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Constructions with the Participle

Complex Object Noun (com. case)/ Pronoun(obj. case)+ Part.1/ 2 We heard the sentence announcedby the judge. Мы слышали, как судья объявил приговор.
I saw her entering the court. Я видел, как она входила в здание суда
Complex Subject Noun (com. case)/ Pronoun(nom. case)+ Part.1/ 2 The sentencewas heardannouncedby the judge. Было слышно, как судья объявил приговор.  
She was seen entering the court. Видели, как она входила в здание суда.
Absolute Participial Construction Noun (com. case)/ Pronoun(obj. case)+ Part.1/ 2 His rights being violated, he consulted a lawyer. Так как его права были нарушены, он обратился к адвокату.


5.5.4 Identify the Participial constructions and translate the sentences into Russian in writing.

1) The Treaty having been signed, trade was at once resumed.

2) He was heard talking about 15 million people leaving their countries because of human rights violations.

3) I saw him writing a complaint to the European Ombudsman.

4) The party having failed to perform the obligations under a judgment of the Court, the Security Council decided upon measures to give effect to the judgment.

5)The court having power to interpretinternational law, its decisions on interpretation matters are binding on all bodies and members of the United Nations.

6) I didn’t know him being interested in international law.

7) The president of the court was seen voting.

8) There being no more evidence, the court passed the judgment.

9) Capital punishment abolished, the country could claim the membership of the European Union.

10) There being too many disputable matters involved, the decisions are reached through consensus.

6. 6th YEAR 12th TERM


6.1.1 Study these words before reading the text.

violence –насилие

fear –страх, опасение

to intimidate –запугивать

contemporary –современный

obedience –подчинение

to gain –получать

quest –поиски

spectacular –эффектный, бьющий на эффект

media coverage –освещение (событий) в средствах массовой информации

atrocity –жестокость, зверство, злодеяние

to combat –бороться

hostage –заложник

to pledge –обещать, клясться

deterrence –удерживание

prevention –предотвращение; предупредительная мера

intelligence –разведка

6.1.2 Read and translate the text.

Terrorism is the use of violence, including hijacking, political assassination, kidnapping and urban bombings to achieve a political purpose. In popular usage, terrorism is now used as a general term for all kinds of political violence.

There are three categories of terrorist crimes, not in legal terms but by intention.

First is the use and threat of violence to create public fear. Such crimes are directed at innocent people. The deliberate killing of civilians to intimidate the civilian population or government is one of the worst features of contemporary terrorism.

A second category of terrorist crime is actual rule by terror. It is common practice for leaders of terrorist organizations who come to power, to enforce obedience and discipline by terrorizing their own members.

Third, crimes are committed by terrorist organizations in order to gain the means for their own support. Bank robbery, kidnapping for ransom, extortion, illegal arms dealing, and drug trafficking are among the principal crimes of this nature.

One important feature of modern terrorism is its quest for spectacular horror effects in order to attract media coverage. Terrorism atrocities like the destruction of civilian airlines and murder of helpless schoolchildren were committed for publicity. The choice of New York City’s World Center as a target of a terrorist bomb was made for symbolic reasons.

Another feature of modern terrorism is its international character. That means the ability of terrorists to slip across national frontiers; and the support given to certain terrorist groups by a few countries.

International efforts to combat terrorism have led to the following international conventions:

the Tokyo and Montreal Conventions (1963 and 1971) on hijacking and sabotage of civilian aircraft;

– the Hague Convention of 1979 on hostage taking;

– the 1973 Convention on crimes against diplomats.

These Conventions establish categories of international crimes that are punishable by any state regardless of the nationality of criminals or victims or locality of the offence.

In 1987 seven industrial democratic countries pledged themselves to take joint action against terrorism. These nations are the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, France and Japan. They promised:

– to deny terrorist suspects entry into their countries;

– to provide close cooperation between police and security forces in their countries;

– to place strict restrictions on diplomatic missions suspected of being involved in terrorism;

– to cooperate in other ways.

