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II. Переведите с английского языка на русский

Вариант 1

I. Сопоставьте слова:


1) bridge

2) structure

3) road

4) complex

5) steel

6) construction

7) girder

8) beam

9) pier

10) flyover

a. балка

b. сталь

c. структура

d. мост

e. эстакада

f. опора моста

g. брус

h. построение

i. сложный

j. дорога


II. Переведите с английского языка на русский:

truss, compose, tension, compression, layout, support, weight, height, stretch, anchor,


III. Переведите с русского языка на английский:


уменьшать, подвеска, добавлять, включать, форма, перемещать, прикреплять, расстояние, снабжать, кругообразный,


IV. Переведите предложения с английского языка на русский:

1. The designer must select and adapt such materials that will give the most effective result by the most economical means.

2. High alumina cement is a material containing alumina.

3. Portland cement can be modified to suit a particular application.

4. The most important building materials are structural steel and concrete.

5. Concrete is an artificial conglomerate of crushed stone, gravel or similar inert material with a mortar.

6. A bridge is a structure which is built to link two areas of land over an obstacle such as valleys, rivers, lakes and oceans.

7. A beam bridge has a very simple structure and can be made of anything.

8. A truss is a structure composed of triangular units that are connected at joints.

9. Аn arch bridge is a semicircular structure with supports known as the abutments on each end.

10. In cable-stayed bridges, the cables are attached to the towers, which bear the load.


V. Переведите текст:

Types of building materials

Houses are a basic need for every human being. From caves to modern well built houses. Houses are made from different materials; materials like stones, clay, husk, wood, concrete, bricks, cement and thatch. However many of these materials are not in use any more in most modern constructions. Now as we all know, most structures are built with cement and concrete, but to save costs people still use other materials along with concrete, most notably wood. Here is some information on few of the many types of materials used to construct houses:

Stone or Rock

Stones have been used for the purpose of construction since the era of cavemen. Rock and stone brick structures made hundreds of years ago still exist in good and strong condition.


Wood is used for the purpose of constructions in many parts of the world. Wood is cut down and pressed to form boards and planks for use in construction. Wood has proved to be flexible and resistant against climate harshness.


Clay is the most common material used to build houses, especially the houses in country sides are made from clay and mud. To make houses it is mixed with some quantity of straws and grass. Along with straw, grass and mud, clay is a main ingredient of cob style houses. The main of reason of using clay is its ability to keep the house cool in summers and warm in winter.


Cement is used in construction to join brick and stones together. It is also used to bind wood and also to bind pre-cast building materials.

VI. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What materials are used to build houses?

2. Are stones and rocks used for the purpose of construction?

3. What are the advantages of wood?

4. What is the main reason of using clay?

5. What is cement used for?



1) abilityспособность

2) abutment пята (арки)

3) application применение

4) artificial искусственный

5) blast-furnace доменный

6) brick кирпич

7) common общий

8) concrete бетон

9) conglomerate смесь разнородных элементов

10) considerably значительно

11) crush дробить

12) especially особенно

13) exist существовать

14) flexible гибкий

15) furthermore кроме того

16) harshness жёсткость

17) husk оболочка

18) join соединять

19) mortar известковый раствор

20) mud грязь

21) notably особенно

22) purpose цель

23) reason причина

24) resistant стойкий, прочный

25) select выбирать

26) still всё ещё

27) thatch соломенная или тростниковая крыша

28) wood дерево

Задания для самостоятельной работы

Вариант 2

I. Сопоставьте слова.

1) timber 2) concrete 3) sink 4) to dig 5) brick 6) framework 7) to erect 8) to guard 9) soil 10) strength a) кирпич b) копать c) древесина d) почва e) каркас f) бетон g) затоплять h) прочность i) защищать j) возводить

II. Переведите с английского языка на русский

progress, foundation walls, below ground level, parts of the building, the loads, must be carefully proportioned, to prevent them from sinking,  re-resisting material, the weight of floors, natural materials


III. Переведите с русского языка на английский


балка, трещина, неровный, покрывать, устойчивость, цоколь, оседать, котлован, вес, камень


IV. Переведите следующие предложения

1. First the excavation is dug for the basement.

2. The foundation walls are constructed below ground level.

3. The framework is clothed with various finishing materials and protected by several coats of paint.

4. The part upon which the stability of the structure depends is the framework.

5. The walls and other parts of the building must be carefully proportioned.

6. The architect must decide what the size of the floors, the beams and the girders must be.

7. Sinking and settling of a construction can cause cracks in walls and uneven floors.

8. Floors may be of timber.

9. The materials used for the wall construction can be natural or artificial.

10.Roofs cover the building and protect it bad weather.


