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Бессоюзное подчинение определительных придаточных предложений.

Unit 5

Тема: Космонавтика


1. Модальные глаголы и их заменители.

2. Инфинитив (The Active and Passive Voice).

Парные союзы.

Бессоюзное подчинение определительных придаточных предложений.

5. Отрицательные префиксы прилагательных.


1. Глаголы to be, to have во временах Indefinite.

  1. The Indefinite Tenses.
  2. Причастия.
  3. Грамматический разбор сложных предложений.
  4. Степени сравнения прилагательных.
  5. Цепочки существительных.
  6. Модальные глаголы.


1. History of space exploration in the 20th Century

2. Exploration of the Moon


aboard на борту
alone единственно, только
assumption допущение, предположение
being существо
body тело
celestial небесный
crew команда, экипаж
duration длительность
Earth Земля
experience опыт
famous знаменитый
far далеко
flight полет
half половина
hard твердый
heat тепло
honor честь
kind тип, вид
magnificent величественный
member член (команды), элемент (конструкции)
milestone веха, этап, достижение
Moon Луна
outer внешний, наружный
own собственный
part часть
possible возможный
pressure давление
quite совсем, полностью
rock скала, горная порода
side сторона
soft мягкий
spacecraft космический корабль
spaceflight космический полет
spacewalk выход в открытый космос
successful успешный
surface поверхность
to complete завершать
to describe описывать
to emit издавать (звук), излучать (энергию)
to enter войти
to land land приземляться, делать посадку; земля
to last last at last длиться; последний; наконец
to launch запускать (ракету)
to spend (spent, spent) проводить (время)
to unveil торжественно открывать (памятник)
to walk walk гулять, ходить (пешком); прогулка
to weigh весить
view вид

I. Вспомните, как переводятся следующие слова:

man; woman; mankind; time; times; year; eye; to live; to open; to see (saw, seen); to speak (spoke, spoken); to hear (heard, heard); short; strong; around; before; quickly.

II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, не пользуясь словарем. Обратите внимание на их произношение:

algorithm; analysis; apparatus; around; aspect; astronaut; astronomy; automatic; beeps; commander; companion; condition; dog; dynamic; era; exploitation; firsts; giant; globe; historic; horizon; intense; international; kilogram; kilometre line; lunar; man; mankind; Mars; medical; minute; mission; monument; orbit; panoramic; period; photograph; picture; probe; rational; report; role; satellite; second; signal; Soviet; station; statistical; temperature; thyristor; to categorize; to classify; to culminate; to encode; to orbit; to start; step, to step; to stop; to transmit; transmitter; union; Venus; the U.S.; the USSR.

III. Прочитайте, переведите и попытайтесь запомнить следующие слова:

· существительные

assumption; being; body; crew; duration; Earth; experience; flight; half; heat; honor; kind; land; launch; member; milestone; Moon; part; pressure; rock; side; spacecraft; spaceflight; spacewalk; surface; view; walk;

· прилагательные

celestial; famous; far; general; hard; last; magnificent; outer; own; possible; soft; successful;

· глаголы

to complete; to describe; to emit; to enter; to explore; to land; to last; to launch; to spend; to unveil; to walk; to weigh;

· наречия

aboard; alone; at last; far; quite.

IV. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

a) any point of the world; one of the fundamental components of all modern computers; the first artificial satellite of the Moon; a collection of routines, rules and symbolic languages; the U.S.A.; the USSR; the physical exploration of space; the significant progress of mankind; analysis of the radio signals; many of the first milestones in space exploration; the first photographs of the unseen far side of the Moon; the launch of the first space station with a crew of three members; one of the most famous and magnificent aspects of space exploration; a panoramic view of the lunar surface, nearby rocks and the view of the horizon;

b) a general purpose computer; the physical space exploration era; temperature and pressure data; the first automatic soft landing; radio equipment; a program timing device; heat control systems;

c) any cell of a computer's memory; a computer’s data storage system; the Soviet Union’s probe Luna 10; the particular field's knowledge; the USSR's first artificial satellite; the Soviet Union’s space program.



