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Страдательный залог – the Passive Voice

Unit 6

Тема: Ракетостроение


1.Страдательный залог (the Passive Voice).

2. Страдательное причастие (Participle I Passive).

3. Слова-заместители.

4. Вопросительно-отрицательные предложения.

5. Усилительные местоимения.

6. Префикс повторности действия “re-. Префикс обратного действия “de-“.


1. Глаголы to be, to have во временах Indefinite.

2. Причастия Participle I, Participle II.

3.Модальные глаголы can, must.

4. Инфинитив в действительном и страдательном залогах.

5. Выражение to be going to


Space Stations

2. Spacecraft Modifications and their Subsystems



also также, тоже
apart на части
appropriate соответствующий
average средний
capacity способность; мощность
closed закрытый, замкнутый
direction направление
during в течение
entry вход, вхождение
environment окружающая среда
forward вперед
frequently часто
ground земля; основание
height высота
launch vehicle ракета-носитель
long- term / short-term долгосрочный / краткосрочный
naked зд. вооруженный
observation наблюдение
Pacific Ocean, the Тихий океан
path курс
per в, за
previous предыдущий, предшествующий
reflective отражающий
requirement требование
responsible ответственный; несущий ответственность
to adjust регулировать, корректировать
to arrive прибывать
to assemble собирать
to break (broke, broken) ломать
to carry out проводить
to comprise включать в себя, заключать в себе
to depend dependent зависеть; зависимый
to distribute распределять
to equip оснащать, оборудовать
to hold (held, held) держать
to inhabit населять
to intend предназначать(ся)
to maintain содержать, поддерживать
to offer предлагать
to record record записывать; запись; рекорд
to remain оставаться
to support поддерживать
to travel путешествовать
to want хотеть
until до
velocity скорость

I. Вспомните, как переводятся следующие слова:

life; lesson; long; right; left; to give (gave, given); to take (took, taken); to meet (met, met); about; again; after.

II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, не пользуясь словарем. Обратите внимание на их произношение:

abstract; adaptation; astrobiology; astronaut; atmosphere; biology; camera; composition; cooperation; correct; cycle; detector;de-orbited; disc; expedition; football; geology; image; impulse; instrument; management; manipulation; maneuver; meteorology; microgravity; minimum; modular; nations; multi-national; NASA; navigation; ocean; orbital; panel; passenger; planetary; presence; profile; resident; Russian; segment; series; solar; state; station; sub -; subsystem; Sun; telescope; thermal; to combine; to occupy; to propel; to radiate; to visit; ton; total; tourism; transit; visit; vertically; horizontally; permanently.

III. Прочитайте, переведите и запомните следующие слова:

· существительные

capacity; direction; entry; environment; ground; height; launch vehicle; observation; observer; path; record; requirement; velocity;

· прилагательные

appropriate; average; closed; dependent; manned; naked; previous; long-term; short-term; reflective responsible;

· глаголы

to adjust; to arrive; to assemble; to break; to carry out; to comprise; to depend; to distribute; to equip; to generate; to hold; to inhabit; to intend; to maintain; to offer; to record; to remain; to support; to travel; to want;

· наречия, предлоги

also; apart; during; forward; frequently; per; until.

IV. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

a) long-term periods of microgravity; a great number of different purposes; any kind of information; observable facts of natural or social phenomena; the first images of the far side of the Moon; a great amount of information resources and services; a series of robotic spacecraft missions; on-orbit construction of the station; the crew of Expedition 22; a minimum height of 278 km; an average velocity of 27,724 kilometres per hour; ground based observation of the station;

b) hard disc drives; common I/O devices; the lunar surface; earth observation; more abstract high-level programming languages; an auxiliary storage device; the first digitally operated and programmable robot; temperature and pressure data; general purpose computers; cathode-ray tube and liquid-crystal display monitors; an internationally developed space research laboratory; a modular design; the longest continuous manned presence; the International Space Station (ISS); long-duration Expedition crews; the 100-ton space station;

c) today's electronics engineers; a computer's memory; the astronauts' adaptation; the Earth's atmosphere; the world’s most advanced computers; the Soviet Union’s “Luna 3” probe; the artificial satellite’s flight; the spacecraft’s crew; the world's first continuously inhabited long-term research station; the United States' first space station; in the Earth's orbit; the station's microgravity environment; humans’ long-term presence in space;

d) to break apart during atmospheric re-entry; to hold the record; for a total of twelve and a half years of its fifteen-year life cycle; a resident crew of three; to meet requirements; with the naked eye; 15.7 orbits per day;