V. Переведите текст


Parts of a building

Almost everyone has watched building of a house and followed its progress with interest.

First the excavation is dug for the basement, then the foundation walls bellow ground level are constructed; after this the framework is erected and clothed with various finishing materials and protected by several coats of paint.

The part upon which the stability of the structure depends is the framework. It is intended for safely carrying the loads imposed. The floors, walls, roof and other parts of the building must be carefully designed and proportioned.

The architect or designer must decide what the size of the walls, the floors, the beams, the girders and the parts which make up the framework must be, and how they must be placed and arranged. Sometimes it is done by the architect who draws the plans for the house, sometimes by a designer.

Here are the main parts of a building and their functions.

Foundations are to keep the walls and floors from contact with the soil, to guard them against the action of frost, to prevent them from sinking and settling which can cause cracks in walls and uneven floors.

Floors divide the building into stories. They may be either of timber or of a  re-resisting material.

Walls are built to enclose areas and carry the weight of floors and roofs. The walls may be solid or hollow. The materials used for the wall construction can be brick, stone, concrete and other natural and artificial materials.

Roofs cover the building and protect it from exposure to weather. They tie the walls and give the construction strength and firmness.

VI. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1. Have you ever watched building of a house?

2. Where are the foundation walls constructed?

3. Which part of the building does its stability depend on?

4. What must the architect or designer decide?

5. Who usually draws the plans for the house?

6. What are the functions of the foundation?

7. What materials may be used in constructing floors?

8. What materials are used for the wall construction?

9. What types of walls are mentioned in the text?

10. What’s the function of the roof?




1) to follow – следить

2) excavation – котлован

3) to dig – рыть, копать

4) basement – цоколь

5) foundation – фундамент, основание

6) framework – каркас

7) to erect – сооружать, возводить

8) to clothe – покрывать

9) to protect – защищать

10) to depend – зависеть

11) to intend – планировать, предназначать

12) safely – безопасно, надежно

13) to carry – нести на себе тяжесть, нагрузку

14) load – груз, тяжесть

15) to impose – возлагать

16) floor – пол

17) to design – разрабатывать, придумывать

18) size – размер

19) beam – балка, перекладина

20) girder – брус

21) arrange – размещать, устраивать

22) to draw – чертить

23) soil – грунт, почва

24) to guard – защищать

25) frost – мороз

26) to prevent – предотвращать, препятствовать

27) to sink – затоплять

28) to settle – оседать

29) to cause – быть причиной, вызывать

30) crack – трещина

31) uneven – неровный

32) storey – этаж, ярус

33) timber - древесина

34) fire-resisting material – огнестойкий материал

35) to enclose – окружать, заключать

36) weight – вес

37) roof – крыша

38) solid – цельный, твердотелый

39) hollow – пустотелый

40) brick – кирпич

41) stone – камень

42) concrete – бетон

43) natural – натуральный, естественный

44) artificial – искусственный

45) to cover – накрывать, покрывать

46) exposure – подвергание воздействию

47) weather – погода

48) to tie – связывать

49) strength – прочность

50) firmness – твердость, устойчивость


Задания для самостоятельной работы

Вариант 3


I. Сопоставьте слова

1)stair a) лестничный марш, пролет
2) staircase b) промежуточный
3) spiral c) ограждающая конструкция
4) flight d) лестничная площадка
5) vertical circulation e) геометрическая форма
6) particular f) перемещение в вертикальной плоскости
7) enclosure g) лестничная клетка, лестница
8) geometry h) лестница
9) landing i) спиральный, винтовой
10) quarter-space j) особый, исключительный


V. Переведите текст


Stairs are used for vertical circulation in buildings. A distinction must be made between fixed stairs and escalators. Ramps and lifts may perform similar functions.

