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XII. Summarize the information from the text, using expressions on page 23.

Городской кадастр


Методические указания по английскому языку

для аудиторной работы студентов

II курса специальности 120303 “Городской кадастр”


Составители С. В. Лебединцев

И. Г. Тимофеева

А. Л. Ефимова


Утверждены на заседании кафедры

Протокол № 6 от 20.12.2007

Рекомендованы к печати

учебно-методической комиссией

специальности 120303

Протокол № 55 от 26.12.2007


Электронная копия находится

в библиотеке главного корпуса







Методические указания “Городской кадастр” предназначены для аудиторной работы студентов II курса специальности 120303 “Городской кадастр”.

Цель методических указаний – развитие речевых навыков и умений изучающего, ознакомительного, поискового видов чтения на основе аутентичных текстов и сопутствующих им контрольно-тестовых заданий, направленных на переработку смысловой информации текстов, а также на совершенствование навыков реферирования и аннотирования.

Структура методических указаний состоит из пяти частей, включающую информацию о городском кадастре, его истории, а также информацию, связанную с земельно-информационной системой США.

Материал данных методических указаний может быть рекомендован для работы со студентами специальности 270115 “Экспертиза и управление недвижимостью”.



Unit 1

Urban Cadastre

I. Study the vocabulary:

1. cadastre/cadaster 2. national economy 3. inhabited locality 4. location 5. rule 6. land tenure 7. land-utilization 8. spatial 9. coincide 10. local government 11. urban/municipal 12. municipal formation 13. municipal economy 14. estimation 15. land fund 16. housing conditions 17. production conditions 18. body 19. lay down a rule 20. state-controlled 21. on the one hand 22. relevance 23. artificial person 24. public authorities 25. real estate кадастр народное хозяйство населённый пункт местоположение норма, правило землевладение землепользование пространственный совпадать местное самоуправление городской городское образование городское хозяйство оценка земельный фонд жилищно-бытовые условия производственные условия организация, орган установить правило контролируемый государством с одной стороны актуальность юридическое лицо (фирма) органы государственной власти недвижимость


II. Warming-up.

1. Why did you make up your mind to become a specialist in the field of cadastre?

2. Did anybody advise you to choose the career?

3. What can you say about the role of a cadastre-specialist in a civilized society?

4. What do you think the term “urban cadastre” means?

III. How would you entitle the text below? Read the first three paragraphs of the text and then choose the most appropriate title given below that in your opinion corresponds to the contents of the text.

1. Urban cadastre in Russia

2. Urban cadastre and the area of its application

3. History of urban cadastre

4. Rational use of land

5. Urban cadastre as a part of the national cadastre


IV. Read the text to answer the following questions:

1) What are the main functions of the urban cadastre? 2) What should be taken into consideration at the organization of the ground cadastre? 3) What must a specialist working in the cadastral system do to expand the municipal economy? 4) What kind of types does the urban cadastre include as a unified multilevel information system? 5) What is conducted on the uniform system?



1. In any civil society the land is one of the basic elements of national riches. Therefore its rational use essentially influences a national economy. As a rule the construction of new inhabited localities and expansion of the early-founded places are realized at the expense of involvement of new lands including an agricultural function as well.

2. Rational use of land is a many-sided problem thattouches on the development of a municipal economy. In order to develop it successfully specialists must carefully study ground resources. Also, they must have an understanding of all-round information dealing with the amount of lands as well as their structure, their location and with the quality and the character of lands which are used not only at present, but in the long-term prospect, including grounds of the inhabited localities to be required to use. These specialists deal with the urban cadastre. The urban cadastre or the cadastre of the inhabited localities provides some information which materials are widely applied to solve some problems connected with land which is usedon the areas of the populated places.

3. The urban cadastre is a component of the national cadastre of the country and it is represented as a system of the state-controlled measures. It fulfills several functions, two aims are: 1) all-round study of the state of lands at legal, natural and economic levels by realization of the registration of the land tenures and the land-utilizations; 2) a quantitative and qualitative account of grounds and their economic estimation with the purposes of rational use of the territories.

