiles because he’s got two ______ missing and he refuses to wear ______ .


VII. Match each of the following lines of adjectives with one of the following words:


nose teeth ears eyes hair face


1. round, square, oval, fat, thin, tanned

2. brown, blue, green, big, small, piercing

3. big, long, thin, pointed, flat, broken

4. white, yellow. rotten, false

5. dry, dull, lifeless, shiny, silky

6. small, large, sticking out


VIII. a) Make adjectives from these nouns:

E.g. beard - bearded (= with a beard; having a beard )

wrinkle -

freckle -

line -

plait -


b) Change the sentences below to use the adjectives you’ve made.


1. He was a tall man with a beard. - He was a tall bearded man. 2. The old woman had a lot ofwrinkleson her skin. 3. Peter has freckles on his nose. 4. Mrs Gray had lines on her forehead. 5. The girl’s hair was put in plaits.










to dress smartly/elegantly/well/badly/tastefully



scruffy adj dirty and untidy, e.g. a scruffy old pair of jeans

shabby adj shabby clothes are untidy and in bad condition because they have been used for a long time, e.g. Hugh’s jacket was old and shabby.

worn-out adj too old or damaged to be used, e.g. a pair of old worn-out walking boots; Ant. brand-new, e.g. His clothes looked brand-new.

smart adj clean, tidy and attractive

elegant adj beautiful, attractive

casual adj intended for informal situations or occasions, e.g. casual shoes/ He felt more comfortable in casual clothes. Ant. formal; Syn.informal

conservative adj not very modern in style, e.g. a dark conservative suit; Syn.traditional

fashionable adj popular, especially for a short period of time; Ant. unfashionable

dress vi to wear a particular kind of clothes, e.g. Dress warmly if you are going out for a walk. One can dress casually/smartly/well/ badly/tastefully; e.g. I spend most of my time in the house with young children, so I dress casually.

dressed adj having your clothes on or wearing a particular type of clothes;smartly/well-/elegantly dressed, e.g. a very well-dressed young man/ She was dressed in a two-piece suit


I.Transcribe and translate the words:

Scruffy, shabby, worn-out, brand-new, smart, elegant, casual, conservative, traditional, fashionable, unfashionable, tastefully.


II. Give English equivalents of the following Russian words:


нарядная, элегантная, повседневная, модная, потрепанная, изношенная, неопрятная, строгая одежда


III. Match the adjectives in A with their synonyms in B:


A. B.

1. scruffy a. elegant

2. casual b. shabby

3. smart c. traditional

4. conservative d. informal


IV. Match the adjectives in A with their antonyms in B:


A. B.

1.worn-out a. fashionable

2. casual b. neat

3.scruffy c. untidy

4. conservative d. brand-new

5. smart e. formal


V. Complete the following dialogues with these words:


fashionable smart casual

worn-out scruffy dress well


1. - You’re looking very _______ today.

- Yes, I’m on my way to a job interview.

2. - You must spend a fortune on clothes.

- I don’t really, but I must admit I do like to ________ .

3. - Will I have to wear a suit in the meeting?

- No, I expect most people will be wearing fairly _______ clothes.

4. - I need a new dress for this party but I don’t know what colour to choose.

- Well, pink is supposed to be _______ at the moment, isn’t it? It’s this season’s colour.

5. - Why are you throwing that jacket out?

- It’s ________ . Look, it’s got a hole under the arm and most of the buttons are missing!

6. - I like your new trousers. They are very smart.

- Well, I start my new job tomorrow and I can’t wear _______ old jeans. Everyone there is

very well-dressed.


VI. Translate the following sentences into English:


1.Моя сестра не любит одеваться нарядно, потому что чувствует себя более удобно в повседневной одежде. 2. Он вздрогнул, когда увидел невероятно худую женщину с растрепанными седыми волосами, морщинистым лицом, в грязном плаще и стоптанных ботинках. Он узнал в ней свою мать. 3. Этот артист всегда появляется на публике в старых потрепанных джинсах и безвкусном дешевом гриме. 4. Ее мать – консервативно одетая женщина, невысокого роста, полная, с темными волосами и серыми глазами. Дочь совсем на нее не похожа. Она – модно одетая высокая блондинка, очень стройная, с большими голубыми глазами, темными бровями и ресницами. У нее большой, но красивый рот, прямой нос и прекрасный цвет лица. 5. Мой сосед был высокий худой мужчина лет пятидесяти. Его лицо было не очень привлекательным. У него был крупный нос, небольшие темные раскосые глаза и тонкие губы. Однако, когда он говорил и улыбался, лицо его сразу же становилось очень приятным. 6. Это была элегантно одетая пожилая женщина лет шестидесяти, с седеющими волосами, довольно полная, но все еще красивая.