V. Вместо пропусков вставьте нужную форму глаголов “to be” или “to have” во времени Present Indefinite. Замените время Present Indefinite на Past, а затем на Future Indefinite:

1. The space station … the capacity to support a resident crew of three men. 2. The input devices and the output devices … peripherals. 3. In fact every branch of mathematics … applications in science, including such areas as number theory and topology. 4. The transistor … the main active component in practically all modern electronics. 5. Silicon transistors … much more reliable than electron tubes to an electromagnetic impulse. 6. Today's electronics engineers … the ability to design circuits with use of building blocks such as power sources, semiconductors (e.g. transistors), and integrated circuits. 7. The physical characteristics of Personal Computers and low cost … essential and useful for their users.

VI. Образуйте причастия Participle I, Participle II от следующих глаголов:

to adjust; to assemble; to break*; to carry out; to comprise; to distribute; to equip; to generate; to inhabit; to maintain; to meet*; to offer; to propel; to radiate; to remain; to represent; to support; to take*; to travel.

VII. Прочитайте предложения, найдите в них причастия. Предложения переведите:

1. Hard disc drives are common I/O devices used with computers. 2. Astrobiology is the study of life in space, combining aspects of astronomy, biology and geology. 3. Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products. 4. Knowledge based on scientific method and acquired through such research and experience is science. 5. The dog Laika became the first living being on Earth sent in space aboard “Sputnik 2” on November 3, 1957. 6. The spacecraft “Vostok 1” with Yuri Gagarin aboard completed one orbit around the globe, lasting about 1 hour and 48 minutes. 7. Many of the experiments conducted investigated the astronauts' adaptation to long-term periods of microgravity. 8. In the 1970s, computer engineers at research institutions began to join their computers together using telecommunications technology.

VIII. Образуйте от инфинитива в скобках Participle I или Participle II. Предложения прочитайте, определите время сказуемого и переведите:

1. Power can be distributed between the two segments of the station (to use) auxiliary devices. 2. The crew of “Apollo 17”, by comparison, spent over 21 hours (to explore) the lunar surface. 3. We will use spacecrafts for a great number of different purposes, (to include) communications, earth observation, meteorology and others. 4. The Soviet space program produced the Space Shuttle Buran (to base) on the Energia launcher. 5. The ISS travels at an average speed of 27,724 kilometres per hour, (to complete) 15.7 orbits per day. 6. Modern computers (to base) on (to integrate) circuits will be millions of times more powerful than the first machines.

IX. Вместо пропусков вставьте модальные глаголы can или must во времени Present Indefinite. Определите залог сказуемого и переведите предложения. Задайте к каждому предложению общий вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ:

1. A computer's memory … be viewed as a set of cells into which numbers … be placed or read. 2. Typical payloads … include scientific instruments (e.g. cameras, telescopes, or particle detectors). 3. A computer … store any kind of information in memory if it … be represented numerically. 4. Spacecraft intended for human spaceflight … also include a life support system for the crew. 5. Spacecraft … transit through the Earth's atmosphere and the space environment. 6. Since the computer's memory … store numbers, it … also store the instruction codes. 7. A computer … also be determined as an electronic machine that … take input (data), process it and give out results (information).

X. В предложениях из упражнения X замените время Present Indefinite на Past, а затем на Future Indefinite.

XI. Прочитайте предложения, определите залог сказуемого и измените его на противоположный:

1. GNC system must continuously control motion, orientation and velocity. 2. The Internet can now be accessed almost anywhere 3. Circuits and components can be categorized into two groups: analog and digital. 4. Everybody can see the station from the Earth with the naked eye. 5. Technology can be viewed as an activity that forms or changes our everyday’s life. 6. The experience of the ISS can be taken forward into future multi-national missions.

XII. Сделайте грамматический разбор предложений, определите время и залог сказуемых. Предложения переведите:

а) 1. Using controlled methods, scientists collect observable facts of natural or social phenomena, record these data about the observations, and analyze this information to construct theoretical aspects of how things work.

б)1. It was also the only space station NASA launched alone. 2. The main characteristic of modern computers which differs them from all other machines is that they can be programmed.