Depending on the available space, or the architectural requirements, stairs may be straight, curved or spiral on plan. The most frequent type is the staircase with straight flights.

In the design of stairs we should pay particular attention to the following problems: the geometry of the staircase; the construction of its components; the vertical enclosure of the staircase.

The fixed straight staircase comprises flights and landings. A series of more than three steps is a flight. For reasons of safety the length of a flight should be limited to about 18 steps. Two floors in a multi-storey building are rarely connected by a single flight of stairs. If the successive flights are at right angles to one another the landing at each change of direction is known as a quarter-space landing. With two flights per storey, this is the most common form of construction and takes up the least space on plan.


VI. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1. What are stairs used for?

2. What other facilities can be used for this purpose?

3. What types of staircases are there?

4. What are the problems in the stairs design to be paid particular attention to?

5. How is the fixed staircase constructed?




1) Angle (n.) – угол

2) Architectural (adj.) – архитектурный, строительный

3) Available (adj.) – доступный

4) Building (n.) – здание

5) Change (n.) – изменение, перемена, смена

6) Common (adj.) – общий, распространенный

7) Comprise (v.) – включать (в себя), содержать (в себе)

8) Connected (adj.) – соединенный, связанный

9) Construction (n.) – устройство; сооружение

10) Curved (adj.) – изогнутый

11) Depending (on) (adv.) – в зависимости от, смотря на

12) Design (n.) – конструкция, проект, план

13) Direction (n.) – направление

14) Distinction (n.) – различие, отличие

15) Enclosure (n.) – ограждающая конструкция

16) Escalator (n.) – эскалатор

17) Fixed (adj.) – неподвижный, фиксированный

18) Flight (n.) – лестничный марш, пролет

19) Floor (n.) – этаж

20) Following (adj.) – следующий, нижеперечисленный

21) Frequent (adj.) – часто встречающийся, обычный

22) Geometry (n.) – геометрическая форма

23) Know (v.) – знать

24) Landing (n.) – лестничная площадка

25) Length (n.) – длина

26) Lift (n.) – лифт, подъемник

27) Limit (v.) – ограничивать

28) Multi-storey (adj.) – многоэтажный

29) Particular (adj.) – особый, исключительный

30) Pay attention (to) – обращать внимание

31) Perform (v.) – выполнять, исполнять

32) Quarter-space (adj.) – промежуточный

33) Ramp (n.) – пандус, наклонный пол

34) Reason (n.) – причина, основание

35) Requirement (n.) – требование, потребность

36) Right (adj.) – прямой (угол)

37) Safety (n.) – безопасность

38) Similar (adj.) – похожий, подобный

39) Single (adj.) – единичный, одиночный

40) Space (n.) – место, пространство

41) Spiral (n.) – спиральный, винтовой

42) Stair (n.) – лестница

43) Staircase (n.) – лестничная клетка, лестница

44) Step (n.) – ступень, ступенька

45) Storey (n.) – этаж, ярус

46) Straight (adj.) – прямой

47) Successive (adj.) – следующий один за другим, последовательный

48) Take up (v.) – занимать (место)

49) Use (v.) – использовать

50) Vertical circulation – перемещение в вертикальной плоскости



Задания для самостоятельной работы

Вариант 4

I. Сопоставьте слова.

1) resistance a) инструменты
2) synthetic resin b) рисунок, модель, образец
3) surfacing c) фундамент
4) entrance d) многослойный пластик
5) foundation e) синтетическая смола
6) pattern f) отделка, нанесение покрытия
7) withstand g) сопротивление, устойчивость
8) available h) вход
9) tools i) имеющийся в наличии, доступный
10) laminate plastics j) противостоять