V. Вместо пропусков вставьте нужную форму глаголов “to be”или “to have”во времени Present Indefinite. Задайте вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ. То же сделайте и для времен Past and Future Indefinite. Предложения переведите:

а) 1. Now the Internet and the World Wide Web … at any point of the world. 2. This ability … a significant importance in device control. 3. The Internet and the World Wide Web … not one and the same. 4. The Internet … a global data communications system. 5. In contrast, the Web … one of the services communicated via the Internet.

б) 1. Mathematical methods … great significance to the study of electronics. 2. E-mail … an important communications service available on the Internet. 3. In contrast to hardware software … a non-physical nature. 4. Any cell of a computer's memory … a numbered "address" and can store a single number. 5. There … some robots which mimic the mechanical structure of humans. 6. Memory … a computer’s data storage system and one of the fundamental components of all modern computers. 7. A general purpose computer … four main components: the arithmetic logic unit, the control unit, the memory, and the input and output devices.

VI. Прочитайте предложения, найдите в них сказуемое, определите его время. Сделайте грамматический разбор предложения и задайте к каждому предложению не менее трех вопросов:

а) 1. Today, commercial and industrial robots are in widespread use. 2. The first artificial satellite of the Moon was the Soviet probe Luna 10. 3. Stories of artificial helpers and companions had a long history. 4. The Soviet dog Laika became the first animal in orbit on November 3, 1957. 5. Humans will land the Mars in future.

б) 1. In practice, robots were usually electro-mechanical systems. 2. A modem is a device that allows computers to communicate over telephone lines. 3. The first artificial satellite had two radio transmitters. 4. Valentina Tereshkova orbited the Earth 48 times aboard “Vostok 6”. 5. The flight to the Mars will take too much time.

VII. Сделайте грамматический разбор предложений, определите в каком времени стоят сказуемые. Предложения переведите:

1. When combined with another term, such as "medical technology" or "space technology", technology refers to the particular field's knowledge. 2. Today, commercial and industrial robots are in widespread use performing jobs more cheaply or more accurately and reliably than humans. 3. Software can also be described as a collection of routines, rules and symbolic languages that provide the functioning of the hardware. 4. In 2009, scientists developed a manipulator which functions like a real hand allowing patients to write with it, type on a keyboard, play piano and perform other accurate movements.

VIII. Прочитайте следующие словосочетания. Обратите внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий:

the shortest; to work faster and more reliably; to consume much less power; to be smaller, cheaper, faster and more reliable; most robots; the first robot is faster, the other is stronger; the newest development; the simplest computers; to be millions of times more powerful; in its more general sense; to perform jobs more accurately; to perform jobs more cheaply or more accurately and reliably; more various applications; the most numerous; the greatest achievements; the most famous and important.

IX. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени от следующих прилагательных и наречий:

famous; giant; magnificent; possible; small; soft; successful; dangerous; hot; long; real; strong; widespread; far; accurately; well; widely.

X. Прочитайте и переведите цепочки существительных:

Space exploration; the physical space exploration era; radio transmitters; radio signals; temperature and pressure data; a space probe; six Apollo lunar landing missions; rock samples; the lunar surface material; the first robot lunar probe.

XI. Образуйте причастия Participle I, Participle II от следующих глаголов:

to culminate; to focus; to orbit; to start; to stop; to achieve; to collect; to complete; to conduct; to emit; to enter; to explore; to land; to last; to launch; to live; to open; to see; to speak; to spend; to step; to transmit; to unveil; to walk; to weigh.

XII. Вместо пропусков вставьте модальные глаголы. Поставьте к каждому предложению вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ:

1. We … classify science as experimental and applied. 2. This routine … refer to the most modern software. 3. Robots … perform dangerous work. 4. We … discuss those problems at any time. 5. They … use this information in the control algorithms of a robot. 6. These semiconductor components … perform electron control. 7. We … not find any modern circuits that are only analog. 8. Engineers … solve this practical problem using only theoretical assumptions.




Инфинитив -это основная форма глагола. Отвечает на вопрос «Что делать?», то есть только называет действие без указания на время его совершения и на лицо, которое его совершает. Формальным признаком инфинитива является частица to.