Nowadays, the emphasis in fighting terrorism has shifted from deterrence to prevention. Today, the most effective means of preventing terrorist activity is through detailed intelligence.


6.1.3 Read the text again to answer the following questions.

1) How is the term terrorism defined?

2) In what way are terrorist crimes categorized according to their intention?’

3) What are the features of modern terrorism?

4) What are the most notorious terrorist organizations?

5) What international efforts have been taken to combat terrorism?

6) What measures does joint action of democratic countries against terrorism include?

7) How has the emphasis in fighting terrorism shifted nowadays?

8) What is the most effective means of preventing terrorism?



6.2.1 Study these words before reading the text.

mission –миссия, предназначение, цель

to disseminate –распространять

to receive –получать

to store –накапливать

to circulate –передавать, распространять

target –цель, мишень

to flee –убегать

National Central Bureau (NCB) – Национальное Центральное Бюро

General Assembly –Генеральная Ассамблея

General Secretariat –Генеральный Секретариат

to adhere –придерживаться, быть верным (принципам и т.п.)

6.2.2 Read and translate the text.

Interpol is the world’s largest international police organization with 181 member countries. It was established in 1923 to promote cross-border police cooperation.

Interpol’s mission is to help police organizations around the world to work together to combat crime. Interpol does not have power to arrest or investigate crimes. Its function is to disseminate information. It receives stores, analyzes and circulates criminal data in cooperation with its member countries around the clock in its four official languages (Arabic, English, French and Spanish).

Interpol’s principal target is the international criminal. There are three main categories of criminals: those who operate in more than one country, such as smugglers; criminals who do not travel but whose crimes affect other countries – for example, counterfeiters of foreign bank notes; and criminals who commit a crime in one country and flee to another. The organization is among the first to fight international terrorism and hijacking.

Every member country has an Interpol contact point called a National Central Bureau (NCB). The NCB is the operational element of Interpol. Each member country employs its own officers to operate on its own territory.

Interpol is not under the control or supervision of any government. Its three main bodies are the General Assembly, the Executive Committee and the General Secretariat.

The General Assembly is Interpol’s supreme governing body. It is composed of delegates from each member country who meet once a year and take all the major decisions. Each member country has one vote.

The Executive Committee supervises the execution of the decisions of the General Assembly. It has thirteen members made up of the President, three Vice-Presidents and nine delegates.

The General Secretariat is Interpol’s business division. It contains the permanent departments which specialize in certain crimes: one handles murder, burglary, assault, larceny, car theft, and missing persons; another deals with bank frauds and other types of embezzlement; a third – with drug traffic; and a fourth – with forgery and counterfeiting.

The Secretariat is headed by the Secretary General who is the organization’s chief executive.

Interpol is one of the highly respected groups in the world. It operates according to a strict code of behavior and adheres to the highest ethical standards.


6.2.3 Read the text again to answer the following questions.

1) How many member countries are there in Interpol?

2) When and why was Interpol established?

3) What is Interpol’s mission (function)?

4) What categories of criminals does Interpol deal with?

5) What is the operational element of Interpol?

6) Is Interpol an intergovernmental organization?

7) What are its main bodies?

8) What is Interpol’s supreme governing body (its functions and composition)?

9) What are the functions and composition of the Executive Committee? Who is Interpol’s current President?

10) What body is Interpol’s business division? Who is it headed by? What departments does it consist of?

11) Why is Interpol one of the highly respected groups in the world?