7. Наш новый коллега оказался человеком приятной наружности с вьющимися светло-русыми волосами, глубоко-посаженными карими глазами и доброжелательной улыбкой. Он был чисто выбрит и одет с иголочки. 8. Девочка была прелестна с ее румяными щечками, белокурыми кудряшками, голубыми глазами и вздернутым носиком.



Part II



1. Look at the following extracts of written language and match them to their sources below:

a) Small, slim, blue-eyed blond, GSH, early 30’s WLTM hunky male 28 – 38 for fun and friendship. Call me on 09765-567892.

b) The first man was small and wiry, with sharp, strong features. Behind him walked his opposite, a huge man, with wide shoulders: and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws.

c) The police are looking for a man of average height and medium build in his mid-twenties. He was last seen wearing a dark green or grey anorak.

d) The tallest man in medical history is Robert Pershing Wadlow who was born on 22nd February 1918 in Illinois, USA, and who died on 15th July 1940 in Michigan. He was last measured on 27th June 1940 and was found to be 272cm tall.


1. An extract from a novel.

2. An extract from a newspaper report.

3. An extract from the Guinness Book of Records.

4. An advertisement in a lonely hearts section of a newspaper.


What do you think WLTM and GSH mean?


2. Which of the people in Exercise 1 (a – d) answer the following descriptions?

( In some cases more than one answer is possible)

1) with noticeable features

E.g. 1 - b (with sharp, strong features)

2) below medium height

3) broad-shouldered

4) fair- haired

5) 8 ft 11 inches tall

6) medium height

7) a little over 30

8) thin and muscular

9) about 25

10) enormous


Part III

Listening I




Part V






quiet adj 1. someone who is quiet always behaves in a calm and gentle way and is not easily made angry, upset, or excited; Syn. even-tempered, calm; 2. used about people who are not talking or who do not usually talk much; Ant. talkative; e.g. a quiet sensitive boy/ She is thoughtful, quiet and controlled.

calm adj relaxed and quiet, not angry, nervous, or upset, e.g. An hour after the accident , I was starting to feel calmer.| to stay/keep/remain calm I tried to stay calm and just ignore him.

reserved adj unwilling to express your emotions or talk about your problems, e.g. Ellen was a shy, reserved girl.

shy adj nervous and uncomfortable in the company of other people, e.g. a shy smile/ I’ve always been a bit shy.

thoughtful adj always thinking of the things you can do to make people happy or comfortable; Syn.considerate; Ant.thoughtless; e.g. Paul is very thoughtful. It was really very thoughtful of you to remember my birthday.

moody adj 1. annoyed or unhappy, e.g. He seemed moody all morning. Syn. miserable 2. often changing quickly from being in a good temper to being in a bad temper; e.g. a moody teenager/He was generally moody and unpredictable. Ant. even-tempered

sociable adj sociable people are friendly and enjoy talking to other people, e.g. a pleasant, sociable couple/ He is a sociable kind of man. Syn. talkative; Ant. unsociable

friendly adj behaving in a pleasant, kind, warm way, e.g. Russian people are generally believed to be very warm and friendly. Ant. unfriendly

lively adj very active, having a lot of energy, e.g. a lively group of students

cheerful adj tending to be happy most of the time, e.g. Stephen was a cheerful child. Syn.lively; Ant. moody, miserable

amusing adj funny and entertaining, e.g. Her husband is the most amusing person I’ve ever met.

Ant. boring

polite adj someone who is polite has good manners and behaves in a way that is socially correct, e.g. He is always polite and does the right thing. Ant. impolite/rude

reliable adj a reliable person is someone you can trust to behave well, work hard, or do what you expect them to do, e.g. Sarah is a charming and reliable person. You can depend on Max - he is very reliable. Syn. dependable; Ant. unreliable

sophisticated adj 1. knowing and understanding a lot about a subject, e.g. Consumers are getting more sophisticated and more demanding. 2. knowing a lot about things such as culture, fashion, and the modern world, e.g. She was elegant and sophisticated.

aggressive adj 1. behaving in an angry or rude way that shows you want to fight, attack, or argue with somebody, e.g. aggressive behaviour/ Jim’s voice became aggressive. 2. someone who is aggressive is very determined to win or be successful, e.g. A successful businessman has to be aggressive. Syn. ambitious

Additional vocabulary:





















I.Transcribe and translate the words:

quiet; even-tempered; calm; talkative; sociable; friendly; reserved; shy; thoughtful; considerate;

moody; lively; cheerful; amusing; boring; polite; rude; reliable; dependable; sophisticated; aggressive; ambitious; miserable; thoughtless.