4. Recognizing that the land acts as a spatial operational basis for the inhabited localities, the land characteristics get a prime meaning, and these grounds must meet the requirements of construction, namely, – geological structure, terrain slope, ground water location depth, presence of engineering networks, some characteristics of existing structures and buildings and others. In fact, all these land characteristics belong to the so-called land fund. Besides, one of the main tasks of the land fund of the inhabited localities is the satisfaction of requirements of the population concerning housing, cultural, production conditions. That is why the object of studying has distinctive features, which should be taken into account in the organization of the ground cadastre in these territories.

5. The urban cadastre (UC) is formed as a unified multilevel information system including the following types: 1) the ground cadastres of the administrative areas, towns and cities; 2) the ground cadastres of the municipal formations.

6. The types of cadastres of all levels form a uniform system. This system has been established by means of the legislation of the Russian Federation (RF) and by means of the laws of local government. As a rule the territories served by the cadastre committees coincide with the territories of the appropriate administrative or municipal formations. The interaction rules of the state land cadaster are established by the federal legislation both at a federal level and at a municipal one as a subject of the Russian Federation.

7. The urban cadastre functions on the principle of reliability as well as its validity and its relevance of the received information about the objects of cadastral records. The information registered in the urban cadastre is a property of the Russian Federation or autonomous municipal bodies. The information is passed at the department of urban cadastre by public authorities and local government bodies as well as an artificial or a physical person to establish (or to change) the legal status of the real estate object or its physical characteristics.


V. Find out if the following statements are true or false according to the information from the text. Fill in the chart.

  True False
1. The urban cadastre is a uniform monolevel information system.    
2. The urban cadastre forms a uniform system established only by the legislation of the Russian Federation.    
3. The land fund is responsible for ground characteristics.    
4. The ground characteristics must meet the construction requirements.    
5. The urban cadastre isn’t a part of the state one.    


VI. Complete the sentence with the best answer (a, b or c) according to the information from the text.

1. In any civil society the land is …

a) a many-sided problem that touches on the development of municipal economy.

b) one of the basic elements of national riches.

c) of great importance.


2. The urban cadastre is formed as a unified multilevel information system including …

a) the ground cadastres of the municipal formations.

b) a quantitative and qualitative account of grounds.

c) grounds of the inhabited localities.


3. Such information is provided by the urban cadastre or …

a) the national cadastre of the country.

b) the cadastre of the inhabited localities.

c) the land fund.


4. Expansion of the early-founded places is realized at the expense of an involvement of …

a) the old lands including an agricultural function.

b) the new lands including an industrial function as well.

c) the new lands including an agricultural function as well.


5. The territories served by the cadastre committees …

a) don’t coincide with the territories of the administrative or municipal formations.

b) coincide only with the territories of the appropriate municipal formations.

c) coincide with the territories of the appropriate administrative or municipal formations.


VII. What wasn’t mentioned in the text?

1. The federal legislation of the RF lays down the interaction rules of the state ground cadastre both at a federal level and at an urban one.

2. The urban cadastre should be connected to the urban information system including a general database of statistics, design and planning bodies.

3. The UC is an important part of the state cadastre of the RF: it is a system of the state-controlled measures making some functions one of them is a large-scale study at different levels.


VIII. Find in the text the synonyms for the following words and word combinations.

district; building; cadaster; place; ground; state; municipal; unified; populated; to expand; to create; to answer the purpose; to take into consideration


IX. Answer the following questions:

1) Why is a problem of the rational use of land connected with the development of a municipal economy? 2) Why is the UC formed as a unified multilevel information system? 3) Why do the land characteristics belong to the so-called land fund?


X. Translate the sixth and the seventh paragraphs of the text in written form (30 minutes).


XI. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the text.

The land is one of the basic elements of national riches. Its rational use is a very complex problem …1… has a large influence on the development of …2… municipal economy. In order to expand it successfully, …3…the one hand, one must study ground resources in …4… proper way. On the other hand, a possession …5… the exact information dealing with the amount of …6…,withtheir structure and location as well as …7… their quality in the inhabited localities is of …8… importance for the specialists who work in the …9… cadastre. They solve the problem of the efficient …10… of land on the areas of the populated …11….


