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According to the text it can be said that Ivan Aivazovsky depicted


A) Ukrainian

B) English

C) Russian

D) German

15. The most accurate definition of the word “masterpiece” is___.

A) respected work of art

B) person skilled in creative activity

C) picture of countryside

D) a mature artist

16. Aivazovsky lived in Russia for____ .

A) the most part of his life

B) along time

C) many years

D) some time

17. Ivan Aivazovsky devoted lots of his____ to the struggle between the people

And the sea.

A) paintings

B) novel

C) music

D) time

18. Ivan Aivazovsky was born in Theodosia and/but he died in__ .

A) Theodosia

B) St.Petersburg

C) Kiev

D) Odessa

19. Ivan Aivazovsky depicted _____ .

A) Russian people

B) scenes on mountains

C) people lived near the sea

D) the Russian landscape

20. The Aivazovsky Picture Gallery has____ of his works

A) four hundred

B) forty hundred

C) four thousand

D) four hundreds

21. The author of the text loves spending his/her time on___ .

A) travelling

B) sport

C) science

D) art

22. When the author is______ , he/she prefers to visit museum.

A) bored

B) free

C) busy

D) tired

23. Aivazovsky presented the picture gallery to____ .

A) Theodosia

B) Crimea

C) St. Petersburg

D) Odessa

24. The author visits Kiev Museum of____ Art in his/her free time.

A) Russian

B) Crimean

C) Western

D) Ukrainian


Text 3

A rose without a thorn

In 1540 Henry VIII was forty-nine and unhappy. Although in his youth he had been a handsome, athletic, and charismatic man, he could now hardly walk because of painful abscesses on his leg. He was grotesquely fat (135cm around the waist) and his mood alternated between depression and moments of terrible anger. He was also bitterly regretting his marriage to his fourth wife, Anne of Cleves, whom he found totally unattractive.

His only consolation was the company of a young girl called Katherine Howard, with whom he was fast falling in love. A cousin of Henry’s second wife Anne Boleyn, Katherine was a pretty, vivacious and graceful girl and the King was captivated by her. He called her his ‘jewel’, his ‘rose without a thorn’. In spite of his physical problems, Henry could still be charming when he wanted to be. Katherine was about fifteen and she was ambitious, naive and empty-headed, mainly interested in clothes and dancing.

On 28th July, after managing to get rid of Queen Anne (by divorcing her), Henry married Katherine in secret. Henry had never been happier. Katherine appeared to love every moment of her new life with her infatuated husband, who was far more generous than he had been with his previous wives, buying her diamonds, pearls, and furs with rubies.

But the ‘honeymoon’ period lasted only until the following summer, when she came face to face with someone from the past. Francis Dereham, who had been her lover when she was 13 or 14, came to court and asked Katherine for work. Perhaps in order to buy his silence she employed him as her secretary. This was a fatal mistake. In September, while the King was away, a man came to see Archbishop Cranmer, the King’s adviser, saying that he knew ‘things’ about the Queen’s past and suggesting that she had had several sexual partners before she married the King.

While King Henry was in church, Cranmer left a letter for him to read, in which he accused Katherine of immoral behaviour. The King was devastated and didn’t believe, but told Cranmer to arrest Katherine. But Katherine had been having secret meetings with a boy called Thomas Culpeper.

Dereham and Culpeper were both tortured and executed. On 13th February 1542. Katherine was beheaded. She was buried next to Anne Boleyn in the Tower of London.


25. Henry was his marriage to Anne of Cleves.

A) excited

B) furious

C) regretting

D) happy

26. Katherine employed Francis Dereham as her___ in order to buy his silence.

A) partner

B) designer

C) adviser

D) secretary

27. The synonym of the word ‘charismatic’ in line 2 is___ .

A) irritating

B) charming

C) offensive

D) happy

28. In King Henry’s opinion Katherine Howard was his___ .

A) pearl

B) diamond

C) flower

D) jewel

29. King Henry was far more generous with___ .

A) Anne of Cleves

B) Dereham

C) Anne Boleyn

D) Katherine

30. King Henry’s fifth wife was___ .

A) Katherine

B) Anne of Cleves

C) Anne Boleyn

D) Archbishop Cranmer

31. On 13th February 1542___ .

A) Henry married Katherine.

B) Henry was in church.

C) Henry was forty-nine.

D) Katherine was beheaded.

32. Cranmer was____ .

A) Katherine’s lover.

B) Henry’s cousin.

C) Henry’s brother.

D) Henry’s adviser.

33. The antonym of the word ‘anger’ in line 5 is _

A) passion

B) joy

C) violence

D) annoyance

Was interested in clothes and dancing.

A) Anne Boleyn

B) King Henry

C) Anne of Cleves

D) Katherine

35. Katherine was mainly interested in____ .

A) singing

B) painting

C) cooking

D) dancing

36. Queen Katherine was buried next to__ .

A) Anne of Cleves

B) King Henry

C) Anne Boleyn

D) Archbishop Cranmer

Text 1

1. Mayan and Aztec people used to_

A) drink chocolate

B) eat chocolate

C) eat and drink chocolate

D) eat cocoa beans

2. The first Cadbury’s store was open in____ and sold _

A) Nottingham, chocolate

B) Birmingham, milk powder

C) Birmingham, chocolate powder

D) Birmingham, cocoa powder

3. Mayans and Aztecs invented____.

A) chocolate

B) pizza

C) cocoa beans

D) milk cocktail

4. Many people started to eat chocolate when____ .

A) John Cadbury started to make chocolate bars

B) chocolate was brought to Europe

C) Joseph Fry invented a way to make chocolate bars

D) chocolate became expensive

5. At first, only___ could afford chocolate.

A) the Mayan people

B) Europeans

C) the Aztecs

D) the rich people

6. In 1824, John Cadbury___ and in 1831he opened___

A) brought cocoa beans to Europe, a small shop

B) started producing milk powder, a small factory

C) opened a shop, a factory to make cocoa powder

D) produced milk chocolate, a factory to make cocoa powder

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