XIII. Дополните предложение выражениями из скобок, прочитайте и переведите. Поставьте предложения в прошедшее время:

We are going to meet … (24.09.27; в субботу; вечером; в воскресенье утром; в апреле; летом; в 17.15; через 20 минут; в метро; в институте; на автобусной остановке).



Правило смены залога







Изменение формы глагола

Active Passive



XVIII. Прочитайте предложения, сделайте грамматический разбор, замените: а) Active Voice на Passive Voice; б) Passive Voice на Active Voice:

а) 1. The first computers used large vacuum tubes. 2. In 1959 the Soviets obtained the first images of the far side of the Moon, never previously seen by humans. 3. A typical modern computer makes billions of instructions per second and seldom makes a mistake over many years of operation.

б) 1. In 1960s vacuum tubes were largely replaced by transistor. 2. The word robot was first mentioned by Czech writer Karel Čapek. 3. All these actions are determined by special programmed routines. 4. Skylab was visited by crews three times in 1973 and 1974.

XIX. Прочитайте предложения, найдите в них сказуемое и определите его время и залог:

1. The Internet carries a great amount of information resources and services. 2. Some robots will be programmed to carry out specific actions over and over again. 3. Software engineering concentrated specifically on producing software with high reliability. 4. Sputnik 2 was launched on November 3, 1957 and carried the first living passenger into orbit, a dog named Laika. 5. Large computer programs will consist of several million instructions. 6. Robots are widely used in manufacturing, assembly, transport and space exploration. 7. Data comes through Input and the CPU processes the data. 8. “Sputnik 1”, the first artificial satellite, orbited the Earth in 1957, and became the first artificial bode in space. 9. Supercomputers in particular will have highly unique architectures and differ significantly from general purpose computers. 10. Output devices include printers and cathode-ray tube and liquid-crystal display monitors.

The Participle I Passive

Помимо Participle I и Participle II, которые являются простыми формами причастий, существуют и сложные формы причастий, одним из которых является Participle I Passive. Это причастие образуется сочетанием Participle I от глагола “to be” и Participle II от смыслового глагола, т.е.:

  being + Participle II  


Participle I Passive , так же как и Participle II, - страдательное причастие, которое в отличие от Participle II показывает действие в процессе развития. Сравним:

Инфинитив Participle II Participle I Passive
to adjust to distribute to equip to leave adjusted distributed equipped left отрегулированный распределенный оснащенный оставленный beingadjusted being distributed being equipped being left регулируемый распределяемый оснащаемый оставляемый
  - нный - мый


XX. Образуйте от следующих глаголов Participle I Passive:

to assemble; to break*; to carry out; to comprise; to generate; to inhabit; to maintain; to meet*; to offer; to propel; to radiate; to remain; to represent; to support; to take*; to occupy; to visit; to achieve; to collect; to complete; to conduct; to emit; to explore; to land; to launch; to open; to see*; to spend*; to transmit; to unveil; to weigh.

XXI. Прочитайте предложения, найдите в них причастия, определите их тип и функцию, которую они выполняют. Предложения переведите:

1. In its general sense, science may refer to a highly skilled technique or practice. 2. There are thousands of different programming languages—some intended for general purpose, others useful only for applications being developed. 3. In 2008 there were close to 600 million computers in the world wide web, being connected together by a number of communication lines and devices. 4. The International Space Station (ISS) is an internationally developed space research laboratory currently being assembled in the Earth’s orbit.

XXII. В следующих предложениях замените Participle II на Participle I Passive и посмотрите, как изменится смысл предложения:

1. The Space program is a series of robotic spacecraft missions launched by Russia. 2. The spacecraft’s crew will be able to correct broken satellites. 3. Computers, electronic clocks, and programmable logic controllers used to control industrial processes are constructed of digital circuits. 4. Spacecraft intended for human spaceflight must also include a life support system for the crew.


В английском языке, чтобы избежать повторения ранее употребленного существительного, принято употреблять слова-заместители:

one (мн.ч. – ones), that (мн.ч. – those).

Слово “one” в качестве слова-заместителя может стоять во множественном числе (ones), иметь перед собой определенный артикль (the one, the ones), может принимать притяжательный падеж (one’s, ones’). That (those) употребляются в основном, когда за ними следует дополнение с предлогом of.

Слова-заместители обычно переводятся на русский язык тем существительным, которое они заменяют.