Unit 2

History of the Cadastre

I. Study the vocabulary:


1. identify the individual land unit обозначить индивидуальный земельный участок
2. tax collection сбор налогов
3. clay table глиняная табличка
4. flood наводнение
5. farm boundary line граница фермы
6. fiscal (tax) cadastre налоговый кадастр
7. tenant-in-chief over the land землевладелец
8. detailed account of the land holdings подробный регистр землевладений
9. tax облагать налогом
10. parcel information пакет документов о земельных участках
11. ground parcel участок земли
12. pertinent уместный, относящийся к делу
13. revenue доход

II. Warming up:

1. What do you know about cadastre?

2. What can you say about a fiscal (tax) cadastre and the modern fiscal cadastre?

3. Is it necessary to know history of the cadastre?


History of the Cadastre


The cadastre has a long history. It was developed primarily to identify the individual land unit thereby making the tax collection and distribution process more efficient. The first known system dates back to 4000 В.С. when clay tables were produced by the Babylonians for mapping property. Contained within these tables were not only maps but also other pertinent land information. The cadastre was very important to the Egyptians because of the Nile Valley. Because of the flood, farm boundary lines were difficult to find without the land records. The word “cadastre” is derived from the Greek term “katastichon” meaning notebook. This Greek term evolved into the Roman world “capastrum” which was the register containing the Roman provinces territorial taxation units. One of the most famous of the early efforts in developing a fiscal (tax) cadastre comes from Norman England and the Domesday Book by William the Conqueror (1085-1086). William was the Duke of Normandy when he defeated King Harold at Hastings in 1066 and after 20 years of rule, he wanted to know who owned what so that he could collect his tax on the land. When William had taken the land from the Saxons, he gave it to the Norman barons who supported him in his battles. They became tenants-in-chief over the land.

It was also important for William to know who owned what and how much. This information was not only used to settle disputes over land tenure but also gave the King the understanding of who held the balance of power in different localities when he disposed of his land to the barons. The Domesday Book consisted of two volumes. The report was not only a detailed account of all land holdings, i.e., estates and tenants within the kingdom, it also was a detailed demographic survey – the survey took seven months to complete. This was probably due to the combination of the forceful power of the Norman ruler and the existing bureaucracy.

The Domesday Book is a very important piece of literature in that it is still occasionally consulted in boundary and land rights cases. It also has special historical significance because of the insight it gives into the daily activities of the people who lived at the time.

New items of significance to scholars are continually being found. For example, there is some evidence suggesting that the King created enterprise zones by granting tax concessions.

The modern fiscal cadastre really has its roots in the land taxation philosophy of the Physiocrat Movement. This philosophy, espoused by the Frenchman Quesnay, was based on the premise that the earth was the basis of all riches therefore the maintenance of the community should be financed through revenues derived by taxing the land. Tax revenues were obtained by levying a ground tax, ultimately based on the taxable revenue of the separate ground parcels, and buildings, subdivided according to their different use such as agricultural grounds, meadows, orchards, woods, houses, factories, workshops, etc. The result is a complex differential tax assessment system, which is based on different land uses. To support this system, parcel information is necessary.


Unit 3

Napoleonic Cadastre

I. Study the vocabulary:


1. backbone основа
2. specification спецификация
3. location, planning, description and valuation of the parcel местоположение, планирование, описание и оценка участка земли
4. mapping картография
5. countrywide system общенациональная система
6. uniform system единая система
7. public utilization общественное использование
8. records and maps записи и карты
9. geometry of latitudes, longitudes and coordinates геометрия широты, долготы и координат
10. taxation налогообложение
11.community сообщество
12. сode кодекс
13. land possession владение землей
14. to prevent litigation предотвратить тяжбу
15. expansion of the French Empire расширение Французской Империи
16. France’s administration французские власти
17. territorial economy территориальная экономика
18. private land ownership частная собственность на землю
19. to govern the territory управлять территорией
20. social changes социальные изменения
21. in the light of information technology в свете информационной технологии
22. public administration государственное управление
23. edict указ
24. cadastre program программа кадастра


II. Warming up:

1. What are the main principles of Napoleonic Cadastre System?

2. What did Napoleon say about taxation?

3. What do you know about Napoleonic Cadastre?



1. Among the famous cadastral efforts, the system developed by Napoleon in 1807 deserves attention. The principles forming the backbone of his cadastral system were articulated in 1811 by 1444 articles describing the specifications outlining the location, planning, description and valuation of the parcels. Some of the most distinctive characteristics are:

1. Introduction of the land parcel as the basic unit on which the cadastral system was built up.

2. Precise and uniform surveying, mapping and valuation of properties in a countrywide system constituted the operational principle of the cadastre of Napoleon. In the accompanying registers, the size, nature, value, the name of the owners of properties, etc., were recorded.