6.3.1 Study these words before reading the text.

globalization –глобализация

exchange –обмен

to intertwine –сплетать, переплетать

to argue –утверждать, приводить доводы

assets –активы

institution –учреждение, организация

to contend –утверждать, заявлять, настаивать

diversity –разнообразие

to supplant –вытеснять (что-либо), выживать (кого-либо), занимать чье-либо место

hybridization –гибридизация, скрещивание

assimilation –ассимиляция, уподобление

Sinisization –китаизация

to sinicize –китаизировать

Sinicism -китаизм

WTO (World Trade Organization) –Всемирная Торговая Организация

OPEK (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) –Организация стран экспортеров нефти

IMF (International Monetary Fund) –Международный Валютный Фонд

to eliminate –уничтожать, ликвидировать

to dissolve –разрушать, ликвидировать, уничтожать

emergence – появление, проявление

to contest - оспаривать


6.3.2 Read and translate the text.

Globalization refers to a worldwide phenomenon of technological, economic, political and cultural exchanges. These exchanges have been brought about by modern communication, transportation, legal infrastructure and political choice to open cross-border links in international trade and finance. Globalization is a term which describes how human beings are becoming more intertwined with each other around the world economically, politically and culturally.

The economic aspects stressed in globalization are free trade, investment and migration. The globalization of trade allows human beings to have greater access to a wide range of goods and services – from German cars to Columbian coffee, from Chinese clothing to Egyptian cotton, from American music to Indian software. However, critics of free trade argue that it may lead to the destruction of a country’s native industry, environment and/or a loss of jobs.

The globalization of investment takes place through foreign direct investment, where multinational companies directly invest assets in a foreign country; or by indirect investment where individuals and institutions buy and sell financial assets of other countries. Critics of international investment contend that by accepting these financial schemes a country loses its economic sovereignty and may be forced to set policies that are contrary to its citizens’ interests. Moreover, multinational companies that invest in a country may acquire too much political and economic power in relation to its citizens.

Finally, free migration allows individuals to find employment in countries where there are labor shortages. But it may lead to the exploitation of workers from a host country.

In its cultural form, globalization has been identified with greater international cultural exchange; greater international tourism and travel; greater immigration, including illegal immigration; spreading of multiculturalism and better individual access to cultural diversity, for example through spread of local foods such as pizza and Japanese food, or through the export of Hollywood movies. The imported culture, however, can easily supplant the local culture, causing reduction in diversity through hybridization or even assimilation. The most prominent form of this is Westernization, but Sinicization of cultures also takes place.

As is seen above, globalization has become identified with a number of trends which include greater international movement of commodities, money, information, and people on the one hand, and the development of technology, organizations, legal systems, and infrastructures that allow this movement on the other. These include:

– creation and increased role of such international organizations as WTO (World Trade Organization), OPEK (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), IMF(International Monetary Fund).

development of a global telecommunications infrastructure using such technologies as Internet, communication satellites and telephones;

– increase in the number of standards applied globally, for example, copyright laws and patents;

– formation and development of a set of international values (the UDHR);

– the push by many lawyers for international justice movements (International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice);

– the global distribution of media images that appear on our computer screens, in newspapers, television and radio.

There is much academic debate about whether globalization is a real phenomenon or only an analytical artifact (a myth). Some authors prefer the term internationalization rather than globalization. In internationalization the role of the state and nations is greater, while globalization in its complete form eliminates national states. So, they argue that the frontiers of countries are far from being dissolved, and therefore this globalization process is not happening, considering that in world history, internationalization never turned into globalization (the European Union and NAFTA).

To sum up, the emergence of a global movement is indisputable and therefore we can speak of a real process towards a global human society of societies. Some authors state that we are in transition to a planetary phase of civilization; others think of the formation of a global village – closer contact between different parts of the world, with increasing possibilities of personal exchange, mutual understanding and friendship between ‘world citizens’, and creation of a global civilization.However, the exact form and character of the global society is contested and will be determined by the choices we make in the critical decades ahead.

6.3.3 Read the text again to answer the following questions.

1) What is the definition of globalization?

2) What are economic aspects of globalization?

3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the globalization of trade?

4) In what forms does the globalization of investment take place?

