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According to paragraph 1 the Hugo family

A) moved to another village

B) rented a land from Camberwell Court

C) opened a new restaurant

D) was the landlord of the village

18. "it is now open to the public" in sentence 3 of paragraph 1 means

A) not available to the public

B) a new restaurant opened

C) visitors can come to see it

D) open temporarily

19. The phrasal verb "to date back to" in sentence 7 of paragraph 1 means

A) to describe something happened in the past

B) to go back to history

C) to have existed since a particular time in the past

D) an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time

20. The word "it" in line 4 in “Camberwell", "and it is open to the public" refers to

A) the historic village

B) the house of the Hugo family

C) the land in the area

D) a small church

There is also possibility to enjoy the wildlife view from

A) the small exhibition about the family

B) the bridge in the village center

C) the mouth of the River Owell

D) the top of the highest building in the village

Every two hours buses

A) get broken and repaired

B) leave for the city center

C) reach to the River Owell

D) arrive in Camberwell

23. The opposite meaning of the word "valueless"

A) small

B) worth

C) priceless

D) huge

According to the paragraph 1, you can

A) enjoy your time walking around the Camberwell Court

B) buy a huge country house with garden in the area

C) waste your time seeking for a gift shop

D) get lost in the village


better when my band played on stage' WaS 09 *° WatCh ~ but 6Ven

cun w 'T’T ,an9Ua9e' Th6re are alS° tnpS to -mmer cam 9

country - I have been to a couple and learnt a lot

musk'teacher thinks ** y°Un9 Pe°PlearS gett,n9 ,nterested in *=■ My

music. Because all of us want to connect our life with music!

We can imply from the text that the author's opinion about the quality of

Her band's playing was

A) horrible

B) not so bad

C) satisfactory

D) fantastic

The» text mainly discusses

A) how different jazz is from other kinds of music

B) how jazz is becoming popular among young people

C) who can play in school jazz bands

D) jazz summer camps and jazz music events

The following statements about Katie are true, except

A) She thinks her schools teachers are very good

B) She can play a music instrument

C) She is a member of a music band.

D) Her music teacher is a great pop music performer.

Trumpet refers to

A) a type of musician

B) a genre of music

C) a musical instrument.

D) a type of clothes

29. Choose the correct variant: They felt on the stage as if_____

A) they were as a part of the past events

B) nobody in the audience supported them

C) they had never played on stage before

D) they were very much embarrasse

Which of the following statements best summarizes the idea of the text?

A) More and more young people are getting interested in jazz

B) played on stage with professional musicians^

C) played at a high level despite their young ag .

D) had little experience of playing in pub ic.

31. The author says the bands in her school's jazz competition_____

A) played music they had written themselves .

B) played on stage with professional musicians^

C) played at a high level despite their young age .

D) had little experience of playing in pub ic.

According to the text what can be implied about the author's music schools?.

A) played music they had written themselves .

B) played on stage with professional musicians^

C) the learners of this schools feel lucky to study there .

D) had little experience of playing in pub ic

According to the text, what can be implied about Katie?

A) She would like to change her school for a better one.

B) She is a professional jazz permormer.

C) She has never played on stage before this competition.

D) Her parents encourage her in her love to jazz music.

The general purpose of the text is to

A) explain what jazz is

B) encourage young people to listen to more jazz music

C) advertise young people's jazz events

D) give advice on how to create great jazz music

What is the main topic of the text?

A) Young people's interest in jazz music

B) School jazz bands and their performances

C) Jazz music competitions among school bands

D) Jazz music schools and summer camps

The author finds jazz music interesting because

A) it is very popular

B) it is very old-fashioned

C) it is very modern

D) it is both new and old

1. The text describes___ .

A) favorable weather

B) the ball

C) squash players

D) the rules of the game

2. In squash the players hit the ball_ .

A) simultaneously

B) in turns

C) after the player loses the point

D) after the opponents complete the game

Not to loose a point the players should .

A) return the ball to the front wail and hit the bail before it bounces

B) fail to return the ball to the front wall and hit the ball before it bounces twice

C) return the ball to the front wall and hit the ball before it touches the ground

D) return the ball to the front wall and hit the ball before it bounces twice

4. Squash is played by_ .

A) two teams of players

B) one player

C) two players

D) one team of players

5. Squash is__ .

A) a special ball

B) a court

C) a playground

D) a ball game

6. The text is about__ .

A) sports

B) a racket

C) squash

D) a playground

7. When a player strikes the ball, it may rebound from___

A) the title of the book

B) conviction rates

C) arrest rates

D) any of the walls

8. The player losses the point if he___

A) the title of the book

B) conviction rates

C) arrest rates

D) fails to strike a ball before it bounces twice

9. At the beginning of the conversation the interviewer asks about___

A) the title of the book

B) conviction rates

C) arrest rates

D) "shall-issue" laws

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