V. Переведите текст


1) plastics – пластик

2) application – применение

3) building – строительство

4) artificial – искусственный

5) construction work – строительные работы

6) vast – обширный громадный

7) purpose – цель, назначение

8) to apply – применять

9) foundation – фундамент

10) coat of paint – слой краски

11) synthetic resin – синтетическая смола

12) raw material – сырье

13) advantage – преимущество

14) to offer advantages – (здесь) иметь преимущества

15) light – легкий

16) laminate plastics – многослойный пластик

17) corrosion – коррозия

18) machined – подвергнутый механической обработке

19) pattern – рисунок, модель, образец

20) electrical insulator – электрический изолятор

21) resistance – сопротивление, устойчивость

22) chemical action – химическое воздействие

23) replace – заменять, замещать

24) ease of handling – легкость обработки, транспортировки

25) low maintenance cost – низкие эксплуатационные расходы

26) rapidity of assembly – быстрота сборки

27) available – имеющийся в наличии, доступный

28) interior and exterior design – проект интерьера и экстерьера

29) recommend- рекомендовать, предлагать

30) structural material – конструкционный материал

31) surfacing – отделка, выделка поверхности, нанесение покрытия

32) staircase - лестница

33) window-sill – слив (наружный подоконник)

34) withstand - противостоять

35) severe outdoor conditions –плохие атмосферные условия

36) varying – переменный, меняющийся

37) shop front – витрина

38) wall – стена

39) entrance – вход

40) non-inflammable – невоспламеняющийся

41) chief – главный

42) need – нуждаться, иметь потребность

43) kitchen - кухня

44) maintenance – содержание и техническое обслуживание, уход

45) occasional – случающийся время от времени, иногда

46) wipe – вытирание

47) damp – влажный

48) cloth - ткань

49) ordinary - обычный

50) tools – инструменты


Задания для самостоятельной работы


Вариант 5


I. Сопоставьте слова

1) Beam a) сжатие
2) Loads b) рельеф
3) Tensile c) выемка грунта
4) Bending d) древесное волокно
5) Shear e) вяжущее вещество
6) Fiber f) сгибание
7) Compression g) балка
8) Excavation h) растягивающий
9) Topography i) груз
10) Binding agent j) сдвиг



Concrete is the most common building material for modern construction practice. It consists of cement used as a building agent and aggregate, for example crushed stone and sand.

These components are mixed with water. The cement is hardening and thus making the particles of the aggregate adhere close to each other. The setting and hardening of concrete are due to chemical reactions between the cement and mixing water. The concrete is filled into the framework immediately after mixing and is then compacted.

Good concrete is influenced by the following factors:

1) Cement, which should be of superlative quality.

2) Aggregate, which should be carefully selected, graded and proportioned.

3) Water-cement ratio. Surplus water weakens the strength of the concrete.

4) Workmanship in mixing, placing and finishing the concrete.


VI. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1. What does concrete consist of?

2. What happens between the cement and mixing water?

3. How many factors influence concrete?

4. Cement should be of superlative quality, shouldn’t it?

5. What can be used as aggregate?




1) to adhere (v.) прилипать
2) admixture (n.) добавка
3) to adopt (v.) принимать
4) aggregate (n.) заполнитель
5) application (n.) применение
6) beam (n.) балка
7) bending (n.) сгибание
8) binding agent (n.) вяжущее вещество
9) building (n.) строительство
10) building agent (n.) структурообразующий компонент
11) building materials (n.) строительные материалы
12) cement (n.) цемент
13) to compact (v.) уплотнять
14) compression (n.) сжатие
15) concrete (n.) бетон
16) to construct (v.) конструировать
17) dry (adj.) сухой
18) equipment (n.) оборудование
19) excavation (n.) выемка грунта
20) fiber (n.) древесное волокно
21) formwork (n.) опалубка, форма
22) general (adj.) общий
23) grade (n.) степень
24) humid (adj.) влажный
25) immediately (adv.) немедленно
26) limestone (n.) известняк
27) to limit (v.) ограничивать
28) loads (n.) груз
29) mix (v.) смешивать
30) modern (adj.) современный
31) oil paint (n.) масляная краска
32) particle (n.) частица
33) production (n.) производство
34) project (n.) проект
35) to proportion (v.) дозировать
36) quality (n.) качество
37) quicklime (n.) негашеная известь
38) ratio (n.) отношение
39) reaction (n.) реакция
40) to remove (v.) удалять, снимать
41) selection (n.) выбор
42) setting (n.) застывание
43) shear (n.) сдвиг
44) site (n.) площадка
45) superlative (adj.) превосходный
46) to supply (v) обеспечивать
47) surplus (n.) избыток
48) tensile (adj.) растягивающий
49) topography (n.) рельеф
50) workmanship (n.) мастерство