II. Give English equivalents for the following:


Общительный; надежный; скучный; угрюмый, неуравновешенный; вежливый; веселый, жизнерадостный; грубый; спокойный, невозмутимый; уравновешенный; тихий, немногословный; разговорчивый; дружелюбный; застенчивый, стеснительный; светский, утонченный; напористый; забавный, веселый; сдержанный; внимательный, чуткий; энергичный, живой.

III. Match the synonyms:

  1. Quiet a) funny
  2. Thoughtful b) well-mannered
  3. Talkative c) dependable
  4. Cheerful d) even-tempered
  5. Amusing e) considerate
  6. Reliable f) ambitious
  7. Polite g) lively
  8. Aggressive h) sociable


IV. Match the opposites:


  1. Calm a) rude
  2. Considerate b) reserved
  3. Talkative c) nervous
  4. Moody d) boring
  5. Polite e) thoughtless
  6. Amusing f) cheerful

V. Complete the sentences with appropriate words from exercises III and IV.


  1. Tina is very ______. She has made friends with everybody else in the class already.
  2. Jack’s such a ______ little boy. I’ve never seen him in a bad mood. 3. Bruno’s so ______. I don’t think he’s spoken to any of the other students yet. 4. Oh, Laura’s impossible. One minute life is wonderful and the next minute she’s in her room crying. How can she be so ______? 5. Martin can be very ______at times. He’s got a great sense of humour. 6. Mark’s so _______. He keeps getting into fights. 7. Simon’s very ______. He’s always buying me little presents. 8. Tony isn’t very _______. He has bad manners. 9. He isn’t very ______. He promises to do things but half the time he forgets. 10. Kate’s brother is so _______. He’s always making people angry or upset because he just doesn’t consider their feelings.



VI. Match the words with their definitions:

  1. generous a) believing that good things will happen in the future;
  2. easy-going b) always telling the truth, not cheating or stealing;
  3. sensitive c) not easily annoyed, worried or upset by problems;
  4. lazy d) having a desire to be successful, rich or powerful;
  5. ambitious e) able to wait calmly for a long time;
  6. honest f) willing to give money in order to help people;
  7. optimistic g) able to understand other people’s feelings;
  8. patient h) not liking work and physical activity;
  9. arrogant i) reasonable, practical;
  10. sensible j) thinking that they are more important than other people.



VII. Arrange these words in pairs of opposites:


Mean, lazy, sensitive, optimistic, arrogant, silly, honest, hard-working, easy-going, deceitful, generous, sensible, thoughtless, pessimistic, modest, nervous.



XVIII. Revision translation.


1.Интересно, как выглядит новый парень Анны? – Он высокий, широкоплечий, очень привлекательный. У него густые каштановые волосы, зачесанные назад, и карие глаза. Если я не ошибаюсь, он носит усы, бороду и очки. –А его характер такой же замечательный как и его внешность? – Ну да, он добродушный и немного застенчивый.

2. ПРОПАЛ РЕБЕНОК: девочка шести лет, довольно полная, прямые короткие рыжие волосы, длинная челка, курносый нос, на лице веснушки, одета в белую футболку и красную юбку. 3. Миссис Дарби – высокая, полная женщина, обладающая настоящей зрелой красотой. У нее крупные правильные черты, высокий лоб, свежий цвет лица.Она укладывает свои седеющие волосы в тугой узел. У нее почти нет морщин, хотя ей уже за пятьдесят. У нее тонкий вкус, и она носит изысканную одежду. Люди восхищаются, когда смотрят на нее. Некоторые считают, что она выглядит несколько сурово. Но, по-моему, она выглядит благородно. 4. Эти девочки – лучшие подружки. Они даже похожи друг на друга: обе маленькие, голубоглазые, с косичками. Они живые и веселые, постоянно болтают или смеются.



Part II


A) Do you think a person’s app

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