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Make up one sentence with each word from ex I( 2) and II(1).

Make up five types of questions on the text.

10. Render the text in English:

Заикание может негативно влиять на эффективность обучения в целом и на мыслительную деятельность в частности. Чувства неуверенности в себе, стыда, растерянности, страха или вины часто сопутствуют приступам заикания и могут привести к их более частым проявлениям. Чем чаще больной сталкивается с затруднениями в речи, тем сильнее формируется в сознании негативный собственный образ. Больной так же может проецировать свое негативное отношение на окружающих, полагая, что его считают нервным или глупым. Проявления таких негативных чувств должны быть основным аспектом лечения и коррекционной программы.

Заикание является типичным заболеванием при развитии ребенка, которое встречается в раннем детстве и в 20% случаев встречается у взрослых. Период развития заболевания составляет примерно 30 месяцев. Встречаются разные формы осложненности, но, как правило, первыми признаками являются повторения слогов или слов, в то время как напряженность, желание избежать ситуации говорения отсутствуют.

Большинство детей не обращают внимания на то, что их перебивают. У них приступы заикания могут быть эпизодическими, после которых наблюдается нормально интонированная речь. К сожалению, советы взрослых не торопиться, передохнуть, повторить, начать сначала могут привести к тому, что чувства страза и нервозности только усилятся. Это, в свою очередь, может вызвать еще большие страхи, которые могут привести к еще большим проблемам в ожидании приступа заикания. С течением времени заикание может прогрессировать и появляются вторичные признаки, такие как ассиметричные движения парных мышц лица, страх проявляется в желании избежать слов, на которых больной обычно «спотыкается», ситуаций говорения, а так же людей, с которыми могут быть связаны неприятные моменты.


Make the written translation of the text. Pay special attention to the examples – they should be in Russian.

Read the text and make a report about some other approaches onto stuttering.


For centuries stuttering has featured prominently in society at large. Because of the unusual-sounding speech that is produced, as well as the behaviors and attitudes that accompany a stutter, stuttering has been a subject of scientific interest, curiosity, discrimination, and ridicule. Stuttering was, and essentially still is, a riddle with a long history of interest and speculation into its causes and cures. Stutterers can be traced back centuries to the likes of Demosthenes, who tried to control his disfluency by speaking with pebbles in his mouth. The Talmud interprets Bible passages to indicate Moses was also a stutterer, and that placing a burning coal in his mouth had caused him to be "slow and hesitant of speech". Galen's humoral theories remained influential in Europe into the Middle Ages and beyond. In this theory, stuttering was attributed to imbalances of the four bodily humors: yellow bile, blood, black bile, and phlegm. Hieronymus Mercurialis, writing in the sixteenth century, proposed methods to redress the imbalance including changes in diet, reduced lovemaking (in men only), and purging. Believing that fear aggravated stuttering, he suggested techniques to overcome this. Humoral manipulation continued to be a dominant treatment for stuttering until the eighteenth century. Partly due to a perceived lack of intelligence because of his stutter, the man who became the Roman Emperor Claudius was initially shunned from the public eye and excluded from public office.

In eighteenth and nineteenth century Europe or around there, surgical interventions for stuttering were recommended, including cutting the tongue with scissors, removing a triangular wedge from the posterior tongue, cutting nerves, and neck and lip muscles. Others recommended shortening the uvula or removing the tonsils. All were abandoned due to the high danger of bleeding to death and their failure to stop stuttering. Less drastically, Jean Marc Gaspard Itard placed a small forked golden plate under the tongue in order to support "weak" muscles. Italian pathologist Giovanni Morgagni attributed stuttering to deviations in the hyoid bone, a conclusion he came to via autopsy. Blessed Notker of St. Gall, called Balbulus and described by his biographer as being "delicate of body but not of mind, stuttering of tongue but not of intellect, pushing boldly forward in things Divine," was invoked against stammering. Other famous Englishmen who stammered were King George VI and Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who led the UK through World War II. George VI went through years of speech therapy for his stammer. Churchill claimed, perhaps not directly discussing himself, "Sometimes a slight and not unpleasing stammer or impediment has been of some assistance in securing the attention of the audience...". However, those who knew Churchill and commented on his stutter believed that it was or had been a significant problem for him. His secretary Phyllis Moir in her 1941 book 'I was Winston Churchill's Private Secretary' commented that 'Winston Churchill was born and grew up with a stutter'. Moir writes also about one incident 'It’s s s simply s s splendid” he stuttered, as he always did when excited.’ Louis J. Alber. who helped to arrange a lecture tour of the United States wrote in Volume 55 of The American Mercury (1942) ‘Churchill struggled to express his feelings but his stutter caught him in the throat and his face turned purple' and ‘Born with a stutter and a lisp, both caused in large measure by a defect in his palate, Churchill was at first seriously hampered in his public speaking. It is characteristic of the man’s perseverance that, despite his staggering handicap, he made himself one of the greatest orators of our time.

For centuries "cures" such as consistently drinking water from a snail shell for the rest of one's life, "hitting a stutterer in the face when the weather is cloudy", strengthening the tongue as a muscle, and various herbal remedies were used. Similarly, in the past people have subscribed to theories about the causes of stuttering which today are considered odd. Proposed causes of stuttering have included tickling an infant too much, eating improperly during breastfeeding, allowing an infant to look in the mirror, cutting a child's hair before the child spoke his or her first words, having too small a tongue, or the "work of the devil."

Jazz and Euro Dance musician Scatman John wrote the song "Scatman (Ski Ba Bop Ba Dop Bop)" to help children who stutter overcome adversity. Born John Paul Larkin, Scatman spoke with a stutter himself and won the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association's Annie Glenn Award for outstanding service to the stuttering community.

Fiction character Albert Arkwright from British sitcom Open All Hours, stammered and much of the series' humor revolved around this.

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