5) What do critics of international investment contend?

6) What arguments can be given for and against freer migration of people?

7) What does cultural globalization include?

8) What is the danger of cultural globalization?

9) What modern means make globalization more possible today than ever before?

10) Is globalization a real phenomenon? Give arguments.

GRAMMAR: Linking Words

Linking words show the logical relationship between sentences or parts of a sentence.


6.4.1 Study the following table. Then say the sentences from the table in every possible way as in the example. Whenever this is not possible, make up a new sentence so that other linking words can be used.

Positive Addition   And, both…and, not only…but, too, moreover, in addition to, furthermore, also, not to mention (the fact that), besides This lawyer is clever and rich.  
Negative addition   Neither…nor, nor, neither   Neither Actus nor Mens has been proved in the case.
Contrast But, although, while, whereas, despite/in spite of, even if, even though, on the other hand, in contrast, however, unlike, contrary to, (and) yet Although Britain is not the only monarchy in Europe, it is special in having an unwritten constitution.
Similarity   Similarly, likewise, in the same way, equally   Statutes enacted by Parliament form the basis of written law; similarly rules and regulations made by government ministers and departments are also statutory instruments.
Alternative Or, on the other hand, alternatively, either…or   You can hire a lawyer to represent you in court, or you can act as your own lawyer.
Emphasis   Besides, in fact, as a matter of fact, to tell you the truth, actually, indeed, let alone, what is more I’m afraid you are not qualified for the job of a juror; what is more, you are far too young.
Exemplification   As, such as, like, for example, for instance, particularly, in particular   In Britain many constitutional provisions are simply traditions, in particular the Queen’s Royal Assent to any bill passed by Parliament.
Clarification   In other words, I mean, to put it another way, that is (to say) The Court itself doesn’t have any powers of enforcement, that is to say its decisions are not binding on the member states.
Cause/Reason   As, because, because of, since, on the grounds that, due to, for, so, owing to Interpol does not have power to arrest or investigate crimes because its function is to disseminate information about international criminals.
Condition   If, in case, assuming that, on condition (that), provided (that), providing (that), unless, in the event of, as/so long as, only if, even if Ifno precedent can be found, then the judge makes a new decision based on existing legal principles.  
Purpose   So that, so as (not) to, in order (not) to, with a view In order to be binding in law, an agreement must have an offer and an acceptance of the offer.
Effect/Result   Consequently, thus, therefore, so, for this reason Nowadays, the emphasis in fighting terrorism has shifted from deterrence to prevention; therefore the most effective means of preventing terrorist activity is through detailed intelligence
Comparison   As…as, than, nothing like, the…the, twice as…as, less…than In Common law countries statutes have become as important as precedents.
Time   When, whenever, as, while, before, until, till, after, since, once When issuing a divorce the judge has to decide ondivision of property.
Place Where, wherever Park your car wherever you want to.
Exception   But (for), except (for), apart from All, except for two members supported the decision.
Chronological Beginning: first, at first, to start/begin with, at the beginning of At the beginning of the article the author touches upon the problem …
Continuing:secondly, after this/that, second…, afterwards, then, next, before this Then the author passes on to …  
Concluding: finally, at last, in the end, eventually Eventually the author comes to the conclusion …
Reference Concerning, considering, regarding, with respect/regard/reference to   Considering all the evidence, we find the accused ‘not guilty’. I’m writing with reference to your report at the conference
Summarizing In conclusion, to sum up, as I have said, as it was previously stated, all in all, on the whole, in short, to put it briefly To sum up, the government must spend more money on public services.  


6.4.2 Join the following sentences using the linking words in brackets. Make as many sentences as there are linking words.