Вариант 1

I. Сопоставьте слова:


1) bridge

2) structure

3) road

4) complex

5) steel

6) construction

7) girder

8) beam

9) pier

10) flyover

a. балка

b. сталь

c. структура

d. мост

e. эстакада

f. опора моста

g. брус

h. построение

i. сложный

j. дорога


II. Переведите с английского языка на русский:

truss, compose, tension, compression, layout, support, weight, height, stretch, anchor,


III. Переведите с русского языка на английский:


уменьшать, подвеска, добавлять, включать, форма, перемещать, прикреплять, расстояние, снабжать, кругообразный,


IV. Переведите предложения с английского языка на русский:

1. The designer must select and adapt such materials that will give the most effective result by the most economical means.

2. High alumina cement is a material containing alumina.

3. Portland cement can be modified to suit a particular application.

4. The most important building materials are structural steel and concrete.

5. Concrete is an artificial conglomerate of crushed stone, gravel or similar inert material with a mortar.

6. A bridge is a structure which is built to link two areas of land over an obstacle such as valleys, rivers, lakes and oceans.

7. A beam bridge has a very simple structure and can be made of anything.

8. A truss is a structure composed of triangular units that are connected at joints.

9. Аn arch bridge is a semicircular structure with supports known as the abutments on each end.

10. In cable-stayed bridges, the cables are attached to the towers, which bear the load.


V. Переведите текст:

Types of building materials

Houses are a basic need for every human being. From caves to modern well built houses. Houses are made from different materials; materials like stones, clay, husk, wood, concrete, bricks, cement and thatch. However many of these materials are not in use any more in most modern constructions. Now as we all know, most structures are built with cement and concrete, but to save costs people still use other materials along with concrete, most notably wood. Here is some information on few of the many types of materials used to construct houses:

Stone or Rock

Stones have been used for the purpose of construction since the era of cavemen. Rock and stone brick structures made hundreds of years ago still exist in good and strong condition.


Wood is used for the purpose of constructions in many parts of the world. Wood is cut down and pressed to form boards and planks for use in construction. Wood has proved to be flexible and resistant against climate harshness.


Clay is the most common material used to build houses, especially the houses in country sides are made from clay and mud. To make houses it is mixed with some quantity of straws and grass. Along with straw, grass and mud, clay is a main ingredient of cob style houses. The main of reason of using clay is its ability to keep the house cool in summers and warm in winter.


Cement is used in construction to join brick and stones together. It is also used to bind wood and also to bind pre-cast building materials.

VI. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What materials are used to build houses?

2. Are stones and rocks used for the purpose of construction?

3. What are the advantages of wood?

4. What is the main reason of using clay?

5. What is cement used for?



1) abilityспособность

2) abutment пята (арки)

3) application применение

4) artificial искусственный

5) blast-furnace доменный

6) brick кирпич

7) common общий

8) concrete бетон

9) conglomerate смесь разнородных элементов

10) considerably значительно

11) crush дробить

12) especially особенно

13) exist существовать

14) flexible гибкий

15) furthermore кроме того

16) harshness жёсткость

17) husk оболочка

18) join соединять

19) mortar известковый раствор

20) mud грязь

21) notably особенно

22) purpose цель

23) reason причина

24) resistant стойкий, прочный

25) select выбирать

26) still всё ещё

27) thatch соломенная или тростниковая крыша

28) wood дерево

Задания для самостоятельной работы

Вариант 2

I. Сопоставьте слова.

1) timber 2) concrete 3) sink 4) to dig 5) brick 6) framework 7) to erect 8) to guard 9) soil 10) strength a) кирпич b) копать c) древесина d) почва e) каркас f) бетон g) затоплять h) прочность i) защищать j) возводить

II. Переведите с английского языка на русский

progress, foundation walls, below ground level, parts of the building, the loads, must be carefully proportioned, to prevent them from sinking,  re-resisting material, the weight of floors, natural materials


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