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VIII. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words from exercises VI and VII.


  1. He’s rather ______ and never stops telling you how wonderful he is. 2. I wish you weren’t so _______ . Why can’t you pay for the coffee for once? 3. Going out in the middle of winter without a jacket was rather a ______ thing to do. 4. They are very _____ . They let us stay in their house and lent us a car. 5. There’s no need to be so ______ . You deserve to be proud of yourself. 6. Claire’s very _______. She never leaves the office until after six o’clock. 7. Brian’s a very _______ sort of guy. Nothing seems to worry him. 8. I can’t believe Emma’s husband is so ______. He just sits and watches TV all evening. 9. Alice isn’t very _______. She’s always saying the wrong thing. 10. You can always ask Carol for advice. Though she is young, she is quite _____. 11. Bob’s really _______. He wants to get the supervisor’s job and then become boss for the whole department.


IX. What prefix forms the opposite of each of these words?


Sensitive, ambitious, patient, reliable, honest, kind, modest, reasonable, sociable, polite, friendly, considerate.


X. What nouns can be formed from these adjectives? Use a dictionary to help you.


Quiet, calm, talkative, sociable, friendly, shy, thoughtful, considerate, moody, lively, cheerful, polite, rude, reliable, sophisticated, aggressive, ambitious, generous, honest, kind, lazy, mean, modest, nervous, optimistic, patient, pessimistic, sensitive, silly, untidy.


XI. Use the words given in brackets at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits in the space in the same sentence.


  1. Mike is well-known for his ______ when it comes to giving presents. (generous)
  2. My aunt has an obsession about ______ and cleans the whole house from top to bottom every day. ( tidy)
  3. One reason for his ______ is that his own father was very stingy. ( mean)
  4. Bob is much respected for his _______ and _______ disposition. ( reliable; cheerful)
  5. Mary’s _______ and _______ won her a lot of friends. ( sociable; friendly)
  6. Your son spoke to me very _______ yesterday. ( rude) I won’t tolerate his _______behaviour any longer. ( polite)
  7. Martin looked very______ and we were afraid he would start fighting. ( aggressive)
  8. The criminal looked ______ at the police and made threats against them. ( aggressive)
  9. The speaker was ______ but managed to sound ______. ( nervous; calm)
  10. None of us believed his ______because he gave an impression of a _____person.( honest; honest)



XIII. Arrange all the adjectives from both personality word lists in three groups: a) adjectives describing positive qualities; b) adjectives describing negative ones; c) adjectives describing both.


XIV. a) Do the personality quiz to discover what type of person you are. Write Yes, No, or Sometimes.


  1. Are you usually smiling and happy?
  2. Do you enjoy the company of other people?
  3. Do you find it difficult to meet new people?
  4. Do you have definite plans for your future career?
  5. Does your mood change often and suddenly for no reason?
  6. Do you notice other people’s feelings?
  7. Do you think the future will be good?
  8. Can your friends depend on you?
  9. Is your room often a mess?
  10. Do you get annoyed if you have to wait for anyone or anything?
  11. Do you put off till tomorrow what you could do today?
  12. Do you work hard?
  13. Do you keep your feelings and ideas to yourself?
  14. Do you often give presents?
  15. Do you talk a lot?
  16. Are you usually calm and not worried by things?

b) Describe your own character. Point out three good and three bad things about you. Explain what makes you think you are like that. Follow the scheme:

On the plus side, I think I’m _______. For example, I usually______ .

I’m not only_______ but also _______. That means I ______.

And I can definitely saythat I’m _______, because________.

But nobody is perfect. Unfortunately, I can be ______. That is _______.

Besides, I’m sometimes _______. You see _______.

Also, I’m often _______, I’m sorry to say.

To be honest, I _______.

XV. a) Work with a partner. Ask your partner to do the quiz about you. Compare your ideas and your partner’s ideas about you. Are they the same or different?

d) Say what you and your partner agree/ disagree about. Follow the scheme:

Both my partner and I think that _______.

We are both of the opinion ________.

We agree that _______.

Both of us believe _______.


I think that _____but my partner doesn’t agree. He/she believes_____.

In my opinion, I’m ____. However, my partner isn’t sure about that.

I consider myself to be ____ while my partner is of the opinion that __.

XVI. Describe someone in the group, but don’t say their name. Can your group mates guess who it is?

XVII. Translate these sentences into English:

1.Борис очень внимателен и никогда не забывает дни рождения своих друзей и знакомых. 2. Роб был молчаливым и застенчивым мальчиком. Он почти не общался с другими детьми в школе. 3. С Эллен трудно иметь дело. У нее ужасный характер. Она часто выглядит угрюмой и недовольной и постоянно жалуется.

4.Наш начальник может показаться высокомерным из-за того, что сдержан и немногословен. Однако это ошибочное впечатление . На самом деле он спокоен и дружелюбен. С ним приятно иметь дело. 5. Мэри была так весела и жизнерадостна, что ее часто принимали за легкомысленную девушку. 6. По-моему, он слишком честолюбив, чтобы быть надежным другом.