Инфинитив имеет признаки, как существительного, так и глагола. Свойством инфинитива как глагола является его способность выражать характер действия (его длительность или завершенность) и залог.

Каждой группе времен в английском языке соответствует своя форма инфинитива:

  Indefinite Tenses Continuous Tenses Perfect Tenses Perfect Continuous Tenses
Activevoice to ask to be asking to have asked to have been asking
Passive voice to be asked   to have been asked    

Как видно из таблицы, инфинитив бывает простой и сложной формы.

Времена группы Indefinite в ActiveVoice (действительном залоге) образуются от простого инфинитива – to askи обозначают действия, которые производит предмет или лицо: to ask – спрашивать; to play – играть; to love – любить.

Времена группы Indefinite в PassiveVoice (страдательном залоге) образуются от сложной формы инфинитива, которая образуется сочетанием глагола to be и второго причастия смыслового глагола:

  to be + Participle II  

Инфинитив глагола в PassiveVoice (страдательном залоге) обозначает действие, которому подвергается предмет или лицо:

to be asked – быть спрошенным (кем-то);

to be played – быть сыгранным (кем-то);

to be loved – быть любимым (кем-то).


XIV. Образуйте страдательную форму инфинитива от следующих действительных форм глагола и переведите:

to achieve; to base; to begin*; to collect; to complete; to conduct; to control; to design; to develop; to emit; to explore; to increase; to launch; to make*; to manufacture; to open; to perform; to provide; to see*; to send*; to solve; to spend*; to transmit; to understand*; to unveil; to weigh; to focus; to start; to stop; to use; to write*.

XV. Определите залог инфинитива в следующих предложениях. Предложения переведите:

1. We cannot achieve such high temperatures. – Such high temperatures cannot be achieved by us. 2. You must begin this work at once. – This work must be begun by you at once. 3. She may collect those samples. – Those samples may be collected by her. 4. The spacecraft must complete one orbit. - One orbit must be completed by the spacecraft. 5. They can conduct their researches. - Their researches can be conducted by them in our laboratory. 6. This software must control the production process. – The production process must be controlled by this software. 7. He can design a new model of robot. – A new model of robot can be designed by him. 8. You must not develop new equipment. – New equipment must not be developed by you.

Правило смены залога

      0 I II III IV     Изменение формы глагола Active Passive  



XVI. В следующих предложениях замените Active Voice на Passive Voice, упустив упоминание о том, кто выполняет действие:


например: (To perform tasks) (they) (must control) (the mechanical structure of a robot).

0 I II

(To perform tasks) (the mechanical structure of a robot) (must be controlled)(by them)

1. We can use this information to improve the control algorithms of a robot. 2. The engineers may describe the field of robotics as the study, design and use of robot systems for manufacturing . 3. He may use electronic components singly or in more complex groups as integrated circuits. 4. We can describe a ‘circuit’ as anything from a single component, to systems containing thousands of components. 5. You can exchange messages very quickly. 6. We can place letters, numbers, even computer instructions into the computer’s memory. 7. I must programme the computer to do this operation with only a few simple instructions.8. We can find the built-in computers in many devices from MP3 players to aircrafts and from toys to industrial robots.

XVII. В следующих предложениях замените Passive Voice на Active Voice. И если не сказано кем выполняется действие, то в качестве подлежащего возьмите кого угодно, хотя бы и себя:


Например: (Software) (can be described) (as a collection of routines and rules).


( I ) (can describe) (software) (as a collection of routines and rules).

1. Two voltage levels must be used by most digital circuits. 2. The International Space station can be seen from the Earth with the naked eye. 3. Science may be classified as experimental science and applied science. 4. These computers may be used for intense calculations. 5. The computer’s magnetic core memory can be replaced by semiconductor memory. 6. Electronic components must be categorized as active (e.g. transistors and thyristors) or passive (e.g. resistors and capacitors). 7. An experiment can be made to help us solve practical problems. 8. Most analog electronic devices, such as radio receivers, must be constructed from combinations of a few types of basic circuits.