The operating characteristics of our new robot are the ones which include both higher speed and capacity and greater output. - Рабочие характеристики нашего нового робота – это рабочие характеристики, которые включают в себя как более высокую скорость и мощность, так и большую производительность.

The operating characteristics of our new robot are much better than those of the previous modification. – Рабочие характеристики нашего нового робота гораздо лучше, чем (рабочие характеристики) предыдущей модификации.

XXIII. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на слова-заместители:

1. The size of the International Space Station (ISS) is about that of a football field. 2. This technical problem will have to be solved by the next crew because the current one has no the necessary instruments and equipment. 3. The atmosphere on board the ISS is maintained with a composition like that of the Earth’s atmosphere. 4. After the controlled de-orbiting of Mir in 2001, the International Space Station is the only one of these currently in orbit; it has been continuously occupied since October 30, 2000. 5. The International Space Station (ISS) is the largest artificial satellite in the Earth’s orbit, with a mass larger than that of any previous space station.

Усилительные местоимения

В английском предложении усилительные местоимения стоят либо после слова, которое они усиливают, либо в конце предложения. В русском переводе соответствуют местоимению «сам».

Число Лицо Личные местоимения Усилительные местоимения
    Ед.ч.   I You He She It myself yourself himself herself itself
  Мн.ч. We You They ourselves yourselves themselves


If you want a job done well, do it yourself. – Если ты хочешь, чтобы работа была сделана хорошо, сделай ее сам.

There is no doubt that they themselves developed this method of investigation.– Нет сомнения, что они сами разработали этот метод исследования.

Let her explain it herself. – Пусть она сама объяснит это.

I don’t want you to help me, I’ll do it myself. – Я не хочу, чтобы вы мне помогали, я сделаю это сам.


XXV. Прочитайте предложения, найдите в них усилительные местоимения. Предложения переведите:

1. Spacecraft system itself comprises various subsystems, dependent upon a mission profile. 2. The ISS programme itself, and the international cooperation that it represents, allows 14 nations to live and work together in space, providing important lessons that can be taken forward into future multi-national missions.


Префикс повторности действия

Приставке “re –“ является показателем повторности действия и часто переводится на русский язык приставкой “пере-“:

to reconstruct to remake to reconnect to remix to reprint to reorganize to re-read to rewrite переконструировать переделать пересоединить перемешать перепечатать переорганизовать перечитать переписать

Префикс обратного действия

Приставка“de-“придает слову значение противоположное значению, выраженному основой:

to code to centralize to compose to form to orbit зашифровывать централизовать составлять формировать выводить на орбиту to decode to decentralize to decompose to deform to de-orbit расшифровывать децентрализовать разбирать деформировать снимать с орбиты

Text A

Space Stations

Mir was a Soviet and later Russian space station. It was the world's first continuously inhabited long-term research station in space, constructed from 1986 to 1996 with a modular design. The station remained in operation for fifteen years until March 23, 2001, when it was de-orbited, breaking apart during atmospheric re-entry over the Pacific Ocean.

The station currently holds the record for the longest continuous manned presence, and was occupied for a total of twelve and a half years of its fifteen-year life cycle. Mir had the capacity to support a resident crew of three but could also support larger crews for short-term visits.

Skylab was the United States' first space station. It was also the only space station NASA launched alone. Skylab was launched on the 14th of May 1973. The 100-ton space station was in the Earth's orbit from 1973 to 1979 and it was visited by crews three times in 1973 and 1974.

The International Space Station (ISS) is an internationally developed research laboratory currently being assembled in the Earth’s orbit. On-orbit construction of the station began in 1998. The station can change its velocity and adjust the path direction, and is the largest artificial satellite with a mass larger than that of any previous space station. It is equipped with a subsystem that is responsible for power generation and distribution. The ISS is intended as a long-term research laboratory in space. The experiments in fields comprising biology, physics, astronomy and meteorology are frequently carried out in the station's microgravity environment. The ISS and its experiments are operated by long-duration Expedition crews. The first resident crew, Expedition 1, arrived on 2 November 2000. As of 1 December 2009 (2009 -12-01)[update], the crew of Expedition 22 is aboard.

The ISS programme itself, and the international cooperation that it represents, allows 14 nations to live and work together in space, providing important lessons that can be taken forward into future multi-national missions and meeting the requirements for humans’ long-term presence in space.

The ISS is maintained at an orbit with a minimum height of 278 km to a maximum of 460 km, and travels at an average velocity of 27,724 kilometres per hour, completing 15.7 orbits per day.