1) The lawyer was very expensive. She couldn’t afford hiring him. (since, therefore)

2) She inherited some money. She gave most of it to charity. (when, and, after)

3) He asked for a loan. He wanted to expand his company. (because, so, as, for this reason)

4) Laws may be written. Laws may be unwritten. (either…or)

5) The emergence of a global movement is indisputable. We can speak of a real process towards a global human society of societies. (therefore, as)

6) Great Britain has a common-law system. Scotland has its own system of law. (except)

7) Leaders of terrorist organizations come to power. They enforce obedience and discipline by terrorizing their own members. (whenever, as)

8) Some authors state that we are in transition to a planetary phase of civilization. The exact form and character of the global society is contested. (however, nevertheless)

9) Americans respect law. The United States does experience crime. (although, even though, and yet, however)

10) Britain is a constitutional monarchy. There are six other constitutional monarchies in Europe. (besides, in fact, what is more)

11) His first case was successful. His second case was (not) successful. (as…as, than, nothing like, less than)

12) The essential elements of a case are (not) the same as those of previous recorded cases. The judge is (not) bound to reach the same decision. (if, provided that, unless, as long as, only if)

6.4.3 Fill in thus, therefore, for, however, further to complete the passage.

Judicial precedent is of fundamental importance in the English legal system, (1) ______ the principles of the common law, which have developed gradually through case law over the centuries, are the main source of English law.

The English courts are bound to follow decisions of higher courts in the judicial hierarchy; (2) _______ in many cases they must also follow their own decisions. Decisions of inferior courts, (3) _______, do not have binding force. Decisions concerning the interpretation of statutes are also binding, (4) _______ English lawyers must always refer to case law even if the facts of the case they are preparing are covered by statute law and not common law rules. The law reports are (5) _______ the major source of reference for members of the English legal profession.




1. Elliot C. and Quinn Frances ‘English Legal System’, Longman, London, 1998

2. Alison Riley ‘English for Law’, Macmilian Professional English, 1998

3. Geoffrey Rivlin Understanding the Law, Oxford University Press, 2004

4. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, M., 1992

5. Martin J., Gibbins M. The complete A-Z Law Handbook, L.: Hodderr and Stoughton, 2002.

6. Law Today, M, 1996.

7. В.С.Слепович, Translation Course, Минск, ТетраСистемс 2003

8. Комаровская С.Д. Правосудие и закон в Великобритании. Английский для юристов, M, 2000.

9. И.П.Крылова, Е.В.Крылова. Английская граматика для всех.- М., 1989.

10. Р.В. Хорень Английский язык. Лексико-грамматические тесты, Минск “Вышейшая школа”, 2004

11. Virginia Evans ‘Round-Up’ English Grammar Book, Pearson Education Limited, 2003



PREFACE (Предисловие) 3


1. 4th YEAR 7th TERM... 4




1.4. GRAMMAR: System of Verb Tenses (Active and Passive Voice) 11

2. 4th YEAR 8 th TERM... 14

2.1. CONTRACT LAW... 14

2.2. PROPERTY LAW... 16

2.3. COMPANY LAW... 18

2.4. GRAMMAR: The Sequence of Tenses. Direct and Reported Speech. 20

3. 5th YEAR 9 th TERM... 22

3.1. CRIMINAL LAW... 22

3.2. TORT LAW... 24

3.3. FAMILY LAW... 26

3.4. GRAMMAR: The Infinitive. 28

4. 5th YEAR 10 th TERM... 31




4.4. GRAMMAR: The Gerund. 37

5. 6th YEAR 11th TERM... 39





5.5. GRAMMAR: The Participle. 48

6. 6th YEAR 12th TERM... 51

6.1. TERRORISM... 51

6.2. INTERPOL.. 52


6.4. GRAMMAR: Linking Words. 57



Учебное издание



Пилявец Галина Валентиновна

Насонова Татьяна Дмиртиевна




для студентов 4-6 курсов юридического факультета

специальности Международное право

заочной формы обучения



Учебно-методическое пособие



Компьютерная верстка О.Н. Якубович



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