2.1. The whole empire was to be covered by this uniform system.

2.2. Public utilization of survey records and maps.

2.3. The cadastral system must be kept up-to-date.

2.4. The location and description of the individual plats were to be related to the geometry of latitudes, longitudes, and coordinates.

2. Napoleon understood that there were more purposes of survey work than just taxation. He declared:

“Half-measures always result in loss of time and money. The only way to sort out the confusion in the field of general land records is to proceed with the surveying and evaluation of each individual land parcel in all the communities of the Empire. A good cadastre will constitute a complement of my Code as far as land possession is concerned. The map must be sufficiently precise and complete so that they could determine the boundaries between individual properties and prevent litigations.”

3. The Napoleonic cadastre did not just develop from the whim of the Emperor but rather evolved due to the expansion of the French Empire. As it expanded, France’s administration became increasingly evolved in the cadastre. This extension of the government’s role is based on three assumptions:

1. Intrinsic to the territorial economy was private land ownership.

2. The cost of governing the territory was to be generated mostly from taxation of the privately owned parcels.

3. A record system, uniformly organized, would be necessary in order to provide protection for rights by the owner as well as collecting taxes on the parcel.

4. A key to the cadastral effort was the record system, which was designed to meet several purposes. Three of the more important are:

1. The record would consist of a complete history of all the transactions that occurred within the parcel.

2. The record was expandable and capable of including other types of informational needs that became obvious through government and private industry operation.

3. The record formed a basic management information system in that the government’s managers could generate summaries of selected jurisdictions. Not only did the cadastre emerge because of the expansion afford, it also reflected the societal changes, both in structure and character, that were happening at this time. This effort by Napoleon is very significant in the light of information technology and public administration.

“First, the edict and the cadastre program it generated were seen as a potential method for dealing with a growing set of societal problems. Second, it reflected a politically directed administrative solution, i.e., a governmental policy reflecting political acceptance of a responsibility for a function of an administrative vehicle for its discharge. Third, it reflected a confluence of technological and social developments, which were inherently symbiotic.”

Unit 4



There are many different methods of defining what a cadastre is. One of them defines it as a subsection of a land information system. The cadastre is dependent upon a parcel-based land information system. There are four basic types of cadastre: fiscal, juridical, environmental and multipurpose.

The fiscal cadastre is primarily concerned with the fiscal aspects of the government. This includes items like property taxes, but also includes the aspects of raising money for the government with a spatial component.

The juridical cadastre involves the definition of the legal interests in the real property.

The environmental cadastre deals with environmental problems involving parcels.

Finally, the multipurpose cadastre is one that meets the needs of myriad of users by making the data across division lines.

Unit 5



Алгоритм составления аннотации


1. Запишите заголовок аннотируемой работы с указанием фамилии её автора, названия издательства, места и года издания, количества страниц и т.д.

2. Пронумеруйте абзацы текста.

3. Просмотрите текст и определите его ведущуютему.

4. Определите тему и подтемы каждого абзаца и выпишите их вместе с номером каждого абзаца. Составьте логический план текста.

5. Дайте описание выделенных пунктов плана, используя ключевые фрагменты и языковые клише.

6. Прочтите составленный текст аннотации и отредактируйте его.


Алгоритм составления реферата


1. Прежде чем начать реферировать материал, внимательно прочитайте его, досконально поймите все нюансы его содержания, разберитесь в научной стороне освещаемого вопроса.

2. Составьте подробный план всего первоисточника. Разбейте его на разделы, подразделы и пункты. Часто уже сам источник имеет такую разбивку. Сформулируйте все пункты такого плана назывными предложениями. Преобразуйте назывные предложения плана в предложения, формулирующие главную мысль каждого раздела.

3. Выделите главную мысль каждого раздела и важнейшие доказательства, подкрепляющие эту мысль.

4. Завершите обработку всех пунктов плана, сформулируйте главную мысль всего первоисточника, если это не сделано самим автором. Обычно автор формулирует главную мысль и все выводы в конце источника.

5. Составьте текст реферата, начав его с предметной рубрики, темы и выходных данных, после чего запишите формулировку главной мысли и последовательно все полученные формулировки по каждому из пунктов плана, а также вывод автора по материалу в целом.

