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VI. Complete the sentences in a suitable way. (More than one answer may be possible.)


1. She’s got blonde______ . 2. He’s got very pale______ . 3. They’ve both got curly ______ .

4. I’m medium ______ . 5. Her brother has got very broad ______ . 6. He’s got a ruddy _____ . 7. She’s very good- _______ . 8. All of them have got dark ______ . 9. She had an oriental ______ . 10. His wife is a lovely woman in her ______ . 11. She is olive- _______ .


VII. Match the sentences on the right with those on the left.


1. She is not so slender a) Her cheeks are ruddy and fair

as she used to be. in colour.


2. His hair is not so thick as b) She looked pale and thin.

it was in his youth.


3. My mother doesn’t look c) She put it in a bun.

her age.


4. She is not so beautiful as d) His hair is thinning.

she was as a young girl.


5. There is little hair left on e) She has put on weight.

his head.


6. She looks the very picture f) She looks much younger.

of health.


7. I could hardly recognise g) He is getting bald.

Jane when I ran into her

in the street.


8 She didn’t wear her hair h) She looks quite plain now.

loose any more.













long/ thick/curving eyelashes

thin/thick/bushy/arched eyebrows




warm adj kind and friendly in a way that makes other people feel comfortable, e.g. warm eyes/ a warm voice/ a warm smile. Ant. cold

hazeladj greenish-brown in colour

close-setadj near to each other, e.g. close-set eyes/ close-set teeth; Ant. wide-set

wide-set adj far apart on the face, e.g. wide-set eyes

deep-seteyesseem to be a long way back into your face

bulging adj sticking out in a round shape, e.g. His eyes were bulging wide with fear.

almond eyes are brown in colour and shaped like almonds (= flat pale nuts with brown skin that taste sweet)

oriental eyes are the kind of eyes that people from the eastern part of the world have, especially people from China or Japan

slanted adj sloping, at an angle that is not 90 degrees, e.g. her slightly slanted eyes

cross-eyed adj ( used of a person) having eyes that look towards each other

slant-eyed adj (used of a person) having slanted eyes


eyelash n [ C usually plural] one of the hairs along the upper and lower edges of your eyes, e.g. She was wearing false eyelashes.

curving adj bending like part of a circle, e.g. She had beautiful long curving eyelashes. Ant.straight

eyebrow n [C] the line of hairs above your eye, e.g. She raised her eyebrows in surprise.

bushy adj bushy hair or fur grows thickly, e.g. bushy eyebrows/ a bushy beard/ a bushy tail

arched adj forming a curved shape, e.g. an arched window/ arched eyebrows











sparseadj apart from each other, e.g.his sparse yellow teeth; Ant.close-set

even adj similar in size and arranged in a level line with equal spaces between, e.g. She smiled, showing her small even teeth. Ant. uneven

false adjmade to look like something real, e.g. false teeth/false hair/false eyelashes










feature n [C usually plural] a part of somebody’s face, such as their eyes, nose etc , e.g. Her eyes were her best feature.

largefeatures are big in size; Ant. smallfeatures

regular adj evenly shaped, with parts or sides of equal size, e.g. He is very handsome, with strong regular features. Ant.irregular

delicate adj attractive and graceful, e.g. She had fine delicate features. Ant. rough

stern adj serious and strict, and showing strong disapproval of somebody’s behaviour, e.g. stern features/ a stern look/a stern voice/ a stern expression



a beard

a moustache



a scar

a birthmark

a mole/ a beauty-spot

a tattoo

with freckles/ with spots

with wrinkles/ with lines

with dimples in one’s cheeks

well made-up /heavily made-up

to wear/use/ put on make-up






beard n[C] hair that grows around a man’s chin and cheeks, e.g. his thick white beard

moustache n[C] hair that grows on a man’s upper lip, e.g. a tall man with a moustache/ He frowned and twirled his moustaches.

sideburns n [plural] hair that grows down a man’s cheeks; Syn. whiskers

clean-shaven adj with no hair on the lower part of the face, e.g. He used to have a moustache and beard, but now he is clean-shaven. Ant. unshaven

scar n[C] a permanent mark that is left on your skin after you have had a cut or wound, e.g. He has long hair and a scar under his left eye.

birthmark n [C] a permanent red or brown mark on the skin that some people are born with, e.g. Paul had a birthmark on his right cheek.

mole n [C] a small dark brown mark on the skin that is slightly higher than the skin around it; Compare: beauty spot n[C] a small dark mark on a woman’s face ( used when you think it is attractive)

tattoo n [C] a picture or writing that is permanently marked on your skin, e.g. He has a tattoo of a snake on his left arm.

freckle n [C usually plural] freckles are small light brown spots on someone’s skin, especially on their face, which the sun can cause to increase in number and become darker, e.g. The girl had a lot of freckles on her nose and cheeks.

dimple n [C] a small hollow in someone’s cheek or chin that you can see when they smile, e.g. She’got lovely dimples in her cheeks.

spot n[C] a small round red area on someone’s skin that shows that they are ill, e.g. Betty was very self-conscious about her spots. Syn.pimple , e.g. He knew that eating sweets causes pimples.

wrinkles n [C usually plural] lines on your face and skin that you get when you are old, e.g. Her face was a mass of wrinkles. Syn.lines, e.g. There were fine lines around her eyes.

make-up n[U] coloured substances that are put on your face to improve or change your appearance, e.g. heavy make-up/ eye make-up/ stage make-up/I don’t usually wear much make-up. Her hair looked untidy and she had no make-up on. She never uses eye make-up. If you have put on too much make-up you are heavily made-up. Ant. well made-up




I. Transcribe and translate the following words:

a) eyes, warm, hazel, close-set, deep-set, bulging, almond, oriental, slanted, cross-eyed, curving eyelashes, bushy, arched eyebrows;

b) teeth, even, uneven, close-set, sparse, false;

c) features, regular, irregular, delicate, rough, stern;

d) distinguishing, beard, moustache, sideburns, whiskers, clean-shaven, unshaven, scar, birthmark, mole, beauty-spot, tattoo, freckles, wrinkles, lines, dimples, cheeks, heavily made-up.


II. Give English equivalents of the following Russian words and word-combinations:


правильные, тонкие, грубые,суровые, крупные, неправильные черты лица; частые, редкие, ровные, неровные зубы; карие, зеленовато-карие, зеленые, серые, голубые, близко посаженные, глубоко посаженные, выпученные, раскосые, миндалевидные, азиатские, добрые, ласковые глаза; длинные, густые, загнутые ресницы; тонкие, густые, кустистые, дугообразные брови; грим, морщины, прыщи, ямочки, веснушки, родинка, родимое пятно, бакенбарды, усы, борода, чисто выбритый, небритый, шрам, татуировка


III. Give the opposite of the following word-combinations:


regular features, even teeth, sparse teeth, large features, rough features, bulging eyes, wide-set eyes, small eyes. warm eyes, straight eyelashes, short eyelashes, bushy eyebrows, unshaven



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