Because of the size of the International Space Station (about that of a football field) and the large reflective area offered by its solar panels, ground based observation of the station is possible with the naked eye if the observer is in the appropriate location at the right time.

Задания к тексту A:

I. Прочитайте и переведите следующие выражения:

the world's first continuously inhabited long-term research station; a modular design; to break apart during atmospheric re-entry; to hold the record for the longest continuous manned presence; for a total of twelve and a half years of its fifteen-year life cycle; a resident crew of three; the United States' first space station; in the Earth's orbit; the International Space Station (ISS); an internationally developed research laboratory; on-orbit construction of the station; the largest artificial satellite; the station's microgravity environment; long-duration Expedition crews; to meet the requirements for humans’ long-term presence in space; the large reflective area; with the naked eye.

II. Найдите в предыдущем упражнении английские эквиваленты следующих русских выражений:

на орбите Земли; состояние микрогравитации на станции; разламываться на части во время повторного прохождения через атмосферу; удовлетворять требованиям долгосрочного пребывания людей в космосе; модульная конструкция; постоянная команда из трех человек; невооруженным глазом; сооружение станции на орбите; первая в мире постоянно обитаемая исследовательская станция с долгим сроком эксплуатации; в течение целых двенадцати с половиной лет из пятнадцатилетнего срока службы; самый большой искусственный спутник; первая космическая станция Соединенных Штатов; исследовательская лаборатория, развиваемая за счет международного сотрудничества; большая отражательна поверхность; удерживать рекорд за самое длительное присутствие человека в космосе; команды экспедиций с длительным пребыванием; Международная космическая станция.

III. Сделайте грамматический разбор предложений:

1. The ISS programme itself, and the international cooperation that it represents, allows 14 nations to live and work together in space, providing important lessons that can be taken forward into future multi-national missions and meeting the requirements for humans’ long-term presence in space. 2. Because of the size of the International Space Station (about that of a football field) and the large reflective area offered by its solar panels, ground based observation of the station is possible with the naked eye if the observer is in the appropriate location at the right time.

IV. Превратите данное предложение в вопросительно-отрицательные предложения, начинающиеся словами «Почему … не … » и «Разве …»:

Mir is not an international research laboratory currently being assembled in the Earth’s orbit.

V. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. When was the first space station constructed and how long it was in operation?

2. When was it deliberately de-orbited?

3. What record does the station currently hold?

4. How much resident crew could the station afford?

5. What was the United States' first space station?

6. How long was Skylab in the Earth's orbit?

7. When did on-orbit construction of the ISS begin?

8. Is it the largest space station and can be seen from the Earth with the naked eye?

9. What are carried out in the station's microgravity environment?

10. Whom are the ISS and its experiments operated by?

11. When did the first resident crew, Expedition 1, arrive at the ISS?

12. What does the ISS allow and provide?

13. What are the main characteristics of the ISS’s flight?

14. Can a ground based observer see the ISS with the naked eye?

VI. Переведите текст А письменно.



Text B


Unit 6

Тема: Ракетостроение


1.Страдательный залог (the Passive Voice).

2. Страдательное причастие (Participle I Passive).

3. Слова-заместители.

4. Вопросительно-отрицательные предложения.

5. Усилительные местоимения.

6. Префикс повторности действия “re-. Префикс обратного действия “de-“.


1. Глаголы to be, to have во временах Indefinite.

2. Причастия Participle I, Participle II.

3.Модальные глаголы can, must.

4. Инфинитив в действительном и страдательном залогах.

5. Выражение to be going to


Space Stations

2. Spacecraft Modifications and their Subsystems



also также, тоже
apart на части
appropriate соответствующий
average средний
capacity способность; мощность
closed закрытый, замкнутый
direction направление
during в течение
entry вход, вхождение
environment окружающая среда
forward вперед
frequently часто
ground земля; основание
height высота
launch vehicle ракета-носитель
long- term / short-term долгосрочный / краткосрочный
naked зд. вооруженный
observation наблюдение
Pacific Ocean, the Тихий океан
path курс
per в, за
previous предыдущий, предшествующий
reflective отражающий
requirement требование
responsible ответственный; несущий ответственность
to adjust регулировать, корректировать
to arrive прибывать
to assemble собирать
to break (broke, broken) ломать
to carry out проводить
to comprise включать в себя, заключать в себе
to depend dependent зависеть; зависимый
to distribute распределять
to equip оснащать, оборудовать
to hold (held, held) держать
to inhabit населять
to intend предназначать(ся)
to maintain содержать, поддерживать
to offer предлагать
to record record записывать; запись; рекорд
to remain оставаться
to support поддерживать
to travel путешествовать
to want хотеть
until до
velocity скорость

I. Вспомните, как переводятся следующие слова:

life; lesson; long; right; left; to give (gave, given); to take (took, taken); to meet (met, met); about; again; after.