6. Завершите реферат кратким комментарием по такой схеме: а) актуальность всего материала; б) на кого материал рассчитан; в) степень прогрессивности материала; г) какой круг читателей он может заинтересовать.

7. Составив полный текст реферата, прочитайте его снова и, если необходимо, отредактируйте его, стремясь увязать отдельные пункты реферата в единый связный текст. Добивайтесь плавного и логического развития единой для всего материала мысли.

8. Снова прочитайте весь источник и немедленно вслед за этим весь составленный реферат. Затем реферат перепишите набело.


Языковые клише для составления аннотаций и рефератов


а) для представления данных “шапки”:

The title (the headline, the heading) of the article (text) is...

It is published in the methodical book ”……” of 2007.

The author of the article (text) is ...

It is written by ...


б) для информационной части аннотации или реферата:

The article (text) deals with (touches upon, is devoted to, describes)...

The main idea of the article is to show ...

It consists of (contains) ... parts (chapters) dealing with the information on ...

It is reported about the development of (the improvement of, the experiment in the field of, the results of, a new design of, the characteristics of) ...

Details of the design (of the technology, of the process) are given.

It is spoken in detail about ...

A brief description of ... is given.

It is spoken in short about ...

Mention is made of …

Special (much) attention is given (is paid) to ...

It is specially noted that...


в) для заключительной части аннотации и реферата:

The author concludes with consideration of ...

The author comes to the conclusion that ...

In conclusion the author says that ...

The article (text) embodies good drawings, photographic illustrations, diagrams, schemes.

The article (text) is (well, poorly, not profusely) illustrated with ...

The information of the article (the text) is addressed to students (graduates, engineers, specialists, all those interested in) ...

The article (text) may be recommended to ...

The information of the article (text) is interesting (important, useful, hard to understand, rich in contents).




1. Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам / Под ред. А. В. Аникина. – СПб: Экономическая школа, 1993. – 534 с.

2. Англо-русский учебный словарь по экономике и бизнесу / Под ред. Т. А. Мамедовой. – Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 1997. – 672 с.

3. Варламов А. A. Земельный кадастр: в 6 т. / Т. 1. Теоретические основы государственного земельного кадастра. – М.: КолосС, 2003. – С. 10-125.

4. Методические указания по обучению аннотированию и реферированию на иностранном языке для подготовки бакалавров по всем направлениям / Сост.: Н. Н. Курпешко, К. В. Перевозчикова, Т. К. Румас, С. В. Лебединцев: Кузбас. гос. техн. ун-т; Кемерово, 2002. – 15 с.

5. Земельный кадастр: учебник для вузов. / А. С. Чешев, И. П. Фесенко. – M.: Изд-во “ПРИОР”, 2000. – C. 15-95.

6. Mannori L. Kataster und moderner Staat in Italien, Spanien und Frankreich (18 Jh.) // Jahrbuch für Europäische Verwaltungsgeschichte. – Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1999. – S. 13-15.

7. The Cadastral Map in the Service of the State / J. P. Roger, E. Baigent. Chicago: Londres, Univercity of Chicago Press, 1992. – P. 42-54.

8. http://www.cadastre.ru.




Unit 1 Urban Cadastre
Unit 2 History of the Cadastre
Unit 3 Napoleonic Cadastre
Unit 4 Land Information System in the USA
Unit 5 Appendix





Сергей Владимирович Лебединцев

Инна Григорьевна Тимофеева

Альбина Леонидовна Ефимова


Городской кадастр


Методические указания по английскому языку

для аудиторной работы студентов

II курса специальности 120303 “Городской кадастр”



Печатается в авторской редакции


Подписано в печать 21.01.2008 Формат 60×84/16.

Бумага офсетная. Отпечатано на ризографе. Уч.-изд. л.. 1,3.

Тираж 66 экз. Заказ

ГУ КузГТУ. 650026, Кемерово, ул. Весенняя, 28.

Типография ГУ КузГТУ. 650099, Кемерово, ул. Д. Бедного, 4А.


Городской кадастр


Методические указания по английскому языку

для аудиторной работы студентов

II курса специальности 120303 “Городской кадастр”


Составители С. В. Лебединцев

И. Г. Тимофеева

А. Л. Ефимова


Утверждены на заседании кафедры

Протокол № 6 от 20.12.2007

Рекомендованы к печати

учебно-методической комиссией

специальности 120303

Протокол № 55 от 26.12.2007


Электронная копия находится

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Методические указания “Городской кадастр” предназначены для аудиторной работы студентов II курса специальности 120303 “Городской кадастр”.

