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As a specific Educational establishment for preparation of teachers the Pedagogical Institute the one which is nowadays the Dragomanov National Pedagogical University started its work in 1834 being the structural subdivision of St. Volodymyr University. In different historical times the Pedagogical Institute belonged to the structure of the previously mentioned University or sprend its activity behind the brames of the University. It also functioned as the Highest Pedagogical Courses.

The Highest Women's Courses and the Frebel Institute were organized in Kyiv with the participation of the Institute's teachers and tutors. Their unification in 1920 brought to life the Kyiv Institute of People's Education which further was reorganized into the Institute of Social tuition, and then into Kyiv Pedagogical Institute and later Kyiv State Pedagogical University and at last into the National Dragomanov Pedagogical University.

It's evident that in spite of the dramatic turnings of history our educational establishment has always been preparing the wonderful teacher, has been developing and putting into practice scientific knowledge and culture. It has conducted the educative activity, strengthened the spiritual basics of our nation. In general for 175 years of its existence the University has prepared more than 170 thousand of teachers and tutors who all during some time has been working and are still working practically in all educational establishments of Ukraine and far behind its boarders.

Nowadays the Dragomanov National Pedagogical University is the well-known acknowledged leader of pedagogical education of Ukraine which achievements are widely known and respected in the educational domain of Europe and the whole world.

The Educational Process in The Dragomanov National Pedagogical University is based on the newest science achievements in the field of social and pedagogical practice. There are 100 subjects for training teachers and university adopts a degree structure where degrees are classified according to such levels as: bachelor's degree – 33 subjects, specialist' degree – 33 subjects and master's degree – 34 subjects.

About 1500 teachers of our university are outstanding scientists in the system of Higher education and science, who provide the university's leading status. Among them we can name 280 PhDs and Professors, 650 Candidates of Sciences, Assistant Professors, 35 Academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and branch academies. Among the teaching staff there are 65 Honorary people of Science and Technology, 18 National and 10 Honorary artists of Ukraine. A lot of scientists, artists and educationalists, recognized in Ukraine and Europe held master classes and unique tutorials, are at the head of the State boards of examiners, represent their reports at different scientific conferences and are experts in scientific research work of our university.

About 36 thousand students study at the University. Among them there are 18 thousand of full-time students, part-time students and the students of extern education, more than 18 thousand distant education students who are classified according to such levels as: bachelors, masters. The education of 60 % of the students is paid from the State budget, and 40 % of the students pay tuition fees.

Among the strategic tasks of the university which are constantly in the scope of the university authorities are such as: the improvement of education process and checking of the students' achievements, perfection of practical skills, promotion of student and staff academic mobility, introduction of electronic equipment and high-tech technologies into the educational process.

Realizing the full-scale program of the national education the collective of university constantly pays attention to work on transformation of the University into a modern scientific and pedagogical center of Ukraine: in its structure there are colleges, grammar schools, lyceum, the institutes, the affiliation in Evpatoria (Crimea), «Artek» (summer camp for pupils) and joint Ukrainian-American Humanitarian Institute «Wisconsin International University (the USA) in Ukraine» that prepares Bachelors – managers in sphere of national and foreign economy. Since 1998 the Crimean Humanitarian Institute started to function as a part of University complex.

The university has extended system of scientific cooperation with the leading higher educational establishments and scientific research institutes of the USA, Sweden, France, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Chine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania and other countries.

During last few years the university actively develops cooperation with foreign scientific associations and funds that enables it to turn to the centre of the international scientific and pedagogical cooperation in the field of higher pedagogical education in Ukraine.

Professors and scientific researches of the University actively participate in the work for different international scientific conferences, symposiums etc.

Nowadays there are 5 buildings, 7 hostels, the greatest library among the higher pedagogical establishments of Ukraine which has more than 3 million books, 8 reading rooms, connection with the Internet, a modern sport centre are at students service.

The intending teachers can get the second public specialty on various spheres of activity depending on the abilities and personal tastes.

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Music is a part of all our lives. Some people create it or perform it, but we all listen to it. Music is a part of our experience from childhood through adulthood, as part of games at recess, in the shower with no one listening, in churches and schools, or from a stereo at home or in the car. Many people have become sophisticated in their use of music by learning to play instruments and perhaps even by learning to read music. Experience with music, thus, can exist with or without formal training.

What is music? Music escapes easy definition, as can be seen from the following statements.

Music is sound that is pleasing to the ear. If pleasing means pretty or beautiful, then much music is excluded under this definition. Music can be noisy, loud, raucous – anything but pleasing. Music does not have to be beautiful or pleasing to be music, unless one's concept of what is beautiful or pleasing is very broad. This also is an inadequate definition of music that does not sounds pleasing to us but that may sound pleasing to others, or of music that has a larger purpose than to sound pleasing. Such a definition excludes much Western European art music composed in the last hundred years as well as much music representative of some non-Western European cultures.

Music is sound and silence organized in time. This definition is to some extent objective and includes all music from any place at any time. It avoids the subjective. Much music so organized can to many people be noisy, weird, displeasing, ugly, and “to my ears, it isn't music!” We, therefore. Cannot define music without the subjective factors of taste, judgment, and personal reaction as exemplified in the common expression, “I don't know anything about music, but I know what I like”.

Music is sound that you want to hear as music. Sound that is not organized in some fashion typically cannot be called music. Yet the roar of a waterfall, the sound of rain falling on a tent, or the chirping of birds can be “music to my ears”. These sounds are not music in the objective sense but are pleasing, perhaps therefore musical, sounds. In fact, the sounds of birds, water, whales, and other sounds of nature have been taped and used in “organized” music. Conversely, all sorts of drums, cymbals, and gongs; harsh, dissonant harmonies; and abstract, totally, unsingable melodies have been organized into music. However, is it really music? As at least one student has asked, “What would prompt a person to write something like that?” A piece of music incorporating sounds that might be perceived as nosy can be music if you want it to be. Even if one does not like a certain style of music, one can respect it, value its creative process, know its cultural and social context, and, ultimately, grow from it.

Music exists to serve different purposes – to entertain, to uplift, to stimulate feelings and responses, to enhance certain rituals from a football game to a High Mass. Many cultures, traditions, and purposes for creating music produce an infinite variety of music of which we will come to know only a small part.

People always make judgments about music and develop attitudes, tastes, and preferences. Most have a narrow range of likes, preferring those styles which they know and with which they feel comfortable.

Music is an aural phenomenon; we listen and respond to its sounds. Yet, silence is very much a part of music, from short rest to long, dramatic pauses. Many twentieth-century composers of classical music recognize the impotence of silence as a compositional technique with its own capacity for aesthetic and dramatic effect, rather than merely as a rest from sound.

Music moves from one moment to the next as do motion pictures. To appreciate music or movies, it impotent to remember what happened before and to anticipate what is about to happen. Conversely, photos, paintings, and pottery are static. What is seen one moment will still be there the next moment.

Much music moves forward with an energy, a momentum, a predictable progression to a clear conclusion, such as the end of a phrase. Other music may move through time with less noticeable forward energy, to the point of seeming static, suspended in time, and without a clear phrase structure…

Great music, as with other works of art, can have universal appeal, may be remembered for hundreds of years, and has a degree of substance that challengers the listener and the performer. A great piece of art music encourages repeated listening, performance, and study.

The creation of great art and music that will last generations, if not centuries, is very impotent in Western civilization, although the more common attitude worldwide is to create something for immediate use, not for preservation. Additionally, music from all cultures, as with all the arts, is a reflection of he society in which it was created and, at the same time, helps to shape the future of that society.


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