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Task 5. Translate the given sentences into English.

1. Целью национального проекта правительства Российской Федерации является модернизация четырёх секторов, в том числе здравоохранения.

2. Широкая сеть медицинских институтов включает больницы, поликлиники, родильные дома, станции скорой помощи и т.д.

3. Одним из основных принципов системы здравоохранения в России является профилактика.

4. Согласно национальному проекту на здравоохранение выделяется дополнительное финансирование на повышение заработной платы врачей и медсестёр, а также на приобретение нового оборудования для клиник и создание высокотехнологичных медицинских центров в отдалённых регионах России.

5. При необходимости врачи общей практики посещают пациентов на дому.

6. Целью ежегодных медосмотров в России является выявление заболеваний на ранней стадии (ранняя диагностика).

7. Широкий спектр первичной медицинской помощи оказывают в Центрах здоровья.

8. Здравоохранение в России бесплатно.

9. Британская Национальная служба здравоохранения появилась в 1948.

10. Сельские медицинские пункты проводят текущие обследования и иммунизацию.


Task 6. Retell the text.


Theme 4

At the Polyclinic


Health services in Russia are represented by state, municipal and private medical units. Medical preventive units representing state and municipal health services include a wide range of medical institutions: hospitals, specialized hospitals, clinics, outpatient clinic, medical institutions of maternity and child protection, medical institutions of urgent and emergency aid, sanatorium and health resorts.

Outpatient medical units are divided into five groups according to the number of patients they can provide with medical care in one shift: local, district, municipal, regional hospitals and polyclinics. To receive medical care free of charge a person is to obtain the certificate of obligatory medical insurance. This certificate is given to each Russian citizen regardless of gender and age.

Polyclinic is a medical preventive institution aimed to provide population with diseases’ preventive measures, medical aid at home, diagnostic services and examinations of temporary disability. In general, responsibilities of any policlinic are centered on prevention, prophylaxis and treatment of diseases among local people. People are assigned to the polyclinic according to the place they live, work or study and have their personal ‘patient’s card’ containing information about their visits to doctors, results of laboratory tests and other relevant information.

According to the age criteria there are polyclinics for children (up to fourteen years old) and for adults. Polyclinics have their own laboratories, X-ray rooms; physiotherapy, surgery and dental departments. Each polyclinic has a number of general practitioners (therapeutists), doctors specialized in some particular medical field (e.g. allergists, oculists, neuropathologists, surgeons etc.) and attached nurses.

To receive medical care at polyclinic one should be registered there. This can be done by phone, personally or through the Internet. To register means to provide information about yourself and to book the date and time of visiting the doctor according to the polyclinic’s timetable.

A therapeutist working day consists of consultation hours and home visits. While consulting a therapeutist asks patients about any complaints they may have and makes notes in the patients’ card. Then he takes patients’ blood pressure, feels his pulse and listens to his lungs and heart. He may also check patients’ temperature. If it is necessary for making a diagnosis the therapeutist recommends his patient to undergo some special tests: urinalysis, X-ray examination, blood test, etc. Only after the diagnosis is proved, proper treatment is prescribed and recommendations are given.

Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations.

polyclinic ['pɔlɪ'klɪnɪk] поликлиника
private   частный
municipal hospital [mju:'nɪsɪp(ə)l] ['hɔspɪt(ə)l] городская больница
district polyclinic ['dɪstrɪkt] ['pɔlɪ'klɪnɪk] районная поликлиника
shift [ʃɪft] смена
therapeutist [θerə'pju:tɪst] терапевт
general practitioner (GP) ['ʤen(ə)r(ə)l][præk'tɪʃ(ə)nə] врач общей практики
registry ['reʤɪstrɪ] регистратура (в поликлинике
patients’ card ['peɪʃ(ə)nts][kɑːd] карта амбулаторного больного
X-ray room ['eksreɪ][ru:m] рентгеновский кабинет
dental department ['dent(ə)l] [dɪ'pɑːtmənt] стоматологическое отделение
regardless [rɪ'gɑːdləs] вне зависимости от чего-либо
to complain of [kəm'pleɪn] жаловаться на
to take blood pressure [teɪk][blʌd] ['preʃə] измерять кровяное давление
blood test [blʌd] [test] анализ крови
to undergo medical tests [ʌndə'gəu]['medɪk(ə)l] [tests] сдавать анализы


Task 2.Find the following words and word-combinations in the text, reproduce the context they are used in and translate it into Russian.

1. private medicine

2. institutions of maternity and child protection

3. outpatient clinics

4. urgent and emergency aid

5. certificate of obligatory medical insurance

6. diseases’ preventive measures

7. diagnostic services

8. consultation hours

9. proper treatment

10. to undergo some special tests


Task 3.Answer the questions.

1. By what criteria the outpatient medical units are divided into?

2. What groups do outpatient medical units form?

3. Which document is necessary to get medical care free of charge?

4. What is the main aim of any polyclinic?

5. What information is contained in the patients’ card?

6. What departments and specialists does a polyclinic have?

7. By what means a person can register to visit doctor at the polyclinic?

8. What does it mean to ‘register’ at polyclinic?

9. What does the therapist’s working day consist of?

10. Which tests may a therapeutist prescribe the patient to undergo?

11. Can a person receive medical help at home and in what case?


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