II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, не пользуясь словарем. Обратите внимание на их произношение:

abstract; adaptation; astrobiology; astronaut; atmosphere; biology; camera; composition; cooperation; correct; cycle; detector;de-orbited; disc; expedition; football; geology; image; impulse; instrument; management; manipulation; maneuver; meteorology; microgravity; minimum; modular; nations; multi-national; NASA; navigation; ocean; orbital; panel; passenger; planetary; presence; profile; resident; Russian; segment; series; solar; state; station; sub -; subsystem; Sun; telescope; thermal; to combine; to occupy; to propel; to radiate; to visit; ton; total; tourism; transit; visit; vertically; horizontally; permanently.

III. Прочитайте, переведите и запомните следующие слова:

· существительные

capacity; direction; entry; environment; ground; height; launch vehicle; observation; observer; path; record; requirement; velocity;

· прилагательные

appropriate; average; closed; dependent; manned; naked; previous; long-term; short-term; reflective responsible;

· глаголы

to adjust; to arrive; to assemble; to break; to carry out; to comprise; to depend; to distribute; to equip; to generate; to hold; to inhabit; to intend; to maintain; to offer; to record; to remain; to support; to travel; to want;

· наречия, предлоги

also; apart; during; forward; frequently; per; until.

IV. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

a) long-term periods of microgravity; a great number of different purposes; any kind of information; observable facts of natural or social phenomena; the first images of the far side of the Moon; a great amount of information resources and services; a series of robotic spacecraft missions; on-orbit construction of the station; the crew of Expedition 22; a minimum height of 278 km; an average velocity of 27,724 kilometres per hour; ground based observation of the station;

b) hard disc drives; common I/O devices; the lunar surface; earth observation; more abstract high-level programming languages; an auxiliary storage device; the first digitally operated and programmable robot; temperature and pressure data; general purpose computers; cathode-ray tube and liquid-crystal display monitors; an internationally developed space research laboratory; a modular design; the longest continuous manned presence; the International Space Station (ISS); long-duration Expedition crews; the 100-ton space station;

c) today's electronics engineers; a computer's memory; the astronauts' adaptation; the Earth's atmosphere; the world’s most advanced computers; the Soviet Union’s “Luna 3” probe; the artificial satellite’s flight; the spacecraft’s crew; the world's first continuously inhabited long-term research station; the United States' first space station; in the Earth's orbit; the station's microgravity environment; humans’ long-term presence in space;

d) to break apart during atmospheric re-entry; to hold the record; for a total of twelve and a half years of its fifteen-year life cycle; a resident crew of three; to meet requirements; with the naked eye; 15.7 orbits per day;




V. Вместо пропусков вставьте нужную форму глаголов “to be” или “to have” во времени Present Indefinite. Замените время Present Indefinite на Past, а затем на Future Indefinite:

1. The space station … the capacity to support a resident crew of three men. 2. The input devices and the output devices … peripherals. 3. In fact every branch of mathematics … applications in science, including such areas as number theory and topology. 4. The transistor … the main active component in practically all modern electronics. 5. Silicon transistors … much more reliable than electron tubes to an electromagnetic impulse. 6. Today's electronics engineers … the ability to design circuits with use of building blocks such as power sources, semiconductors (e.g. transistors), and integrated circuits. 7. The physical characteristics of Personal Computers and low cost … essential and useful for their users.

VI. Образуйте причастия Participle I, Participle II от следующих глаголов:

to adjust; to assemble; to break*; to carry out; to comprise; to distribute; to equip; to generate; to inhabit; to maintain; to meet*; to offer; to propel; to radiate; to remain; to represent; to support; to take*; to travel.