Цель методических указаний – развитие речевых навыков и умений изучающего, ознакомительного, поискового видов чтения на основе аутентичных текстов и сопутствующих им контрольно-тестовых заданий, направленных на переработку смысловой информации текстов, а также на совершенствование навыков реферирования и аннотирования.

Структура методических указаний состоит из пяти частей, включающую информацию о городском кадастре, его истории, а также информацию, связанную с земельно-информационной системой США.

Материал данных методических указаний может быть рекомендован для работы со студентами специальности 270115 “Экспертиза и управление недвижимостью”.



Unit 1

Urban Cadastre

I. Study the vocabulary:

1. cadastre/cadaster 2. national economy 3. inhabited locality 4. location 5. rule 6. land tenure 7. land-utilization 8. spatial 9. coincide 10. local government 11. urban/municipal 12. municipal formation 13. municipal economy 14. estimation 15. land fund 16. housing conditions 17. production conditions 18. body 19. lay down a rule 20. state-controlled 21. on the one hand 22. relevance 23. artificial person 24. public authorities 25. real estate кадастр народное хозяйство населённый пункт местоположение норма, правило землевладение землепользование пространственный совпадать местное самоуправление городской городское образование городское хозяйство оценка земельный фонд жилищно-бытовые условия производственные условия организация, орган установить правило контролируемый государством с одной стороны актуальность юридическое лицо (фирма) органы государственной власти недвижимость


II. Warming-up.

1. Why did you make up your mind to become a specialist in the field of cadastre?

2. Did anybody advise you to choose the career?

3. What can you say about the role of a cadastre-specialist in a civilized society?

4. What do you think the term “urban cadastre” means?

III. How would you entitle the text below? Read the first three paragraphs of the text and then choose the most appropriate title given below that in your opinion corresponds to the contents of the text.

1. Urban cadastre in Russia

2. Urban cadastre and the area of its application

3. History of urban cadastre

4. Rational use of land

5. Urban cadastre as a part of the national cadastre


IV. Read the text to answer the following questions:

1) What are the main functions of the urban cadastre? 2) What should be taken into consideration at the organization of the ground cadastre? 3) What must a specialist working in the cadastral system do to expand the municipal economy? 4) What kind of types does the urban cadastre include as a unified multilevel information system? 5) What is conducted on the uniform system?



1. In any civil society the land is one of the basic elements of national riches. Therefore its rational use essentially influences a national economy. As a rule the construction of new inhabited localities and expansion of the early-founded places are realized at the expense of involvement of new lands including an agricultural function as well.

2. Rational use of land is a many-sided problem thattouches on the development of a municipal economy. In order to develop it successfully specialists must carefully study ground resources. Also, they must have an understanding of all-round information dealing with the amount of lands as well as their structure, their location and with the quality and the character of lands which are used not only at present, but in the long-term prospect, including grounds of the inhabited localities to be required to use. These specialists deal with the urban cadastre. The urban cadastre or the cadastre of the inhabited localities provides some information which materials are widely applied to solve some problems connected with land which is usedon the areas of the populated places.

3. The urban cadastre is a component of the national cadastre of the country and it is represented as a system of the state-controlled measures. It fulfills several functions, two aims are: 1) all-round study of the state of lands at legal, natural and economic levels by realization of the registration of the land tenures and the land-utilizations; 2) a quantitative and qualitative account of grounds and their economic estimation with the purposes of rational use of the territories.

4. Recognizing that the land acts as a spatial operational basis for the inhabited localities, the land characteristics get a prime meaning, and these grounds must meet the requirements of construction, namely, – geological structure, terrain slope, ground water location depth, presence of engineering networks, some characteristics of existing structures and buildings and others. In fact, all these land characteristics belong to the so-called land fund. Besides, one of the main tasks of the land fund of the inhabited localities is the satisfaction of requirements of the population concerning housing, cultural, production conditions. That is why the object of studying has distinctive features, which should be taken into account in the organization of the ground cadastre in these territories.

5. The urban cadastre (UC) is formed as a unified multilevel information system including the following types: 1) the ground cadastres of the administrative areas, towns and cities; 2) the ground cadastres of the municipal formations.

