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Correct the following sentences, putting the stress on the corrected information.

Example: a) A forger sets fire to buildings.

b) No, an arsonist sets fire to buildings. A forger makes copies of things in order to deceive people.


1. A mugger threatens to make secrets known to the public.

2. You normally get a jail sentence if you are caught driving too fast on the motorway.

3. A serial killer is a person who steals things from people’s pockets in a crowd.

4. He was put on probation until the case could be heard.

5. The underworld intentionally damage or destroy public property or things belonging to other people.

6. Yesterday I surprised a rapist in my lounge at night stealing my millions.

7. As the accused, Mr. Laving was not satisfied with the way his solicitor had handled his prosecution.

8. Community service was abolished in 1965.

9. The judges found Jones guilty.

10. It was decided that Timothy was guilty and he was acquitted.


14. Read the extracts and find words or phrases, which mean:

a) people who saw the crime;

b) seized with the power of the law;

c) nasty and cruel;

d) search;

e) tested for the amount of alcohol;

f) less important and serious;

g) someone who is thought to have done it;

h) information that may help police discover something;

i) arrested for going too fast;

j) someone who breaks the law frequently;

k) signs, indications;

l) officials in the police force ( list them in order of seniority)

Entitle each extract.









Look at this list of “crimes”. Try and rate each crime on a scale from 1-10. (1 is a minor misdemeanor, 10 is a very serious crime). They are in no order.

  1. driving in excess of the speed limit
  2. common assault (fight in a discotheque)
  3. drinking and driving
  4. malicious wounding(stabbing someone in a fight)
  5. murdering a policeman during a robbery
  6. murdering a child
  7. causing death by dangerous driving
  8. smoking marijuana
  9. selling drugs (such as heroin)
  10. stealing $ 1000 from a bank, by fraud
  11. stealing $1000 worth of goods from someone’s home
  12. rape
  13. grievous bodily harm (almost killing someone)
  14. shoplifting
  15. stealing $1000 from a bank, by threatening someone with a gun
  16. possession of a gun without a licence

Compare your list with another student’s. Which of you would be the harsher judge? Which would be the hinder?


Read through the different ways of completing the sentences below. Discuss each of the statements and say whether you agree with them.

Rioting is…

Ø usually caused by unemployment.

Ø often a result of racial tension.

Ø probably quite good fun.

Ø often made worse by heavy-handed police tactics.

Ø inexcusable.


Complete each of the following sentences, then compare your ideas with the group.

  1. Going to court…
  2. Owning a gun…
  3. Prisons…
  4. The death penalty…
  5. When it comes to justice, the rich…
  6. You can consult your solicitor…
  7. Parole…


17. In England there are no minimum sentences, except for murder, which carries a penalty of life imprisonment. There are maximum sentences for other crimes. Sentences can be reduced for good behaviour, often by one-third or more. Here are maximum sentences for some crimes:

Crime Magistrates’ Court Crown Court
  Fine Prison Fine Prison
Burglary ₤1000 6 months unlimited 14 years
Grievous bodily harm ₤1000 6 months unlimited 5 years
Possession of firearm ₤1000 6 months unlimited 5 years
Possession of cannabis ₤500 3 months unlimited 5 years
Common assault ₤200 2 months    
“Going equipped for stealing” ₤1000 6 months unlimited 3 years
Murder   life imprisonment


How do you think these compare with sentences in your country? Remember they are maximum, not average!

Read the following passage and answer the questions.

You stand convicted on each of twenty-one counts; on the clearest and most overwhelming evidence I have ever heard, of the crime of murder.

The sentence for that crime is not determined by me. It is determined by the law of England. Accordingly, in respect of each count, each one of you is now sentenced to imprisonment for life. Let them be taken down.

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