Парные союзы

К парным союзам относятся cоюзы, состоящие как бы из двух частей:

either … or - или … или; both …and - как…так (и); и … и;

neither … nor - ни … ни; not only … but also - не только… но и.

XVIII. Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на перевод парных союзов:

1. These devices may be either digital or analog. 2. Nowadays neither Russia nor the USA conduct space exploration on the Moon. 3. Electronic devices usually have both analog and digital circuits. 4. Walkie-talkie has a useful communication characteristics not only for business but also personal use. 5. Statistical analysis plays a fundamental role in many areas of both the natural sciences and social sciences. 6. Both analog and digital circuits have elements of either linear or non-linear operation. 7. Applied Mathematics is very important both in theory and experiment in advancing scientific knowledge. 8. The newest computer is not only much more powerful but also much cheaper than its older analogs. 9. Space exploration is conducted both by human spaceflights and by robotic spacecraft. 10. Today a significant amount of robots are either human controlled, or operate autonomously in dynamic conditions. 11. Devices for communication between computers, such as modems and network interface, typically serve for both input and output.



Text A

Text B

Exploration of the Moon


The physical exploration of the Moon began when “Luna 2”, a space probe launched by the Soviet Union, made a hard landing on the Moon on September 14, 1959 and culminated with the landing of the first humans on the Moon in 1969. Between these two great achievements were many scientifically important firsts.

The first photographs of the unseen far side of the Moon were made in 1959 by the Soviet Union’s “Luna 3” probe. “Luna 9” was the first probe which performed a soft landing on the Moon and transmitted pictures from the Moon’s surface. “Luna 10” launched on March 31, 1966 became the first artificial satellite of the Moon.

On December 24, 1968, the crew of “Apollo 8” became the first human beings who entered lunar orbit and saw the far side of the Moon with their own eyes. And at last, on July 20, 1969 humans first landed on the Moon. The first man who stepped on the lunar surface was Neil Armstrong, commander of the U.S. mission “Apollo 11”. He spoke the famous words "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind." The second astronauts of the “Apollo 11” mission, Buzz Aldrin, who stepped the Moon’s surface 15 minutes later, described the Moon’s view as "Magnificent desolation." There were six Apollo lunar landing missions at all. The first lasted about two-and-a-half hours was the shortest of any of the six Apollo missions. The crew of “Apollo 17”, by comparison, spent over 21 hours exploring the lunar surface. And Eugene Gernan, as a member of the “Apollo 17” crew, was the last man who walked on the Moon in December 1972. The astronauts of the all Apollo missions deployed the scientific equipment on the Moon and collected rock samples and lunar surface material.

The first robot lunar rover which landed on the Moon was the Soviet vessel “Lunokhod 1” on November 17, 1970 as part of the Lunokhod program.

From the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s there were 65 Moon landings (with 10 in 1971 alone), but after “Luna 24” in 1976 they suddenly stopped. The Soviet Union started focusing on Venus and space stations and the U.S. on Mars and beyond.

Задания к тексту B:

I. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим русским выражениям:

фотографии с поверхности Луны; много научно важных начинаний; жесткая посадка; мягкая посадка; развертывать научное оборудование; космический спутник, запущенный Советским Союзом; по сравнению; первый искусственный спутник Луны; величественное запустение; физическое исследование Луны; собирать образцы скальных пород и поверхностного материала; гигантский скачок для человечества; невидимая сторона Луны;

II. Сформулируйте в нескольких словах содержание каждого абзаца.

III. Напишите резюме к тексту.

IV. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. When did the physical exploration of the Moon begin?

2. When and how did the first photographs of the Moon appear?

3. What space probe became the first artificial satellite of the Moon?

4. Who first saw the far side of the Moon with their own eyes?

5. When did the astronauts of “Apollo 11” land on the Moon?

6. What were the first words of Neil Armstrong, commander of the U.S. mission “Apollo 11”?

7. How did Buzz Aldrin, the second astronauts of the “Apollo 11” mission, describe the Moon’s view?

8. How long were Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the Moon?

9. How much time did the crew of “Apollo 17” spend on the Moon?

10. What did the astronauts do on the Moon?

11. When did the flights to the Moon suddenly stop?

V. Перескажите текст, используя в качестве плана вопросы предыдущего упражнения.

Unit 5

Тема: Космонавтика


1. Модальные глаголы и их заменители.