XVIII. Revision translation.


1.Интересно, как выглядит новый парень Анны? – Он высокий, широкоплечий, очень привлекательный. У него густые каштановые волосы, зачесанные назад, и карие глаза. Если я не ошибаюсь, он носит усы, бороду и очки. –А его характер такой же замечательный как и его внешность? – Ну да, он добродушный и немного застенчивый.

2. ПРОПАЛ РЕБЕНОК: девочка шести лет, довольно полная, прямые короткие рыжие волосы, длинная челка, курносый нос, на лице веснушки, одета в белую футболку и красную юбку. 3. Миссис Дарби – высокая, полная женщина, обладающая настоящей зрелой красотой. У нее крупные правильные черты, высокий лоб, свежий цвет лица.Она укладывает свои седеющие волосы в тугой узел. У нее почти нет морщин, хотя ей уже за пятьдесят. У нее тонкий вкус, и она носит изысканную одежду. Люди восхищаются, когда смотрят на нее. Некоторые считают, что она выглядит несколько сурово. Но, по-моему, она выглядит благородно. 4. Эти девочки – лучшие подружки. Они даже похожи друг на друга: обе маленькие, голубоглазые, с косичками. Они живые и веселые, постоянно болтают или смеются.



Part II


A) Do you think a person’s appearance and character are related in any way? Explain your viewpoint.

B) Read the text below and say whether it confirms your opinion.




Physiognomy is the interpretation of a person’s character through an examination of their facial characteristics. The face always expresses the person’s emotional states and consequently reflects their character or innate nature.





A high forehead indicates intelligence.

A low forehead belongs to someone who is practical and down-to-earth.





The size of the nose represents the resourcefulness of the individual; the larger the nose the more resourceful the person is.

A short nose indicates someone who is generally happy.

A small nose belongs to someone who is quiet and often dependent on others; the smaller the nose the more dependence.

A snub nose means amiability, but also a weakness of purpose.

A turned down nose shows a person who is conservative.

A large nose signifies someone who is open-minded and self-confident.

A thin pointed nose is a sign of a jealous nature and someone generally easily irritated.

A long nose denotes someone who is careful and determined.

Large nostrils show strong character and reliability.



A prominent chin suggests determination.

A long chin represents someone who sticks to what they say.

A short chin shows someone who often changes their mind.

A round chin belongs to someone who is reasonable. But under pressure they can become the contrary.

A pointed chin means that a person is out-going and makes quick decisions.

A forward, jutting chin signifies someone who is stubborn.

A receding chin indicates an impatient nature.

A cleft in a chin is a sign of self-centeredness.





Large eyes signify unusual perceptiveness.

Small eyes suggest cunning.

Round eyes show a trusting nature.

Oval eyes denote that a person is good- natured.

Narrow eyes are believed to be a sign of a suspicious nature.

Eyes set wide apart indicate reliability.

Close-set eyes represent a clever individual, but not necessarily trustworthy.

Deep-set eyes show a careful, measured manner of expression.

Bulging eyes suggest glibness.




( Considers the colours of the iris).


Dark brown eyes belong to someone who is passionate, but sometimes too impulsive.

Brown-eyed people are considered to be loyal, but they may have a tendency to shyness and passivity.

Dark blue eyes can be a sign of insecurity and sentimentality.

Light blue eyes represent someone who is trustworthy but may be prone to grudges.

Green-eyed people are believed to be practical and imaginative, they may tend to be temperamental.

Gray eyes indicate purposefulness and confidence.

Someone who has hazel eyes is very stable, energetic and quick thinking, but sometimes deceptive.





Heavy eyebrows indicate great strength.

Thick eyebrows belong to someone who is out-spoken. Exceedingly thick ones can mean a dictatorial nature.

Thin eyebrows show thoroughness and attention to detail. But very thin ones can mean fussiness.

Straight eyebrows are a sign of someone who is generally active and on top of things.

Gently curved eyebrows suggest a balanced caring person.

But downward sloping eyebrows show ambition.

Arched eyebrows signify a strong sense of curiosity, but can indicate problems in relationships.

Widely spaced eyebrows represent someone who is influenced easily.

Close-knit eyebrows show someone who is nervous.




The form of the mouth reveals the basic temperament.

An upward curved mouth suggests an agreeable nature, one who is generally happy.

A downturned mouth shows a demanding obstinate person, who is more unhappy than not.

A mouth that is straight across belongs to a person with self- control.

A small mouth can indicate selfishness.

Thin lips are believed to be a sign of impatience.

A large mouth means generosity.

Thick lips usually belong to people who openly express their opinions.

Lips of medium thickness can signify loyalty.

Topical Vocabulary

1. Cowardly/ cowardice

2. Cunning

3. Deceptive (Compare: deceitful)

4. gentle

5. Intelligent/ intelligence

6. Irritate/irritable

7. Jealous

8. Loyal

9. Practical/ impractical

10. Self-control/ self-controlled

11. Stubborn

12. Temperament/ temperamental

13. Trusting

14. Trustworthy/ untrustworthy


Verbs and Phrases


1. To be a sign of

2. To belong

3. To denote

4. to have a tendency/ to tend

5. To indicate

6. To mean

7. To represent

8. To signify

9. To suggest



Questions for Discussion:


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