VII. Прочитайте предложения, найдите в них причастия. Предложения переведите:

1. Hard disc drives are common I/O devices used with computers. 2. Astrobiology is the study of life in space, combining aspects of astronomy, biology and geology. 3. Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products. 4. Knowledge based on scientific method and acquired through such research and experience is science. 5. The dog Laika became the first living being on Earth sent in space aboard “Sputnik 2” on November 3, 1957. 6. The spacecraft “Vostok 1” with Yuri Gagarin aboard completed one orbit around the globe, lasting about 1 hour and 48 minutes. 7. Many of the experiments conducted investigated the astronauts' adaptation to long-term periods of microgravity. 8. In the 1970s, computer engineers at research institutions began to join their computers together using telecommunications technology.

VIII. Образуйте от инфинитива в скобках Participle I или Participle II. Предложения прочитайте, определите время сказуемого и переведите:

1. Power can be distributed between the two segments of the station (to use) auxiliary devices. 2. The crew of “Apollo 17”, by comparison, spent over 21 hours (to explore) the lunar surface. 3. We will use spacecrafts for a great number of different purposes, (to include) communications, earth observation, meteorology and others. 4. The Soviet space program produced the Space Shuttle Buran (to base) on the Energia launcher. 5. The ISS travels at an average speed of 27,724 kilometres per hour, (to complete) 15.7 orbits per day. 6. Modern computers (to base) on (to integrate) circuits will be millions of times more powerful than the first machines.

IX. Вместо пропусков вставьте модальные глаголы can или must во времени Present Indefinite. Определите залог сказуемого и переведите предложения. Задайте к каждому предложению общий вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ:

1. A computer's memory … be viewed as a set of cells into which numbers … be placed or read. 2. Typical payloads … include scientific instruments (e.g. cameras, telescopes, or particle detectors). 3. A computer … store any kind of information in memory if it … be represented numerically. 4. Spacecraft intended for human spaceflight … also include a life support system for the crew. 5. Spacecraft … transit through the Earth's atmosphere and the space environment. 6. Since the computer's memory … store numbers, it … also store the instruction codes. 7. A computer … also be determined as an electronic machine that … take input (data), process it and give out results (information).

X. В предложениях из упражнения X замените время Present Indefinite на Past, а затем на Future Indefinite.

XI. Прочитайте предложения, определите залог сказуемого и измените его на противоположный:

1. GNC system must continuously control motion, orientation and velocity. 2. The Internet can now be accessed almost anywhere 3. Circuits and components can be categorized into two groups: analog and digital. 4. Everybody can see the station from the Earth with the naked eye. 5. Technology can be viewed as an activity that forms or changes our everyday’s life. 6. The experience of the ISS can be taken forward into future multi-national missions.

XII. Сделайте грамматический разбор предложений, определите время и залог сказуемых. Предложения переведите:

а) 1. Using controlled methods, scientists collect observable facts of natural or social phenomena, record these data about the observations, and analyze this information to construct theoretical aspects of how things work.

б)1. It was also the only space station NASA launched alone. 2. The main characteristic of modern computers which differs them from all other machines is that they can be programmed.

XIII. Дополните предложение выражениями из скобок, прочитайте и переведите. Поставьте предложения в прошедшее время:

We are going to meet … (24.09.27; в субботу; вечером; в воскресенье утром; в апреле; летом; в 17.15; через 20 минут; в метро; в институте; на автобусной остановке).



Страдательный залог – the Passive Voice

The Voice (Залог) Залог это категория глагола, которая показывает отношение действия к субъекту или объекту.
The Active Voice (Действительный залог) Подлежащее – это лицо или предмет, который сам производит действие.   Natural science disciplines study natural phenomena. The Passive Voice (Страдательный залог) Подлежащее – лицо или предмет, подвергающийся действию со стороны другого лица или предмета. Natural phenomena are studied by natural science disciplines.


to be + Participle II

Страдательный залог образуется:

Глагол to be изменяется по временам, лицам, числам (т.е. спрягается), а Participle II является неизменяемой частью сказуемого.

XIV. Прочитайте предложения, найдите сказуемое и определите его время. Переведите предложения на русский язык, учитывая при переводе, что сказуемое стоит в страдательном залоге (Passive Voice):

1. The ISS is equipped with communication systems, used for different purposes. 2. The Sun will probably not be physically explored in the close future. 3. The far side of the Moon was first photographed on October 7, 1959 by the Soviet probe “Luna 3”. 4. Computer instructions are read from the computer's memory and are generally carried out in the order they were given.