2. Инфинитив (The Active and Passive Voice).

Парные союзы.

Бессоюзное подчинение определительных придаточных предложений.

5. Отрицательные префиксы прилагательных.


1. Глаголы to be, to have во временах Indefinite.

  1. The Indefinite Tenses.
  2. Причастия.
  3. Грамматический разбор сложных предложений.
  4. Степени сравнения прилагательных.
  5. Цепочки существительных.
  6. Модальные глаголы.


1. History of space exploration in the 20th Century

2. Exploration of the Moon


aboard на борту
alone единственно, только
assumption допущение, предположение
being существо
body тело
celestial небесный
crew команда, экипаж
duration длительность
Earth Земля
experience опыт
famous знаменитый
far далеко
flight полет
half половина
hard твердый
heat тепло
honor честь
kind тип, вид
magnificent величественный
member член (команды), элемент (конструкции)
milestone веха, этап, достижение
Moon Луна
outer внешний, наружный
own собственный
part часть
possible возможный
pressure давление
quite совсем, полностью
rock скала, горная порода
side сторона
soft мягкий
spacecraft космический корабль
spaceflight космический полет
spacewalk выход в открытый космос
successful успешный
surface поверхность
to complete завершать
to describe описывать
to emit издавать (звук), излучать (энергию)
to enter войти
to land land приземляться, делать посадку; земля
to last last at last длиться; последний; наконец
to launch запускать (ракету)
to spend (spent, spent) проводить (время)
to unveil торжественно открывать (памятник)
to walk walk гулять, ходить (пешком); прогулка
to weigh весить
view вид

I. Вспомните, как переводятся следующие слова:

man; woman; mankind; time; times; year; eye; to live; to open; to see (saw, seen); to speak (spoke, spoken); to hear (heard, heard); short; strong; around; before; quickly.

II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, не пользуясь словарем. Обратите внимание на их произношение:

algorithm; analysis; apparatus; around; aspect; astronaut; astronomy; automatic; beeps; commander; companion; condition; dog; dynamic; era; exploitation; firsts; giant; globe; historic; horizon; intense; international; kilogram; kilometre line; lunar; man; mankind; Mars; medical; minute; mission; monument; orbit; panoramic; period; photograph; picture; probe; rational; report; role; satellite; second; signal; Soviet; station; statistical; temperature; thyristor; to categorize; to classify; to culminate; to encode; to orbit; to start; step, to step; to stop; to transmit; transmitter; union; Venus; the U.S.; the USSR.

III. Прочитайте, переведите и попытайтесь запомнить следующие слова:

· существительные

assumption; being; body; crew; duration; Earth; experience; flight; half; heat; honor; kind; land; launch; member; milestone; Moon; part; pressure; rock; side; spacecraft; spaceflight; spacewalk; surface; view; walk;

· прилагательные

celestial; famous; far; general; hard; last; magnificent; outer; own; possible; soft; successful;

· глаголы

to complete; to describe; to emit; to enter; to explore; to land; to last; to launch; to spend; to unveil; to walk; to weigh;

· наречия

aboard; alone; at last; far; quite.

IV. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

a) any point of the world; one of the fundamental components of all modern computers; the first artificial satellite of the Moon; a collection of routines, rules and symbolic languages; the U.S.A.; the USSR; the physical exploration of space; the significant progress of mankind; analysis of the radio signals; many of the first milestones in space exploration; the first photographs of the unseen far side of the Moon; the launch of the first space station with a crew of three members; one of the most famous and magnificent aspects of space exploration; a panoramic view of the lunar surface, nearby rocks and the view of the horizon;

b) a general purpose computer; the physical space exploration era; temperature and pressure data; the first automatic soft landing; radio equipment; a program timing device; heat control systems;

c) any cell of a computer's memory; a computer’s data storage system; the Soviet Union’s probe Luna 10; the particular field's knowledge; the USSR's first artificial satellite; the Soviet Union’s space program.



