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Family Traditions: 7 Ideas to Get You Started

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Traditions. Those little rituals passed down from generation to generation, that help shape your family by creating a sense of unity, warmth and closeness. They create memories that fill your mind with peace, love, happiness, and security.

But what do you do if your family doesn’t have many traditions? Well, you create them of course! Somebody has to create all these little rituals, so why not let it be you?

There are so many traditions that you can incorporate into your family. I grew up spending every birthday with my family, decorating eggs at Easter, carving the pumpkin at Halloween and opening stockings on Christmas morning.

Traditions don’t have to be extravagant, intense or require a lot of planning. They can be as simple as reading to your child every night in the same comfortable chair, having a movie and pizza night every Friday or discussing things you are grateful for around the dinner table each evening. Traditions are the glue that keeps a family together. We all have very busy lifestyles, and adding a small tradition here or there can make all the difference to your family.

Family tradition ideas to get you started:

1. The birthday hat. Get a hat that is well suited to your family and make this the “official birthday hat.” The idea is that each person wears it at their birthday dinner, whether that be at home or out in a restaurant. We have a rather large birthday hat in our family – it looks like a cake complete with big felt candles out of the top. It’s ridiculously awesome.

2. Birthday cakes. Create the birthday boy or girl’s favorite type of cake. Is it cheesecake, devil’s food cake, or black forest cake? Or is it not even cake at all? Do they prefer pies, cookies, or cupcakes? Whatever it is, make their favorite treat an annual tradition for their birthday.

3. New job. When someone in your family gets a new job, a promotion, or a raise, create a tradition that they take you out for dinner. It doesn’t have to be a fancy or expensive dinner – you can go for pizza.

4. Christmas dainty exchange. This is my favorite new tradition in our family. Christmas can be a very stressful time, but baking all those Christmas goodies doesn’t have to add to it. Include as many or as few people as you want, and choose two to three items each to bake. Bake enough to share with everyone in your group and agree to a date when you’ll meet up and exchange the goodies you’ve all made. I love this one for a couple of reasons. You get a huge variety of baked goods, and you don’t have to spend weeks preparing. Who doesn’t want that?

5. Saturday mornings in bed. Choose a morning on the weekend to spend in bed with your family. You don’t need to spend hours laying around, but 15 to 30 minutes is a nice length of time. Try having coffee, tea, or milk with a couple of cookies. Relaxing and taking a few minutes to connect with your family can be a great way to kick off a weekend.

6. Easter egg hunt. A classical tradition in many households around the world. I always looked forward to finding hidden goodies from around the house each year. It was always a lot of fun and the morning would be full of laughter. Even now, my mom and dad still hide Easter treats for us, and it will certainly be something we continue and share with our kids.

7. Family Olympics. When the weather is nice, spend the day at the park, at the lake, or at the beach. Decide on sporting events for whole family – badminton, volleyball, or synchronized swimming. Create teams, or compete individually and have prizes for all participants.

Creating a feeling of unity, warmth and closeness with your family is priceless. There are no rules and there is no “right” way to do this. So take initiative, get creative, make it happen and most importantly have fun!

Ø Study the topical vocabulary.

Ø Read the text “Family Traditions: 7 Ideas to Get You Started” for obtaining its information.

Ø Describe the clue to start family traditions you like best. Explain your choise.

Ø What is your favorite family tradition? How will you create a new family tradition? Please share your ideas in written form.

Контрольный блок.

Write a composition “My Dream Family Tradition – I’ll do my best to start it in my own family.”



Тема: «Особенности организации и проведения свадебных церемоний в различных странах»

I. Краткая аннотация

Данные учебно-методические материалы предназначены для студентов 4 курса факультета педагогики и психологии при организации КСР по теме «Особенности организации и проведения свадебных церемоний в различных странах». Комплекс заданий, направленный на достижение поставленных целей и задач КСР, разработан в соответствии с учебной программой по дисциплине «Практика иностранного языка».

Цель темы — развитие умения использования монологической и диалогической форм коммуникации


1. Пополнить активный словарный запас студентов.

2. Учить студентов логически правильно строить высказывание описательного характера.

3. Воспитывать уважение к семье и семейным обычаям.

4. Развивать память, воображение, логическое мышление.


II. Тематический план

4 курс, 8 семестр

Тема: «Особенности организации и проведения свадебных церемоний в различных странах».


III. Список основной литературы:

Аракин, В.Д., «Практический курс английского языка». 4 курс: Учеб. для педвузов по спец. «Иностранный язык» / под редакцией В.Д. Аракина. – 4-е издание, перераб. и доп. – М.: ВЛАДОС, 1999. – 336 с.

IV. Учебно-методический блок

Keepsakes ---

Auspicious ---

Upswing ---

Descent ---

To tie the knot ---

Slavery ---

Wedding bands ---

To trade ---

Godparents ---

To toss ---

Последнее изменение этой страницы: 2016-07-22

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