Схемы образования вопросительных и отрицательных предложений

во временах Indefinite (The Passive Voice):

The Present and Past Indefinite:


Natural phenomena are (were) studied by natural science disciplines.

The Future Indefinite:


Natural phenomena will be studied by natural science disciplines.



XV. Инфинитив в скобках сделайте сказуемым предложения и поставьте его во время Present Indefinite. Предложения переведите. Поставьте к предложениям общий вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ:

1. Errors in computer programs (to be called) “bugs”. 2. Robotics (to be connect) to electronics, mechanics, and software. 3. Most modern programs (to be written) in more abstract high-level programming languages. 4. The terms Internet and World Wide Web (to be often used) in everyday speech without much difference. 5. The information received by a computer from its input unit (to be stored) in the main memory or in an auxiliary storage device.

XVI. Инфинитив в скобках сделайте сказуемым предложения и поставьте его во время Past Indefinite. Предложения переведите. Поставьте к предложениям общий вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ:

1. The first electronic computers (to be developed) in the mid-20th century. 2. Supercomputers (to be introduced) in the 1960s as the world’s most advanced computers. 3. The first digitally operated and programmable robot (to be installed) in 1961 to lift hot metal parts. 4. The first photographs of the unseen far side of the Moon (to be made) in 1959 by the Soviet Union’s “Luna 3” probe.

XVII. Инфинитив в скобках сделайте сказуемым предложения и поставьте его во время Future Indefinite. Предложения переведите. Поставьте к предложениям общий вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ:

1. Robots (to be employed) in jobs which are too dangerous. 2. Temperature and pressure data (to be encoded) in the duration of radio beeps. 3. These computers (to be used) for intense calculations such as the path of the artificial satellite’s flight. 4. Two parts of active electronic components (to be integrated) both vertically and horizontally into a single circuit.

Правило смены залога







Изменение формы глагола

Active Passive



XVIII. Прочитайте предложения, сделайте грамматический разбор, замените: а) Active Voice на Passive Voice; б) Passive Voice на Active Voice:

а) 1. The first computers used large vacuum tubes. 2. In 1959 the Soviets obtained the first images of the far side of the Moon, never previously seen by humans. 3. A typical modern computer makes billions of instructions per second and seldom makes a mistake over many years of operation.

б) 1. In 1960s vacuum tubes were largely replaced by transistor. 2. The word robot was first mentioned by Czech writer Karel Čapek. 3. All these actions are determined by special programmed routines. 4. Skylab was visited by crews three times in 1973 and 1974.

XIX. Прочитайте предложения, найдите в них сказуемое и определите его время и залог:

1. The Internet carries a great amount of information resources and services. 2. Some robots will be programmed to carry out specific actions over and over again. 3. Software engineering concentrated specifically on producing software with high reliability. 4. Sputnik 2 was launched on November 3, 1957 and carried the first living passenger into orbit, a dog named Laika. 5. Large computer programs will consist of several million instructions. 6. Robots are widely used in manufacturing, assembly, transport and space exploration. 7. Data comes through Input and the CPU processes the data. 8. “Sputnik 1”, the first artificial satellite, orbited the Earth in 1957, and became the first artificial bode in space. 9. Supercomputers in particular will have highly unique architectures and differ significantly from general purpose computers. 10. Output devices include printers and cathode-ray tube and liquid-crystal display monitors.

The Participle I Passive

Помимо Participle I и Participle II, которые являются простыми формами причастий, существуют и сложные формы причастий, одним из которых является Participle I Passive. Это причастие образуется сочетанием Participle I от глагола “to be” и Participle II от смыслового глагола, т.е.:

  being + Participle II  


Participle I Passive , так же как и Participle II, - страдательное причастие, которое в отличие от Participle II показывает действие в процессе развития. Сравним:

Инфинитив Participle II Participle I Passive
to adjust to distribute to equip to leave adjusted distributed equipped left отрегулированный распределенный оснащенный оставленный beingadjusted being distributed being equipped being left регулируемый распределяемый оснащаемый оставляемый
  - нный - мый


XX. Образуйте от следующих глаголов Participle I Passive:

to assemble; to break*; to carry out; to comprise; to generate; to inhabit; to maintain; to meet*; to offer; to propel; to radiate; to remain; to represent; to support; to take*; to occupy; to visit; to achieve; to collect; to complete; to conduct; to emit; to explore; to land; to launch; to ope

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