V. Вместо пропусков вставьте нужную форму глаголов “to be”или “to have”во времени Present Indefinite. Задайте вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ. То же сделайте и для времен Past and Future Indefinite. Предложения переведите:

а) 1. Now the Internet and the World Wide Web … at any point of the world. 2. This ability … a significant importance in device control. 3. The Internet and the World Wide Web … not one and the same. 4. The Internet … a global data communications system. 5. In contrast, the Web … one of the services communicated via the Internet.

б) 1. Mathematical methods … great significance to the study of electronics. 2. E-mail … an important communications service available on the Internet. 3. In contrast to hardware software … a non-physical nature. 4. Any cell of a computer's memory … a numbered "address" and can store a single number. 5. There … some robots which mimic the mechanical structure of humans. 6. Memory … a computer’s data storage system and one of the fundamental components of all modern computers. 7. A general purpose computer … four main components: the arithmetic logic unit, the control unit, the memory, and the input and output devices.

VI. Прочитайте предложения, найдите в них сказуемое, определите его время. Сделайте грамматический разбор предложения и задайте к каждому предложению не менее трех вопросов:

а) 1. Today, commercial and industrial robots are in widespread use. 2. The first artificial satellite of the Moon was the Soviet probe Luna 10. 3. Stories of artificial helpers and companions had a long history. 4. The Soviet dog Laika became the first animal in orbit on November 3, 1957. 5. Humans will land the Mars in future.

б) 1. In practice, robots were usually electro-mechanical systems. 2. A modem is a device that allows computers to communicate over telephone lines. 3. The first artificial satellite had two radio transmitters. 4. Valentina Tereshkova orbited the Earth 48 times aboard “Vostok 6”. 5. The flight to the Mars will take too much time.

VII. Сделайте грамматический разбор предложений, определите в каком времени стоят сказуемые. Предложения переведите:

1. When combined with another term, such as "medical technology" or "space technology", technology refers to the particular field's knowledge. 2. Today, commercial and industrial robots are in widespread use performing jobs more cheaply or more accurately and reliably than humans. 3. Software can also be described as a collection of routines, rules and symbolic languages that provide the functioning of the hardware. 4. In 2009, scientists developed a manipulator which functions like a real hand allowing patients to write with it, type on a keyboard, play piano and perform other accurate movements.

VIII. Прочитайте следующие словосочетания. Обратите внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий:

the shortest; to work faster and more reliably; to consume much less power; to be smaller, cheaper, faster and more reliable; most robots; the first robot is faster, the other is stronger; the newest development; the simplest computers; to be millions of times more powerful; in its more general sense; to perform jobs more accurately; to perform jobs more cheaply or more accurately and reliably; more various applications; the most numerous; the greatest achievements; the most famous and important.

IX. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени от следующих прилагательных и наречий:

famous; giant; magnificent; possible; small; soft; successful; dangerous; hot; long; real; strong; widespread; far; accurately; well; widely.

X. Прочитайте и переведите цепочки существительных:

Space exploration; the physical space exploration era; radio transmitters; radio signals; temperature and pressure data; a space probe; six Apollo lunar landing missions; rock samples; the lunar surface material; the first robot lunar probe.

XI. Образуйте причастия Participle I, Participle II от следующих глаголов:

to culminate; to focus; to orbit; to start; to stop; to achieve; to collect; to complete; to conduct; to emit; to enter; to explore; to land; to last; to launch; to live; to open; to see; to speak; to spend; to step; to transmit; to unveil; to walk; to weigh.

XII. Вместо пропусков вставьте модальные глаголы. Поставьте к каждому предложению вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ:

1. We … classify science as experimental and applied. 2. This routine … refer to the most modern software. 3. Robots … perform dangerous work. 4. We … discuss those problems at any time. 5. They … use this information in the control algorithms of a robot. 6. These semiconductor components … perform electron control. 7. We … not find any modern circuits that are only analog. 8. Engineers … solve this practical problem using only theoretical assumptions.



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