6. The types of cadastres of all levels form a uniform system. This system has been established by means of the legislation of the Russian Federation (RF) and by means of the laws of local government. As a rule the territories served by the cadastre committees coincide with the territories of the appropriate administrative or municipal formations. The interaction rules of the state land cadaster are established by the federal legislation both at a federal level and at a municipal one as a subject of the Russian Federation.

7. The urban cadastre functions on the principle of reliability as well as its validity and its relevance of the received information about the objects of cadastral records. The information registered in the urban cadastre is a property of the Russian Federation or autonomous municipal bodies. The information is passed at the department of urban cadastre by public authorities and local government bodies as well as an artificial or a physical person to establish (or to change) the legal status of the real estate object or its physical characteristics.


V. Find out if the following statements are true or false according to the information from the text. Fill in the chart.

  True False
1. The urban cadastre is a uniform monolevel information system.    
2. The urban cadastre forms a uniform system established only by the legislation of the Russian Federation.    
3. The land fund is responsible for ground characteristics.    
4. The ground characteristics must meet the construction requirements.    
5. The urban cadastre isn’t a part of the state one.    


VI. Complete the sentence with the best answer (a, b or c) according to the information from the text.

1. In any civil society the land is …

a) a many-sided problem that touches on the development of municipal economy.

b) one of the basic elements of national riches.

c) of great importance.


2. The urban cadastre is formed as a unified multilevel information system including …

a) the ground cadastres of the municipal formations.

b) a quantitative and qualitative account of grounds.

c) grounds of the inhabited localities.


3. Such information is provided by the urban cadastre or …

a) the national cadastre of the country.

b) the cadastre of the inhabited localities.

c) the land fund.


4. Expansion of the early-founded places is realized at the expense of an involvement of …

a) the old lands including an agricultural function.

b) the new lands including an industrial function as well.

c) the new lands including an agricultural function as well.


5. The territories served by the cadastre committees …

a) don’t coincide with the territories of the administrative or municipal formations.

b) coincide only with the territories of the appropriate municipal formations.

c) coincide with the territories of the appropriate administrative or municipal formations.


VII. What wasn’t mentioned in the text?

1. The federal legislation of the RF lays down the interaction rules of the state ground cadastre both at a federal level and at an urban one.

2. The urban cadastre should be connected to the urban information system including a general database of statistics, design and planning bodies.

3. The UC is an important part of the state cadastre of the RF: it is a system of the state-controlled measures making some functions one of them is a large-scale study at different levels.


VIII. Find in the text the synonyms for the following words and word combinations.

district; building; cadaster; place; ground; state; municipal; unified; populated; to expand; to create; to answer the purpose; to take into consideration


IX. Answer the following questions:

1) Why is a problem of the rational use of land connected with the development of a municipal economy? 2) Why is the UC formed as a unified multilevel information system? 3) Why do the land characteristics belong to the so-called land fund?


X. Translate the sixth and the seventh paragraphs of the text in written form (30 minutes).


XI. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the text.

The land is one of the basic elements of national riches. Its rational use is a very complex problem …1… has a large influence on the development of …2… municipal economy. In order to expand it successfully, …3…the one hand, one must study ground resources in …4… proper way. On the other hand, a possession …5… the exact information dealing with the amount of …6…,withtheir structure and location as well as …7… their quality in the inhabited localities is of …8… importance for the specialists who work in the …9… cadastre. They solve the problem of the efficient …10… of land on the areas of the populated …11….


XII. Summarize the information from the text, using expressions on page 23.


Unit 2

History of the Cadastre

I. Study the vocabulary:


1. identify the individual land unit обозначить индивидуальный земельный участок
2. tax collection сбор налогов
3. clay table глиняная табличка
4. flood наводнение
5. farm boundary line граница фермы
6. fiscal (tax) cadastre налоговый кадастр
7. tenant-in-chief over the land землевладелец
8. detailed account of the land holdings подробный регистр землевладений
9. tax облагать налогом
10. parcel information пакет документов о земельных участках
11. ground parcel участок земли
12. pertinent уместный, относящийся к делу
13. revenue доход

II. Warming up:

1. What do you know about cadastre?

2. What can you say about a fiscal (tax) cadastre and the modern fiscal cadastre?

3. Is it necessary to know history of the cadastre?


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